UnitOfMeasureCode Unit Of Measure UN/ECE rec 20 Revision 4 urn:un:unece:uncefact:codelist:specification:66411 urn:un:unece:uncefact:codelist:specification:66411:2001-update http://docs.oasis-open.org/ubl/os-UBL-2.0-update/cl/gc/cefact/UnitOfMeasureCode-2.0.gc United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 6 Code Name CodeKey 04 small spray 05 lift 08 heat lot 10 group 11 outfit 13 ration 14 shot 15 stick 16 hundred fifteen kg drum 17 hundred lb drum 18 fiftyfive gallon (US) drum 19 tank truck 20 twenty foot container 21 forty foot container 22 decilitre per gram 23 gram per cubic centimetre 24 theoretical pound 25 gram per square centimetre 26 actual ton 27 theoretical ton 28 kilogram per square metre 29 pound per thousand square feet 30 horse power day per air dry metric ton 31 catch weight 32 kilogram per air dry metric ton 33 kilopascal square metres per gram 34 kilopascals per millimetre 35 millilitres per square centimetre second 36 cubic feet per minute per square foot 37 ounce per square foot 38 ounces per square foot per 0,01 inch 40 millilitre per second 41 millilitre per minute 43 super bulk bag 44 fivehundred kg bulk bag 45 threehundred kg bulk bag 46 fifty lb bulk bag 47 fifty lb bag 48 bulk car load 53 theoretical kilograms 54 theoretical tonne 56 sitas 57 mesh 58 net kilogram 59 part per million 60 percent weight 61 part per billion (US) 62 percent per 1000 hour 63 failure rate in time 64 pound per square inch, gauge 66 oersted 69 test specific scale 71 volt ampere per pound 72 watt per pound 73 ampere tum per centimetre 74 millipascal 76 gauss 77 milli-inch 78 kilogauss 80 pounds per square inch absolute 81 henry 84 kilopound per square inch 85 foot pound-force 87 pound per cubic foot 89 poise 90 Saybold universal second 91 stokes 92 calorie per cubic centimetre 93 calorie per gram 94 curl unit 95 twenty thousand gallon (US) tankcar 96 ten thousand gallon (US) tankcar 97 ten kg drum 98 fifteen kg drum 1A car mile 1B car count 1C locomotive count 1D caboose count 1E empty car 1F train mile 1G fuel usage gallon (US) 1H caboose mile 1I fixed rate 1J ton mile 1K locomotive mile 1L total car count 1M total car mile 1X quarter mile 2A radian per second 2B radian per second squared 2C röntgen 2I British thermal unit per hour 2J cubic centimetre per second 2K cubic foot per hour 2L cubic foot per minute 2M centimetre per second 2N decibel 2P kilobyte 2Q kilobecquerel 2R kilocurie 2U megagram 2V megagram per hour 2W bin 2X metre per minute 2Y milliröntgen 2Z millivolt 3B megajoule 3C manmonth 3E pound per pound of product 3G pound per piece of product 3H kilogram per kilogram of product 3I kilogram per piece of product 4A bobbin 4B cap 4C centistokes 4E twenty pack 4G microlitre 4H micrometre (micron) 4K milliampere 4L megabyte 4M milligram per hour 4N megabecquerel 4O microfarad 4P newton per metre 4Q ounce inch 4R ounce foot 4T picofarad 4U pound per hour 4W ton(US) per hour 4X kilolitre per hour 5A barrel per minute 5B batch 5C gallon(US) per thousand 5E MMSCF/day 5F pounds per thousand 5G pump 5H stage 5I standard cubic foot 5J hydraulic horse power 5K count per minute 5P seismic level 5Q seismic line A1 15 C calorie A10 ampere square metre per joule second A11 ångström A12 astronomical unit A13 attojoule A14 barn A15 barn per electron volt A16 barn per steradian electron volt, A17 barn per sterdian A18 becquerel per kilogram A19 becquerel per metre cubed A2 ampere per centimetre A20 British thermal unit per second square foot degree Rankin A21 British thermal unit per pound degree Rankin A22 British thermal unit per second foot degree Rankin A23 British thermal unit per hour square foot degree Rankin A24 candela per square metre A25 cheval vapeur A26 coulomb metre A27 coulomb metre squared per volt A28 coulomb per cubic centimetre A29 coulomb per cubic metre A3 ampere per millimetre A30 coulomb per cubic millimetre A31 coulomb per kilogram second A32 coulomb per mole A33 coulomb per square centimetre A34 coulomb per square metre A35 coulomb per square millimetre A36 cubic centimetre per mole A37 cubic decimetre per mole A38 cubic metre per coulomb A39 cubic metre per kilogram A4 ampere per square centimetre A40 cubic metre per mole A41 ampere per square metre A42 curie per kilogram A43 deadweight tonnage A44 decalitre A45 decametre A47 decitex A48 degree Rankin A49 denier A5 ampere square metre A50 dyn second per cubic centimetre A51 dyne second per centimetre A52 dyne second per centimetre to the fifth A53 electronvolt A54 electronvolt per metre A55 electronvolt square metre A56 electronvolt square metre per kilogram A57 erg A58 erg per centimetre A6 ampere per square metre kelvin squared A60 erg per cubic centimetre A61 erg per gram A62 erg per gram second A63 erg per second A64 erg per second square centimetre A65 erg per square centimetre second A66 erg square centimetre A67 erg square centimetre per gram A68 exajoule A69 farad per metre A7 ampere per square millimetre A70 femtojoule A71 femtometre A73 foot per second squared A74 foot pound-force per second A75 freight ton A76 gal A77 Gaussian CGS unit of displacement A78 Gaussian CGS unit of electic current A79 Gaussian CGS unit of electric charge A8 ampere second A80 Gaussian CGS unit of electric field strength A81 Gaussian CGS unit of electric polarization A82 Gaussian CGS unit of electric potential A83 Gaussian CGS unit of magnetization A84 gigacoulomb per cubic metre A85 gigaelectronvolt A86 gigahertz A87 gigaohm A88 gigaohm metre A89 gigapascal A9 rate A90 gigawatt A91 gon A93 gram per cubic metre A94 gram per mole A95 gray A96 gray per second A97 hectopascal A98 henry per metre AA ball AB bulk pack ACR acre AD byte AE ampere per metre AH additional minute AI average minute per call AJ cop AK fathom AL access line AM ampoule AMH ampere hour AMP ampere ANN year AP aluminium pound only APZ troy ounce or apothecaries' ounce AQ anti-hemophilic factor (AHF) unit AR suppository ARE are AS assortment ASM alcoholic strength by mass ASU alcoholic strength by volume ATM standard atmosphere ATT technical atmosphere AV capsule AW powder filled vial AY assembly AZ British thermal unit per pound B0 Btu per cubic foot B1 barrel (US) per day B11 joule per kilogram kelvin B12 joule per metre B13 joule per square metre B14 joule per metre to the fourth power B15 joule per mole B16 joule per mole kelvin B18 joule second B2 bunk B20 joule square metre per kilogram B21 kelvin per watt B22 kiloampere B23 kiloampere per square metre B24 kiloampere per metre B25 kilobecquerel per kilogram B26 kilocoulomb B27 kilocoulomb per cubic metre B28 kilocoulomb per square metre B29 kiloelectronvolt B3 batting pound B31 kilogram metre per second B32 kilogram metre squared B33 kilogram metre squared per second B34 kilogram per cubic decimetre B35 kilogram per litre B36 thermochemical calorie per gram B37 kilogram-force B38 kilogram-force metre B39 kilogram-force metre per second B4 barrel, imperial B40 kilogram-force per square metre B41 kilojoule per kelvin B42 kilojoule per kilogram B43 kilojoule per kilogram kelvin B44 kilojoule per mole B45 kilomole B46 kilomole per cubic metre B47 kilonewton B48 kilonewton metre B49 kiloohm B5 billet B50 kiloohm metre B51 kilopond B52 kilosecond B53 kilosiemens B54 kilosiemens per metre B55 kilovolt per metre B56 kiloweber per metre B57 light year B58 litre per mole B59 lumen hour B6 bun B60 lumen per square metre B61 lumen per watt B62 lumen second B63 lux hour B64 lux second B65 maxwell B66 megaampere per square metre B67 megabecquerel per kilogram B69 megacoulomb per cubic metre B7 cycle B70 megacoulomb per square metre B71 megaelectronvolt B72 megagram per cubic metre B73 meganewton B74 meganewton metre B75 megaohm B76 megaohm metre B77 megasiemens per metre B78 megavolt B79 megavolt per metre B8 joule per cubic metre B81 reciprocal metre squared reciprocal second B83 metre to the fourth power B84 microampere B85 microbar B86 microcoulomb B87 microcoulomb per cubic metre B88 microcoulomb per square metre B89 microfarad per metre B9 batt B90 microhenry B91 microhenry per metre B92 micronewton B93 micronewton metre B94 microohm B95 microohm metre B96 micropascal B97 microradian B98 microsecond B99 microsiemens BAR bar BB base box BD board BE bundle BFT board foot BG bag BH brush BHP brake horse power BIL trillion (US) BJ bucket BK basket BL bale BLD dry barrel (US) BLL barrel (US) (petroleum etc.) BO bottle BP hundred board feet BQL becquerel BR bar BT bolt BTU British thermal unit BUA bushel (US) BUI bushel (UK) BW base weight BX box BZ million BTUs C0 call C1 composite product pound (total weight) C10 millifarad C11 milligal C12 milligram per metre C13 milligray C14 millihenry C15 millijoule C16 millimetre per second C17 millimetre squared per second C18 millimole C19 mole per kilogram C2 carset C20 millinewton C22 millinewton per metre C23 milliohm metre C24 millipascal second C25 milliradian C26 millisecond C27 millisiemens C28 millisievert C29 millitesla C3 microvolt per metre C30 millivolt per metre C31 milliwatt C32 milliwatt per square metre C33 milliweber C34 mole C35 mole per cubic decimetre C36 mole per cubic metre C38 mole per litre C39 nanoampere C4 carload C40 nanocoulomb C41 nanofarad C42 nanofarad per metre C43 nanohenry C44 nanohenry per metre C45 nanometre C46 nanoohm metre C47 nanosecond C48 nanotesla C49 nanowatt C5 cost C50 neper C51 neper per second C52 picometre C53 newton metre second C54 newton metre squared kilogram squared C55 newton per square metre C56 newton per square millimetre C57 newton second C58 newton second per metre C59 octave C6 cell C60 ohm centimetre C61 ohm metre C62 one C63 parsec C64 pascal per kelvin C65 pascal second C66 pascal second per cubic metre C67 pascal second per metre C68 petajoule C69 phon C7 centipoise C70 picoampere C71 picocoulomb C72 picofarad per metre C73 picohenry C75 picowatt C76 picowatt per square metre C77 pound gage C78 pound-force C8 millicoulomb per kilogram C80 rad C81 radian C82 radian meter squared per mole C83 radian metre squared per kilogram C84 radian per metre C85 reciprocal †ngstr"m C86 reciprocal cubic metre C87 reciprocal cubic metre per second C88 reciprocal electron volt per cubic metre C89 reciprocal henry C9 coil group C90 reciprocal joule per cubic metre C91 reciprocal kelvin or kelvin to the power minus one C92 reciprocal metre C93 reciprocal square metre C94 reciprocal minute C95 reciprocal mole C96 reciprocal pascal or pascal to the power minus one C97 reciprocal second C98 reciprocal second per cubic metre C99 reciprocal second per metre squared CA can CCT carrying capacity in metric ton CDL candela CEL degree Celsius CEN hundred CG card CGM centigram CH container CJ cone CK connector CKG coulomb per kilogram CL coil CLF hundred leave CLT centilitre CMK square centimetre CMQ cubic centimetre CMT centimetre CNP hundred pack CNT cental (UK) CO carboy COU coulomb CQ cartridge CR crate CS case CT carton CTM metric carat CU cup CUR curie CV cover CWA hundred pounds (cwt)/hundred weight (US) CWI hundred weight (UK) CY cylinder CZ combo D1 reciprocal second per steradian D10 siemens per metre D12 siemens square metre per mole D13 sievert D14 thousand linear yard D15 sone D16 square centimetre per erg D17 square centimetre per steradian erg D18 metre kelvin D19 square metre kelvin per watt D2 reciprocal second per steradian metre squared D20 square metre per joule D21 square metre per kilogram D22 square metre per mole D23 pen gram (protein) D24 square metre per steradian D25 square metre per steradian joule D26 square metre per volt second D27 steradian D28 syphon D29 terahertz D30 terajoule D31 terawatt D32 terawatt hour D33 tesla D34 tex D35 thermochemical calorie D37 thermochemical calorie per gram kelvin D38 thermochemical calorie per second centimetre kelvin D39 thermochemical calorie per second square centimetre kelvin D40 thousand litre D41 tonne per cubic metre D42 tropical year D43 unified atomic mass unit D44 var D45 volt squared per kelvin squared D46 volt - ampere D47 volt per centimetre D48 volt per kelvin D49 millivolt per kelvin D5 kilogram per square centimeter D50 volt per metre D51 volt per millimetre D52 watt per kelvin D53 watt per metre kelvin D54 watt per square metre D55 watt per square metre kelvin D56 watt per square metre kelvin to the fourth power D57 watt per steradian D58 watt per steradian square metre D59 weber per metre D6 röntgen per second D60 weber per millimetre D61 minute D62 second D63 book D64 block D65 round D66 cassette D67 dollar per hour D69 inch to the fourth power D7 sandwich D70 International Table (IT) calorie D71 International Table (IT) calorie per second centimetre kelvin D72 International Table (IT) calorie per second square centimetre kelvin D73 joule square metre D74 kilogram per mole D75 International Table (IT) calorie per gram D76 International Table (IT) calorie per gram kelvin D77 megacoulomb D79 beam D8 draize score D80 microwatt D81 microtesla D82 microvolt D83 millinewton metre D85 microwatt per square metre D86 millicoulomb D87 millimole per kilogram D88 millicoulomb per cubic metre D89 millicoulomb per square metre D9 dyne per square centimeter D90 cubic metre (net) D91 rem D92 band D93 second per cubic metre D94 second per radian cubic metre D95 joule per gram D96 pound gross D97 pallet/unit load D98 mass pound D99 sleeve DAA decare DAD ten day DAY day DB dry pound DC disk (disc) DD degree DE deal DEC decade DG decigram DI dispenser DJ decagram DLT decilitre DMK square decimetre DMQ cubic decimetre DMT decimetre DN decinewton metre DPC dozen piece DPR dozen pair DPT displacement tonnage DQ data record DR drum DRA dram (US) DRI dram (UK) DRL dozen roll DRM drachm (UK) DS display DT dry ton DTN decitonne DU dyne DWT pennyweight DX dyne per centimetre DY directory book DZN dozen DZP dozen pack E2 belt E3 trailer E4 gross kilogram E5 metric long ton EA each EB electronic mail box EC each per month EP eleven pack EQ equivalent gallon EV envelope F1 thousand cubic feet per day F9 fibre per cubic centimetre of air FAH degree Fahrenheit FAR farad FB field FC thousand cubic feet FD million particle per cubic foot FE track foot FF hundred cubic metre FG transdermal patch FH micromole FL flake ton FM million cubic feet FOT foot FP pound per square foot FR foot per minute FS foot per second FTK square foot FTQ cubic foot G2 US gallon per minute G3 Imperial gallon per minute G7 microfiche sheet GB gallon (US) per day GBQ gigabecquerel GC gram per 100 gram GD gross barrel GE pound per gallon (US) GF gram per metre (gram per 100 centimetres) GFI gram of fissile isotope GGR great gross GH half gallon (US) GIA gill (US) GII gill (UK) GJ gram per millilitre GK gram per kilogram GL gram per litre GLD dry gallon (US) GLI gallon (UK) GLL gallon (US) GM gram per square metre GN gross gallon GO milligrams per square metre GP milligram per cubic metre GQ microgram per cubic meter GRM gram GRN grain GRO gross GRT gross register ton GT gross ton GV gigajoule GW gallon per thousand cubic feet GWH gigawatt hour GY gross yard GZ gage system H1 half page - electronic H2 half litre HA hank HAR hectare HBA hectobar HBX hundred boxe HC hundred count HD half dozen HE hundredth of a carat HF hundred feet HGM hectogram HH hundred cubic feet HI hundred sheet HIU hundred international unit HJ metric horse power HK hundred kilogram HL hundred feet (linear) HLT hectolitre HM mile per hour HMQ million cubic metre HMT hectometre HN conventional millimetre of mercury HO hundred troy ounce HP conventional millimetre of water HPA hectolitre of pure alcohol HS hundred square feet HT half hour HTZ hertz HUR hour HY hundred yard IA inch pound (pound inch) IC count per inch IE person IF inches of water II column inch IL inch per minute IM impression INH inch INK square inch INQ inch cubed IP insurance policy IT count per centimetre IU inch per second (linear speed) IV inch per second squared (acceleration) J2 joule per kilogram JB jumbo JE joule per kelvin JG jug JK megajoule per kilogram JM megajoule per cubic metre JO joint JOU joule JR jar K1 kilowatt demand K2 kilovolt ampere reactive demand K3 kilovolt ampere reactive hour K5 kilovolt ampere (reactive) K6 kilolitre KA cake KB kilocharacter KBA kilobar KD kilogram decimal KEL kelvin KF kilopacket KG keg KGM kilogram KGS kilogram per second KHZ kilohertz KI kilogram per millimetre width KJ kilosegment KJO kilojoule KL kilogram per metre KMH kilometre per hour KMK square kilometre KMQ kilogram per cubic metre KNI kilogram of nitrogen KNS kilogram named substance KNT knot KO milliequivalence caustic potash per gram of product KPA kilopascal KPH kilogram of potassium hydroxide (caustic potash) KPO kilogram of potassium oxide KPP kilogram of phosphorus pentoxide (phosphoric anhydride) KR kiloröntgen KS thousand pound per square inch KSD kilogram of substance 90 % dry KSH kilogram of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) KT kit KTM kilometre KTN kilotonne KUR kilogram of uranium KVA kilovolt - ampere KVR kilovar KVT kilovolt KW kilograms per millimeter KWH kilowatt hour KWT kilowatt KX millilitre per kilogram L2 litre per minute LA pound per cubic inch LBR pound LBT troy pound (US) LC linear centimetre LD litre per day LE lite LEF leaf LF linear foot LH labour hour LI linear inch LJ large spray LK link LM linear metre LN length LO lot LP liquid pound LPA litre of pure alcohol LR layer LS lump sum LTN ton (UK) or longton (US) LTR litre LUM lumen LUX lux LX linear yard per pound LY linear yard M0 magnetic tape M1 milligrams per litre M4 monetary value M5 microcurie M7 micro-inch M9 million Btu per 1000 cubic feet MA machine per unit MAL mega litre MAM megametre MAW megawatt MBE thousand standard brick equivalent MBF thousand board feet MBR millibar MC microgram MCU millicurie MD air dry metric ton MF milligram per square foot per side MGM milligram MHZ megahertz MIK square mile MIL thousand MIN minute MIO million MIU million international unit MK milligram per square inch MLD milliard MLT millilitre MMK square millimetre MMQ cubic millimetre MMT millimetre MON month MPA megapascal MQ thousand metre MQH cubic metre per hour MQS cubic metre per second MSK metre per second squared MT mat MTK square metre MTQ cubic metre MTR metre MTS metre per second MV number of mults MVA megavolt - ampere MWH megawatt hour (1000 kW.h) N1 pen calorie N2 number of lines N3 print point NA milligram per kilogram NAR number of articles NB barge NBB number of bobbins NC car NCL number of cells ND net barrel NE net litre NEW newton NF message NG net gallon (us) NH message hour NI net imperial gallon NIU number of international units NJ number of screens NL load NMI nautical mile NMP number of packs NN train NPL number of parcels NPR number of pairs NPT number of parts NQ mho NR micromho NRL number of rolls NT net ton NTT net register ton NU newton metre NV vehicle NX part per thousand NY pound per air dry metric ton OA panel OHM ohm ON ounce per square yard ONZ ounce OP two pack OT overtime hour OZ ounce av OZA fluid ounce (US) OZI fluid ounce (UK) P0 page - electronic P1 percent P2 pound per foot P3 three pack P4 four pack P5 five pack P6 six pack P7 seven pack P8 eight pack P9 nine pack PA packet PAL pascal PB pair inch PD pad PE pound equivalent PF pallet (lift) PG plate PGL proof gallon PI pitch PK package PL pail PM pound percentage PN pound net PO pound per inch of length PQ page per inch PR pair PS pound-force per square inch PT pint (US) PTD dry pint (US) PTI pint (UK) PTL liquid pint (US) PU tray / tray pack PV half pint (US) PW pound per inch of width PY peck dry (US) PZ peck dry (UK) Q3 meal QA page - facsimile QAN quarter (of a year) QB page - hardcopy QD quarter dozen QH quarter hour QK quarter kilogram QR quire QT quart (US) QTD dry quart (US) QTI quart (UK) QTL liquid quart (US) QTR quarter (UK) R1 pica R4 calorie R9 thousand cubic metre RA rack RD rod RG ring RH running or operating hour RK roll metric measure RL reel RM ream RN ream metric measure RO roll RP pound per ream RPM revolutions per minute RPS revolutions per second RS reset RT revenue ton mile RU run S3 square foot per second S4 square metre per second S5 sixty fourths of an inch S6 session S7 storage unit S8 standard advertising unit SA sack SAN half year (6 months) SCO score SCR scruple SD solid pound SE section SEC second SET set SG segment SHT shipping ton SIE siemens SK split tanktruck SL slipsheet SMI mile (statute mile) SN square rod SO spool SP shelf package SQ square SR strip SS sheet metric measure SST short standard (7200 matches) ST sheet STI stone (UK) STN ton (US) or short ton (UK/US) SV skid SW skein SX shipment T0 telecommunication line in service T1 thousand pound gross T3 thousand piece T4 thousand bag T5 thousand casing T6 thousand gallon (US) T7 thousand impression T8 thousand linear inch TA tenth cubic foot TAH kiloampere hour (thousand ampere hour) TC truckload TD therm TE tote TF ten square yard TI thousand square inch TJ thousand square centimetre TK tank, rectangular TL thousand feet (linear) TN tin TNE tonne (metric ton) TP ten pack TPR ten pair TQ thousand feet TQD thousand cubic metre per day TR ten square feet TRL trillion (EUR) TS thousand square feet TSD tonne of substance 90 % dry TSH ton of steam per hour TT thousand linear metre TU tube TV thousand kilogram TW thousand sheet TY tank, cylindrical U1 treatment U2 tablet UA torr UB telecommunication line in service average UC telecommunication port UD tenth minute UE tenth hour UF usage per telecommunication line average UH ten thousand yard UM million unit VA volt ampere per kilogram VI vial VLT volt VQ bulk VS visit W2 wet kilo W4 two week WA watt per kilogram WB wet pound WCD cord WE wet ton WEB weber WEE week WG wine gallon WH wheel WHR watt hour WI weight per square inch WM working month WR wrap WSD standard WTT watt WW millilitre of water X1 chain YDK square yard YDQ cubic yard YL hundred linear yard YRD yard YT ten yard Z1 lift van Z2 chest Z3 cask Z4 hogshead Z5 lug Z6 conference point Z8 newspage agate line ZP page ZZ mutually defined