UBLUDT000001 UDT Amount. Type 1.0 A number of monetary units specified using a given unit of currency. Amount UNDT000001-SC2 SC Amount. Currency. Identifier The currency of the amount. Amount Currency Identification Identifier string Reference UNECE Rec 9, using 3-letter alphabetic codes. UBLUDT000002 UDT Binary Object. Type 1.0 A set of finite-length sequences of binary octets. Binary Object binary UNDT000002-SC3 SC Binary Object. Mime. Code The mime type of the binary object. Binary Object Mime Code string UBLUDT000003 UDT Graphic. Type 1.0 A diagram, graph, mathematical curve, or similar representation. Graphic binary UNDT000003-SC3 SC Graphic. Mime. Code The mime type of the graphic object. Graphic Mime Code normalizedString UBLUDT000004 UDT Picture. Type 1.0 A diagram, graph, mathematical curve, or similar representation. Picture binary UNDT000004-SC3 SC Picture. Mime. Code The mime type of the picture object. Picture Mime Code normalizedString UBLUDT000005 UDT Sound. Type 1.0 An audio representation. Sound binary UNDT000005-SC3 SC Sound. Mime. Code The mime type of the sound object. Sound Mime Code normalizedString UBLUDT000006 UDT Video. Type 1.0 A video representation. Video binary UNDT000006-SC3 SC Video. Mime. Code The mime type of the video object. Video Mime Code normalizedString UBLUDT000007 UDT Code. Type 1.0 A character string (letters, figures, or symbols) that for brevity and/or language independence may be used to represent or replace a definitive value or text of an attribute, together with relevant supplementary information. Code string Other supplementary components in the CCT are captured as part of the token and name for the schema module containing the code list and thus, are not declared as attributes. UBLUDT000008 UDT Date Time. Type 1.0 A particular point in the progression of time, together with relevant supplementary information. Date Time string Can be used for a date and/or time. UBLUDT000009 UDT Date. Type 1.0 One calendar day according the Gregorian calendar. Date string UBLUDT0000010 UDT Time. Type 1.0 An instance of time that occurs every day. Time string UBLUDT0000011 UDT Identifier. Type 1.0 A character string to identify and uniquely distinguish one instance of an object in an identification scheme from all other objects in the same scheme, together with relevant supplementary information. Identifier string Other supplementary components in the CCT are captured as part of the token and name for the schema module containing the identifier list and thus, are not declared as attributes. UBLUDT0000012 UDT Indicator. Type 1.0 A list of two mutually exclusive Boolean values that express the only possible states of a property. Indicator string UBLUDT0000013 UDT Measure. Type 1.0 A numeric value determined by measuring an object using a specified unit of measure. Measure Type decimal UNDT000013-SC2 SC Measure. Unit. Code The type of unit of measure. Measure Unit Code Code normalizedString Reference UNECE Rec. 20 and X12 355 UBLUDT0000014 UDT Numeric. Type 1.0 Numeric information that is assigned or is determined by calculation, counting, or sequencing. It does not require a unit of quantity or unit of measure. Numeric string UBLUDT0000015 UDT 1.0 Value. Type Numeric information that is assigned or is determined by calculation, counting, or sequencing. It does not require a unit of quantity or unit of measure. Value string UBLUDT0000016 UDT 1.0 Percent. Type Numeric information that is assigned or is determined by calculation, counting, or sequencing and is expressed as a percentage. It does not require a unit of quantity or unit of measure. Percent string UBLUDT0000017 UDT 1.0 Rate. Type A numeric expression of a rate that is assigned or is determined by calculation, counting, or sequencing. It does not require a unit of quantity or unit of measure. Rate string UBLUDT0000018 UDT Quantity. Type 1.0 A counted number of non-monetary units, possibly including a fractional part. Quantity decimal UBLUDT0000019 UDT Text. Type 1.0 A character string (i.e. a finite set of characters), generally in the form of words of a language. Text string UBLUDT0000020 UDT Name. Type 1.0 A character string that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person, place, thing or concept. Name string