ProcessJustificationReasonCode Códigos de justificación del proceso 2.0 urn:dgpe:names:specification:codice:codelist:gc:ProcessJustificationReasonCode urn:dgpe:names:specification:codice:codelist:gc:ProcessJustificationReasonCode-2.05 Code Nombre Name CodeKey a1in the event of irregular tenders or the submission of tenders which are unacceptable under national provisions compatible with Articles 4, 24, 25, 27 and Chapter VII, in response to an open procedure insofar as the original terms of the contract are not substantially altered.No se ha presentado ninguna oferta a un procedimiento abierto a2in the event of irregular tenders or the submission of tenders which are unacceptable under national provisions compatible with Articles 4, 24, 25, 27 and Chapter VII, in response to a restricted procedure insofar as the original terms of the contract are not substantially altered.No se ha presentado ninguna oferta a un procedimiento restringido bwhen the nature of the works, supplies, or services or the risks attaching thereto do not permit prior overall pricingProductos con fines de investigación, experimentación, estudio o desarrollo c1when, for technical reasons, the contract may be awarded only to a particular economic operator;Proveedor único por razones técnicas c2when, for artistic reasons,the contract may be awarded only to a particular economic operator;Proveedor único por razones artísticas c3when for reasons connected with the protection of exclusive rights, the contract may be awarded only to a particular economic operator;Proveedor único por razones de protección de derechos exclusivos dinsofar as is strictly necessary when, for reasons of extreme urgency brought about by events unforeseeable by the contracting authorities in question, the time limit for the open, restricted or negotiated procedures with publication of a contract notice as referred to in Article 30 cannot be complied withSituación de extrema urgencia ewhen the products involved are manufactured purely for the purpose of research, experimentation, study or development; this provision does not extend to quantity production to establish commercial viability or to re- cover research and development costs;Se solicitan obras/suministros/servicios adicionales ffor new works or services consisting in the repetition of similar works or services entrusted to the economic operator to whom the same contracting authorities awarded an original contract, provided that such works or services are in conformity with a basic project for which the original contract was awarded according to the open or restricted procedure.Nuevos servicios/obras que consisten en la repetición de otros similares gfor public service contracts, when the contract concerned follows a design contest and must, under the applicable rules, be awarded to the successful candidate or to one of the successful candidates, in the latter case, all successful candidates must be invited to participate in the negotiationsAdjudicado al ganador de un concurso de proyectos hfor supplies quoted and purchased on a commodity market;Suministros cotizados y comprados en una bolsa de materias primas i1for the purchase of supplies on particularly advantageous terms, from a supplier which is definitively winding up its business activitiesCondiciones ventajosas por proveedor que cesa definitivamente su actividad i2for the purchase of supplies on particularly advantageous terms, from the receivers or liquidators of a bankruptcy, an arrangement with cred- itors, or a similar procedure under national laws or regulations;Condiciones ventajosas por quiebra, o en virtud de un concordato judicial jwhen no tenders or no suitable tenders or no applications have been submitted in response to an open procedure or a restricted procedure, provided that the initial conditions of contract are not substantially al- tered and on condition that a report is sent to the Commission if it so requestTodas las ofertas presentaban irregularidades o eran inaceptables kpurpose of the contract are services defined in Annex II B of the DirectiveServicios enumerados en el anexo II B de la Directiva lContract out of scope from the DirectiveEl contrato no entra en el ámbito de aplicación de la Directiva c4 protection of intellectual property rights and exclusive rights other than those defined in point (10) of Article 5 of the DirectiveProtección de derecho de propiedad intelectual e industrial y derechos exclusivos distintos además de los definidos en el artículo 5, punto 10 de la Directiva 2014/23/UE d1The periods ... are incompatible with the urgency resulting from a crisis.Los períodos previstos para el procedimiento restringido y el procedimiento negociado con publicación previa de un anuncio de licitación son incompatibles con la urgencia resultante de una crisis i3New works/services, constituing a repetition of existing works/services and ordered in accordance with…Compra de ocasión, aprovechando una oportunidad especialmente ventajosa existente durante un período de tiempo muy breve a un precio considerablemente inferior al del mercado i4Contract related to the provision of air and maritime transport services ....Contrato relativo al suministro de servicios de transporte aéreo y marítimo para las fuerzas armadas de un Estado miembro, desplegadas o que se desplegarán en el exterior, con arreglo a las condiciones estrictas establecidas en la Directiva a3No tenders or no suitable tenders / requests to participate in response to a procedure with prior call for competitionNo se han presentado ofertas u ofertas/solicitudes de participación adecuadas en respuesta a un procedimiento con convocatoria de licitación previa a4All tenders submitted in reply to an open procedure, restricted procedure or competitive dialogue were irregular or inacceptable…No se han presentado ofertas u ofertas/solicitudes de participación adecuadas en respuesta a un procedimiento negociado con publicación previa de un anuncio de licitación a5No tenders or no appropriate tenders in response to Competitive dialogueNo se han presentado ofertas u ofertas/solicitudes de participación adecuadas en respuesta a un Diálogo competitivo b1The contract concerns research and development services other than those referred to in Article 13 ....El contrato se refiere a servicios de investigación y desarrollo distintos de los mencionados en el artículo 13 de la Directiva 2009/81/CE -únicamente en el caso de los servicios y de los suministros