This element MUST be conveyed as the root element in any instance document based on this Schema expressionABIETender. DetailsA message which a tenderer offers a tender to the tendering organization for bid.TenderA container for all extensions present in the document.BBIETender. UBL Version Identifier. IdentifierThe version of the UBL schema being used.0..1TenderUBL Version IdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. Type2.0.5BBIETender. Subset Identifier. IdentifierThe identifier for a user defined subset of UBL.0..1TenderIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeNESBBIETender. Profile Identifier. IdentifierThe identifier for a user defined profile of the subset of UBL being used.0..1TenderIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBasicProcurementProcessBBIETender. IdentifierAn identifier for the tender assigned by the Seller1TenderIdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIETender. Copy_ Indicator. IndicatorIndicates whether the tender is a copy (true) or not (false)0..1TenderCopyIndicatorIndicatorIndicator. TypeBBIETender. UUID. IdentifierA computer-generated universally unique identifier (UUID) for the tender instance0..1TenderUUIDIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIETender. Contract File. IdentifierAn identifier for the process file (i.e. record) to which will belong this tender1TenderContract File IdentifierIdentifierIdentifier. TypeBBIETender. Issue Date. DateThe date assigned by the tenderer on which the tender was issued1TenderIssue DateDateDate. TypeBBIETender. Issue Time. TimeThe time assigned by the tenderer on which the tender was issued0..1TenderIssue TimeTimeTime. TypeBBIETender. Contract Name. TextThe short title of the contract corresponding to this Tender0..1TenderContract Name TextTextText. TypeBBIETender. Note. TextFree form text applying to the tender. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure.0..nTenderNoteTextText. TypeASBIETender. Validity_ PeriodThe period for which the tender is valid0..1TenderValidityPeriodPeriodASBIETender. Tenderer PartyAn association to the Seller1TenderTenderer PartyTenderer PartyASBIETender. Contracting Authority PartyAn association to the Originator0..1TenderContracting Authority PartyContracting Authority PartyASBIETender. Tender LineAn association to one or more Tender Lines0..nTenderTender LineTender LineASBIETender. Tax TotalAn association to the total tax amount of the tender (as estimated by the Seller)0..nTenderTax TotalTax TotalASBIETender. Legal Monetary TotalAn assocation to the total amounts for the tender net of allowances and taxes (as quoted by the Seller)0..1TenderLegalMonetaryTotalMonetaryTotalASBIETender. Document ReferenceAn association to other documents0..nTenderDocument ReferenceDocument ReferenceASBIETender. SignatureAssociates the tender with zero or more signatures.0..nTenderSignatureSignature