This element MUST be conveyed as the root element in any instance document based on this Schema expressionABIEGuarantee. DetailsA document to notify the deposit of a guarantee.GuaranteeA container for all extensions present in the document.BBIEGuarantee. UBL Version Identifier. IdentifierThe version of the UBL schema being used.0..1GuaranteeUBL Version IdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. Type2.0.5BBIEGuarantee. Subset Identifier. IdentifierThe identifier for a user defined subset of UBL.0..1GuaranteeIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeNESBBIEGuarantee. Profile Identifier. IdentifierThe identifier for a user defined profile of the subset of UBL being used.0..1GuaranteeIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBasicProcurementProcessBBIEGuarantee. IdentifierAn identifier for the Guarantee1GuaranteeIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIEGuarantee. Copy_ Indicator. IndicatorIndicates whether the tender is a copy (true) or not (false)0..1GuaranteeCopyIndicatorIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIEGuarantee. UUID. IdentifierA computer-generated universally unique identifier (UUID) for the document instance.0..1GuaranteeUUIDIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIEGuarantee. Contract File. IdentifierAn identifier for the process file (i.e. record) to which will belong this tender1GuaranteeContract File IdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIEGuarantee. Issue Date. DateThe date assigned by the sender at which the message was issued1GuaranteeIssue DateDateDate. TypeBBIEGuarantee. Issue Time. TimeThe time assigned by the sender at which the message was issued0..1GuaranteeIssue TimeTimeTime. TypeBBIEGuarantee. Global. IndicatorIndicates whether the guarantee is global.0..1GuaranteeGlobalIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIEGuarantee. Contract Name. TextThe short title of the contract0..1GuaranteeContract Name TextTextText. TypeBBIEGuarantee. Liability. AmountThe monetary value that constitutes the liability amount in the bid bond guarantee.1GuaranteeLiabilityAmountAmount. TypeBBIEGuarantee. Constitution. CodeThe code stating the constitution means of the guarantee.0..1GuaranteeConstitutionCodeCode. TypeASBIEGuarantee. Holder_ PartyThe guarantee creditor organization which has the authority to charge bid bond guarantee credit.0..1GuaranteeHolderPartyPartyASBIEGuarantee. Interested_ PartyAn association to the Party depositing the guarantee.1GuaranteeInterestedPartyPartyASBIEGuarantee. Contracting Authority PartyAn association to the Contracting Authority Party0..1GuaranteeContracting Authority PartyContracting Authority PartyASBIEGuarantee. PeriodThe specified period in the tendering process for which this bid bond guarantee is effective0..1GuaranteeApplicablePeriodPeriodASBIEGuarantee. SignatureAssociates the Guarantee with zero or more signatures.1..nGuaranteeSignatureSignature