ABIEAddress. DetailsInformation about a structured address.AddressBBIEAddress. Address Format Code. CodeA code specifying the format of this address.0..1AddressAddress FormatCodeCodeCode. TypeBBIEAddress. Postbox. TextA post office box number.0..1AddressPostboxTextText. TypePostBox, PO Box123BBIEAddress. Floor. TextAn addressable floor of a building.0..1AddressFloorTextText. TypeSubPremiseNumber30BBIEAddress. Room. TextA room, suite, or apartment of a building.0..1AddressRoomTextText. TypeSubPremiseNumberReceptionBBIEAddress. Street Name. NameThe name of a street.0..1AddressStreetNameNameName. TypeThoroughfareKwun Tong RoadBBIEAddress. Building Number. TextThe number of a building.0..1AddressBuildingNumberTextText. TypePremiseNumber388BBIEAddress. City Name. NameThe name of a city, town, or village.0..1AddressCityNameNameName. TypeLocalityNameHong KongBBIEAddress. Postal_ Zone. TextThe identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code.0..1AddressPostalZoneTextText. TypePostalCodeNumberSW11 4EW 2500 GGBBIEAddress. Country Subentity. TextA territorial division of a country, such as a county or state.0..1AddressCountrySubentityTextText. TypeAdministrativeArea, State, Country, Shire, CantonFlorida,TamilnaduBBIEAddress. Country Subentity Code. CodeA territorial division of a country, such as a county or state, expresssed as a code.0..1AddressCountry SubentityCodeCodeCode. TypeAdministrativeAreaCode, State CodeASBIEAddress. Address LineAn association to Address Line.0..nAddressAddress LineAddress LineASBIEAddress. CountryAn association to Country.0..1AddressCountryCountryABIEAddress Line. DetailsInformation about a line of address expressed as unstructured text.Address LineBBIEAddress Line. Line. TextA line of address expressed as unstructured text.1Address LineLineTextText. Type123 Standard Chartered TowerABIEAppeal Terms. DetailsInformation about the terms to present an appeal.Appeal TermsASBIEAppeal Terms. Presentation_ PeriodThe time where an appeal could be presented.0..1Appeal TermsPresentationPeriodPeriodASBIEAppeal Terms. Appeal Information_ PartyA party that has appeal information.0..1Appeal TermsAppeal InformationPartyPartyASBIEAppeal Terms. Appeal Receiver_ PartyA party to whom appeals should be presented.0..1Appeal TermsAppeal ReceiverPartyPartyASBIEAppeal Terms. Mediation_ PartyA party in charge of the mediation.0..1Appeal TermsMediationPartyPartyABIEAttachment. DetailsInformation about an attached document. An attachment can be referred to externally (with the URI element) or internally (with the MIME reference element) or contained within the document itself (with the EmbeddedDocument element).AttachmentBBIEAttachment. Embedded_ Document. Binary ObjectContains an embedded document as a BLOB (binary large object).0..1AttachmentEmbeddedDocumentBinary ObjectBinary Object. TypeASBIEAttachment. External ReferenceAn attached document, externally referred to, referred to in the MIME location, or embedded.0..1AttachmentExternal ReferenceExternal ReferenceABIEAwarding Criteria. DetailsCriteria that should be required in order to evaluate a party capacity.Awarding CriteriaBBIEAwarding Criteria. Type. CodeCode that defines the awarding criteria.0..1Awarding CriteriaTypeCodeCode. TypeBBIEAwarding Criteria. Description. TextTextual description of the criteria.1Awarding CriteriaDescriptionTextText. TypeBBIEAwarding Criteria. Weight. NumericSpecific weight assigned to this awarding criteria.1Awarding CriteriaWeightNumericNumeric. TypeBBIEAwarding Criteria. Expression. TextTextual description of the mathematical expression that would evaluate the criteria.0..1Awarding CriteriaExpressionTextText. TypeBBIEAwarding Criteria. Unit. MeasureSpecified measure to express the quantity for a specified or expected deliverable (units, Kg, Mhz)0..1Awarding CriteriaUnitMeasureMeasure. TypeBBIEAwarding Criteria. Minimum_ Value. NumericMinimum value for a specified or expected deliverable (e.g. 1.7 in case of Mhz; 5 ml. In case of serynges)0..1Awarding CriteriaMinimumValueNumericNumeric. TypeBBIEAwarding Criteria. Maximum_ Value. NumericMaximum value for a specified or expected deliverable (e.g. 2.0 in case of Mhz; 10 ml. in case of syringes; 86 decibels for a maximum allowed sound intensity, etc.)0..1Awarding CriteriaMaximumValueNumericNumeric. TypeASBIEAwarding Criteria. Subordinate_ Awarding CriteriaSubcriteria for this awarding criteria0..nAwarding CriteriaSubordinateAwarding CriteriaAwarding CriteriaABIEBusiness Profile. DetailsDistinctive features or characteristics required for a business in the tendering process such as number of employees, number of operating units, business type.Business ProfileOrganisation ProfileBBIEBusiness Profile. Personal Situation_ Information. TextTextual description of the personal situation of the economic operators in this tendering process.0..nBusiness ProfilePersonal SituationInformationTextText. TypeBBIEBusiness Profile. Minimum_ Operating Years. QuantityThe minimum number of years that the business in this tendering business profile has been in operation.0..1Business ProfileOperating YearsQuantityQuantity. TypeBBIEBusiness Profile. Minimum_ Employee. QuantityThe minimum number of employees of the business in this tendering business profile.0..1Business ProfileEmployeeQuantityQuantity. TypeASBIEBusiness Profile. Business_ Classification SchemeAn association to a classification scheme for the business profile.0..1Business ProfileBusinessClassification SchemeClassification SchemeASBIEBusiness Profile. Technical_ CapabilityTechnical capabilities of a tendering organization that can be applied to its business profile.0..nBusiness ProfileTechnicalCapabilityCapabilityASBIEBusiness Profile. Financial_ CapabilityFinancial capabilities of a tendering organization that can be applied to its business profile.0..nBusiness ProfileFinancialCapabilityCapabilityASBIEBusiness Profile. Completed WorkWorks completed by the tenderer.0..nBusiness ProfileCompleted WorkCompleted WorkABIECapability. DetailsCriteria that should be required to a tenderer in order to evaluate its capacity.CapabilityBBIECapability. Type. CodeCode that defines the financial or technical criteria, such as total revenue, qualified staff.0..1CapabilityTypeCodeCode. TypeBBIECapability. Description. TextTextual description of the capability.0..1CapabilityDescriptionTextText. TypeBBIECapability. Value. QuantityQuantity for that capability in this tendering process.0..1CapabilityValueQuantityQuantity. TypeBBIECapability. Year. DateYear when this capability is applicable.0..1CapabilityYearDateDate. TypeBBIECapability. Unit. MeasureSpecified measure to express the quantity for a specified or expected deliverable (units, Kg, Mhz)0..1CapabilityUnitMeasureMeasure. TypeABIEClassification Category. DetailsInformation about a Classification Category; a subdivision of a Classification Scheme.Classification CategoryBBIEClassification Category. NameThe name of the Classification Category.0..1Classification CategoryNameNameName. TypeCode List NameUNSPSC Class, UNSPSC Segment, UNSPSC FamilyBBIEClassification Category. Code Value. TextThe Classification Category value.0..1Classification CategoryCodeValueTextText. TypeCode Value3420001, 3273666, HSJJD-213BBIEClassification Category. Description. TextThe description of the Classification Category.0..nClassification CategoryDescriptionTextText. TypeCode NameElectrical Goods, Wooden ToysASBIEClassification Category. Categorizes_ Classification Category. Classification CategoryAn association to subcategories within the Category.0..nClassification CategoryCategorizesClassification CategoryClassification CategoryABIEClassification Scheme. DetailsInformation about Classification Scheme; a scheme that defines a taxonomy for classifying goods or services.Classification SchemeBBIEClassification Scheme. Note. TextFree-form text applying to the Classification Scheme. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure.0..1Classification SchemeNoteTextText. TypeBBIEClassification Scheme. NameThe name of the Classification Scheme.0..1Classification SchemeNameNameName. TypeUNSPSCBBIEClassification Scheme. Agency Identifier. IdentifierIdentifies the agency that maintains the Classification Scheme.0..1Classification SchemeAgencyIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeDefaults to the UN/EDIFACT data element 3055 code list.BBIEClassification Scheme. Agency Name. TextThe name of the agency that maintains the Classification Scheme.0..1Classification SchemeAgencyNameTextText. TypeBBIEClassification Scheme. Version. IdentifierIdentifies the version of the Classification Scheme.0..1Classification SchemeVersionIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIEClassification Scheme. URI. IdentifierThe Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where the Classification is located.0..1Classification SchemeURIIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIEClassification Scheme. Scheme_ URI. IdentifierThe Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where the Classification Scheme is located.0..1Classification SchemeSchemeURIIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIEClassification Scheme. Language. IdentifierIdentifies the language of the Classification Scheme.0..1Classification SchemeLanguageIdentifierIdentifier. TypeASBIEClassification Scheme. Classification CategoryAn association to Classification Category.1..nClassification SchemeClassification CategoryClassification CategoryABIECommunication. DetailsInformation about a means of communication.CommunicationBBIECommunication. Channel Code. CodeThe method of communication, expressed as a code.0..1CommunicationChannelCodeCodeChannelChannel_Code. TypePhone Fax EmailBBIECommunication. Channel. TextThe method of communication, expressed as text.0..1CommunicationChannelTextText. TypeSkypeBBIECommunication. Value. TextThe communication value, such as phone number or email address.0..1CommunicationValueTextText. Type+44 1 2345 6789 president@whitehouse.comABIECompleted Work. DetailsCompletion of a mental or physical effort to a specific purpose in the tendering process.Completed WorkAccomplished WorksBBIECompleted Work. Type. CodeThe code specifying a subtype of this completed work in the tendering process.0..1Completed WorkTypeCodeCode. TypeWork Item Classification NumberBBIECompleted Work. Annual_ Average. AmountThe monetary value that constitutes the annual average amount of this completed work in the tendering process.0..1Completed WorkAnnualAverageAmountAmount. TypeAnnual Accomplished Work AverageBBIECompleted Work. Year. DateThe date value specified as a year for this completed work in the tendering process.0..1Completed WorkYearDateDate. TypeBBIECompleted Work. Organization Capacity. AmountThe monetary value that constitutes the capacity of the organization which carried out this completed work in the tendering process.0..1Completed WorkOrganization CapacityAmountAmount. TypeBBIECompleted Work. Description. TextThe textual expression of the description of this completed work for Tendering.0..1Completed WorkDescriptionTextText. TypeABIEContact. DetailsInformation about a contactable person or organization department.ContactBBIEContact. NameThe name of the Contact.0..1ContactNameNameName. TypeDelivery DockBBIEContact. Telephone. TextThe telephone number of the Contact.0..1ContactTelephoneTextText. TypeBBIEContact. Telefax. TextThe fax number of the Contact.0..1ContactTelefaxTextText. TypeBBIEContact. Electronic_ Mail. TextThe email address of the Contact.0..1ContactElectronicMailTextText. TypeBBIEContact. Note. TextA note such as 'Emergency' or 'After Hours' describing the circumstances in which the Contact can be used.0..1ContactNoteTextText. TypeASBIEContact. Other_ Communication. CommunicationAn association to Other Communication.0..nContactOtherCommunicationCommunicationABIEContract. DetailsInformation about a Contract.ContractBBIEContract. IdentifierIdentifies the Contract.0..1ContractIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeCC23BBIEContract. Issue Date. DateThe date on which the Contract was issued.0..1ContractIssueDateDateDate. TypeBBIEContract. Issue Time. TimeThe time at which the Contract was issued.0..1ContractIssueTimeTimeTime. TypeBBIEContract. Contract Type Code. CodeThe type of Contract, expressed as a code.0..1ContractContract TypeCodeCodeCode. TypeBBIEContract. Contract Type. TextThe type of Contract, expressed as text.0..1ContractContractTypeTextText. TypeASBIEContract. Validity_ Period. PeriodAn association to Validity Period.0..1ContractValidityPeriodPeriodASBIEContract. Contract_ Document Reference. Document ReferenceAn association to Contract Document Reference.0..nContractContractDocument ReferenceDocument ReferenceABIEContract Extension. DetailsInformation about the possible extensions of a contract.Contract ExtensionBBIEExtension. Options Description. TextOption Description to be executed while awarding the contract.0..1Contract ExtensionOptions DescriptionTextText. TypeBBIEExtension. Options Calendar. MeasureProvisional duration for executing the options once the contract awarded.0..1Contract ExtensionOptions CalendarMeasureMeasure. TypeBBIEExtension. Extension. NumericNumber of possible contract extensions.0..1Contract ExtensionExtensionNumericNumeric. TypeBBIEExtension. Minimum_ Extension. NumericMínimum contract extension number.0..1Contract ExtensionMinimumExtensionNumericNumeric. TypeBBIEExtension. Maximum_ Extension. NumericMaximum contract extension number.0..1Contract ExtensionMaximumExtensionNumericNumeric. TypeABIEContracting Authority Party. DetailsAn individual, a group, or a body having a procuring role in a tendering business process.Contracting Authority PartyBBIEContracting Authority Party. Type. CodeA code specifying the type of party that is independent of its role.1Contracting Authority PartyTypeCodeCode. TypeBBIEContracting Authority Party. Activity_ Type. CodeA code specifying the nature of the type of business of the organization.0..nContracting Authority PartyActivityTypeCodeCode. TypeBBIEContracting Authority Party. Role. CodeA code specifying the role of this party.0..1Contracting Authority PartyRoleCodeCode. TypeBBIEContracting Authority Party.Buyer Profile_ URI. IdentifierUniform Resource Identifier (URI) communication information for this party's buyer profile.0..1Contracting Authority PartyBuyer ProfileURIIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBuyer ProfileASBIEContracting Authority Party. PartyAn association to Party1Contracting Authority PartyPartyPartyABIECountry. DetailsInformation about a geopolitical country.CountryBBIECountry. Identification Code. CodeAn identifier for the Country.0..1CountryIdentificationCodeCodeCountry IdentificationCountry Identification_Code. TypeBBIECountry. NameThe name of the Country.0..1CountryNameNameName. TypeSOUTH AFRICAABIEDimension. DetailsInformation about a measureable dimension of an item.DimensionBBIEDimension. Attribute Identifier. IdentifierAn identifier for the attribute to which the measure applies.1DimensionAttributeIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIEDimension. MeasureThe measurement value.0..1DimensionMeasureMeasureMeasure. TypeBBIEDimension. Description. TextA description of the attribute or measurement of the attribute.0..nDimensionDescriptionTextText. TypeBBIEDimension. Minimum_ Measure. MeasureThe minimum value in a range of measurement.0..1DimensionMinimumMeasureMeasureMeasure. TypeBBIEDimension. Maximum_ Measure. MeasureThe maximum value in a range of measurement.0..1DimensionMaximumMeasureMeasureMeasure. TypeABIEDocument Reference. DetailsInformation about a document referred to in another document.Document ReferenceBBIEDocument Reference. IdentifierIdentifies the document being referred to.1Document ReferenceIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypePO-001 3333-44-123BBIEDocument Reference. Copy_ Indicator. IndicatorIndicates whether the referenced document is a copy (true) or the original (false).0..1Document ReferenceCopyIndicatorIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIEDocument Reference. UUID. IdentifierA computer-generated universally unique identifier (UUID) for the referenced document instance.0..1Document ReferenceUUIDIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIEDocument Reference. Issue Date. DateThe date, assigned by the sender of the referenced document, on which the referenced document was issued.0..1Document ReferenceIssueDateDateDate. TypeBBIEDocument Reference. Document Type Code. CodeThe document type, expressed as a code.0..1Document ReferenceDocument TypeCodeCodeCode. TypeBBIEDocument Reference. Document Type. TextThe document type, expressed as text.0..1Document ReferenceDocument TypeTextText. TypeBBIEDocument Reference. XPath. TextRefers to another part of the same document instance.0..nDocument ReferenceXPathTextText. TypeASBIEDocument Reference. AttachmentAn attached document, externally referred to, referred to in the MIME location, or embedded.0..1Document ReferenceAttachmentAttachmentABIEEvaluation Criteria. DetailsCriteria that should be required to a tenderer in order to evaluate its capacity.Evaluation CriteriaBBIEEvaluation Criteria. Type. CodeCode that defines the financial or technical criteria, such as total revenue, qualified staff.0..1Evaluation CriteriaTypeCodeCode. TypeBBIEEvaluation Criteria. Description. TextTextual description of the criteria.0..1Evaluation CriteriaDescriptionTextText. TypeBBIEEvaluation Criteria. Threshold. QuantityEstimated threshold quantity for that criteria in this tendering process.0..1Evaluation CriteriaThresholdQuantityQuantity. TypeBBIEEvaluation Criteria. Duration. MeasureTime whereas this criteria applies.0..1Evaluation CriteriaDurationMeasureMeasure. TypeBBIEEvaluation Criteria. Expression. TextTextual description of the mathematical expression that would evaluate the criteria.0..1Evaluation CriteriaExpressionTextText. TypeBBIEEvaluation Criteria. Unit. MeasureSpecified measure to express the quantity for a specified or expected deliverable (units, Kg, Mhz)0..1Evaluation CriteriaUnitMeasureMeasure. TypeABIEEvent. DetailsA significant occurrence or happening related to an object process, or person.EventBBIEEvent. IdentifierA unique identifier for this event.0..1EventIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIEEvent. Occurrence Date. DateA date of an occurrence of this event.0..1EventOccurrence DateDateDate. TypeBBIEEvent. Occurrence Time. TimeA time of an occurrence of this event.0..1EventOccurrence TimeTimeTime. TypeBBIEEvent. Description. TextA textual description of the event.0..1EventDescriptionTextText. TypeBBIEEvent. Completion_ Indicator. IndicatorIndicates if this event is completed0..1EventCompletionIndicatorIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIEEvent. Attendant_ Description. TextA textual description of the participants in an event.0..1EventAttendantDescriptionTextText. TypeASBIEEvent. Occurrence_ LocationLocation information where this event will occur or has occurred.0..1EventOccurrenceLocationLocationABIEExternal Reference. DetailsInformation directly relating to an external referece, meaning a document stored in an other location.External ReferenceBBIEExternal Reference. URI. IdentifierThe Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where the extenal document is located.0..1External ReferenceURIIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIEExternal Reference. Document Hash. TextSpecifies the hash code for the externally stored document.0..1External ReferenceDocumentHashTextText. TypeBBIEExternal Reference. Expiry Date. DateThe date on which the document can no longer be found on the URI.0..1External ReferenceExpiryDateDateDate. TypeBBIEExternal Reference. Expiry Time. TimeThe time on which the document can no longer be found on the URI.0..1External ReferenceExpiryTimeTimeTime. TypeABIEFramework Agreement. DetailsThe information about a tendering framework agreement.Framework AgreementBBIEFramework Agreement. Expected_ Operator. QuantityExpected number of economic operators in this framework agreement.0..1Framework AgreementExpectedOperatorQuantityQuantity. TypeBBIEFramework Agreement. Maximum_ Operator. QuantityMaximum number of economic operators in this framework agreement.0..1Framework AgreementMaximumOperatorQuantityQuantity. TypeBBIEFramework Agreement. Duration. MeasureThe measure of the length of time for this time period such as hours, days, weeks, months, years.0..1Framework AgreementDurationMeasureMeasure. TypeBBIEFramework Agreement. Justification. TextThe textual description of the justification for this framework agreement.0..1Framework AgreementJustificationTextText. TypeBBIEFramework Agreement. Frequency. TextThe frequency by which the subsequent contracts will be awarded.0..1Framework AgreementFrequencyTextText. TypeBBIEFramework Agreement. Average_ Subsequent Contract Amount. AmountThe average amount for the subsequent contracts in the framework agreement.0..1Framework AgreementAverageSubsequent Contract AmountAmountAmount. TypeBBIEFramework Agreement. Estimated_ Overall Contract Amount. AmountThe estimated overall amount for all the subsequent contracts in the framework agreement.0..1Framework AgreementEstimatedOverall Contract AmountAmountAmount. TypeABIEItem. DetailsInformation directly relating to an item.Itemarticle, product, goods itemBBIEItem. Description. TextFree-form field that can be used to give a text description of the item.0..nItemDescriptionTextText. TypeBBIEItem. Pack Quantity. QuantityThe unit packaging quantity.0..1ItemPackQuantityQuantityQuantity. TypeBBIEItem. Pack Size. NumericThe number of items in a pack.0..1ItemPackSizeNumericNumeric. TypeBBIEItem. Catalogue_ Indicator. IndicatorIndicates whether the item was ordered from a Catalogue (true) or not (false).0..1ItemCatalogueIndicatorIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIEItem. NameA short name optionally given to an item, such as a name from a Catalogue, as distinct from a description.0..1ItemNameNameName. TypeBBIEItem. Hazardous Risk_ Indicator. IndicatorIndicates whether the item as delivered is hazardous.0..1ItemHazardous RiskIndicatorIndicatorIndicator. TypeDefault is negativeBBIEItem. Additional_ Information. TextProvides more details of the item (e.g., the URL of a relevant web page).0..1ItemAdditionalInformationTextText. TypeBBIEItem. Keyword. TextA Seller Party-defined search string for the item. Also could be synonyms for identifying the item.0..nItemKeywordTextText. TypeBBIEItem. Brand Name. NameBrand name for the item.0..nItemBrandNameNameName. TypeCoca-ColaBBIEItem. Model Name. NameModel name for the item.0..nItemModelNameNameName. TypeVW BeetleASBIEItem. Buyers_ Item Identification. Item IdentificationAssociates the item with its identification according to the buyer's system.0..1ItemBuyersItem IdentificationItem IdentificationASBIEItem. Sellers_ Item Identification. Item IdentificationAssociates the item with its identification according to the seller's system.0..1ItemSellersItem IdentificationItem IdentificationASBIEItem. Manufacturers_ Item Identification. Item IdentificationAssociates the item with its identification according to the manufacturer's system.0..nItemManufacturersItem IdentificationItem IdentificationASBIEItem. Standard_ Item Identification. Item IdentificationAssociates the item with its identification according to a standard system.0..1ItemStandardItem IdentificationItem IdentificationASBIEItem. Catalogue_ Item Identification. Item IdentificationAssociates the item with its identification according to a cataloguing system.0..1ItemCatalogueItem IdentificationItem IdentificationASBIEItem. Additional_ Item Identification. Item IdentificationAssociates the item with other identification means.0..nItemAdditionalItem IdentificationItem IdentificationASBIEItem. Catalogue_ Document Reference. Document ReferenceAssociates the item with the Catalogue from which the item was selected.0..1ItemCatalogueDocument ReferenceDocument ReferenceASBIEItem. Item Specification_ Document Reference. Document ReferenceAn association to item specification.0..nItemItem SpecificationDocument ReferenceDocument ReferenceASBIEItem. Origin_ Country. CountryAssociates the item with its country of origin.0..1ItemOriginCountryCountryASBIEItem. Additional_ Item Property. Item PropertyAssociates the item with a set of additional properties.0..nItemAdditionalItem PropertyItem PropertyASBIEItem. Manufacturer_ Party. PartyAssociates the item with its manufacturer.0..nItemManufacturerPartyPartyASBIEItem. Information Content Provider_ Party. PartyAssociates the item with the party responsible for the its technical specifications.0..1ItemInformation Content ProviderPartyPartyASBIEItem. Origin_ Address. AddressAssociates the item with the region of origin (not the country).0..nItemOriginAddressAddressABIEItem Identification. DetailsInformation about item identification.Item IdentificationBBIEItem Identification. IdentifierAn identifier for an item.1Item IdentificationIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeCUST001 3333-44-123BBIEItem Identification. Extended_ Identifier. IdentifierAn extended identifier for the item that identifies the item with specific properties, e.g., Item 123 = Chair / Item 123 Ext 45 = brown chair.0..1Item IdentificationExtendedIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeASBIEItem Identification. Physical AttributeAn association to Physical Attribute.0..nItem IdentificationPhysical AttributePhysical AttributeASBIEItem Identification. Measurement_ Dimension. DimensionAn association to Measement Dimension.0..nItem IdentificationMeasurementDimensionDimensionASBIEItem Identification. Issuer_ Party. PartyAn association to Issuer Party i.e. the Party that issued the Item Identification.0..1Item IdentificationIssuerPartyPartyABIEItem Property. DetailsInformation about specific Item Properties.Item PropertyBBIEItem Property. NameThe name of the Item Property.1Item PropertyNameNameName. TypeEnergy Rating, Collar Size, Fat ContentBBIEItem Property. Value. TextThe Item Property value.1Item PropertyValueTextText. Type100 watts, 15 European, 20% +/- 5%ASBIEItem Property. Usability_ Period. PeriodThe period for which the Item Property is valid.0..1Item PropertyUsabilityPeriodPeriodASBIEItem Property. Item Property GroupAn association to Item Property Group.0..nItem PropertyItem Property GroupItem Property GroupABIEItem Property Group. DetailsInformation about sets of classifications (or groups) of Item Properties.Item Property GroupBBIEItem Property Group. IdentifierAn identifier for the Item Property Group.1Item Property GroupIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. Type233-004BBIEItem Property Group. NameThe name of the Item Property Group.0..1Item Property GroupNameNameName. TypeElectrical Specifications, Dietary ContentABIELanguage. DetailsInformation about Language.LanguageBBIELanguage. IdentifierAn identifier for a language, expressed as a code.0..1LanguageIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIELanguage. NameThe name of the language.0..1LanguageNameNameName. TypeBBIELanguage. Locale Code. CodeThe locale where the language is used, expressed as a code.0..1LanguageLocaleCodeCodeCode. TypeABIELocation. DetailsInformation about a location.LocationBBIELocation. IdentifierThe unique identifier for the location, e.g., the EAN Location Number, GLN.0..1LocationIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. Type5790002221134BBIELocation. Description. TextThe description or name of the location.0..1LocationDescriptionTextText. TypeBBIELocation. Conditions. TextConditions describing the location.0..1LocationConditionsTextText. TypeBBIELocation. Country Subentity. TextA territorial division of a country, such as a county or state.0..1LocationCountrySubentityTextText. TypeAdministrativeArea, State, Country, Shire, CantonFlorida,TamilnaduBBIELocation. Country Subentity Code. CodeThe territorial division of a country, such as a county or state, expresssed as a code.0..1LocationCountry SubentityCodeCodeCode. TypeAdministrativeAreaCode, State CodeASBIELocation. Validity_ Period. PeriodPeriod(s) in which the location can be used, e.g., for delivery.0..nLocationValidityPeriodPeriodASBIELocation. AddressAssociation to the address of the location.0..1LocationAddressAddressABIEMonetary Total. DetailsInformation about Monetary Totals.Monetary TotalBBIEMonetary Total. Line Extension Amount. AmountThe total of Line Extention Amounts net of tax and settlement discounts, but inclusive of any applicable rounding amount.0..1Monetary TotalLine ExtensionAmountAmountAmount. TypeBBIEMonetary Total. Tax Exclusive Amount. AmountThe total amount exclusive of taxes.0..1Monetary TotalTax ExclusiveAmountAmountAmount. TypeBBIEMonetary Total. Tax Inclusive Amount. AmountThe total amount inclusive of taxes.0..1Monetary TotalTax InclusiveAmountAmountAmount. TypeBBIEMonetary Total. Allowance Total Amount. AmountThe total amount of all allowances.0..1Monetary TotalAllowance TotalAmountAmountAmount. TypeBBIEMonetary Total. Charge Total Amount. AmountThe total amount of all charges.0..1Monetary TotalCharge TotalAmountAmountAmount. TypeBBIEMonetary Total. Prepaid Amount. AmountThe total prepaid amount.0..1Monetary TotalPrepaidAmountAmountAmount. TypeBBIEMonetary Total. Payable_ Rounding Amount. AmountThe rounding amount (positive or negative) added to the calculated Line Extension Total Amount to produce the rounded Line Extension Total Amount.0..1Monetary TotalPayableRoundingAmountAmountAmount. TypeBBIEMonetary Total. Payable_ Amount. AmountThe total amount to be paid.1Monetary TotalPayableAmountAmountAmount. TypeABIEMotivation. DetailsInformation about the motivation for an action.MotivationBBIEMotivation. Reason. CodeCode that defines the different reasons for an specific action0..1MotivationReasonCodeCode. TypeBBIEMotivation. Description. TextDescription of the reason for that specific action1MotivationDescriptionTextText. TypeABIEParty. DetailsInformation about an organization, sub-organization, or individual fulfilling a role in a business process.PartyBBIEParty. Website_ URI. IdentifierThe Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the party.0..1PartyWebsiteURIIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIEParty. Logo Reference. IdentifierA party's logo.0..1PartyLogoReferenceIdentifierIdentifier. Typehttp://www2.coca-cola.com/images/logo.gifBBIEParty. Endpoint Identifier. IdentifierIdentifies the end point of the routing service, e.g., EAN Location Number, GLN.0..1PartyEndpointIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. Type5790002221134ASBIEParty. Party IdentificationAn association to Party Identification.0..nPartyParty IdentificationParty IdentificationASBIEParty. Party NameAn association to Party Name. Party Name must be used where no Party Identification is used.0..nPartyParty NameParty NameASBIEParty. LanguageAn association to Language.0..1PartyLanguageLanguageASBIEParty. Postal_ Address. AddressThe party's postal address.0..1PartyPostalAddressAddressASBIEParty. Physical_ Location. LocationThe party's physical location - where they may visited.0..1PartyPhysicalLocationLocationASBIEParty. Party Tax SchemeAn association to Party Tax Scheme.0..nPartyParty Tax SchemeParty Tax SchemeASBIEParty. Party Legal EntityAn association to Party Legal Entity.0..nPartyParty Legal EntityParty Legal EntityASBIEParty. ContactAn association to Contact.0..1PartyContactContactASBIEParty. PersonAn association to a person.0..1PartyPersonPersonASBIEParty. Agent_ Party. PartyAn association to another party who acts as an agent for this party.0..1PartyAgentPartyPartyCustoms BrokerABIEParty Identification. DetailsInformation about a party's identification.Party IdentificationBBIEParty Identification. IdentifierIdentifies a party.1Party IdentificationIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeABIEParty Legal Entity. DetailsInformation directly relating to the legal registration that is applicable to a party.Party Legal EntityBBIEParty Legal Entity. Registration_ Name. NameThe name of a party as registered with the legal authority.0..1Party Legal EntityRegistrationNameNameName. TypeMicrosoft CorporationBBIEParty Legal Entity. Company Identifier. IdentifierIdentifies a company as registered with the company registration scheme.0..1Party Legal EntityCompanyIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBusiness Registration Number, Company Number3556625ASBIEParty Legal Entity. Registration_ Address. AddressAssociates with the registered address of the party within a Corporate Registration Scheme.0..1Party Legal EntityRegistrationAddressAddressABIEParty Name. DetailsInformation about a party's name.Party NameBBIEParty Name. NameThe name of the party.1Party NameNameNameName. TypeMicrosoftABIEParty Tax Scheme. DetailsInformation about a party's Tax Scheme.Party Tax SchemeBBIEParty Tax Scheme. Registration_ Name. NameThe official name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority.0..1Party Tax SchemeRegistrationNameNameName. TypeMicrosoft CorporationBBIEParty Tax Scheme. Company Identifier. IdentifierThe identifier assigned for tax purposes to a party by the taxation authority.0..1Party Tax SchemeCompanyIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeVAT Number3556625BBIEParty Tax Scheme. Tax Level Code. CodeThe section or role within the tax scheme that applies to the party.0..1Party Tax SchemeTax LevelCodeCodeCode. TypeBBIEParty Tax Scheme. Exemption Reason Code. CodeA reason for a party's exemption from tax, expressed as a code.0..1Party Tax SchemeExemption ReasonCodeCodeCode. TypeBBIEParty Tax Scheme. Exemption_ Reason. TextA reason for a party's exemption from tax, expressed as text.0..1Party Tax SchemeExemptionReasonTextText. TypeASBIEParty Tax Scheme. Registration_ Address. AddressAn association to Registered Address (for tax purposes).0..1Party Tax SchemeRegistrationAddressAddressASBIEParty Tax Scheme. Tax SchemeAn association to Tax Scheme.1Party Tax SchemeTax SchemeTax SchemeABIEPayment Terms. DetailsInformation about Payment Terms.Payment TermsBBIEPayment Terms. IdentifierIdentifies the Payment Terms.0..1Payment TermsIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIEPayment Terms. Prepaid Payment Reference Identifier. IdentifierIdentifies prepaid payment.0..1Payment TermsPrepaid Payment ReferenceIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIEPayment Terms. Note. TextFree-form text applying to the Payment Terms. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure.0..nPayment TermsNoteTextText. TypeBBIEPayment Terms. Reference_ Event Code. CodeThe event from which terms are offered for a length of time, identified by a standard code.0..1Payment TermsReferenceEventCodeCodeCode. TypeBBIEPayment Terms. Settlement_ Discount Percent. PercentThe settlement discount rate (percentage) offered for payment within the settlement period.0..1Payment TermsSettlementDiscountPercentPercentPercent. TypeBBIEPayment Terms. Penalty_ Surcharge Percent. PercentThe penalty rate (percentage) charged for late payment.0..1Payment TermsPenaltySurchargePercentPercentPercent. TypeBBIEPayment Terms. AmountThe payment amount for the Payment Terms.0..1Payment TermsAmountAmountAmount. TypeASBIEPayment Terms. Settlement_ Period. PeriodAn association to Settlement Period.0..1Payment TermsSettlementPeriodPeriodASBIEPayment Terms. Penalty_ Period. PeriodAn association to Penalty Period.0..1Payment TermsPenaltyPeriodPeriodABIEPeriod. DetailsInformation about a period of time.PeriodBBIEPeriod. Start Date. DateThe start date of the period.0..1PeriodStartDateDateDate. TypeBBIEPeriod. Start Time. TimeThe start time of the period.0..1PeriodStartTimeTimeTime. TypeBBIEPeriod. End Date. DateThe end date of the period.0..1PeriodEndDateDateDate. TypeBBIEPeriod. End Time. TimeThe end time of the period.0..1PeriodEndTimeTimeTime. TypeBBIEPeriod. Duration. MeasureThe duration of a period, expressed as a code; ISO 8601.0..1PeriodDurationMeasureMeasure. TypeBBIEPeriod. Description Code. CodeA decription of the period, expressed as a code.0..nPeriodDescriptionCodeCodeCode. TypeBBIEPeriod. Description. TextA decription of the period.0..nPeriodDescriptionTextText. TypeABIEPerson. DetailsInformation about a person.PersonBBIEPerson. First_ Name. NameA person's forename or first name.0..1PersonFirstNameNameName. TypeBBIEPerson. Family_ Name. NameA person's surname or family name.0..1PersonFamilyNameNameName. TypeBBIEPerson. Title. TextA person's title of address, e.g., Mr, Ms, Dr, Sir.0..1PersonTitleTextText. TypeBBIEPerson. Middle_ Name. NameA person's middle name(s) and/or initial(s).0..1PersonMiddleNameNameName. TypeBBIEPerson. Name Suffix. TextA suffix to a person's name, e.g., PhD, OBE, Jnr.0..1PersonNameSuffixTextText. TypeBBIEPerson. Job Title. TextA person's job title within an organization (for a particular role).0..1PersonJobTitleTextText. TypeBBIEPerson. Organization_ Department. TextThe department or subdivision of an organization that the person belongs to (for a particular role).0..1PersonOrganizationDepartmentTextText. TypeABIEPhysical Attribute. DetailsInformation about physical attributes.Physical AttributeBBIEPhysical Attribute. Attribute Identifier. IdentifierIdentifies the physical attribute.1Physical AttributeAttributeIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. Typecolour styleBBIEPhysical Attribute. Position Code. CodeThe position of the physical attribute, expressed as a code.0..1Physical AttributePositionCodeCodeCode. TypeBBIEPhysical Attribute. Description Code. CodeThe description of the physical attribute, expressed as a code.0..1Physical AttributeDescriptionCodeCodeCode. TypeXXL,SmallBBIEPhysical Attribute. Description. TextThe description of the physical attribute, expressed as text.0..nPhysical AttributeDescriptionTextText. TypeABIEPower of Attorney. DetailsInformation about the pricePower of AttorneyBBIEPower of Attorney. Identifier0..1Power of AttorneyIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIEPower of Attorney. Issue Date. Date0..1Power of AttorneyIssue DateDateDate. TypeBBIEPower of Attorney. Issue Time. Time0..1Power of AttorneyIssue TimeTimeTime. TypeBBIEPower of Attorney. Description. Text0..1Power of AttorneyDescriptionTextText. TypeASBIEPower of Attorney. Notary_ PartyAn association to a Notary Party1Power of AttorneyNotaryPartyPartyASBIEPower of Attorney. Document ReferenceAn enumeration of previous related documents such as the prior information notice or the buyer profile notice.0..nPower of AttorneyDocument ReferenceDocument ReferenceABIEPrice. DetailsInformation about the price.PriceBBIEPrice. Price Amount. AmountThe price amount.1PricePriceAmountAmountAmount. Typeunit price23.45BBIEPrice. Base_ Quantity. QuantityThe actual quantity to which the price applies.0..1PriceBaseQuantityQuantityQuantity. TypeBBIEPrice. Price Type Code. CodeThe price type, expressed as a code.0..1PricePrice TypeCodeCodeCode. TypeBBIEPrice. Price Type. TextThe price type, expressed as text.0..1PricePriceTypeTextText. Typeretail, wholesale, discount, contractBBIEPrice. Orderable Unit Factor. RateThe factor by which the base price unit can be converted to the orderable unit.0..1PriceOrderable UnitFactorRateRate. TypeNails are priced by weight but ordered by quantity. So this would say how many nails per kiloASBIEPrice. Validity_ Period. PeriodAn association to Validity Period.0..nPriceValidityPeriodPeriodABIEProcuring Project. DetailsAn endeavour carefully planned to achieve a procurement of goods, works and service.Procuring ProjectBBIEProcuring Project. IdentifierThe unique identifier of this procuring project.0..1Procuring ProjectIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIEProcuring Project. Contract_ NameThe name, expressed as text, of this procuring project.1Procuring ProjectContractNameNameName. TypeBBIEProcuring Project. Description. TextThe textual description of this procuring project.0..1Procuring ProjectDescriptionTextText. TypeBBIEProcuring Project. Type. CodeThe code specifying the type of procuring project, such as goods, works and service.1Procuring ProjectTypeCodeCode. TypeBBIEProcuring Project. Sub_ Type. CodeThe code specifying the sub works type of work for this procuring project, such as land surveying or IT consulting.0..1Procuring ProjectSubTypeCodeCode. TypeBBIEProcuring Project. Contracting System_ Type. CodeThe code specifying the type of contracting system such as framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system. If not present, the procedure is individual, i.e. Not repetitive.0..1Procuring ProjectContracting SystemTypeCodeCode. TypeBBIEProcuring Project. GPA_ Constraint. IndicatorThe indication of whether or not the project is constrained by the Government Procurement Agreement.0..1Procuring ProjectGPAConstraintIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIEProcuring Project. Variants_ Constraint. IndicatorThe indication of whether or not the project is constrained by the presentation of variants.0..1Procuring ProjectVariantsConstraintIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIEProcuring Project. Quality_ Control. IndicatorThe indication of whether or not the control quality is included in the works project.0..1Procuring ProjectQualityControlIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIEProcuring Project. Total_ Budget. AmountThe monetary value of the total budget which includes net amount, taxes, and material and instalment costs for this procuring project.0..1Procuring ProjectTotalBudgetAmountAmount. TypeBBIEProcuring Project. Net_ Budget. AmountThe monetary value of the net budget for this procuring project.0..1Procuring ProjectNetBudgetAmountAmount. TypeBBIEProcuring Project. Total_ Tax Amount. AmountThe total tax amount for the Procuring Project.0..1Procuring ProjectTotalTax AmountAmountAmount. TypeASBIEProcuring Project. Required_ Classification SchemeAn association to classification categories for the deliverable requested.0..nProcuring ProjectRequiredClassification SchemeClassification SchemeASBIEProcuring Project. Actualization_ LocationThe physical actualization location of this procuring project.0..1Procuring ProjectActualizationLocationLocationASBIEProcuring Project. Planned_ PeriodThe planned period for performing this procuring project in the tendering process.0..1Procuring ProjectPlannedPeriodPeriodASBIEProcuring Project. Contract ExtensionThe contract extension for this tendering process.0..1Procuring ProjectContract ExtensionContract ExtensionASBIEProcuring Project. Sub_ Procuring ProjectThe logical division of a procuring project in the tendering process.0..nProcuring ProjectSubProcuring ProjectProcuring ProjectASBIEProcuring Project. Tendering DeliverableThe goods or the service which is the subject to be procured in the tendering process.0..nProcuring ProjectTendering DeliverableTendering DeliverableASBIEProcuring Project. Framework AgreementThe information about a tendering framework agreement.0..1Procuring ProjectFramework AgreementFramework AgreementABIEQualification. DetailsThe evaluation that the Contracting Authority party requests to fulfill to the tenderers.QualificationBBIEQualification. Evaluation_ Description. TextTextual information stating the evaluation requirements for this tenderer.0..1QualificationDescriptionTextText. TypeASBIEQualification. Technical_ Evaluation CriteriaTechnical criteria required for an economic operator in a tendering process.0..nQualificationTechnicalEvaluation CriteriaEvaluation CriteriaASBIEQualification. Financial_ Evaluation CriteriaFinancial criteria required for an economic operator in a tendering process.0..nQualificationFinancialEvaluation CriteriaEvaluation CriteriaASBIEQualification. Technical_ Evaluation CriteriaEvaluation criteria to decide whether a tender is abnormally low rated.0..nQualificationLow TendersEvaluation CriteriaEvaluation CriteriaABIEQualification Resolution. DetailsThe result of economic operator evaluation in this tendering process, such as accepted or rejected.Qualification ResolutionBBIEQualification Resolution. Admission Indicator. IndicatorIndicates whether the economic operator has been accepted (true) to the tendering process or rejected (false).1Qualification ResolutionAdmissionIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIEQualification Resolution. Description. TextThe textual description for this qualification resolution.0..1Qualification ResolutionDescriptionTextText. TypeBBIEQualification Resolution. Resolution Date. DateThe date at which qualification resolution has been formalized.1Qualification ResolutionResolution DateDateDate. TypeBBIEQualification Resolution. Resolution Time. TimeThe time at which qualification resolution has been formalized.0..1Qualification ResolutionResolution TimeTimeTime. TypeABIERequired Guarantee. DetailsThe Information about the bond guarantee of a tender or bid submitter to actually enter into a contract if they are the successful bidder.Required GuaranteeBBIERequired Guarantee. Type. CodeCode that identifies the type of guarantee.1Required GuaranteeTypeCodeCode. TypeBBIERequired Guarantee. Liability. AmountThe monetary value that constitutes the liability amount in the bid bond guarantee.0..1Required GuaranteeLiabilityAmountAmount. TypeBBIERequired Guarantee. Amount. RateTthe rate used to calculate a bid bond guarantee amount.0..1Required GuaranteeAmountRateRate. TypeASBIERequired Guarantee. Constitution_ PeriodThe specified period in the tendering process for which this bid bond guarantee has to be constituted.0..1Required GuaranteeConstitutionPeriodPeriodABIEShort List. DetailsInformation about the creation of a short list for a tendering processShort ListBBIEShort List. Limitation_ Description. TextCriteria to select a restricted number of candidates0..1Short ListLimitationDescriptionTextText. TypeBBIEShort List. Expected_ Operator. QuantityExpected number of economic operators in this tendering process.0..1Short ListExpectedOperatorQuantityQuantity. TypeBBIEShort List. Maximum_ Operator. QuantityMaximum number of economic operators in this tendering process.0..1Short ListMaximumOperatorQuantityQuantity. TypeASBIEShort List. Preselected_ Party NameOrganizations preselected in a negotiated procedure.0..nShort ListPreselectedParty NameParty NameABIESignature. DetailsInformation about signature. A placeholder for signature.SignatureBBIESignature. IdentifierIdentifies a signature that has been used to sign with.1SignatureIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIESignature. Note. TextFree form text about the signature or the circumstanses where the signature has been used.0..1SignatureNoteTextText. TypeBBIESignature. Canonicalization Method. TextDescribes the response to the transaction document.0..1SignatureCanonicalizationMethodTextText. TypeBBIESignature. Signature Method. TextDescribes the response to the transaction document.0..1SignatureSignatureMethodTextText. TypeASBIESignature. Signatory_ Party. PartyIdentifies the party that signed the document.1SignatureSignatoryPartyPartyASBIESignature. Digital Signature_ Attachment. AttachmentRefers to the actual encoded signature (e.g., in XMLDSIG format).0..1SignatureDigital SignatureAttachmentAttachmentABIESubcontract. DetailsInformation about the subcontractation of a contract.SubcontractBBIESubcontract. Specified. RateThe rate assigned by the tenderer to the subcontracted task.0..1SubcontractSpecifiedRateRate. TypeBBIESubcontract. Unknown_ Price. IndicatorThe indication of whether or not the subcontract price is known.0..1SubcontractUnknownPriceIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIESubcontract. Rated Task_ Description. TextA textual description of this subcontracted task rate0..1SubcontractRated TaskDescriptionTextText. TypeASBIESubcontract. Business ProfileThe business profile for the subcontract.0..1SubcontractBusiness ProfileBusiness ProfileASBIESubcontract. PriceThe specified price for this subcontract.0..1SubcontractPricePriceABIETax Scheme. DetailsInformation about a tax scheme.Tax SchemeBBIETax Scheme. IdentifierIdentifies the tax scheme.0..1Tax SchemeIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeVAT, GSTBBIETax Scheme. NameThe name of the tax scheme.0..1Tax SchemeNameNameName. TypeValue Added Tax, Wholesale Tax, Sales Tax, State TaxBBIETax Scheme. Tax Type Code. CodeAn identifier for the tax type.0..1Tax SchemeTax TypeCodeCodeCode. TypeConsumption, SalesBBIETax Scheme. Currency Code. CodeThe currency in which the tax is coolected and reported, expressed as a code.0..1Tax SchemeCurrencyCodeCodeCurrencyCurrency_Code. TypeASBIETax Scheme. Jurisdiction Region_ Address. AddressAn association with Address (of taxation jurisdiction).0..nTax SchemeJurisdiction RegionAddressAddressABIETax Total. DetailsInformation about a total amount of a particular type of tax.Tax TotalBBIETax Total. Tax Amount. AmountThe total tax amount for a tax type; the sum of each of the tax subtotals for each tax category within the tax type.1Tax TotalTaxAmountAmountAmount. TypeBBIETax Total. Rounding Amount. AmountThe rounding amount (positive or negative) added to the calculated tax total to produce the rounded TotalTaxAmount.0..1Tax TotalRoundingAmountAmountAmount. TypeBBIETax Total. Tax Evidence_ Indicator. IndicatorAn indicator as to whether these totals are recognized as legal evidence for taxation purposes.0..1Tax TotalTax EvidenceIndicatorIndicatorIndicator. Typedefault is negativeABIETender Line. DetailsReference to a line on a documentTender LineBBIETender Line. IdentifierThe identifier for the Quotation Line Item0..1Tender LineIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIETender Line. Procuring Project Identifier. IdentifierThe identifier for the Procuring Project to which this Tender Line refers.0..1Tender LineProcuring ProjectIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIETender Line. Deliverable Identifier. IdentifierThe identifier for the Deliverable to which this Tender Line refers.0..1Tender LineDeliverableIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIETender Line. Note. TextFree form text applying to the Quotation Line. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure.0..1Tender LineNoteTextText. TypeBBIETender Line. QuantityThe quantity of the Item quoted0..1Tender LineQuantityQuantityQuantity. TypeBBIETender Line. Line Extension Amount. AmountThe total amount for the Quotation Line including Allowance Charges but net of taxes0..1Tender LineLine Extension AmountAmountAmount. TypeBBIETender Line. Total_ Tax Amount. AmountThe total tax amount for the Quotation Line0..1Tender LineTotalTax AmountAmountAmount. TypeASBIETender Line. Document ReferenceAn association to Document Reference0..nTender LineDocument ReferenceDocument ReferenceASBIETender Line. ItemAn association to Item0..1Tender LineItemItemASBIETender Line. PriceAn association to Price.0..1Tender LinePricePriceABIETender Result. DetailsThe result of the bid opening in the tendering processTender ResultBBIETender Result. Result. CodeThe code specifiying the tender result for this tendering process.0..1Tender ResultResultCodeCode. TypeBBIETender Result. Description. TextThe textual description for this tender result for this tendering process.0..1Tender ResultDescriptionTextText. TypeBBIETender Result. Advertisement. AmountThe monetary value of the advertisement for this tendering process.0..1Tender ResultAdvertisementAmountAmount. TypeBBIETender Result. Award Price. AmountThe monetary value of a price resulting from this tendering prosess in the procuring process. 17FEB06 - The monetary value of the price awarded for this tender result in this tendering process.0..1Tender ResultAward PriceAmountAmount. TypeBBIETender Result. Award Date. DateThe date at which awarding has been formalized1Tender ResultAward DateDateDate. TypeBBIETender Result. Award Time. TimeThe time at which awarding has been formalized0..1Tender ResultAward TimeTimeTime. TypeBBIETender Result. Received_ Tender. QuantityThe total number of tenders received in this tendering process.0..1Tender ResultReceivedTenderQuantityQuantity. TypeBBIETender Result. Lower_ Tender. AmountThe most economical tender received in this tendering process.0..1Tender ResultLowerTenderAmountAmount. TypeBBIETender Result. Higher_ Tender. AmountThe most expensive tender received in this tendering process.0..1Tender ResultHigherTenderAmountAmount. TypeBBIETender Result. Start. DateThe date on which this contract starts.0..1Tender ResultStartDateDate. TypeASBIETender Result. ContractA contract that is identified in this tender result.0..1Tender ResultContractContractASBIETender Result. Winner_ PartyA party that is identified as the awarded by this tender result.0..1Tender ResultWinnerPartyPartyASBIETender Result. Tendering DeliverableThe applied procuring project for this tendering result in the procuring process.1..nTender ResultProcuring ProjectProcuring ProjectASBIETender Result. SubcontractThe actual subcontract information for this tender result.0..nTender ResultSubcontractSubcontractABIETenderer Party. DetailsInformation about a line of address expressed as unstructured textTenderer PartyASBIETenderer Party. Power of AttorneyAn association to Power of Attorney0..1Tenderer PartyPower of AttorneyPower of AttorneyASBIETenderer Party. PartyAn association to Party1Tenderer PartyPartyPartyABIETendering Deliverable. DetailsThe goods or the service which is the subject to be procured in the tendering process. 16FEB06 - Specific goods or services expected to be delivered in this tendering process.Tendering Deliverable0BBIETendering Deliverable. IdentifierThe unique identification for the deliverables in this tendering process.0..1Tendering DeliverableIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIETendering Deliverable. Accounting Cost Code. CodeThe Buyer's accounting code applied to the Tendering Deliverable0..nTendering DeliverableAccounting Cost CodeCodeCode. TypeBBIETendering Deliverable. Description. TextThe textual description of the deliverable or set of deliverables in this tendering process.0..1Tendering DeliverableDescriptionTextText. TypeBBIETendering Deliverable. Name. TextThe name, expressed as text, of the deliverable or set of deliverables in this tendering process.0..1Tendering DeliverableNameTextText. TypeBBIETendering Deliverable. Specification. TextA specification, expressed as text, for the deliverable or set of deliverables in this tendering process.0..nTendering DeliverableSpecificationTextText. TypeBBIETendering Deliverable. Additional_ Information. TextAdditional information for this deliverable or set of deliverables in this tendering process.0..1Tendering DeliverableAdditionalInformationTextText. TypeBBIETendering Deliverable. Procurement_ Quantity. QuantityThe procurement quantity of the deliverable or each deliverable within a set of deliverables for this tendering process.0..1Tendering DeliverableQuantityQuantity. TypeBBIETendering Deliverable. Minimum_ Quantity. QuantityThe procurment minimum quantity of this Deliverables in the tendering process.0..1Tendering DeliverableMinimum QuantityQuantityQuantity. TypeBBIETendering Deliverable. Maximum_ Quantity. QuantityThe procurment quantity of this Deliverables in the tendering process.0..1Tendering DeliverableMaximum QuantityQuantityQuantity. TypeBBIETendering Deliverable. Tax Exclusive Amount. AmountThe total amount exclusive of taxes0..1Tendering DeliverableTax Exclusive AmountAmountAmount. TypeBBIETendering Deliverable. Tax Inclusive Amount. AmountThe total amount inclusive of taxes0..1Tendering DeliverableTax Inclusive AmountAmountAmount. TypeASBIETendering Deliverable. Specification_ Document ReferenceA document that is a reference for this deliverable or set of deliverables in this tendering process.0..nTendering DeliverableSpecificationDocument ReferenceDocument ReferenceASBIETendering Deliverable. Required_ Classification SchemeAn association to classification categories for the deliverable requested.0..nTendering DeliverableRequiredClassification SchemeClassification SchemeASBIETendering Deliverable. PeriodAn applicable period for the deliverable or set of deliverables in this tendering process.0..nTendering DeliverablePeriodPeriodASBIETendering Deliverable. ItemAn association to Item0..1Tendering DeliverableItemItemABIETendering Process. DetailsThe process of a formal offer and response to execute work or supply goods at a stated price.Tendering ProcessBBIETendering Process. IdentifierA unique identifier of the process.0..1Tendering ProcessIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIETendering Process. Description. TextA textual description of the process.0..1Tendering ProcessDescriptionTextText. TypeBBIETendering Process. Diligence Justification_ Description. TextA textual description justifying the urgent diligence of a restricted or negotiated tendering process.0..1Tendering ProcessDiligence JustificationDescriptionTextText. TypeBBIETendering Process. Auction Justification_ Description. TextA textual description justifying the use of an auction for this tendering process.0..1Tendering ProcessAuction JustificationDescriptionTextText. TypeBBIETendering Process. Type. CodeA code specifying the type of this tendering process.1Tendering ProcessTypeCodeCode. TypeBBIETendering Process. Diligence_ Type. CodeA code specifying the type of diligence for this tendering process.0..1Tendering ProcessDiligenceTypeCodeCode. TypeBBIETendering Process. Expense_ Type. CodeA code specifying the type of expense for this tendering process.0..1Tendering ProcessExpenseTypeCodeCode. TypeBBIETendering Process. Tender_ Type. CodeA code specifying the type of presentation of tenders required, such as one lot, multiple lots or all the lots.0..1Tendering ProcessTenderTypeCodeCode. TypeBBIETendering Process. Awarding_ Type. CodeA code specifying the awarding criteria in the tendering process, such as lowest price or the most economically advantageous tender.0..1Tendering ProcessAwardingTypeCodeCode. TypeBBIETendering Process. Presentation_ Type. CodeA code specifying the type of presentation of tenders required, such as one lot, multiple lots or all the lots.0..1Tendering ProcessTender PresentationTypeCodeCode. TypeBBIETendering Process. Valoration_ Type. CodeA code specifying the type of valoration of tenders required.0..1Tendering ProcessValorationTypeCodeCode. TypeBBIETendering Process. Candidate Reduction_ Constraint. IndicatorAn indicator that states the reduction of the number of operators during the negotiation or dialogue.0..1Tendering ProcessCandidate ReductionConstraintIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIETendering Process. Auction_ Constraint. IndicatorAn indicator that states the use of electronic auctions during the awarding of this tendering process0..1Tendering ProcessAuctionConstraintIndicatorIndicator. TypeASBIETendering Process. Document ReferenceAn enumeration of previous related documents such as the prior information notice or the buyer profile notice.0..nTendering ProcessDocument ReferenceDocument ReferenceASBIETendering Process. Document Availability_ PeriodThe period of completion (deadline) for getting the tender information documents.0..1Tendering ProcessDocument AvailabilityPeriodPeriodASBIETendering Process. Tenders Reception_ PeriodThe period of completion (deadline) for delivering (accepting) tenders.0..1Tendering ProcessTenders ReceptionPeriodPeriodASBIETendering Process. Invitation To Tender Submit_ PeriodThe period of completion (deadline) for sending invitations to tender.0..1Tendering ProcessInvitation To Tender SubmitPeriodPeriodASBIETendering Process. Tender Validity_ PeriodThe period of completion (deadline) for the validity of tenders.0..1Tendering ProcessTender ValidityPeriodPeriodASBIETendering Process. Opening Tenders_ EventTender Opening event.0..1Tendering ProcessOpening TendersEventEventABIETendering Process Justification. DetailsInformation needed to justify certain tendering processesTendering Process JustificationBBIETendering Process Justification. Previous Cancellation. CodeCode that specifies the type of the previous cancelled tendering process0..1Award JustificationPrevious CancellationCodeCode. TypeBBIETendering Process Justification. Research And Development. IndicatorIndicator whether thecontract object is used for a R+D project0..1Award JustificationResearch And DevelopmentIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIETendering Process Justification. Emergency. IndicatorIndicator whether the tenders were called to solve an emergency situation0..1Award JustificationEmergencyIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIETendering Process Justification. Additional_ Actualization. IndicatorIndicator whether this contract realization is additional to a previous existing one0..1Award JustificationAdditionalActualizationIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIETendering Process Justification. Reoccurrent_ Actualization. IndicatorIndicator whether this contract realization is a reoccurrence of previous existing ones0..1Award JustificationReoccurrentActualizationIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIETendering Process Justification. Unacceptable_ Previous Tenders. IndicatorIndicator whether the previous tenders were considered unnaceptable (void tendering result)0..1Award JustificationUnacceptablePrevious TendersIndicatorIndicator. TypeASBIETendering Process Justification. Award_ MotivationThe reasoned motivation for awarding specific tenderer or tenderers1..nAward JustificationAwardMotivationMotivationABIETendering Terms. DetailsGeneral tendering terms for this tendering processTendering TermsBBIETendering Terms. Protected Workshop_ Reserved. IndicatorIndicator whether the contract is reserved for protected workshops.0..1Tendering TermsProtected WorkshopReservedIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIETendering Terms. Protected Job_ Reserved. IndicatorIndicator whether the contract is reserved for protected job.0..1Tendering TermsProtected JobReservedIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIETendering Terms. Profession_ Reserved. IndicatorIndicator whether the contract is reserved to a particular profession.0..1Tendering TermsProfessionReservedIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIETendering Terms. Required_ Curricula. IndicatorIndicator whether the curricula of the people need to be presented.0..1Tendering TermsRequiredCurriculaIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIETendering Terms. Handicapped Workers. IndicatorIndicator whether the number of handicapped workers need to be identified.0..1Tendering TermsHandicapped WorkersIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIETendering Terms. Experience. IndicatorIndicator whether the tenderer experience needs to be explained.0..1Tendering TermsExperiencieIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIETendering Terms. Registered. IndicatorIndicator whether the tenderer needs to be registered in a public tenderer registry to participate.0..1Tendering TermsRegisteredIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIETendering Terms. Price Revision. IndicatorIndicator whether the prices can be revised.0..1Tendering TermsPrice RevisionIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIETendering Terms. Price Revision. TextTextual description of the formula to review the prices.0..1Tendering TermsPrice RevisionTextText. TypeBBIETendering Terms. EU_ Funded. IndicatorIndicator whether the contract is financed with European Union funds.0..1Tendering TermsEUFundedIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIETendering Terms. EU_ Program. TextTextual description of the European Union program that fund this tendering process.0..1Tendering TermsEUProgramTextText. TypeBBIETendering Terms. Maximum_ Advertisement. AmountThe maximum monetary value of the advertisement for this tendering process.0..1Tendering TermsMaximumAdvertisementAmountAmount. TypeBBIETendering Terms. Additional_ Information. TextAdditional information for this contract notice document.0..1Tendering TermsAdditionalInformationTextText. TypeBBIETendering Terms. Required_ Declaration. CodeRequired declaration codes for the tenderer to include in their tender.0..nTendering TermsRequiredDeclarationCodeCode. TypeBBIETendering Terms. Payment Frequency. CodeThe payment frequency for this tendering process.0..1Tendering TermsPayment FrequencyCodeCode. TypeBBIETendering Terms.Registry_ URI. IdentifierUniform Resource Identifier (URI) communication information to find electronic registry applicable to this tendering process.0..1Tendering TermsRegistryURIIdentifierIdentifier. TypeWeb siteBBIETendering Terms. Fiscal Legislation_ URI. IdentifierUniform Resource Identifier (URI) communication information to find fiscal legislation applicable to this tendering process.0..1Tendering TermsFiscal LegislationURIIdentifierIdentifier. TypeWeb siteBBIETendering Terms. Environmental Legislation_ URI. IdentifierUniform Resource Identifier (URI) communication information to find environmental legislation applicable to this tendering process.0..1Tendering TermsEnvironmental LegislationURIIdentifierIdentifier. TypeWeb siteBBIETendering Terms. Employment Legislation_ URI. IdentifierUniform Resource Identifier (URI) communication informationto find employment legislation applicable to this tendering process.0..1Tendering TermsEmployment LegislationURIIdentifierIdentifier. TypeWeb siteASBIETendering Terms. Required GuaranteeThe Information about the bond guarantee of a tender or bid submitter to actually enter into a contract if they are the successful bidder.0..nTendering TermsRequired GuaranteeRequired GuaranteeASBIETendering Terms. Warranty Validity_ PeriodAssociation with a period to indicate the guarantee for the work, service or goods.0..1Tendering TermsWarranty ValidityPeriodPeriodASBIETendering Terms. Payment TermsPayment terms for this tendering process.0..nTendering TermsPayment TermsPayment TermsASBIETendering Terms. Required_ Business ProfileAcceptable features and capabilities for a tenderer in this tendering process.0..1Tendering TermsRequiredBusiness ProfileBusiness ProfileASBIETendering Terms. Required_ QualificationRequired qualification for a tenderer in this tendering process.0..1Tendering TermsRequiredQualificationQualificationASBIETendering Terms. SubcontractAbility to subcontract for this tendering process.0..nTendering TermsSubcontractSubcontractASBIETendering Terms. Short ListA set of objective criteria to create the short list of candidates.0..1Tendering TermsShort ListShort ListASBIETendering Terms. Awarding CriteriaA set of defined criteria for awarding this project in this tendering process.0..nTendering TermsAwarding CriteriaAwarding CriteriaASBIETendering Terms. Additional Information_ PartyA party that has additional information about this tendering process.0..1Tendering TermsAdditional InformationPartyPartyASBIETendering Terms. Contract Documents Provider_ PartyA party that has the contract documents for this tendering process.0..1Tendering TermsContract Documents ProviderPartyPartyASBIETendering Terms. Tender Recipient_ PartyA party to whom tenderers should present their tenders.0..1Tendering TermsTender RecipientPartyPartyASBIETendering Terms. Appeal TermsAppeal terms defined for this tendering process.0..1Tendering TermsAppeal TermsAppeal TermsASBIETendering Terms. LanguageDefault languages specified for this tendering process.0..nTendering TermsLanguageLanguage