ABIE Activity Data Line. Details A class to associate a time period and locations (activity data) with an item for inventory planning purposes. Activity Data Line ABIE Activity Data Line. Details Activity Data Line BBIE Activity Data Line. Identifier An identifier for this activity data line. 1 Activity Data Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Activity Data Line. Identifier 1 Activity Data Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Activity Data Line. Supply Chain Activity Type Code. Code A code signifying the type of supply chain activity. 1 Activity Data Line Supply Chain Activity Type Code Code Code. Type SupplyChainActivityTypeCode BBIE Activity Data Line. Supply Chain Activity Type Code. Code 1 Activity Data Line Supply Chain Activity Type Code Code Code. Type SupplyChainActivityTypeCode ASBIE Activity Data Line. Buyer_ Customer Party. Customer Party The buyer of the item. 0..1 Activity Data Line Buyer Customer Party Customer Party BuyerCustomerParty ASBIE Activity Data Line. Buyer_ Customer Party. Customer Party 0..1 Activity Data Line Buyer Customer Party Customer Party BuyerCustomerParty ASBIE Activity Data Line. Seller_ Supplier Party. Supplier Party The seller of the item. 0..1 Activity Data Line Seller Supplier Party Supplier Party SellerSupplierParty ASBIE Activity Data Line. Seller_ Supplier Party. Supplier Party 0..1 Activity Data Line Seller Supplier Party Supplier Party SellerSupplierParty ASBIE Activity Data Line. Activity_ Period. Period The period during which the activity is realized. 0..1 Activity Data Line Activity Period Period ActivityPeriod ASBIE Activity Data Line. Activity_ Period. Period 0..1 Activity Data Line Activity Period Period ActivityPeriod ASBIE Activity Data Line. Activity Origin_ Location. Location Either the location where the movement of goods is observed or the location from which the goods are moved. 1 Activity Data Line Activity Origin Location Location ActivityOriginLocation ASBIE Activity Data Line. Activity Origin_ Location. Location 1 Activity Data Line Activity Origin Location Location ActivityOriginLocation ASBIE Activity Data Line. Activity Final_ Location. Location The location to which the goods are moved. 0..1 Activity Data Line Activity Final Location Location ActivityFinalLocation ASBIE Activity Data Line. Activity Final_ Location. Location 0..1 Activity Data Line Activity Final Location Location ActivityFinalLocation ASBIE Activity Data Line. Sales Item Sales information for an item to which this line applies. 1..n Activity Data Line Sales Item Sales Item SalesItem ASBIE Activity Data Line. Sales Item 1..n Activity Data Line Sales Item Sales Item SalesItem ABIE Activity Property. Details A class to define a name/value pair for a property of an inventory planning activity. Activity Property ABIE Activity Property. Details Activity Property BBIE Activity Property. Name The name of this activity property. 1 Activity Property Name Name Name. Type Name BBIE Activity Property. Name 1 Activity Property Name Name Name. Type Name BBIE Activity Property. Value. Text The value of this activity property. 1 Activity Property Value Text Text. Type Value BBIE Activity Property. Value. Text 1 Activity Property Value Text Text. Type Value ABIE Address. Details Information about a structured address. Address ABIE Address. Details Información acerca de una dirección estructurada Address Dirección BBIE Address. Identifier An identifier for a specific address within a scheme of registered addresses. 0..1 Address Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type DetailsKey ID BBIE Address. Identifier Identificador de una dirección específica correspondiente a un esquema de direcciones registradas 0..1 Address Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Address. Address Type Code. Code A code specifying the type of this address, such as business address or home address. 0..1 Address Address Type Code Code Code. Type AddressTypeCode BBIE Address. Address Type Code. Code Código que especifica el tipo de dirección, como por ejemplo un domicilio social o una dirección postal personal 0..1 Address Address Type Code Code Code. Type Tipo de Dirección AddressTypeCode BBIE Address. Address Format Code. Code A code specifying the format of this address. 0..1 Address Address Format Code Code Code. Type AddressFormatCode BBIE Address. Address Format Code. Code Código para identificar el formato específico de esta dirección 0..1 Address Address Format Code Code Code. Type Código de Formato de Dirección AddressFormatCode BBIE Address. Postbox. Text A post office box number. 0..1 Address Postbox Text Text. Type PostBox, PO Box Postbox BBIE Address. Postbox. Text Número de apartado postal 0..1 Address Postbox Text Text. Type Apartado postal Postbox BBIE Address. Floor. Text An addressable floor of a building. 0..1 Address Floor Text Text. Type SubPremiseNumber Floor BBIE Address. Floor. Text Texto que identifica la planta de una de un edficio 0..1 Address Floor Text Text. Type Planta Floor BBIE Address. Room. Text A room, suite, or apartment of a building. 0..1 Address Room Text Text. Type SubPremiseNumber Room BBIE Address. Room. Text Habitación, despacho o apartamento de un edificio 0..1 Address Room Text Text. Type Habitación Room BBIE Address. Street Name. Name The name of a street. 0..1 Address Street Name Name Name. Type Thoroughfare StreetName BBIE Address. Street Name. Name Nombre de la calle para esta dirección 0..1 Address Street Name Name Name. Type Calle StreetName BBIE Address. Additional_ Street Name. Name An additional name of a street used to further specify the street name. 0..1 Address Additional Street Name Name Name. Type Thoroughfare AdditionalStreetName BBIE Address. Additional_ Street Name. Name Nombre adicional de la calle (aporta información más detallada acerca del nombre de la calle) 0..1 Address Additional Street Name Name Name. Type Calle adicional AdditionalStreetName BBIE Address. Block Name. Name The block name, expressed as text, for an area surrounded by streets and usually containing several buildings for this address. 0..1 Address Block Name Name Name. Type BlockName BBIE Address. Block Name. Name Nombre de una manzana de edificios, expresado como texto. Se refiere a una área rodeada de calles y que habitualmente contiene varios edificios identificados en su conjunto por esta dirección 0..1 Address Block Name Name Name. Type Manzana BlockName BBIE Address. Building Name. Name The name of a building. 0..1 Address Building Name Name Name. Type BuildingName BuildingName BBIE Address. Building Name. Name Nombre identificativo de un edificio 0..1 Address Building Name Name Name. Type Edificio BuildingName BBIE Address. Building Number. Text The number of a building. 0..1 Address Building Number Text Text. Type PremiseNumber BuildingNumber BBIE Address. Building Number. Text Número de un edificio 0..1 Address Building Number Text Text. Type Número BuildingNumber BBIE Address. Inhouse_ Mail. Text A specific location within a building. 0..1 Address Inhouse Mail Text Text. Type MailStop InhouseMail BBIE Address. Inhouse_ Mail. Text Ubicación específica dentro de un edificio 0..1 Address Inhouse Mail Text Text. Type Dirección interna InhouseMail BBIE Address. Department. Text An addressable department of an organization. 0..1 Address Department Text Text. Type Department Department BBIE Address. Department. Text Texto que identifica un departamento dentro de una organización 0..1 Address Department Text Text. Type Departamento Department BBIE Address. Mark Attention. Text Code indicating availability of this line. 0..1 Address Mark Attention Text Text. Type MarkAttention BBIE Address. Mark Attention. Text Nombre textual de una persona o departamento dentro de una organización destintarios de aquellos correos en los que se especifica dicho nombre precedido de textos como “A la atención de” o abreviaciones del tipo “AA”, “A/A” o “AATTN”. 0..1 Address Mark Attention Text Text. Type A la Atención de MarkAttention BBIE Address. Mark Care. Text The name, expressed as text, of a person or organization at this address to whom incoming mail is marked with words such as 'care of' or 'C/O'. 0..1 Address Mark Care Text Text. Type MarkCare BBIE Address. Mark Care. Text Nombre textual de una persona o departamento dentro de una organización destintarios de aquellos correos en los que se especifica dicho nombre precedido de textos como “Dirigido a” o “Para” 0..1 Address Mark Care Text Text. Type Dirigido a MarkCare BBIE Address. Plot Identification. Text The textual expression of the unique identifier for the piece of land on which this address is located such as a plot number. 0..1 Address Plot Identification Text Text. Type PlotIdentification BBIE Address. Plot Identification. Text Expresión textual que identifica de forma única una área de terreno correspondiente a esta dirección, como por ejemplo un número o identificador de parcela 0..1 Address Plot Identification Text Text. Type Parcela PlotIdentification BBIE Address. City Subdivision Name. Name A name, expressed as text, of a subdivision of a city for this address, for example, a district or borough. 0..1 Address City Subdivision Name Name Name. Type CitySubdivisionName BBIE Address. City Subdivision Name. Name Nombre textual de una subdivisión dentro de una población correspondiente a esta dirección, como por ejemplo un barrio o una zona residenciial 0..1 Address City Subdivision Name Name Name. Type Subdivisión municipal CitySubdivisionName BBIE Address. City Name. Name The name of a city, town, or village. 0..1 Address City Name Name Name. Type LocalityName CityName BBIE Address. City Name. Name Nombre de una población, como el de una ciudad, pueblo o aldea 0..1 Address City Name Name Name. Type Población CityName BBIE Address. Postal_ Zone. Text The identifier for an addressable group of properties according to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post Code. 0..1 Address Postal Zone Text Text. Type PostalCodeNumber PostalZone BBIE Address. Postal_ Zone. Text Identificador de un grupo de propiedades ubicable a través de los mecanismos apropiados de un servicio postal nacional 0..1 Address Postal Zone Text Text. Type Código postal PostalZone BBIE Address. Country Subentity. Text A territorial division of a country, such as a county or state. 0..1 Address Country Subentity Text Text. Type AdministrativeArea, State, Country, Shire, Canton CountrySubentity BBIE Address. Country Subentity. Text Texto que identifica una subdivisión territorial dentro de un país, como una Provincia, Comunidad Autónoma, un condado o un estado federado 0..1 Address Country Subentity Text Text. Type Subentidad territorial CountrySubentity BBIE Address. Country Subentity Code. Code A territorial division of a country, such as a county or state, expressed as a code. 0..1 Address Country Subentity Code Code Code. Type AdministrativeAreaCode, State Code CountrySubentityCode BBIE Address. Country Subentity Code. Code Código que identifica una subdivisión territorial dentro de un país, como una provincia, comunidad autónoma, condado o estado federado 0..1 Address Country Subentity Code Code Code. Type Código de subentidad Territorial CountrySubentityCode BBIE Address. Region. Text An addressable region or group of countries. 0..1 Address Region Text Text. Type LocalityName, Economic Zone Region BBIE Address. Region. Text Texto que identifica una región o un grupo de países 0..1 Address Region Text Text. Type Región Region BBIE Address. District. Text A geographical division of a country. 0..1 Address District Text Text. Type LocalityName, Area District BBIE Address. District. Text Divisón geográfica dentro de un país 0..1 Address District Text Text. Type Distrito District BBIE Address. Timezone Offset. Text For the time zone in which the address is situated, the measure of time offset from Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). 0..1 Address Timezone Offset Text Text. Type TimezoneOffset BBIE Address. Timezone Offset. Text Diferencia horaria respecto de la Hora Universal Coordinada (UCT), dentro de la zona horaria en la que esta dirección está ubicada 0..1 Address Timezone Offset Text Text. Type Diferencia horaria TimezoneOffset ASBIE Address. Address Line An association to Address Line. 0..n Address Address Line Address Line AddressLine ASBIE Address. Address Line Asociación con instancias del componente Línea de Dirección 0..n Address Address Line Address Line Línea de Dirección AddressLine ASBIE Address. Country An association to Country. 0..1 Address Country Country Country ASBIE Address. Country Asociación con una instancia del componente País 0..1 Address Country Country País Country ASBIE Address. Location Coordinate An association to Location Coordinate. 0..1 Address Location Coordinate Location Coordinate LocationCoordinate ASBIE Address. Location Coordinate Asociación con una instancia del componente Coordenada de Ubicación 0..1 Address Location Coordinate Location Coordinate Coordenada de localización LocationCoordinate ABIE Address Line. Details Information about a line of address expressed as unstructured text. Address Line ABIE Address Line. Details Información acerca de una línea de texto no estructurado que contiene una dirección Address Line Línea de Dirección BBIE Address Line. Line. Text A line of address expressed as unstructured text. 1 Address Line Line Text Text. Type Line BBIE Address Line. Line. Text Línea que contiene una dirección expresada mediante un texto no estructurado 1 Address Line Line Text Text. Type Línea Line ABIE Air Transport. Details Information related to an aircraft. Air Transport ABIE Air Transport. Details Información relativa a una aeronave Air Transport Transporte aéreo BBIE Air Transport. Aircraft Identifier. Identifier Identifies a specific aircraft. 1 Air Transport Aircraft Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type AircraftID BBIE Air Transport. Aircraft Identifier. Identifier Identifica una aeronave concreta 1 Air Transport Aircraft Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de aeronave AircraftID ABIE Allowance Charge. Details Information about a charge or discount price component. Allowance Charge ABIE Allowance Charge. Details Información acerca del importe a imponer o, por lo contrario, a deducir en un componente precio Allowance Charge Cargo o descuento BBIE Allowance Charge. Identifier Identifies an Allowance Charge. 0..1 Allowance Charge Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Allowance Charge. Identifier Identificador de la imposición (cargo) o de la deducción (descuento) 0..1 Allowance Charge Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Allowance Charge. Charge_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether the Allowance Charge is a charge (true) or a discount (false). 1 Allowance Charge Charge Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type ChargeIndicator BBIE Allowance Charge. Charge_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si se trata de una imposición (valor igual a verdadero) o de una deducción (valor a falso) 1 Allowance Charge Charge Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de cargo ChargeIndicator BBIE Allowance Charge. Allowance Charge Reason Code. Code The reason for the Allowance Charge, expressed as a code. 0..1 Allowance Charge Allowance Charge Reason Code Code Allowance Charge Reason Allowance Charge Reason_ Code. Type AllowanceChargeReasonCode BBIE Allowance Charge. Allowance Charge Reason Code. Code Código que tipifica la razón por la que se aplica la imposición o la deducción 0..1 Allowance Charge Allowance Charge Reason Code Code Allowance Charge Reason Allowance Charge Reason_ Code. Type Código del motivo AllowanceChargeReasonCode BBIE Allowance Charge. Allowance Charge_ Reason. Text The reason for the Allowance Charge, expressed as text. 0..1 Allowance Charge Allowance Charge Reason Text Text. Type AllowanceChargeReason BBIE Allowance Charge. Allowance Charge_ Reason. Text Texto que expresa la razón por la que se aplica la imposición o la deducción 0..1 Allowance Charge Allowance Charge Reason Text Text. Type Motivo AllowanceChargeReason BBIE Allowance Charge. Multiplier_ Factor. Numeric The factor applied to the Base Amount to calculate the Allowance Charge. 0..1 Allowance Charge Multiplier Factor Numeric Numeric. Type MultiplierFactorNumeric BBIE Allowance Charge. Multiplier_ Factor. Numeric Factor aplicado a la Cuota Base (base imponible o base deducible) para calcular la imposición o la deducción 0..1 Allowance Charge Multiplier Factor Numeric Numeric. Type Factor multiplicativo MultiplierFactorNumeric BBIE Allowance Charge. Prepaid_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether the Allowance Charge is prepaid (true) or not (false). 0..1 Allowance Charge Prepaid Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type PrepaidIndicator BBIE Allowance Charge. Prepaid_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si el importe imponible o deducible se paga por adelantado (verdadero) o no (falso) 0..1 Allowance Charge Prepaid Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de prepago PrepaidIndicator BBIE Allowance Charge. Sequence. Numeric Identifies the numerical order sequence in which Allowance Charges are calculated when multiple Allowance Charges apply. If all Allowance Charges apply to the same Base Amount, SequenceNumeric will be '1' for all Allowance Charges. 0..1 Allowance Charge Sequence Numeric Numeric. Type SequenceNumeric BBIE Allowance Charge. Sequence. Numeric Identifica la secuencia ordinal numérica a partir de la cual se calculan los cargos o descuentos en el caso de imposiciones o deducciones múltiples 0..1 Allowance Charge Sequence Numeric Numeric. Type Secuencia numérica SequenceNumeric BBIE Allowance Charge. Amount The Allowance Charge amount. 1 Allowance Charge Amount Amount Amount. Type Amount BBIE Allowance Charge. Amount Importe final a cargar o a deducir 1 Allowance Charge Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe Amount BBIE Allowance Charge. Base_ Amount. Amount The amount to which the MultiplierFactorNumeric is applied to calculate the Allowance Charge. 0..1 Allowance Charge Base Amount Amount Amount. Type BaseAmount BBIE Allowance Charge. Base_ Amount. Amount Cantidad de base por la que se multiplica el factor numérico que sirve para calcular el total a cargar o a deducir 0..1 Allowance Charge Base Amount Amount Amount. Type Cuota de base BaseAmount BBIE Allowance Charge. Accounting Cost Code. Code The buyer's accounting code as applied to the Allowance Charge. 0..1 Allowance Charge Accounting Cost Code Code Code. Type AccountingCostCode BBIE Allowance Charge. Accounting Cost Code. Code Código contable del comprador aplicado a los Descuentos y Cargos. 0..1 Allowance Charge Accounting Cost Code Code Code. Type Código de Coste Contable AccountingCostCode BBIE Allowance Charge. Accounting Cost. Text The buyer's accounting cost centre as applied to the Allowance Charge expressed as text. 0..1 Allowance Charge Accounting Cost Text Text. Type AccountingCost BBIE Allowance Charge. Accounting Cost. Text Centro de coste contable del comprador aplicado a los Descuentos y Cargos, expresado como texto. 0..1 Allowance Charge Accounting Cost Text Text. Type Coste Contable AccountingCost ASBIE Allowance Charge. Tax Category An association to Tax Category. 0..n Allowance Charge Tax Category Tax Category TaxCategory ASBIE Allowance Charge. Tax Category Asociación con la Categoría tributaria 0..n Allowance Charge Tax Category Tax Category Categoría tributaria TaxCategory ASBIE Allowance Charge. Tax Total An association to Tax Total. 0..1 Allowance Charge Tax Total Tax Total TaxTotal ASBIE Allowance Charge. Tax Total Asociación con el Total Impuestos 0..1 Allowance Charge Tax Total Tax Total Total de impuestos TaxTotal ASBIE Allowance Charge. Payment Means An association to Payment Means. 0..n Allowance Charge Payment Means Payment Means PaymentMeans ASBIE Allowance Charge. Payment Means Asociación con la Forma de Pago 0..n Allowance Charge Payment Means Payment Means Forma de pago PaymentMeans ABIE Annual Accounts Reference. Details The reference to the information given by the Economic Operator about his annual accounts in order to demonstrate his financial capability for tendering purposes. Annual Accounts Reference ABIE Annual Accounts Reference. Details Referencias a las cuentas anuales declaradas por el Operador Económico para su clasificación como Empresa o para demostrar su solvencia en un proceso de licitación. Annual Accounts Reference Referencia a las Cuentas Anuales BBIE Annual Accounts Reference. Acceptance_ Accounts Date. Date The official date when the Economic Operator registers its accounts. 1 Annual Accounts Reference Acceptance Accounts Date Date Date. Type BBIE Annual Accounts Reference. Acceptance_ Accounts Date. Date Fecha en la que el Operador Económico aprueba las cuentas. 1 Annual Accounts Reference Acceptance Accounts Date Date Date. Type Fecha de Aprobación BBIE Annual Accounts Reference. Declaration_ Accounts Date. Date The official date when the Economic Operator registers its accounts. 0..1 Annual Accounts Reference Declaration Accounts Date Date Date. Type BBIE Annual Accounts Reference. Declaration_ Accounts Date. Date Fecha de inscripción de las cuentas en el Registro Mercantil o en el Registro Oficial correspondiente. 0..1 Annual Accounts Reference Declaration Accounts Date Date Date. Type Fecha de Inscripción BBIE Annual Accounts Reference. Audit Report Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether the referenced documents contain an Audit Report (true) or not (false). 0..1 Annual Accounts Reference Audit ReportIndicator Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Annual Accounts Reference. Audit Report Indicator. Indicator Indica si en la documentación anexada consta el informe de auditoría o no. 0..1 Annual Accounts Reference Audit ReportIndicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de Informe de Auditoría ASBIE Annual Accounts Reference. External Declaration_ Attachment. Attachment Refers to the actual Annual Accounts Declaration in specific business domain formats (as XBRL, for instance). 0..1 Annual Accounts Reference External Declaration Attachment Attachment ASBIE Annual Accounts Reference. External Declaration_ Attachment. Attachment Asociación posible con una instancia del componente Vínculo utilizada para referenciar la instancia real de la declaración de cuentas anuales. 0..1 Annual Accounts Reference External Declaration Attachment Attachment Declaración Vinculada ABIE Appeal Terms. Details Information about the terms to present an appeal. Appeal Terms ABIE Appeal Terms. Details Información para la presentación de recursos al proceso de licitación. Appeal Terms Condiciones de Recurso BBIE Appeal Terms. Description. Text Textual description of the terms for appealing. 0..n Appeal Terms Description Text Text. Type BBIE Appeal Terms. Description. Text Descripción textual de las condiciones para la presentación de un recurso a este proceso de licitación. 0..n Appeal Terms Description Text Text. Type Descripción ASBIE Appeal Terms. Presentation_ Period. Period The time where an appeal can be presented. 0..1 Appeal Terms Presentation Period Period ASBIE Appeal Terms. Presentation_ Period. Period Asociación con una instancia del componente Period, utilizada para describir el plazo de presentación de un recurso. 0..1 Appeal Terms Presentation Period Period Plazo de Presentación ASBIE Appeal Terms. Appeal Information_ Party. Party A party that has appeal information. 0..1 Appeal Terms Appeal Information Party Party ASBIE Appeal Terms. Appeal Information_ Party. Party Asociación con una instancia del componente Parte, utilizada para obtener información sobre la preparación y presentación de un recurso. 0..1 Appeal Terms Appeal Information Party Party Proveedor de Información sobre Recursos ASBIE Appeal Terms. Appeal Receiver_ Party. Party A party to whom appeals should be presented. 0..1 Appeal Terms Appeal Receiver Party Party ASBIE Appeal Terms. Appeal Receiver_ Party. Party Asociación con una instancia del componente Parte, utilizada para especificar el organismo ante el cual presentar el recurso. 0..1 Appeal Terms Appeal Receiver Party Party Receptor de Recursos ASBIE Appeal Terms. Mediation_ Party. Party A party that can mediate when an appeal is presented. 0..1 Appeal Terms Mediation Party Party ASBIE Appeal Terms. Mediation_ Party. Party Asociación con una instancia del componente Parte, utilizada para especificar el organismo mediador en el recurso. 0..1 Appeal Terms Mediation Party Party Arbitraje ABIE Attachment. Details Information about an attached document. An attachment can be referred to externally (with the URI element) or internally (with the MIME reference element) or contained within the document itself (with the EmbeddedDocument element). Attachment ABIE Attachment. Details Información acerca de un documento vinculado. Los vínculos pueden ser externos (referenciados mediante un elemento URI), internos (accesibles mediante un elemento MIME) o pueden estar contenidos dentro del mismo documento en el que se alude a ellos (medi Attachment Anexo BBIE Attachment. Embedded_ Document. Binary Object Contains an embedded document as a BLOB (binary large object). 0..1 Attachment Embedded Document Binary Object Binary Object. Type EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject BBIE Attachment. Embedded_ Document. Binary Object Contiene un documento incrustado como un BLOB (Binary Large Object u objeto binario de gran tamaño) 0..1 Attachment Embedded Document Binary Object Binary Object. Type Objeto binario incrustado EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject ASBIE Attachment. External Reference An attached document, externally referred to, referred to in the MIME location, or embedded. 0..1 Attachment External Reference External Reference ExternalReference ASBIE Attachment. External Reference Asociación con una instancia del componente Referencia Externa, utilizada para especificar un documento vinculado, extenamente referenciado, referenciado en la ubicación MIME o incrustado. 0..1 Attachment External Reference External Reference Referencia externa ExternalReference ABIE AttendanceConditions. Detail Information about authorised persons Attendance Conditions ABIE AttendanceConditions. Detail Información sobre las personas que estan autorizadas a participar en un evento Attendance Conditions Condiciones de Asistencia al Evento BBIE AttedanceConditions.AttendaceRestrictiction. Code Type of restrictions to attend the event 0..1 AttendanceRestriction Code Code. Type BBIE AttedanceConditions.AttendaceRestrictiction. Code Indica si el evento tiene carácter público, privado o restringido. 0..1 AttendanceRestriction Code Code. Type Tipo de restricción a la asistencia BBIE AttedanceConditions.AttendaceRestrictiction. Description Description of authorized persons 0..n AttendanceConditions Description Text Text. Type BBIE AttedanceConditions.AttendaceRestrictiction. Description Descripción para indicar las personas autorizadas a asistir al evento 0..n AttendanceConditions Description Text Text. Type Descripción las personas autorizadas a asistir al evento ABIE Auction Terms. Details Terms to be fulfilled by the tenderers if an auction is going to be executed before the awarding. Auction Terms ABIE Auction Terms. Details Condiciones para la celebración de una subasta electrónica antes de proceder a la adjudicación. Auction Terms Condiciones para subasta BBIE Auction Terms. Auction_ Constraint. Indicator An indicator that states the use of electronic auctions during the awarding of this tendering process 0..1 Auction Terms Auction Constraint Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Auction Terms. Auction_ Constraint. Indicator Indicador que se celebrará (true) una subasta electrónica para la adjudicación de este proceso de licitación. 0..1 Auction Terms Auction Constraint Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de Subasta Electrónica BBIE Auction Terms. Justification_ Description. Text A textual description justifying the use of an auction for this tendering process. 0..n Auction Terms Justification Description Text Text. Type BBIE Auction Terms. Justification_ Description. Text Descripción textual de la justificación para la realización de una subasta electrónica. 0..n Auction Terms Justification Description Text Text. Type Justificación BBIE Auction Terms. Description. Text Textual description of the information available for tenderers during the auction 0..n Auction Terms Description Text Text. Type BBIE Auction Terms. Description. Text Descripción textual de la subasta en este proceso de licitación. 0..n Auction Terms Description Text Text. Type Descripción de la Subasta BBIE Auction Terms. Process_ Description. Text Textual description of the auction process 0..n Auction Terms Process Description Text Text. Type BBIE Auction Terms. Process_ Description. Text Descripción textual del proceso que se seguirá para realizar la subasta en este proceso de licitación. 0..n Auction Terms Process Description Text Text. Type Proceso de Subasta BBIE Auction Terms. Conditions_ Description. Text Textual description of the conditions under which the tenderers will be able to bid 0..n Auction Terms Conditions Description Text Text. Type BBIE Auction Terms. Conditions_ Description. Text Descripción textual de las condiciones en las que se producirá la subasta en este proceso de licitación. 0..n Auction Terms Conditions Description Text Text. Type Condiciones de la Subasta BBIE Auction Terms. Electronic Device_ Description. Text Electronic device and connection technical specifications used for the auction 0..n Auction Terms Electronic Device Description Text Text. Type BBIE Auction Terms. Electronic Device_ Description. Text Descripción textual del dispositivo electrónico que se utilizará para realizar la subasta. 0..n Auction Terms Electronic Device Description Text Text. Type Descripción del Dispositivo BBIE Auction Terms. Auction_ URI. Identifier URI for the used electronic device. 0..1 Auction Terms Auction URI Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Auction Terms. Auction_ URI. Identifier Identificador de la URI donde se realizará la subasta electrónica. 0..1 Auction Terms Auction URI Identifier Identifier. Type URI de la subasta ABIE Authorization. Details The information about an official administrative authorization for executing certain professional tasks. Authorization ABIE Authorization. Details Información acerca de una autorización o habilitación profesional administrativa a efectos de decidir su capacidad de obrar o decidir su clasificación. Authorization Autorización o Habilitación BBIE Authorization. Identifier The unique identification for this authorization. 0..1 Authorization Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Authorization. Identifier El identificador único para esta autorización o habilitación 0..1 Authorization Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador BBIE Authorization. Description. Text The textual description of the authorization. 0..n Authorization Description Text Text. Type BBIE Authorization. Description. Text Contenido textual de la entrada que constituye la autorización o habilitación. 0..n Authorization Description Text Text. Type Descripción BBIE Authorization. Regulatory_ Source. Text The textual description of the authorization. 0..n Authorization Regulatory Source Text Text. Type BBIE Authorization. Regulatory_ Source. Text Ley, decreto o norma que establece la obligatoriedad de la autorización o habilitación profesional. 0..n Authorization Regulatory Source Text Text. Type Origen Normativo BBIE Authorization. Granting Date. Date The date when the authorization was granted. 1 Authorization Granting Date Date Date. Type BBIE Authorization. Granting Date. Date Fecha en la que entra en la que se otorgó la habilitación. 1 Authorization Granting Date Date Date. Type Fecha de Otorgamiento BBIE Authorization. Expiration Date. Date The date when the authorization shall expire. 0..1 Authorization Expiration Date Date Date. Type BBIE Authorization. Expiration Date. Date Fecha en la que caduca la habilitación. 0..1 Authorization Expiration Date Date Date. Type Fecha de Caducidad BBIE Authorization. Specialties. Text The textual description of the modalities or variants of this authorization. 0..1 Authorization Specialties Text Text. Type BBIE Authorization. Specialties. Text Variantes en las modalidades o especialidades de la habilitación. 0..1 Authorization Specialties Text Text. Type Especialidades ASBIE Authorization. Authorizer_ Party. Party An association to the Parfty that issues the autorization. 1 Authorization Authorizer Party Party ASBIE Authorization. Authorizer_ Party. Party Asociación con una instancia del componente Parte utilizada para identificar a al órgano competente de una Administración que emite esta autorización o título habilitante. 1 Authorization Authorizer Party Party Órgano Emisor ABIE Awarding Criteria. Details Criteria defined by a contracting party that will be taken into account when awarding a contract. Awarding Criteria ABIE Awarding Criteria. Details Criterio que se requiere para adjudicar el contrato en un proceso de licitación. Awarding Criteria Criterio de Adjudicación BBIE Awarding Criteria. Identifier The unique identification for this awarding criteria 0..1 Awarding Criteria Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria. Identifier Identifica un criterio de adjudicación. Permite relacionar los elementos de la oferta con los criterios de adjudicación del pliego. 0..1 Awarding Criteria Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador BBIE Awarding Criteria. Awarding Criteria Type Code. Code Code that defines the awarding criteria. An awarding criteria can be objective, when it can be evaluated following a formula, or subjective, when a human analysis is required. 0..1 Awarding Criteria Awarding Criteria Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria. Awarding Criteria Type Code. Code Código que tipifica el criterio de adjudicación. 0..1 Awarding Criteria Awarding Criteria Type Code Code Code. Type Código del Criterio BBIE Awarding Criteria. Description. Text Textual description of the awarding criteria. 0..n Awarding Criteria Description Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria. Description. Text Descripción textual del criterio de adjudicación. 0..n Awarding Criteria Description Text Text. Type Descripción BBIE Awarding Criteria. Details. Text Details about the awarding criteria. 0..n Awarding Criteria Note Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria. Details. Text Detalles relativos al criterio de adjudicación 0..n Awarding Criteria Note Text Text. Type Detalles BBIE Awarding Criteria. Sub Awarding Criteria Type Code. Code Code that defines the Subawarding criteria. An Subawarding criteria can be “Price” or “other” 0..1 Awarding Criteria Awarding CriteriaSubType Code Code Code. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria. Sub Awarding Criteria Type Code. Code Codigo que identifica el subtipo de criterio 0..1 Awarding Criteria Awarding CriteriaSubType Code Code Code. Type Codigo del Subtipo del Criterio BBIE Awarding Criteria. Weight. Numeric Specific weight assigned to this awarding criteria. 0..1 Awarding Criteria Weight Numeric Numeric. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria. Weight. Numeric Valor asignado al cumplimiento de este criterio de adjudicación en el proceso de licitación. 0..1 Awarding Criteria Weight Numeric Numeric. Type Ponderación BBIE Awarding Criteria. Weight. Text Textual description of the assigned weight for this awarding criteria. 0..n Awarding Criteria Weight Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria. Weight. Text Descripción textual de la ponderación de este criterio de adjudicación. 0..n Awarding Criteria Weight Text Text. Type Peso BBIE Awarding Criteria. Calculation Expression. Text Textual description of the mathematical expression that will be used to evaluate this criteria. 0..n Awarding Criteria Calculation Expression Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria. Calculation Expression. Text Descripción textual o expresión matemática que servirá para calcular la puntuación para este criterio en función de los valores ofertados 0..n Awarding Criteria Calculation Expression Text Text. Type Normalización BBIE Awarding Criteria. Calculation Expression Code. Code Coded description of the mathematical expression that will be used to evaluate this criteria. 0..1 Awarding Criteria Calculation Expression Code Code Code. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria. Calculation Expression Code. Code Código de la expresión matemática que servirá para calcular la puntuación para este criterio en función de los valores ofertados. 0..1 Awarding Criteria Calculation Expression Code Code Code. Type Código de normalización BBIE Awarding Criteria. Minimum. Quantity Minimum quantity for a specified or expected awarding criteria. 0..1 Awarding Criteria Minimum Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria. Minimum. Quantity Valor mínimo que deberá contener la oferta para este criterio de adjudicación 0..1 Awarding Criteria Minimum Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad Mínima BBIE Awarding Criteria. Maximum. Quantity Maximum quantity for a specified or expected awarding criteria. 0..1 Awarding Criteria Maximum Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria. Maximum. Quantity Valor máximo que deberá contener la oferta para este criterio de adjudicación 0..1 Awarding Criteria Maximum Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad Máxima BBIE Awarding Criteria. Minimum. Amount Minimum amount for a specified or expected awarding criteria. 0..1 Awarding Criteria Minimum Amount Amount. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria. Minimum. Amount Importe mínimo que deberá contener la oferta para este criterio de adjudicación 0..1 Awarding Criteria Minimum Amount Amount. Type Importe Mínimo BBIE Awarding Criteria. Maximum. Amount Maximum amount for a specified or expected awarding criteria. 0..1 Awarding Criteria Maximum Amount Amount. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria. Maximum. Amount Importe máximo que deberá contener la oferta para este criterio de adjudicación 0..1 Awarding Criteria Maximum Amount Amount. Type Importe Máximo BBIE Awarding Criteria. Minimum Improvement Bid. Text Textual description of the minimum improvement bid for this awarding criteria when an auction is used. 0..n Awarding Criteria Minimum Improvement Bid Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria. Minimum Improvement Bid. Text Descripción textual de la puja mínima que se puede realizar para este criterio de adjudicación si se utiliza subasta electrónica 0..n Awarding Criteria Minimum Improvement Bid Text Text. Type Mínima puja de mejora BBIE Awarding Criteria. Structured Value. Indicator Indicates wether a structured value must be supllied by the tenderer for this awarding criteria to be evaluated 0..1 Awarding Criteria Structured Value Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria. Structured Value. Indicator Indica si el licitador deberá introducir un valor o texto en relación con el criterio de adjudicación 0..1 Awarding Criteria Structured Value Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de valor estructurado ASBIE Awarding Criteria. Subordinate_ Awarding Criteria. Awarding Criteria Subcriteria for this awarding criteria 0..n Awarding Criteria Subordinate Awarding Criteria Awarding Criteria ASBIE Awarding Criteria. Subordinate_ Awarding Criteria. Awarding Criteria Asociaciones con instancias del componente Criterio de Adjudicación, utilizadas para especificar subcriterios dependientes o englobados bajo este criterio. 0..n Awarding Criteria Subordinate Awarding Criteria Awarding Criteria Subcriterios ABIE Awarding Criteria Response. Details Response for an awaring criteria defined by the contracting party. Awarding Criteria Response ABIE Awarding Criteria Response. Details Respuesta al criterio de adjudicación establecido por parte de un órgano de contratación que se requiere para poder evaluar la oferta por criterios distintos al precio. Awarding Criteria Response Respuesta a Criterio de Adjudicación BBIE Awarding Criteria Response. Identifier The unique identification for this awarding criteria response. 0..1 Awarding Criteria Response Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria Response. Identifier Identifica la respuesta al criterio de adjudicación. 0..1 Awarding Criteria Response Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador BBIE Awarding Criteria Response. Awarding Criteria Identifier. Identifier Identifier for the referred awarding criteria. 0..1 Awarding Criteria Response Awarding Criteria Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria Response. Awarding Criteria Identifier. Identifier Identificador del criterio de adjudicación del Pliego al que hace referencia esta respuesta. 0..1 Awarding Criteria Response Awarding Criteria Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador de criterio de adjudicación BBIE Awarding Criteria Response. Awarding Criteria_ Description. Text Textual description of the awarding criteria. 0..n Awarding Criteria Response Awarding Criteria Description Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria Response. Awarding Criteria_ Description. Text Descripción textual del criterio de adjudicación según el Pliego al que hace referencia esta respuesta. 0..n Awarding Criteria Response Awarding Criteria Description Text Text. Type Descripción criterio adjudicación BBIE Awarding Criteria Response. Description. Text Textual description of the awarding criteria response. 0..n Awarding Criteria Response Description Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria Response. Description. Text Descripción textual de la respuesta ofertada al criterio de adjudicación. 0..n Awarding Criteria Response Description Text Text. Type Descripción respuesta BBIE Awarding Criteria Response. Quantity Quantity for this awarding criteria. 0..1 Awarding Criteria Response Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria Response. Quantity Valor ofertado para este criterio de adjudicación 0..1 Awarding Criteria Response Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad BBIE Awarding Criteria Response. Amount Amount for this awarding criteria. 0..1 Awarding Criteria Response Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Awarding Criteria Response. Amount Importe ofertado para este criterio de adjudicación 0..1 Awarding Criteria Response Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe ASBIE Awarding Criteria Response. Subordinate_ Awarding Criteria Response. Awarding Criteria Response Subcriteria response for this awarding criteria response. 0..n Awarding Criteria Response Subordinate Awarding Criteria Response Awarding Criteria Response ASBIE Awarding Criteria Response. Subordinate_ Awarding Criteria Response. Awarding Criteria Response Asociaciones con instancias del componente Respuesta a Criterio de Adjudicación, utilizadas para especificar respuestas a subcriterios dependientes o englobados bajo este criterio. 0..n Awarding Criteria Response Subordinate Awarding Criteria Response Awarding Criteria Response Respuesta a Subcriterios ABIE Awarding Criterion. Details A class to define a criterion from the contracting party that will be taken into account when awarding a contract. An awarding criterion can be objective, when it can be evaluated following a formula, or subjective, when human analysis is required. Awarding Criterion AwardingCriterionType ABIE Awarding Criterion. Details Awarding Criterion AwardingCriterionType BBIE Awarding Criterion. Identifier Identifies a specific awarding criterion. 0..1 Awarding Criterion Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Identifier 0..1 Awarding Criterion Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Awarding Criterion Type Code. Code A code used to define this awarding criterion. 0..1 Awarding Criterion Awarding Criterion Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Awarding Criterion Type Code. Code 0..1 Awarding Criterion Awarding Criterion Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Description. Text A description of the awarding criterion. 0..n Awarding Criterion Description Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Description. Text 0..n Awarding Criterion Description Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Weight Numeric. Numeric A number defining the comparative weighting assigned to this awarding criterion, to enable formulaic evaluation. 0..1 Awarding Criterion Weight Numeric Numeric Numeric. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Weight Numeric. Numeric 0..1 Awarding Criterion Weight Numeric Numeric Numeric. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Weight. Text A description of the comparative weighting for this awarding criterion. 0..n Awarding Criterion Weight Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Weight. Text 0..n Awarding Criterion Weight Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Calculation Expression. Text The mathematical expression that will be used to evaluate this criterion. 0..n Awarding Criterion Calculation Expression Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Calculation Expression. Text 0..n Awarding Criterion Calculation Expression Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Calculation Expression Code. Code A code identifying the mathematical expression that will be used to evaluate this criterion. 0..1 Awarding Criterion Calculation Expression Code Code Code. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Calculation Expression Code. Code 0..1 Awarding Criterion Calculation Expression Code Code Code. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Minimum_ Quantity. Quantity The minimum quantity for an awarding criterion. 0..1 Awarding Criterion Minimum Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Minimum_ Quantity. Quantity 0..1 Awarding Criterion Minimum Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Maximum_ Quantity. Quantity The maximum quantity for an awarding criterion. 0..1 Awarding Criterion Maximum Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Maximum_ Quantity. Quantity 0..1 Awarding Criterion Maximum Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Minimum_ Amount. Amount The minimum monetary amount for an awarding criterion. 0..1 Awarding Criterion Minimum Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Minimum_ Amount. Amount 0..1 Awarding Criterion Minimum Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Maximum_ Amount. Amount The maximum monetary amount for an awarding criterion. 0..1 Awarding Criterion Maximum Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Maximum_ Amount. Amount 0..1 Awarding Criterion Maximum Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Minimum Improvement Bid. Text Describes the minimum improvement bid for this awarding criterion when used in an auction. 0..n Awarding Criterion Minimum Improvement Bid Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion. Minimum Improvement Bid. Text 0..n Awarding Criterion Minimum Improvement Bid Text Text. Type ASBIE Awarding Criterion. Subordinate_ Awarding Criterion. Awarding Criterion Defines any subsidiary awarding criterion. 0..n Awarding Criterion Subordinate Awarding Criterion Awarding Criterion ASBIE Awarding Criterion. Subordinate_ Awarding Criterion. Awarding Criterion 0..n Awarding Criterion Subordinate Awarding Criterion Awarding Criterion ABIE Awarding Criterion Response. Details Defines the response for an awarding criterion from the tendering party. Awarding Criterion Response AwardingCriterionResponseType ABIE Awarding Criterion Response. Details Awarding Criterion Response AwardingCriterionResponseType BBIE Awarding Criterion Response. Identifier An identification of this awarding criterion response. 0..1 Awarding Criterion Response Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion Response. Identifier 0..1 Awarding Criterion Response Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion Response. Awarding Criterion Identifier. Identifier An identifer of the awarding criterion being referred to. 0..1 Awarding Criterion Response Awarding Criterion Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion Response. Awarding Criterion Identifier. Identifier 0..1 Awarding Criterion Response Awarding Criterion Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion Response. Awarding Criterion_ Description. Text Describes the awarding criterion. 0..n Awarding Criterion Response Awarding Criterion Description Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion Response. Awarding Criterion_ Description. Text 0..n Awarding Criterion Response Awarding Criterion Description Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion Response. Description. Text Describes the awarding criterion response. 0..n Awarding Criterion Response Description Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion Response. Description. Text 0..n Awarding Criterion Response Description Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion Response. Quantity Specifies the quantity tendered for this awarding criterion. 0..1 Awarding Criterion Response Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion Response. Quantity 0..1 Awarding Criterion Response Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion Response. Amount Specifies the monetary amount tendered for this awarding criterion. 0..1 Awarding Criterion Response Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Awarding Criterion Response. Amount 0..1 Awarding Criterion Response Amount Amount Amount. Type ASBIE Awarding Criterion Response. Subordinate_ Awarding Criterion Response. Awarding Criterion Response Defines responses to any subsidiary awarding criterion. 0..n Awarding Criterion Response Subordinate Awarding Criterion Response Awarding Criterion Response ASBIE Awarding Criterion Response. Subordinate_ Awarding Criterion Response. Awarding Criterion Response 0..n Awarding Criterion Response Subordinate Awarding Criterion Response Awarding Criterion Response ABIE Awarding Terms. Details Information about the awarding terms of a contract. Awarding Terms ABIE Awarding Terms. Details Condiciones establecidas por el órgano de contratación para la adjudicación de un contrato. Awarding Terms Condiciones de adjudicación BBIE Awarding Terms. Weighting Algorithm Code. Code Code that defines the weighting algorithm for the awarding criteria. 0..1 Awarding Terms Weighting Algorithm Code Code Code. Type BBIE Awarding Terms. Weighting Algorithm Code. Code Código que describe el algoritmo de ponderación de los criterios de adjudicación establecidos por el órgano de contratación que se utilizará para obtener la puntuación final de la oferta en función de las puntuaciones obtenidas en los distintos criterios 0..1 Awarding Terms Weighting Algorithm Code Code Code. Type Código de algoritmo de ponderación BBIE Awarding Terms. Description. Text Textual general description of the awarding terms. 0..n Awarding Terms Description Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Terms. Description. Text Descripción textual de las condiciones de adjudicación. 0..n Awarding Terms Description Text Text. Type Descripción BBIE Awarding Terms. Technical Committee_ Description. Text Textual description of the experts committee evaluating the subjective criteria. 0..n Awarding Terms Technical Committee Description Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Terms. Technical Committee_ Description. Text Descripción textual del comité de expertos que realizará la evaluación técnica y de los criterios subjetivos de las ofertas recibidas. 0..n Awarding Terms Technical Committee Description Text Text. Type Descripción Comité Expertos BBIE Awarding Terms. Low Tenders_ Description. Text Textual description of the low tenders exclusion criteria. 0..n Awarding Terms Low Tenders Description Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Terms. Low Tenders_ Description. Text Descripción textual del sistema que establecerá el órgano de contratación para delimitar las ofertas que se considere que incurren en baja temeraria. 0..n Awarding Terms Low Tenders Description Text Text. Type Descripción Baja Temeraria BBIE Awarding Terms. Prize Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether a prize will be awarded (true) or not (false). 0..1 Awarding Terms Prize Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Awarding Terms. Prize Indicator. Indicator Indica si un premios será concedido (verdadeo) o no (falso) 0..1 Awarding Terms Prize Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de concesión de premios BBIE Awarding Terms. Prize Description. Text Number and value of the prizes to be awarded. 0..n Awarding Terms Prize Description Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Terms. Prize Description. Text Número y valor de los premios que se concederán 0..n Awarding Terms Prize Description Text Text. Type Premios que se concederán BBIE Awarding Terms. Payment Description. Text Details of payments to all participants. 0..n Awarding Terms Payment Description Text Text. Type BBIE Awarding Terms. Payment Description. Text Detalles de pago para todos los participantes 0..n Awarding Terms Payment Description Text Text. Type Detalle del pago BBIE Awarding Terms. Followup Contract Indicator. Indicator Indicates if any service contract following the contest will be awarded to the winner or one of the winners of the contest (true) or not (false). 0..1 Awarding Terms Followup Contract Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Awarding Terms. Followup Contract Indicator. Indicator Indica si el contrato siguiente a un concurso de proyectos será adjudicado al ganador o ganadores del concurso (verdadero) o no (falso) 0..1 Awarding Terms Followup Contract Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de contrato siguente a concurso de proyectos BBIE Awarding Terms. Binding On Buyer Indicator. Indicator Indicates if the decision is binding on the buyer (true) or not (false). 0..1 Awarding Terms BindingOnBuyer Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Awarding Terms. Binding On Buyer Indicator. Indicator indica si la decisión del jurado es vinculante para el comprador (verdadero) o no (falso) 0..1 Awarding Terms BindingOnBuyer Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de si la decisión del jurado es vinculante BBIE Awarding Terms. No Further Negotiation Indicator. Indicator Indicates if no further negotiation is allowed (true) or not (false). 0..1 Awarding Terms No Further Negotiation Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Awarding Terms. No Further Negotiation Indicator. Indicator El comprador se reserva el derecho de ajudicar el contrato sobre la base de las ofertas iniciales sin más negociaciones 0..1 Awarding Terms No Further Negotiation Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Negociación innecesaria ASBIE Awarding Terms. Awarding Criteria A set of defined criteria for awarding this project. 0..n Awarding Terms Awarding Criteria Awarding Criteria ASBIE Awarding Terms. Awarding Criteria Asociación con instancias del componente Criterio de Adjudicación utilizadas para especificar los criterios objetivos o subjetivos aplicables durante la adjudicación del contrato en un proceso de licitación. 0..n Awarding Terms Awarding Criteria Awarding Criteria Criterio de Adjudicación ASBIE Awarding Terms. Technical Committee_ Person. Person Person that participates in the technical committee to evaluate the subjective criteria. 0..n Awarding Terms Technical Committee Person Person ASBIE Awarding Terms. Technical Committee_ Person. Person Asociación con el componente Persona utilizado para especificar el nombre y/o rol de las personas que componen el comité de expertos. 0..n Awarding Terms Technical Committee Person Person Persona del Comité de Expertos ABIE Billing Reference. Details Information directly relating to a related document. Billing Reference ABIE Billing Reference. Details Información relativa a documentos de facturación. Billing Reference Referencia de facturación ASBIE Billing Reference. Invoice_ Document Reference. Document Reference An associative reference to Invoice. 0..1 Billing Reference Invoice Document Reference Document Reference InvoiceDocumentReference ASBIE Billing Reference. Invoice_ Document Reference. Document Reference Asociación con una factura. 0..1 Billing Reference Invoice Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a factura InvoiceDocumentReference ASBIE Billing Reference. Self Billed Invoice_ Document Reference. Document Reference An associative reference to Self Billed Invoice. 0..1 Billing Reference Self Billed Invoice Document Reference Document Reference SelfBilledInvoiceDocumentReference ASBIE Billing Reference. Self Billed Invoice_ Document Reference. Document Reference Asociación con una autofactura. 0..1 Billing Reference Self Billed Invoice Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a autofactura SelfBilledInvoiceDocumentReference ASBIE Billing Reference. Credit Note_ Document Reference. Document Reference An associative reference to Credit Note. 0..1 Billing Reference Credit Note Document Reference Document Reference CreditNoteDocumentReference ASBIE Billing Reference. Credit Note_ Document Reference. Document Reference Asociación con una nota de abono. 0..1 Billing Reference Credit Note Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a nota de abono CreditNoteDocumentReference ASBIE Billing Reference. Self Billed Credit Note_ Document Reference. Document Reference An associative reference to Self Billed Credit Note. 0..1 Billing Reference Self Billed Credit Note Document Reference Document Reference SelfBilledCreditNoteDocumentReference ASBIE Billing Reference. Self Billed Credit Note_ Document Reference. Document Reference Asociación con una nota de abono de una autofactura. 0..1 Billing Reference Self Billed Credit Note Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a nota de abono de autofactura SelfBilledCreditNoteDocumentReference ASBIE Billing Reference. Debit Note_ Document Reference. Document Reference An associative reference to Debit Note. 0..1 Billing Reference Debit Note Document Reference Document Reference DebitNoteDocumentReference ASBIE Billing Reference. Debit Note_ Document Reference. Document Reference Asociación con una nota de cargo. 0..1 Billing Reference Debit Note Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a nota de cargo DebitNoteDocumentReference ASBIE Billing Reference. Reminder_ Document Reference. Document Reference An associative reference to Reminder Document Reference 0..1 Billing Reference Reminder Document Reference Document Reference ReminderDocumentReference ASBIE Billing Reference. Reminder_ Document Reference. Document Reference Asociación con un Recordatorio. 0..1 Billing Reference Reminder Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a recordatorio ReminderDocumentReference ASBIE Billing Reference. Additional_ Document Reference. Document Reference An associative reference to Additional Document. 0..1 Billing Reference Additional Document Reference Document Reference AdditionalDocumentReference ASBIE Billing Reference. Additional_ Document Reference. Document Reference Asociación con Documentos Adicionales. 0..1 Billing Reference Additional Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a documento adicional AdditionalDocumentReference ASBIE Billing Reference. Billing Reference Line An association to Billing Reference Line. 0..n Billing Reference Billing Reference Line Billing Reference Line BillingReferenceLine ASBIE Billing Reference. Billing Reference Line Asociación con Líneas de facturación. 0..n Billing Reference Billing Reference Line Billing Reference Line Línea de facturación BillingReferenceLine ABIE Billing Reference Line. Details Information about the reference to a Billing line. Billing Reference Line ABIE Billing Reference Line. Details Información acerca de la referencia a una Línea de Facturación. Billing Reference Line Línea de facturación BBIE Billing Reference Line. Identifier An identifier for the Billing Line. 1 Billing Reference Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Billing Reference Line. Identifier Identificador de la Línea de facturación. 1 Billing Reference Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Billing Reference Line. Amount The amount of the Billing Line, including Allowance Charges but net of taxes. 0..1 Billing Reference Line Amount Amount Amount. Type Amount BBIE Billing Reference Line. Amount Importe de la Línea de facturación, incluyendo Descuentos y Cargos pero sin impuestos. 0..1 Billing Reference Line Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe Amount ASBIE Billing Reference Line. Allowance Charge An association to Allowance Charge. 0..n Billing Reference Line Allowance Charge Allowance Charge AllowanceCharge ASBIE Billing Reference Line. Allowance Charge Asociación con Descuentos y Cargos. 0..n Billing Reference Line Allowance Charge Allowance Charge Descuentos y cargos AllowanceCharge ABIE Branch. Details Information about a branch or division of an organization. Branch ABIE Branch. Details Información sobre una sucursal o división de una gran organización. Branch Sucursal BBIE Branch. Identifier An identifier for a branch or division of an organization. 0..1 Branch Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Branch. Identifier Identificación de la sucursal de la organización. 0..1 Branch Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de sucursal ID BBIE Branch. Name The name of a branch or division of an organization. 0..1 Branch Name Name Name. Type Name BBIE Branch. Name Nombre de la sucursal de la organización. 0..1 Branch Name Name Name. Type Nombre Name ASBIE Branch. Financial Institution An association to Financial Institution. 0..1 Branch Financial Institution Financial Institution FinancialInstitution ASBIE Branch. Financial Institution Asociación con un banco o una entidad financiera. 0..1 Branch Financial Institution Financial Institution Entidad Financiera FinancialInstitution ASBIE Branch. Address An association to Address. 0..1 Branch Address Address Address ASBIE Branch. Address Asocición con la dirección. 0..1 Branch Address Address Dirección Address ABIE Budget Account. Details Information about the budget account. Budget Account ABIE Budget Account. Details Información acerca de una aplicación presupuestaria Budget Account Aplicación presupuestaria BBIE Budget Account. Identifier Identifier for the buget account. 0..1 Budget Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Budget Account. Identifier Identificador único de la aplicación presupuestaria. No se refiere al código de la aplicación presupuestaria, sino al ID del elemento. 0..1 Budget Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador de la aplicación presupuestaria BBIE Budget Account. Budget Year. Numeric The year for this budget account. 0..1 Budget Account Budget Year Numeric Numeric. Type BBIE Budget Account. Budget Year. Numeric Año de la Fecha del Presupuesto al que corresponda la operación. 0..1 Budget Account Budget Year Numeric Numeric. Type Año del Presupuesto ASBIE Budget Account. Required_ Classification Scheme. Classification Scheme An association to required classification categories for budget account 0..1 Budget Account Required Classification Scheme Classification Scheme ASBIE Budget Account. Required_ Classification Scheme. Classification Scheme Asociación con una instancia del componente Esquema de Clasificación, utilizada para tipificar la aplicación presupuestaria mediante los distintos tipos de clasificación orgánica, funcional o económica 0..1 Budget Account Required Classification Scheme Classification Scheme Clasificación de aplicación presupuestaria ABIE Budget Account Line. Details Information about a Budget Account Line Budget Account Line ABIE Budget Account Line. Details Información acerca de Aplicaciones Presupuestarias. Budget Account Line Línea de Aplicación Presupuestaria BBIE Budget Account Line. Identifier Identifies a Budget Account Line 0..1 Budget Account Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Budget Account Line. Identifier Número de línea de aplicación presupuestaria 0..1 Budget Account Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Número de Línea BBIE Budget Account Line. Total_ Amount. Amount Total amount for this Budget Account Line 0..1 Budget Account Line Total Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Budget Account Line. Total_ Amount. Amount Importe que corresponde a la Aplicación Presupuestaria 0..1 Budget Account Line Total Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe de la línea ASBIE Budget Account Line. Budget Account An association to budget account for this Budget Account Line. 0..n Budget Account Line Budget Account Budget Account ASBIE Budget Account Line. Budget Account Asociación con aplicaciones presupuestarias 0..n Budget Account Line Budget Account Budget Account Aplicación presupuestaria ABIE Budget Amount. Details Monetary amounts budgeted for the project. Budget Amount ABIE Budget Amount. Details Información relativa a los importes presupuestados para la realización de este proyecto. Budget Amount Importes de Proyecto BBIE Budget Amount. Estimated_ Overall Contract. Amount The estimated overall amount for the whole project. 0..1 Budget Amount Estimated Overall Contract Amount Amount. Type BBIE Budget Amount. Estimated_ Overall Contract. Amount Valor monetario estimado de todo el contrato calculado según el art. 9 de la Directiva 2004/18/CE. En los procedimientos de establecimiento de Acuerdo Marco el valor estimado total del contrato y de los contratos subsiguientes durante todo el período en que este vigente el acuerdo marco. 0..1 Budget Amount Estimated Overall Contract Amount Amount. Type Valor Estimado del Contrato BBIE Budget Amount. Total. Amount The monetary value of the total budget which includes net amount, taxes, and material and instalment costs for this procurement project. 0..1 Budget Amount Total Amount Amount. Type BBIE Budget Amount. Total. Amount Valor monetario del total del presupuesto incluyendo el importe neto más impuestos y otros costes asociados al proyecto. 0..1 Budget Amount Total Amount Amount. Type Presupuesto Total BBIE Budget Amount. Tax Exclusive. Amount The monetary value of the net budget for this procurement project. 0..1 Budget Amount Tax Exclusive Amount Amount. Type BBIE Budget Amount. Tax Exclusive. Amount Valor monetario neto del presupuesto del proyecto. 0..1 Budget Amount Tax Exclusive Amount Amount. Type Presupuesto Neto BBIE Budget Amount. Minimum. Amount The total tax amount for the procurement project. 0..1 Budget Amount Minimum Amount Amount. Type BBIE Budget Amount. Minimum. Amount Valor monetario mínimo para el proyecto. 0..1 Budget Amount Minimum Amount Amount. Type Presupuesto Mínimo BBIE Budget Amount. Monetary Scope. Text Textual description of the monetary scope. 0..n Budget Amount Monetary Scope Text Text. Type BBIE Budget Amount. Monetary Scope. Text Descripción textual del alcance monetario. 0..n Budget Amount Monetary Scope Text Text. Type Alcance monetario BBIE Budget Amount. Average_ Subsequent Contract. Amount The average amount for the subsequent contracts in the framework agreement. 0..1 Budget Amount Average Subsequent Contract Amount Amount. Type BBIE Budget Amount. Average_ Subsequent Contract. Amount Valor medio del importe de los contratos subsiguientes. 0..1 Budget Amount Average Subsequent Contract Amount Amount. Type Importe Medio de Contratos Subsiguientes BBIE Budget Amount. Framework. Maximum. Amount The maximum value of the framework agreement for the procurement procedure or lot, over its whole duration, including options and renewals. 0..1 Budget Amount Framework Maximum Amount Amount. Type BBIE Budget Amount. Framework. Maximum. Amount El valor máximo del acuerdo marco para el procedimiento de contratación pública o el lote durante toda su duración, incluídas las opciones y renovaciones. 0..1 Budget Amount Framework Maximum Amount Amount. Type Valor máximo del acuerdo marco ASBIE Budget Amount. Applicable_ Tax Category. Tax Category List of taxes that apply to the project 0..n Budget Amount Applicable Tax Category Tax Category ASBIE Budget Amount. Applicable_ Tax Category. Tax Category Asociación con un componente TaxCategory para especficiar las categorías impositivas que aplicarán al proyecto. 0..n Budget Amount Applicable Tax Category Tax Category Impuestos aplicables ABIE Business Setup. Details The legal information about the creation of the Economic Operator's business. Business Setup ABIE Business Setup. Details Información sobre la constitución oficial de una empresa Business Setup Constitución empresarial BBIE Business Setup. Date The date of the official setup of the Economic Operator. 1 Business Setup Date Date Date. Type BBIE Business Setup. Date Fecha en la que se constituyó la empresa 1 Business Setup Date Date Date. Type Fecha de constitución ASBIE Business Setup. Registering_ Party. Party The Register Party where the Economic Operator registered its setup. 1 Business Setup Registering Party Party ASBIE Business Setup. Registering_ Party. Party Registro ante el cual se constituyó la empresa 1 Business Setup Registering Party Party Registro de constitución ABIE CVD Details. Details Information regarding a contract where the Clean Vehicles Directive applies CVD Details ABIE CVD Details. Details Información referente a una contratación en donde aplica la Directiva de Vehículos Límpios CVD Details Detalles sobre la aplicación de la Directiva de Vehículos Límpios ASBIE CVD Details. CVD Category Details Detailed information on the number of vehicles in a category 0..n CVD Details CVDVehicleCategoryDetails CVDVehicleCategoryDetails ASBIE CVD Details. CVD Category Details Información detallada sobre el número de vehículos de una categorías 0..n CVD Details CVDVehicleCategoryDetails CVDVehicleCategoryDetails Información de categoría de vehículos ABIE CVD Vehicle Category Details. Details Information regarding the number of vehicles of different types included in a category CVD Vehicle Category Details ABIE CVD Vehicle Category Details. Details Información referente al número de vehículos de distinta tipología englobados en una categoría CVD Vehicle Category Details Detalles sobre la categoría de vehículos BBIE CVD Vehicle Category Details. Code Code that specifies the category 1 CVD Category Details CVDVehicle Category Code Code. Type BBIE CVD Vehicle Category Details. Code Código que especifica el la categoría 1 CVD Category Details CVDVehicle Category Code Code. Type Categoría de vehículos ASBIE CVD Vehicle Category Details. CVD Vehicle Type Details Detailed information on the number of vehicles of the type 0..n CVD Details CVDVehicleTypeDetails CVDVehicleTypeDetails ASBIE CVD Vehicle Category Details. CVD Vehicle Type Details Información detallada sobre el número de vehículos de la tipología 0..n CVD Details CVDVehicleTypeDetails CVDVehicleTypeDetails Información de tipología de vehículos ABIE CVD Vehicle Type Details. Details Information regarding the number of vehicles of a type of vehicle CVD Vehicle Type Details ABIE CVD Vehicle Type Details. Details Información referente al número de vehículos de una tipología de vehículos CVD Vehicle Type Details Detalles sobre la tipología de vehículos BBIE CVD Vehicle Type Details. Code Code that specifies the type of vehicles 1 CVD Type Details CVDVehicle Type Code Code. Type BBIE CVD Vehicle Type Details. Code Código que especifica el la tipología de los vehículos 1 CVD Type Details CVDVehicle Type Code Code. Type Tipología de vehículos BBIE CVD Vehicle Type Details. Code Number of vehicles of the type 1 CVD Type Amount CVDVehicle Type Amount Amount. Type BBIE CVD Vehicle Type Details. Code Número de vehículos de la tipología 1 CVD Type Amount CVDVehicle Type Amount Amount. Type Número de vehículos ABIE Capability. Details Capability of an economic operator. Capability ABIE Capability. Details Capacidad de un operador económico. Capability Capacidad BBIE Capability. Capability Type Code. Code Code that defines the financial or technical capability such as total revenue, qualified staff, etc 0..1 Capability Capability Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Capability. Capability Type Code. Code Código que tipifica la capacidad. 0..1 Capability Capability Type Code Code Code. Type Código del Capacidad BBIE Capability. Description. Text Textual description of the capability. 0..n Capability Description Text Text. Type BBIE Capability. Description. Text Descripción textual de la capacidad. 0..n Capability Description Text Text. Type Descripción BBIE Capability. Value. Amount Amount for that capability. 0..1 Capability Value Amount Amount. Type BBIE Capability. Value. Amount Valor de la capacidad cuando se trata de un importe, como por ejemplo el valor del volumen de negocios. 0..1 Capability Value Amount Amount. Type Importe BBIE Capability. Value. Quantity Quantity for that capability. 0..1 Capability Value Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Capability. Value. Quantity Valor de la capacidad cuando no es un importe, como por ejemplo el número de ingenieros superiores. 0..1 Capability Value Quantity Quantity. Type Valor BBIE Capability. Evidence Supplied. Identifier An ID reference to the Evidence that justifies this capability. 0..n Capability Evidence Supplied Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Capability. Evidence Supplied. Identifier Identificador que referencia a la evidencia , que es un documento anexo que acredita la capacidad del licitador 0..n Capability Evidence Supplied Identifier Identifier. Type Referencia a la evidencia ASBIE Capability. Validity_ Period. Period Period of time that capability has been valid. 0..1 Capability Validity Period Period ASBIE Capability. Validity_ Period. Period Período durante el que se ha mantenido la capacidad. 0..1 Capability Validity Period Period Período de validez ABIE Card Account. Details Information about a credit card, debit card, or charge card. Card Account ABIE Card Account. Details Información relativa a una tarjeta de crédito, de débito, o de cargo. Card Account Tarjeta BBIE Card Account. Primary_ Account Number. Identifier The card number; the Primary Account Number (PAN). 1 Card Account Primary Account Number Identifier Identifier. Type PrimaryAccountNumberID BBIE Card Account. Primary_ Account Number. Identifier Número identificativo de la tarjeta, conocido como PAN – Primary Account Number. 1 Card Account Primary Account Number Identifier Identifier. Type Número de cuenta principal PrimaryAccountNumberID BBIE Card Account. Network. Identifier The card network provider. 1 Card Account Network Identifier Identifier. Type NetworkID BBIE Card Account. Network. Identifier Proveedor de red de la tarjeta. 1 Card Account Network Identifier Identifier. Type ID de Red NetworkID BBIE Card Account. Card Type Code. Code The type of card. 0..1 Card Account Card Type Code Code Code. Type CardTypeCode BBIE Card Account. Card Type Code. Code Tipo de tarjeta. 0..1 Card Account Card Type Code Code Code. Type Código de tipo de tarjeta CardTypeCode BBIE Card Account. Validity Start Date. Date The date from which the card is valid. 0..1 Card Account Validity Start Date Date Date. Type ValidityStartDate BBIE Card Account. Validity Start Date. Date Fecha desde la que la tarjeta es válida. 0..1 Card Account Validity Start Date Date Date. Type Fecha de inicio de validez ValidityStartDate BBIE Card Account. Expiry Date. Date The date up to which the card is valid. 0..1 Card Account Expiry Date Date Date. Type ExpiryDate BBIE Card Account. Expiry Date. Date Fecha a partir de la que la tarjeta deja de ser válida. 0..1 Card Account Expiry Date Date Date. Type Fecha de expiración ExpiryDate BBIE Card Account. Issuer. Identifier The identifier for the card issuer. 0..1 Card Account Issuer Identifier Identifier. Type IssuerID BBIE Card Account. Issuer. Identifier Identifica la organización emisora de la tarjeta. 0..1 Card Account Issuer Identifier Identifier. Type ID de emisor IssuerID BBIE Card Account. Issue Number. Identifier The card issue number. 0..1 Card Account Issue Number Identifier Identifier. Type IssueNumberID BBIE Card Account. Issue Number. Identifier Identifica el número de emisión. 0..1 Card Account Issue Number Identifier Identifier. Type Número de emisión IssueNumberID BBIE Card Account. CV2. Identifier The Card Verification Value. 0..1 Card Account CV2 Identifier Identifier. Type CV2ID BBIE Card Account. CV2. Identifier Valor de Verificación de la Tarjeta. 0..1 Card Account CV2 Identifier Identifier. Type CV2 CV2ID BBIE Card Account. Card Chip Code. Code The distinction between CHIP and MAG STRIPE cards. 0..1 Card Account Card Chip Code Code Chip Chip_ Code. Type CardChipCode BBIE Card Account. Card Chip Code. Code Distinción entre tarjetas CHIP y MAG STRIPE. 0..1 Card Account Card Chip Code Code Chip Chip_ Code. Type Código chip CardChipCode BBIE Card Account. Chip_ Application. Identifier An identifier for the application (AID) on a chip card that provides the information quoted. 0..1 Card Account Chip Application Identifier Identifier. Type ChipApplicationID BBIE Card Account. Chip_ Application. Identifier Identifica la aplicación (AID) en una tarjeta Chip que proporciona la información citada. 0..1 Card Account Chip Application Identifier Identifier. Type ID aplicación chip ChipApplicationID BBIE Card Account. Holder. Name The name of the cardholder. 0..1 Card Account Holder Name Name. Type HolderName BBIE Card Account. Holder. Name Nombre del titular de la tarjeta. 0..1 Card Account Holder Name Name. Type Titular HolderName ABIE Catalogue Item Specification Update Line. Details Details of Catalogue Line Item Specification. Catalogue Item Specification Update Line ABIE Catalogue Item Specification Update Line. Details Detalles de la especificación del elemento de catálogo. Catalogue Item Specification Update Line Línea de modificación de especificación de elemento de catálogo. BBIE Catalogue Item Specification Update Line. Identifier A unique instance identifier for the line in this Catalogue document. 1 Catalogue Item Specification Update Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Catalogue Item Specification Update Line. Identifier Identificador único de la instancia para la línea en este documento Catálogo. 1 Catalogue Item Specification Update Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID ASBIE Catalogue Item Specification Update Line. Contractor_ Customer Party. Customer Party The Customer Party responsible for the contract to which the Catalogue relates. 0..1 Catalogue Item Specification Update Line Contractor Customer Party Customer Party ContractorCustomerParty ASBIE Catalogue Item Specification Update Line. Contractor_ Customer Party. Customer Party Cliente responsable del contrato vinculado al Catálogo. 0..1 Catalogue Item Specification Update Line Contractor Customer Party Customer Party Contratante ContractorCustomerParty ASBIE Catalogue Item Specification Update Line. Seller_ Supplier Party. Supplier Party An association to the Seller of the item. 0..1 Catalogue Item Specification Update Line Seller Supplier Party Supplier Party SellerSupplierParty ASBIE Catalogue Item Specification Update Line. Seller_ Supplier Party. Supplier Party Asociación con el Vendedor del Elemento. 0..1 Catalogue Item Specification Update Line Seller Supplier Party Supplier Party Proveedor SellerSupplierParty ASBIE Catalogue Item Specification Update Line. Item An association to Item itself. 1 Catalogue Item Specification Update Line Item Item Item ASBIE Catalogue Item Specification Update Line. Item Asociación con el propio Elemento. 1 Catalogue Item Specification Update Line Item Item Elemento Item ABIE Catalogue Line. Details The basic element of Catalogue; something that can be bought. Catalogue Line ABIE Catalogue Line. Details Elemento básico de un Catálogo; algo que puede comprarse. Catalogue Line Línea de Catálogo BBIE Catalogue Line. Identifier A unique instance identifier for the line in this Catalogue document. 1 Catalogue Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Catalogue Line. Identifier Identificador único de la instancia para la línea en este documento Catálogo. 1 Catalogue Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Catalogue Line. Action Code. Code Code indicating the action required for this item to synchronize with external repositories. 0..1 Catalogue Line Action Code Code Code. Type ActionCode BBIE Catalogue Line. Action Code. Code Código que indica la acción exigida para este Elemento a efectos de sincronizarlo con repositorios externos. 0..1 Catalogue Line Action Code Code Code. Type Código de acción ActionCode BBIE Catalogue Line. Life Cycle Status Code. Code Code indicating availability of this line. 0..1 Catalogue Line Life Cycle Status Code Code Code. Type LifeCycleStatusCode BBIE Catalogue Line. Life Cycle Status Code. Code Código que indica la disponibilidad de esta línea. 0..1 Catalogue Line Life Cycle Status Code Code Code. Type Código de estado de ciclo de vida LifeCycleStatusCode BBIE Catalogue Line. Contract Subdivision. Text Identifies a subdivision of a contract or tender. 0..1 Catalogue Line Contract Subdivision Text Text. Type ContractSubdivision BBIE Catalogue Line. Contract Subdivision. Text Indica una subdivisión dentro de un contrato o de una oferta. 0..1 Catalogue Line Contract Subdivision Text Text. Type Subdivisión de contrato ContractSubdivision BBIE Catalogue Line. Note. Text Free-text note used for non-structured information about the line in the specific Catalogue document (intended to be human readable). 0..n Catalogue Line Note Text Text. Type Note BBIE Catalogue Line. Note. Text Texto libre que aporta información no estructurada sobre la línea en el documento Catálogo específico (destinada a ser leída por las personas). 0..n Catalogue Line Note Text Text. Type Nota Note BBIE Catalogue Line. Orderable_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether the line is orderable (that is, not just for information only). 0..1 Catalogue Line Orderable Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type OrderableIndicator BBIE Catalogue Line. Orderable_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si la línea puede ser objeto de pedido (es decir, no es una línea meramente informativa) 0..1 Catalogue Line Orderable Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de comprable OrderableIndicator BBIE Catalogue Line. Orderable_ Unit. Text The unit that can be ordered. 0..1 Catalogue Line Orderable Unit Text Text. Type OrderableUnit BBIE Catalogue Line. Orderable_ Unit. Text La unidad que puede ser pedida. 0..1 Catalogue Line Orderable Unit Text Text. Type Unidad de compra OrderableUnit BBIE Catalogue Line. Content Unit. Quantity The quantity of the order unit of measure of the line. 0..1 Catalogue Line Content Unit Quantity Quantity. Type ContentUnitQuantity BBIE Catalogue Line. Content Unit. Quantity Cantidad de unidades de pedido especificada en la línea. 0..1 Catalogue Line Content Unit Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad de unidades de contenido ContentUnitQuantity BBIE Catalogue Line. Order Quantity Increment. Numeric The number of items that can set the order quantity increments. 0..1 Catalogue Line Order Quantity Increment Numeric Numeric. Type OrderQuantityIncrementNumeric BBIE Catalogue Line. Order Quantity Increment. Numeric Número de elementos que pueden entrar en los incrementos de cantidades comprables. 0..1 Catalogue Line Order Quantity Increment Numeric Numeric. Type Incrementos en la cantidad comprable OrderQuantityIncrementNumeric BBIE Catalogue Line. Minimum_ Order Quantity. Quantity The minimum amount of items that can be ordered. 0..1 Catalogue Line Minimum Order Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type MinimumOrderQuantity BBIE Catalogue Line. Minimum_ Order Quantity. Quantity Cantidad mínima de elementos que puede comprarse. 0..1 Catalogue Line Minimum Order Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad de elementos mínima MinimumOrderQuantity BBIE Catalogue Line. Maximum_ Order Quantity. Quantity The maximum amount of items that can be ordered. 0..1 Catalogue Line Maximum Order Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type MaximumOrderQuantity BBIE Catalogue Line. Maximum_ Order Quantity. Quantity Cantidad máxima de elementos que puede comprarse. 0..1 Catalogue Line Maximum Order Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad de elementos máxima MaximumOrderQuantity BBIE Catalogue Line. Warranty_ Information. Text Information regarding the warranty for the good or service. Warranty may be provided by any Party (can be described in the association to Warranty Party). 0..n Catalogue Line Warranty Information Text Text. Type WarrantyInformation BBIE Catalogue Line. Warranty_ Information. Text Información acerca de la garantía asociada al bien o servicio. La Garantía puede ser provista por cualquier Parte (puede ser descrita por la asociación con la Parte garante). 0..n Catalogue Line Warranty Information Text Text. Type Información de garantía WarrantyInformation BBIE Catalogue Line. Pack Level Code. Code The level of packaging involved. 0..1 Catalogue Line Pack Level Code Code Code. Type Consumer Unit, Trading Unit PackLevelCode BBIE Catalogue Line. Pack Level Code. Code Indica el nivel de empaquetado empleado. 0..1 Catalogue Line Pack Level Code Code Code. Type Código de nivel de empaquetado PackLevelCode ASBIE Catalogue Line. Contractor_ Customer Party. Customer Party The Customer Party responsible for the contract to which the Catalogue relates. 0..1 Catalogue Line Contractor Customer Party Customer Party ContractorCustomerParty ASBIE Catalogue Line. Contractor_ Customer Party. Customer Party Cliente responsable del contrato vinculado al Catálogo. 0..1 Catalogue Line Contractor Customer Party Customer Party Contratante ContractorCustomerParty ASBIE Catalogue Line. Seller_ Supplier Party. Supplier Party An association to Seller of the item. 0..1 Catalogue Line Seller Supplier Party Supplier Party SellerSupplierParty ASBIE Catalogue Line. Seller_ Supplier Party. Supplier Party Asociación con el Vendedor del Elemento. 0..1 Catalogue Line Seller Supplier Party Supplier Party Proveedor SellerSupplierParty ASBIE Catalogue Line. Warranty_ Party. Party The party responsible for the Warranty. 0..1 Catalogue Line Warranty Party Party WarrantyParty ASBIE Catalogue Line. Warranty_ Party. Party Parte responsable de proporcionar la Garantía. 0..1 Catalogue Line Warranty Party Party Garante WarrantyParty ASBIE Catalogue Line. Warranty Validity_ Period. Period The period for which the Warranty is valid. 0..1 Catalogue Line Warranty Validity Period Period WarrantyValidityPeriod ASBIE Catalogue Line. Warranty Validity_ Period. Period Período durante el cual la Garantía está en vigor. 0..1 Catalogue Line Warranty Validity Period Period Plazo de validez de la garantía WarrantyValidityPeriod ASBIE Catalogue Line. Line Validity_ Period. Period The period for which the Catalogue Line is valid. 0..1 Catalogue Line Line Validity Period Period LineValidityPeriod ASBIE Catalogue Line. Line Validity_ Period. Period Período durante el cual la Línea del catálogo puede ser considerada válida. 0..1 Catalogue Line Line Validity Period Period Plazo de validez de la línea LineValidityPeriod ASBIE Catalogue Line. Item Comparison An association to comparative details for this Item. 0..n Catalogue Line Item Comparison Item Comparison ItemComparison ASBIE Catalogue Line. Item Comparison Asociación con detalles de una comparativa entre este Elemento y otros. 0..n Catalogue Line Item Comparison Item Comparison Comparativa del elemento ItemComparison ASBIE Catalogue Line. Component_ Related Item. Related Item An association that describes any catalogue items that may be components of this Item. 0..n Catalogue Line Component Related Item Related Item ComponentRelatedItem ASBIE Catalogue Line. Component_ Related Item. Related Item Asociación que describe cuantos elementos del catálogo pueden considerarse componentes de este Elemento. 0..n Catalogue Line Component Related Item Related Item Componente relacionado ComponentRelatedItem ASBIE Catalogue Line. Accessory_ Related Item. Related Item An association that describes any catalogue items that may be optional accessories to this Item. 0..n Catalogue Line Accessory Related Item Related Item AccessoryRelatedItem ASBIE Catalogue Line. Accessory_ Related Item. Related Item Asociación que describe cuantos elementos del catálogo pueden considerarse accesorios opcionales de este Elemento. 0..n Catalogue Line Accessory Related Item Related Item Accesorio relacionado AccessoryRelatedItem ASBIE Catalogue Line. Required_ Related Item. Related Item An association that describes any catalogue items that may be required for this Item. 0..n Catalogue Line Required Related Item Related Item RequiredRelatedItem ASBIE Catalogue Line. Required_ Related Item. Related Item Asociación que describe cuantos elementos del catálogo pueden exigirse junto con este Elemento. 0..n Catalogue Line Required Related Item Related Item Elemento exigido RequiredRelatedItem ASBIE Catalogue Line. Replacement_ Related Item. Related Item An association that describes any catalogue items that may be replacements for this Item. 0..n Catalogue Line Replacement Related Item Related Item ReplacementRelatedItem ASBIE Catalogue Line. Replacement_ Related Item. Related Item Asociación que describe cuantos elementos del catálogo pueden sustituir a este Elemento. 0..n Catalogue Line Replacement Related Item Related Item Elemento sustituto ReplacementRelatedItem ASBIE Catalogue Line. Complementary_ Related Item. Related Item An association that describes any catalogue items that may complement this Item. 0..n Catalogue Line Complementary Related Item Related Item ComplementaryRelatedItem ASBIE Catalogue Line. Complementary_ Related Item. Related Item Asociación que describe cuantos elementos del catálogo pueden considerarse complementos de este Elemento. 0..n Catalogue Line Complementary Related Item Related Item Elemento complementario ComplementaryRelatedItem ASBIE Catalogue Line. Required_ Item Location Quantity. Item Location Quantity An association to the description of properties related to locations and quantities of the Item. 0..n Catalogue Line Required Item Location Quantity Item Location Quantity RequiredItemLocationQuantity ASBIE Catalogue Line. Required_ Item Location Quantity. Item Location Quantity Asociación con la descripción de las propiedades relacionadas con las ubicaciones y cantidades de este Elemento. 0..n Catalogue Line Required Item Location Quantity Item Location Quantity Cantidad y ubicación del Elemento RequiredItemLocationQuantity ASBIE Catalogue Line. Document Reference An association to Document Reference. 0..n Catalogue Line Document Reference Document Reference DocumentReference ASBIE Catalogue Line. Document Reference Asociación con una Referencia a un documento. 0..n Catalogue Line Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a documento DocumentReference ASBIE Catalogue Line. Item An association to the Item itself. 1 Catalogue Line Item Item Item ASBIE Catalogue Line. Item Asociación con el propio Elemento. 1 Catalogue Line Item Item Elemento Item ABIE Catalogue Pricing Update Line. Details Details of Catalogue Line Pricing. Catalogue Pricing Update Line ABIE Catalogue Pricing Update Line. Details Detalles acerca de los precios relacionados en una línea de catálogo. Catalogue Pricing Update Line Línea de actualización de precios de catálogo BBIE Catalogue Pricing Update Line. Identifier A unique instance identifier for the line in this Catalogue document. 1 Catalogue Pricing Update Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Catalogue Pricing Update Line. Identifier Identificador único de la instancia para la línea en este documento Catálogo. 1 Catalogue Pricing Update Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID ASBIE Catalogue Pricing Update Line. Contractor_ Customer Party. Customer Party The Customer Party responsible for the contract to which the Catalogue relates. 0..1 Catalogue Pricing Update Line Contractor Customer Party Customer Party ContractorCustomerParty ASBIE Catalogue Pricing Update Line. Contractor_ Customer Party. Customer Party Cliente responsable del contrato vinculado al Catálogo. 0..1 Catalogue Pricing Update Line Contractor Customer Party Customer Party Contratante ContractorCustomerParty ASBIE Catalogue Pricing Update Line. Seller_ Supplier Party. Supplier Party An association to the Seller of the Item. 0..1 Catalogue Pricing Update Line Seller Supplier Party Supplier Party SellerSupplierParty ASBIE Catalogue Pricing Update Line. Seller_ Supplier Party. Supplier Party Asociación con el Vendedor del Elemento. 0..1 Catalogue Pricing Update Line Seller Supplier Party Supplier Party Proveedor SellerSupplierParty ASBIE Catalogue Pricing Update Line. Required_ Item Location Quantity. Item Location Quantity An association to the description of properties related to locations and quantities of the item. 0..n Catalogue Pricing Update Line Required Item Location Quantity Item Location Quantity RequiredItemLocationQuantity ASBIE Catalogue Pricing Update Line. Required_ Item Location Quantity. Item Location Quantity Asociación con la descripción de las propiedades relacionadas con las ubicaciones y cantidades de este Elemento. 0..n Catalogue Pricing Update Line Required Item Location Quantity Item Location Quantity Cantidad y ubicación del Elemento RequiredItemLocationQuantity ABIE Catalogue Reference. Details A reference to a Catalogue. Catalogue Reference ABIE Catalogue Reference. Details Una referencia a un catálogo. Catalogue Reference Referencia a catálogo BBIE Catalogue Reference. Identifier Identifies a reference to a Catalogue document. 1 Catalogue Reference Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Catalogue Reference. Identifier Identifica una referencia a un documento Catálogo 1 Catalogue Reference Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Catalogue Reference. UUID. Identifier A universally unique identifier for an instance of this ABIE. 0..1 Catalogue Reference UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID BBIE Catalogue Reference. UUID. Identifier Identificador único de la instancia de esta Entidad de Información Básica Agregada (ABIE) 0..1 Catalogue Reference UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID UUID BBIE Catalogue Reference. Issue Date. Date The date when the Catalogue was issued. 0..1 Catalogue Reference Issue Date Date Date. Type IssueDate BBIE Catalogue Reference. Issue Date. Date Fecha de publicación del Catálogo. 0..1 Catalogue Reference Issue Date Date Date. Type Fecha de emisión IssueDate BBIE Catalogue Reference. Issue Time. Time The time when the Catalogue was issued. 0..1 Catalogue Reference Issue Time Time Time. Type IssueTime BBIE Catalogue Reference. Issue Time. Time Hora de emisión del Catálogo. 0..1 Catalogue Reference Issue Time Time Time. Type Hora de emisión IssueTime BBIE Catalogue Reference. Revision Date. Date The date on which the information in the Catalogue was revised. 0..1 Catalogue Reference Revision Date Date Date. Type RevisionDate BBIE Catalogue Reference. Revision Date. Date Fecha en la que se revisó el Catálogo por última vez. 0..1 Catalogue Reference Revision Date Date Date. Type Fecha de revisión RevisionDate BBIE Catalogue Reference. Revision Time. Time The time at which the information in the Catalogue was revised. 0..1 Catalogue Reference Revision Time Time Time. Type RevisionTime BBIE Catalogue Reference. Revision Time. Time Hora en la que se revisó el Catálogo por última vez. 0..1 Catalogue Reference Revision Time Time Time. Type Hora de revisión RevisionTime BBIE Catalogue Reference. Note. Text A free-text note about the Catalogue. This is used for information which is only human readable. 0..n Catalogue Reference Note Text Text. Type Note BBIE Catalogue Reference. Note. Text Texto libre sobre el Catálogo. Información no estructurada susceptible de ser leída únicamente por humanos. 0..n Catalogue Reference Note Text Text. Type Nota Note BBIE Catalogue Reference. Description. Text A description of the Catalogue. 0..n Catalogue Reference Description Text Text. Type Description BBIE Catalogue Reference. Description. Text Descripción del Catálogo. 0..n Catalogue Reference Description Text Text. Type Descripción Description BBIE Catalogue Reference. Version. Identifier Indicates the current version of the Catalogue. 0..1 Catalogue Reference Version Identifier Identifier. Type VersionID BBIE Catalogue Reference. Version. Identifier Identifica la versión más reciente del Catálogo. 0..1 Catalogue Reference Version Identifier Identifier. Type ID de versión VersionID BBIE Catalogue Reference. Previous_ Version. Identifier Indicates the previous version (the version superseded by this Catalogue). 0..1 Catalogue Reference Previous Version Identifier Identifier. Type PreviousVersionID BBIE Catalogue Reference. Previous_ Version. Identifier Identifica la penúltima versión del Catálogo (es decir la versión anterior descatalogada). 0..1 Catalogue Reference Previous Version Identifier Identifier. Type ID de la versión anterior PreviousVersionID ABIE Catalogue Request Line. Details The basic element of Catalogue; something that can be bought. Catalogue Request Line ABIE Catalogue Request Line. Details Elemento básico del Catálogo; algo que puede comprarse. Catalogue Request Line Línea de solicitud de catálogo BBIE Catalogue Request Line. Identifier A unique instance identifier for the line in this Catalogue document. 1 Catalogue Request Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Catalogue Request Line. Identifier Identificador único de la instancia para la línea en este documento Catálogo. 1 Catalogue Request Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Catalogue Request Line. Contract Subdivision. Text Identifies a subdivision of a contract or tender. 0..1 Catalogue Request Line Contract Subdivision Text Text. Type ContractSubdivision BBIE Catalogue Request Line. Contract Subdivision. Text Indica una subdivisión dentro de un contrato o de una oferta. 0..1 Catalogue Request Line Contract Subdivision Text Text. Type Subdivisión de contrato ContractSubdivision BBIE Catalogue Request Line. Note. Text Free-text note used for non-structured information about the line in the specific Catalogue document (intended to be human readable). 0..n Catalogue Request Line Note Text Text. Type Note BBIE Catalogue Request Line. Note. Text Texto libre que aporta información no estructurada sobre la línea en el documento Catálogo específico (destinada a ser leída por las personas). 0..n Catalogue Request Line Note Text Text. Type Nota Note ASBIE Catalogue Request Line. Line Validity_ Period. Period The period for which the Catalogue Line is valid. 0..1 Catalogue Request Line Line Validity Period Period LineValidityPeriod ASBIE Catalogue Request Line. Line Validity_ Period. Period Período durante el cual la Línea del catálogo puede ser considerada válida. 0..1 Catalogue Request Line Line Validity Period Period Período de validez LineValidityPeriod ASBIE Catalogue Request Line. Required_ Item Location Quantity. Item Location Quantity An association to the description of properties related to locations and quantities of the item. 0..n Catalogue Request Line Required Item Location Quantity Item Location Quantity RequiredItemLocationQuantity ASBIE Catalogue Request Line. Required_ Item Location Quantity. Item Location Quantity Asociación con la descripción de las propiedades relacionadas con las ubicaciones y cantidades de este Elemento. 0..n Catalogue Request Line Required Item Location Quantity Item Location Quantity Cantidad y ubicación del Elemento RequiredItemLocationQuantity ASBIE Catalogue Request Line. Item An association to the Item itself. 1 Catalogue Request Line Item Item Item ASBIE Catalogue Request Line. Item Asociación con el propio Elemento. 1 Catalogue Request Line Item Item Elemento Item ABIE Certificate. Details A class to define a certificate applied to the item. Certificated can be a requirement to sell goods or services in a jurisdiction. Certificate CertificateType ABIE Certificate. Details Certificate CertificateType BBIE Certificate. Identifier An identifier for this certificate. 1 Certificate Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Certificate. Identifier 1 Certificate Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Certificate. Certificate Type Code. Code The type of this certificate, expressed as a code. The type specifies what array it belongs to, e.g.. Environmental, security, health improvement etc. 1 Certificate Certificate Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Certificate. Certificate Type Code. Code 1 Certificate Certificate Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Certificate. Certificate Type. Text The type of this certificate, expressed as a code. The type specifies what array it belongs to, e.g.. Environmental, security, health improvement etc. 1 Certificate Certificate Type Text Text. Type BBIE Certificate. Certificate Type. Text 1 Certificate Certificate Type Text Text. Type BBIE Certificate. Remarks. Text Remarks by the applicant for this certificate. 0..n Certificate Remarks Text Text. Type BBIE Certificate. Remarks. Text 0..n Certificate Remarks Text Text. Type ASBIE Certificate. Issuer_ Party. Party The authorized organization that issued this certificate, the provider of the certificate. 1 Certificate Issuer Party Party ASBIE Certificate. Issuer_ Party. Party 1 Certificate Issuer Party Party ASBIE Certificate. Document Reference A reference to a document relevant to this certificate or an application for this certificate. 0..n Certificate Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Certificate. Document Reference 0..n Certificate Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Certificate. Signature A signature applied to this certificate. 0..n Certificate Signature Signature ASBIE Certificate. Signature 0..n Certificate Signature Signature ABIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Details Information about a Certificate of Origin application. Certificate Of Origin Application ABIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Details Información acerca de la solicitud de un Certificado de origen. Certificate Of Origin Application Solicitud del certificado de origen BBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Reference. Identifier Holds the unique number that identifies the Despatch Advice, typically according to the seller's system that generated the Despatch Advice. 1 Certificate Of Origin Application Reference Identifier Identifier. Type ReferenceID BBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Reference. Identifier Contiene un número único que identfica el Albarán de entrega, por lo general de acuerdo con el sistema del vendedor que genera el Albarán de entrega. 1 Certificate Of Origin Application Reference Identifier Identifier. Type ID de referencia ReferenceID BBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Certificate Type. Text Type of CO. Type could be Ordinary, Re-export, Commonwealth Preferential etc. 1 Certificate Of Origin Application Certificate Type Text Text. Type CertificateType BBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Certificate Type. Text Tipo de Certificado de origen. El tipo puede ser Ordinario, Re-exportación, Preferentemente la Commonwealth, etc. 1 Certificate Of Origin Application Certificate Type Text Text. Type Tipo de certificado CertificateType BBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Application Status Code. Code Indicates the status of the application (revision, replacement, etc.). 0..1 Certificate Of Origin Application Application Status Code Code Code. Type ApplicationStatusCode BBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Application Status Code. Code Indica el estado de la solicitud (revisión, sustitución, etc.) 0..1 Certificate Of Origin Application Application Status Code Code Code. Type Código de estado de la solicitud ApplicationStatusCode BBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Original_ Job Identifier. Identifier The latest Job Number given to the Origin application. This is used by the system to keep track of the amendments or cancellation of the origin application applied earlier. 1 Certificate Of Origin Application Original Job Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type OriginalJobID BBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Original_ Job Identifier. Identifier Último Número de trabajo otorgado a la solicitud de origen. Utilizado por el sistema para rastrear enmiendas o cancelaciones de solicitudes de origen previas. 1 Certificate Of Origin Application Original Job Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de trabajo original OriginalJobID BBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Previous_ Job Identifier. Identifier The previous Job Number assigned in case the application undergoes query or change. This is used by the system to keep track of the amendments or cancellation of the origin application applied earlier. 0..1 Certificate Of Origin Application Previous Job Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type PreviousJobID BBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Previous_ Job Identifier. Identifier Número del trabajo anterior asignado en el caso de que la solicitud haya sido consultada o modificada. Utilizado por el sistema para rastrear las enmiendas o cancelaciones de solicitudes de origen previas. 0..1 Certificate Of Origin Application Previous Job Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de trabajo previo PreviousJobID BBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Remarks. Text Remarks by the applicant for the Certificate of Origin Application. 0..1 Certificate Of Origin Application Remarks Text Text. Type Remarks BBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Remarks. Text Observaciones del solicitante acerca de la Solicitud del certificado de origen 0..1 Certificate Of Origin Application Remarks Text Text. Type Observaciones Remarks ASBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Shipment An association to Shipment. 1 Certificate Of Origin Application Shipment Shipment Shipment ASBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Shipment Asociación con la Expedición. 1 Certificate Of Origin Application Shipment Shipment Expedición Shipment ASBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Endorser Party The party providing the endorsement. 1..n Certificate Of Origin Application Endorser Party Endorser Party EndorserParty ASBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Endorser Party Parte que da su endoso. 1..n Certificate Of Origin Application Endorser Party Endorser Party Aprobador EndorserParty ASBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Preparation_ Party. Party Details of an individual, a group, or a body that prepares the Certificate of Origin application. 1 Certificate Of Origin Application Preparation Party Party PreparationParty ASBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Preparation_ Party. Party Detalles acerca de un individuo, grupo u organismo que prepara la Solicitud del certificado de origen. 1 Certificate Of Origin Application Preparation Party Party Preparador PreparationParty ASBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Issuer_ Party. Party Details of the authorized organization that issued the Certificate of Origin. 1 Certificate Of Origin Application Issuer Party Party IssuerParty ASBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Issuer_ Party. Party Detalles acerca de la autoridad que emitió el Certificado de origen. 1 Certificate Of Origin Application Issuer Party Party Emisor IssuerParty ASBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Issuing_ Country. Country The country for which the Certificate of Origin is issued. 1 Certificate Of Origin Application Issuing Country Country IssuingCountry ASBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Issuing_ Country. Country País para el que se emite el Certificado de origen. 1 Certificate Of Origin Application Issuing Country Country País de emisión IssuingCountry ASBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Document Distribution The distribution of the Certificate of Origin to interested parties. 0..n Certificate Of Origin Application Document Distribution Document Distribution DocumentDistribution ASBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Document Distribution Distribución del Certificado de origen a las partes interesadas. 0..n Certificate Of Origin Application Document Distribution Document Distribution Distribución del documento DocumentDistribution ASBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Supporting_ Document Reference. Document Reference An associative reference to a supporting document. 0..n Certificate Of Origin Application Supporting Document Reference Document Reference SupportingDocumentReference ASBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Supporting_ Document Reference. Document Reference Referencia a un documento de soporte. 0..n Certificate Of Origin Application Supporting Document Reference Document Reference Documento de soporte SupportingDocumentReference ASBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Signature One or more signatures applied to the document instance. 0..n Certificate Of Origin Application Signature Signature Signature ASBIE Certificate Of Origin Application. Signature Una o más firmas aplicadas a una instancia de documento. 0..n Certificate Of Origin Application Signature Signature Firma Signature ABIE Classification Category. Details Information about a Classification Category; a subdivision of a Classification Scheme. Classification Category ABIE Classification Category. Details Información acerca de una Categoría de Clasificación; subdivisión de un Esquema de Clasificación Classification Category Categoría de Clasificación BBIE Classification Category. Name The name of the Classification Category. 0..1 Classification Category Name Name Name. Type Code List Name Name BBIE Classification Category. Name Nombre de la Categoría de Clasificación 0..1 Classification Category Name Name Name. Type Nombre Name BBIE Classification Category. Code Value. Text The Classification Category value. 0..1 Classification Category Code Value Text Text. Type Code Value CodeValue BBIE Classification Category. Code Value. Text Valor de la Categoría de Clasificación 0..1 Classification Category Code Value Text Text. Type Valor CodeValue BBIE Classification Category. Description. Text The description of the Classification Category. 0..n Classification Category Description Text Text. Type Code Name Description BBIE Classification Category. Description. Text Descripción de la Categoría de Clasificación 0..n Classification Category Description Text Text. Type Descripción Description ASBIE Classification Category. Categorizes_ Classification Category. Classification Category An association to subcategories within the Category. 0..n Classification Category Categorizes Classification Category Classification Category CategorizesClassificationCategory ASBIE Classification Category. Categorizes_ Classification Category. Classification Category Asociaciones posibles con instancias de este mismo componente Categoría de Clasificación, utilizadas para especificar subcategorías dentro de la Categoría 0..n Classification Category Categorizes Classification Category Classification Category Subcategorías CategorizesClassificationCategory ABIE Classification Scheme. Details Information about Classification Scheme; a scheme that defines a taxonomy for classifying goods or services. Classification Scheme ABIE Classification Scheme. Details Información acerca de un Esquema de clasificación; esquema que define una taxonomía destinada a clasificar bienes o servicios. Classification Scheme Esquema de clasificación BBIE Classification Scheme. Identifier An identifier for the classification scheme. 1 Classification Scheme Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Classification Scheme. Identifier Identifica el esquema de clasificación. 1 Classification Scheme Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Classification Scheme. UUID. Identifier A universally unique identifier for an instance of this ABIE. 0..1 Classification Scheme UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID BBIE Classification Scheme. UUID. Identifier Identificador único universal generado por ordenador (UUID) asignado a la instancia del ABIE. 0..1 Classification Scheme UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID UUID BBIE Classification Scheme. Last_ Revision Date. Date The date at which the classification scheme was last revised. 0..1 Classification Scheme Last Revision Date Date Date. Type LastRevisionDate BBIE Classification Scheme. Last_ Revision Date. Date Fecha en la que se revisó el Esquema de clasificación por última vez. 0..1 Classification Scheme Last Revision Date Date Date. Type Fecha de revisión LastRevisionDate BBIE Classification Scheme. Last_ Revision Time. Time The time at which the classification scheme was last revised. 0..1 Classification Scheme Last Revision Time Time Time. Type LastRevisionTime BBIE Classification Scheme. Last_ Revision Time. Time Hora en la que se revisó el Esquema de clasificación por última vez. 0..1 Classification Scheme Last Revision Time Time Time. Type Hora de revisión LastRevisionTime BBIE Classification Scheme. Note. Text Free-form text applying to the Classification Scheme. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure. 0..1 Classification Scheme Note Text Text. Type Note BBIE Classification Scheme. Note. Text Texto libre sobre el el Esquema de clasificación. Este elemento puede contener notas o cualquier otra información similar explícitamente no contenida en otra estructura. 0..1 Classification Scheme Note Text Text. Type Nota Note BBIE Classification Scheme. Name The name of the Classification Scheme. 0..1 Classification Scheme Name Name Name. Type Name BBIE Classification Scheme. Name Nombre del Esquema de Clasificación. 0..1 Classification Scheme Name Name Name. Type Nombre Name BBIE Classification Scheme. Description. Text A description of the Classification Scheme. 0..n Classification Scheme Description Text Text. Type Description BBIE Classification Scheme. Description. Text Descripción del Esquema de Clasificación. 0..n Classification Scheme Description Text Text. Type Descripción Description BBIE Classification Scheme. Agency Identifier. Identifier Identifies the agency that maintains the Classification Scheme. 0..1 Classification Scheme Agency Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type AgencyID BBIE Classification Scheme. Agency Identifier. Identifier Identifica la agencia que mantiene el Esquema de clasificación. 0..1 Classification Scheme Agency Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de agencia AgencyID BBIE Classification Scheme. Agency Name. Text The name of the agency that maintains the Classification Scheme. 0..1 Classification Scheme Agency Name Text Text. Type AgencyName BBIE Classification Scheme. Agency Name. Text Nombre de la agencia que mantiene el Esquema de clasificación. 0..1 Classification Scheme Agency Name Text Text. Type Nombre de agencia AgencyName BBIE Classification Scheme. Version. Identifier Identifies the version of the Classification Scheme. 0..1 Classification Scheme Version Identifier Identifier. Type VersionID BBIE Classification Scheme. Version. Identifier Identifica la versión del Esquema de clasificación. 0..1 Classification Scheme Version Identifier Identifier. Type ID de versión VersionID BBIE Classification Scheme. URI. Identifier The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where the Classification is located. 0..1 Classification Scheme URI Identifier Identifier. Type URI BBIE Classification Scheme. URI. Identifier Identificador de recurso uniforme (URI) que identifica la ubicación de la clasificación. 0..1 Classification Scheme URI Identifier Identifier. Type URI URI BBIE Classification Scheme. Scheme_ URI. Identifier The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where the Classification Scheme is located. 0..1 Classification Scheme Scheme URI Identifier Identifier. Type SchemeURI BBIE Classification Scheme. Scheme_ URI. Identifier Identificador de recurso uniforme (URI) que identifica la ubicación del Esquema de clasificación. 0..1 Classification Scheme Scheme URI Identifier Identifier. Type Esquema de la URI SchemeURI BBIE Classification Scheme. Language. Identifier Identifies the language of the Classification Scheme. 0..1 Classification Scheme Language Identifier Identifier. Type LanguageID BBIE Classification Scheme. Language. Identifier Identifica el idioma del Esquema de clasificación. 0..1 Classification Scheme Language Identifier Identifier. Type ID de idioma LanguageID ASBIE Classification Scheme. Classification Category An association to Classification Category. 1..n Classification Scheme Classification Category Classification Category ClassificationCategory ASBIE Classification Scheme. Classification Category Asociación con la Categoría de clasificación. 1..n Classification Scheme Classification Category Classification Category Categoría de clasificación ClassificationCategory ABIE Clause. Details A class to define a clause (a distinct article or provision) in a contract, treaty, will, or other formal or legal written document requiring compliance. Clause ABIE Clause. Details Clause BBIE Clause. Identifier An identifier for this clause. 0..1 Clause Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Clause. Identifier 0..1 Clause Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Clause. Content. Text The text of this clause. 0..n Clause Content Text Text. Type Content BBIE Clause. Content. Text 0..n Clause Content Text Text. Type Content ABIE Commodity Classification. Details Information about Commodity Classification. Commodity Classification ABIE Commodity Classification. Details Información acerca de la clasificación de un producto, servicio u obra Commodity Classification Clasificación de bien, servicio o producto BBIE Commodity Classification. Nature Code. Code The high-level nature of the Classification issued by a specific maintenance agency, expressed as a code. 0..1 Commodity Classification Nature Code Code Code. Type NatureCode BBIE Commodity Classification. Nature Code. Code Código que identifica la naturaleza de alto nivel definida por la Clasificación emitida por una agencia específica de mantenimiento 0..1 Commodity Classification Nature Code Code Code. Type Código de naturaleza NatureCode BBIE Commodity Classification. Cargo Type Code. Code The type of cargo, expressed as a code. 0..1 Commodity Classification Cargo Type Code Code Code. Type CargoTypeCode BBIE Commodity Classification. Cargo Type Code. Code Código que identifica el tipo de carga constituida por este tipo de producto (como el tipo de carga de un buque mercante) 0..1 Commodity Classification Cargo Type Code Code Code. Type Código de tipo de carga CargoTypeCode BBIE Commodity Classification. Commodity Code. Code The harmonized international commodity code for regulatory (customs and trade statistics) purposes. 0..1 Commodity Classification Commodity Code Code Code. Type Harmonized Code CommodityCode BBIE Commodity Classification. Commodity Code. Code Código internacional armonizado usado con propósitos normativos (estadísticas arancelarias y comerciales) 0..1 Commodity Classification Commodity Code Code Code. Type Código de bien CommodityCode BBIE Commodity Classification. Item Classification Code. Code The trade commodity classification, expressed as a code. 0..1 Commodity Classification Item Classification Code Code Code. Type UN/SPSC Code ItemClassificationCode BBIE Commodity Classification. Item Classification Code. Code Código que identifica el bien como un elemento comercial 0..1 Commodity Classification Item Classification Code Code Code. Type Código de clasificación de elemento ItemClassificationCode ABIE Communication. Details Information about a means of communication. Communication ABIE Communication. Details Información acerca de un medio de comunicación Communication Comunicación BBIE Communication. Channel Code. Code The method of communication, expressed as a code. 0..1 Communication Channel Code Code Channel Channel_ Code. Type ChannelCode BBIE Communication. Channel Code. Code Código que identifica un método de comunicación 0..1 Communication Channel Code Code Channel Channel_ Code. Type Código de Canal ChannelCode BBIE Communication. Channel. Text The method of communication, expressed as text. 0..1 Communication Channel Text Text. Type Channel BBIE Communication. Channel. Text Texto que describe el método de comunicación 0..1 Communication Channel Text Text. Type Canal Channel BBIE Communication. Value. Text The communication value, such as phone number or email address. 0..1 Communication Value Text Text. Type Value BBIE Communication. Value. Text Valor del método de comunicación, como el número de teléfono o la dirección de correo electrónico 0..1 Communication Value Text Text. Type Valor Value ABIE Completed Task. Details Completion of a mental or physical effort to a specific purpose in the tendering process. Completed Task ABIE Completed Task. Details Experiencia en la realización de proyectos, ejecución servicios o suministro de productos de un operador económico. Completed Task Trabajo realizado BBIE Completed Task. Annual_ Average. Amount The monetary value that constitutes the average amount of this completed task. 0..1 Completed Task Annual Average Amount Amount. Type BBIE Completed Task. Annual_ Average. Amount Valor monetario medio anual de trabajos realizados de este tipo. 0..1 Completed Task Annual Average Amount Amount. Type Importe Medio Anual BBIE Completed Task. Total Task. Amount The monetary value that constitutes the actual amount of this completed task. 0..1 Completed Task Total Task Amount Amount. Type BBIE Completed Task. Total Task. Amount Valor monetario total obtenido mediante la realización de este tipo de trabajos. 0..1 Completed Task Total Task Amount Amount. Type Importe Total Anual BBIE Completed Task. Party Capacity. Amount The monetary value that constitutes the capacity of the party which carried out this completed task. 0..1 Completed Task Party Capacity Amount Amount. Type BBIE Completed Task. Party Capacity. Amount Capacidad económica de la organización para ejecutar este tipo de proyecto o suministros. 0..1 Completed Task Party Capacity Amount Amount. Type Capacidad Económica BBIE Completed Task. Description. Text The textual expression of the description of this completed task. 0..n Completed Task Description Text Text. Type BBIE Completed Task. Description. Text Descripción textual de trabajo, proyecto o suministro. 0..n Completed Task Description Text Text. Type Descripción BBIE Completed Task. Evidence Supplied. Identifier An ID reference to the Evidence that justifies this task. 0..1 Completed Task Evidence Supplied Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Completed Task. Evidence Supplied. Identifier Identificador que referencia a la evidencia, que es un documento anexo que acredita la realización de estos trabajos. 0..1 Completed Task Evidence Supplied Identifier Identifier. Type Referencia a la evidencia ASBIE Completed Task. Period The specified period where the task has been performed. 0..1 Completed Task Period Period ASBIE Completed Task. Period Período de tiempo durante el que se realizó el trabajo. 0..1 Completed Task Period Period Período ASBIE Completed Task. Recipient_ Customer Party. Customer Party The original customer for this completed task. 0..1 Completed Task Recipient Customer Party Customer Party ASBIE Completed Task. Recipient_ Customer Party. Customer Party Cliente destinatario del proyecto, servicio o suministro de productos. 0..1 Completed Task Recipient Customer Party Customer Party Cliente ABIE Concession Revenue. Details Information regarding the income of a concession Concession Revenue ABIE Concession Revenue. Details Información referente a los ingresos de una concesión Concession Revenue Ingresos por concesión BBIE Concession Revenue. Revenue User Amount The estimated revenue coming from the users of the concession (e.g. fees and fines). 0..1 Concession Revenue Revenue User Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Concession Revenue. Revenue User Amount Los ingresos estimados procedentes de los usuarios de la concesión (por ejemplo, tasas y multas) 0..1 Concession Revenue Revenue User Amount Amount Amount. Type Ingresos usuario BBIE Concession Revenue. Revenue Buyer Amount The estimated revenue coming from the buyer who granted the concession (e.g. prizes and payments). 0..1 Concession Revenue Revenue Buyer Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Concession Revenue. Revenue Buyer Amount Los ingresos estimados procedentes del comprador que otorgó la concesión (por ejemplo, primas y pagos). 0..1 Concession Revenue Revenue Buyer Amount Amount Amount. Type Ingresos comprador BBIE Concession Revenue. Value Description The description of the method used for calculating the estimated value of the concession and any other relevant information concerning the value of the concession. 0..1 Concession Revenue ValueDescription Text Text. Type BBIE Concession Revenue. Value Description información pertinente sobre el valor de la concesión 0..1 Concession Revenue ValueDescription Text Text. Type Descripción valor ABIE Condition. Details A class to define a measurable condition of an object. Condition ConditionType ABIE Condition. Details Condition ConditionType BBIE Condition. Attribute Identifier. Identifier An identifier for the attribute that applies to the condition. 1 Condition Attribute Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Condition. Attribute Identifier. Identifier 1 Condition Attribute Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Condition. Measure The measurement value. 0..1 Condition Measure Measure Measure. Type BBIE Condition. Measure 0..1 Condition Measure Measure Measure. Type BBIE Condition. Description. Text Text describing the attribute that applies to the condition. 0..n Condition Description Text Text. Type BBIE Condition. Description. Text 0..n Condition Description Text Text. Type BBIE Condition. Minimum_ Measure. Measure The minimum value in a range of measurement for this condition. 0..1 Condition Minimum Measure Measure Measure. Type BBIE Condition. Minimum_ Measure. Measure 0..1 Condition Minimum Measure Measure Measure. Type BBIE Condition. Maximum_ Measure. Measure The maximum value in a range of measurement for this condition. 0..1 Condition Maximum Measure Measure Measure. Type BBIE Condition. Maximum_ Measure. Measure 0..1 Condition Maximum Measure Measure Measure. Type ABIE Consignment. Details An identifiable collection of one or more goods items to be transported between the consignor and the consignee. This information may be defined within a transport contract. A consignment may comprise more than one shipment (e.g., when consolidated by a f Consignment ABIE Consignment. Details Colección identificable de uno o más bienes a transportar entre el consignador y el consignado. Esta información puede estar definida en un contrato de transporte. Una consignación puede comprender más de una expedición (p.e. Cuando se consolidan por un t Consignment Consignación BBIE Consignment. Identifier Unique number assigned to goods, both for import and export. 1 Consignment Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Unique consignment reference number (UCR) ID BBIE Consignment. Identifier Número único asignado a los bienes, destinados tanto a la importación como a la exportación. 1 Consignment Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Consignment. Summary_ Description. Text General descriptive text that is not part of any remarks. 0..n Consignment Summary Description Text Text. Type SummaryDescription BBIE Consignment. Summary_ Description. Text Texto descriptivo genérico que no forma parte de las observaciones. 0..n Consignment Summary Description Text Text. Type Descripción resumida SummaryDescription BBIE Consignment. Total_ Invoice Amount. Amount Total of all invoice amounts declared in a single consignment. 0..1 Consignment Total Invoice Amount Amount Amount. Type TotalInvoiceAmount BBIE Consignment. Total_ Invoice Amount. Amount Suma de todas las cantidades de la factura declarados en una única consignación 0..1 Consignment Total Invoice Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe total de factura TotalInvoiceAmount BBIE Consignment. Declared Customs_ Value. Amount Amount declared for customs purposes of those goods in a consignment, whether or not they are subject to the same customs procedure, tariff/statistical heading, country information, and duty regime. 0..1 Consignment Declared Customs Value Amount Amount. Type DeclaredCustomsValueAmount BBIE Consignment. Declared Customs_ Value. Amount Importe declarado a efectos arancelarios de los bienes consignados, estén sujetos o no al mismo procedimiento aduanero, cabecera arancelaria/estadística, información sobre el país y régimen impositivo. 0..1 Consignment Declared Customs Value Amount Amount. Type Valor declarado en aduana DeclaredCustomsValueAmount BBIE Consignment. Tariff Description. Text A description of the tariff applied to a consignment. 0..n Consignment Tariff Description Text Text. Type TariffDescription BBIE Consignment. Tariff Description. Text Descripción de la tarifa aplicada a una consignación. 0..n Consignment Tariff Description Text Text. Type Descripción de la tarifa TariffDescription BBIE Consignment. Tariff Code. Code Code specifying a tariff applied to a consignment. 0..1 Consignment Tariff Code Code Code. Type Tariff code number (WCO ID 145) TariffCode BBIE Consignment. Tariff Code. Code Código que especifica el tipo de tarifa aplicada a una consignación. 0..1 Consignment Tariff Code Code Code. Type Código de tarifa TariffCode BBIE Consignment. Insurance Premium Amount. Amount Amount of premium payable to the insurance company for insuring the goods. 0..1 Consignment Insurance Premium Amount Amount Amount. Type Insurance Cost InsurancePremiumAmount BBIE Consignment. Insurance Premium Amount. Amount Importe de una prima susceptible de ser pagada a la compañía que asegura los bienes. 0..1 Consignment Insurance Premium Amount Amount Amount. Type Valor de la póliza del seguro InsurancePremiumAmount BBIE Consignment. Gross_ Weight. Measure Total weight (mass) of goods for a declaration, including packaging but excluding the carrier's equipment. 0..1 Consignment Gross Weight Measure Measure. Type Total gross weight (WCO ID 131) GrossWeightMeasure BBIE Consignment. Gross_ Weight. Measure Declaración del peso (masa) total de los bienes, incluido el embalaje pero excluyendo de él el equipamiento del transportista. 0..1 Consignment Gross Weight Measure Measure. Type Peso bruto GrossWeightMeasure BBIE Consignment. Net_ Weight. Measure Total net weight (mass) of all the goods items referred to as one consignment. 0..1 Consignment Net Weight Measure Measure. Type NetWeightMeasure BBIE Consignment. Net_ Weight. Measure Peso neto (masa) total de todos los elementos tomados en su conjunto como una única consignación. 0..1 Consignment Net Weight Measure Measure. Type Peso neto NetWeightMeasure BBIE Consignment. Net Net_ Weight. Measure Weight (mass) of the goods themselves without any packing. 0..1 Consignment Net Net Weight Measure Measure. Type NetNetWeightMeasure BBIE Consignment. Net Net_ Weight. Measure Peso (masa) del conjunto de bienes sin ningún tipo de embalaje. 0..1 Consignment Net Net Weight Measure Measure. Type Peso neto sin embalajes NetNetWeightMeasure BBIE Consignment. Chargeable_ Weight. Measure Gross weight (mass) on which a charge is to be based. 0..1 Consignment Chargeable Weight Measure Measure. Type Chargeable Weight. Basis.Measure ChargeableWeightMeasure BBIE Consignment. Chargeable_ Weight. Measure Peso (masa) bruto a partir del cual se debe aplicar un cargo. 0..1 Consignment Chargeable Weight Measure Measure. Type Cargo por sobrepeso ChargeableWeightMeasure BBIE Consignment. Gross_ Volume. Measure Total volume of all goods items referred to as one consignment. 0..1 Consignment Gross Volume Measure Measure. Type Cube GrossVolumeMeasure BBIE Consignment. Gross_ Volume. Measure Volumen total de todos los elementos considerados en su conjunto como una única consignación. 0..1 Consignment Gross Volume Measure Measure. Type Volumen bruto GrossVolumeMeasure BBIE Consignment. Net_ Volume. Measure Net volume of all goods items referred to as one consignment. 0..1 Consignment Net Volume Measure Measure. Type NetVolumeMeasure BBIE Consignment. Net_ Volume. Measure Volumen neto de todos los elementos considerados en su conjunto como una única consignación. 0..1 Consignment Net Volume Measure Measure. Type Volumen neto NetVolumeMeasure BBIE Consignment. Loading_ Length. Measure Total length in a means of transport or a piece of transport equipment whereby the complete width and height over that length is needed for loading all the consignments referred to as one consolidation. 0..1 Consignment Loading Length Measure Measure. Type LoadingLengthMeasure BBIE Consignment. Loading_ Length. Measure Longitud total en un medio de transporte o en una unidad o equipo de transporte para la cual la anchura y altura completas por encima de dicha longitud debe especificarse para cargar todas las consignaciones tomadas en su conjunto como una única consolida 0..1 Consignment Loading Length Measure Measure. Type Longitud total LoadingLengthMeasure BBIE Consignment. Remarks. Text Remarks concerning the complete consignment to be printed on the transport document. 0..n Consignment Remarks Text Text. Type Remarks BBIE Consignment. Remarks. Text Observaciones acerca de la consignación completa que deben imprimirse en un documento de transporte. 0..n Consignment Remarks Text Text. Type Observaciones Remarks BBIE Consignment. Hazardous Risk_ Indicator. Indicator Indication that the transport is or is not subject to an international regulation concerning the carriage of dangerous goods. 0..1 Consignment Hazardous Risk Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Dangerous Goods RID Indicator HazardousRiskIndicator BBIE Consignment. Hazardous Risk_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si el transporte está sujeto o no a la normativa internacional acerca del transporte de mercancías peligrosas. 0..1 Consignment Hazardous Risk Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de riesgo por mercancías peligrosas HazardousRiskIndicator ASBIE Consignment. Consignee_ Party. Party Party to which goods are consigned. 0..1 Consignment Consignee Party Party Consignee (WCO ID 51 and 52) ConsigneeParty ASBIE Consignment. Consignee_ Party. Party Parte a quien se consignan los bienes. 0..1 Consignment Consignee Party Party Receptor ConsigneeParty ASBIE Consignment. Exporter_ Party. Party The party who makes the export declaration, or on whose behalf the export declaration is made, and who is the owner of the goods or has similar right of disposal over them at the time when the declaration is accepted. 0..1 Consignment Exporter Party Party Exporter (WCO ID 41 and 42) ExporterParty ASBIE Consignment. Exporter_ Party. Party Parte que realiza la declaración de exportación, o en cuyo nombre se hace la declaración de exportación, y que es propietaria de los bienes o tiene derechos similares a la hora de disponer de ellos una vez aceptada la declaración. 0..1 Consignment Exporter Party Party Exportador ExporterParty ASBIE Consignment. Consignor_ Party. Party The party consigning goods, as stipulated in the transport contract by the party ordering transport. 0..1 Consignment Consignor Party Party Consignor (WCO ID 71 and 72) ConsignorParty ASBIE Consignment. Consignor_ Party. Party Parte que consigna los bienes, según estipula en el contrato de transporte la persona que ordena dicho transporte. 0..1 Consignment Consignor Party Party Remitente ConsignorParty ASBIE Consignment. Importer_ Party. Party The party who makes an import declaration, or on whose behalf a Customs clearing agent or other authorized person makes an import declaration. This may include a person who has possession of the goods or to whom the goods are consigned. 0..1 Consignment Importer Party Party Importer (WCO ID 39 and 40) ImporterParty ASBIE Consignment. Importer_ Party. Party Parte que realiza la declaración de importación, o en cuyo nombre un responsable de aduanas u otra persona autorizada realiza una declaración. Esto puede incluir a las personas que estén en posesión de los bienes o a los consigntarios de los mismos. 0..1 Consignment Importer Party Party Importador ImporterParty ASBIE Consignment. Carrier_ Party. Party The party providing the transport of goods between named points. 0..1 Consignment Carrier Party Party Transport Company, Shipping Line, NVOCC, Airline, Haulier, Courier, Carrier (WCO ID 49 and 50) CarrierParty ASBIE Consignment. Carrier_ Party. Party Parte que proporciona el transporte de bienes entre dos puntos especificados. 0..1 Consignment Carrier Party Party Transportista CarrierParty ASBIE Consignment. Freight Forwarder_ Party. Party The party combining individual smaller consignments into a single larger shipment (so called consolidated shipment) that is sent to a counterpart who mirrors the consolidator's activity by dividing the consolidated consignment into its original components 0..1 Consignment Freight Forwarder Party Party Consolidator (WCO ID 192 AND 193) FreightForwarderParty ASBIE Consignment. Freight Forwarder_ Party. Party Parte que combina consignaciones individuales pequeñas con un envío más grande (denominado envío consolidado) y que es transportado hasta un homólogo que realiza justo la operación contraria a la llevada a cabo por el consolididor, dividiendo la consignac 0..1 Consignment Freight Forwarder Party Party Transitario FreightForwarderParty ASBIE Consignment. Notify_ Party. Party The party to be notified. 0..1 Consignment Notify Party Party WCO ID 57 and 58 NotifyParty ASBIE Consignment. Notify_ Party. Party Parte que debe ser notificada. 0..1 Consignment Notify Party Party Notificado NotifyParty ASBIE Consignment. Original Despatch_ Party. Party The original despatch party. 0..1 Consignment Original Despatch Party Party OriginalDespatchParty ASBIE Consignment. Original Despatch_ Party. Party Parte del primer origen del despacho los bienes. 0..1 Consignment Original Despatch Party Party Remitente original OriginalDespatchParty ASBIE Consignment. Final Delivery_ Party. Party The final delivery party. 0..1 Consignment Final Delivery Party Party FinalDeliveryParty ASBIE Consignment. Final Delivery_ Party. Party Último receptor de la entrega. 0..1 Consignment Final Delivery Party Party Receptor final FinalDeliveryParty ASBIE Consignment. Original Departure_ Country. Country The country from which the goods are originally exported, without any commercial transaction taking place in intermediate countries. 0..1 Consignment Original Departure Country Country Country of origin (WCO ID 062) OriginalDepartureCountry ASBIE Consignment. Original Departure_ Country. Country País desde el cual se exportan originalmente los bienes, sin ninguna transacción comercial en países intermedios. 0..1 Consignment Original Departure Country Country Primer país de origen OriginalDepartureCountry ASBIE Consignment. Final Destination_ Country. Country Name of the country to which the goods are to be delivered to the final consignee or buyer. 0..1 Consignment Final Destination Country Country Ultimate Destination Country, Country of Final Arrival, Country of Destination FinalDestinationCountry ASBIE Consignment. Final Destination_ Country. Country Nombre del pais de destino final en el que los bienes deben entregarse al último consignatario o al comprador final. 0..1 Consignment Final Destination Country Country País de destino final FinalDestinationCountry ASBIE Consignment. Transit_ Country. Country The countries through which goods or passengers are routed between the country of original departure and the country of final destination. 0..n Consignment Transit Country Country Country(ies) of routing (WCO ID 064) TransitCountry ASBIE Consignment. Transit_ Country. Country Países situados entre el primer país de origen y el país de destino final y a través de los cuales pasan los bienes o pasajeros. 0..n Consignment Transit Country Country País de tránsito TransitCountry ASBIE Consignment. Transport_ Contract. Contract An association to Transport Contract. 0..1 Consignment Transport Contract Contract TransportContract ASBIE Consignment. Transport_ Contract. Contract Asociación con el contrato del transporte. 0..1 Consignment Transport Contract Contract Contrato del transporte TransportContract ASBIE Consignment. Original Despatch_ Transportation Service. Transportation Service The service for pick-up from the consignor under the transport contract. 0..1 Consignment Original Despatch Transportation Service Transportation Service OriginalDespatchTransportationService ASBIE Consignment. Original Despatch_ Transportation Service. Transportation Service Servicio de recogida del remitente especificado en el contrato de transporte. 0..1 Consignment Original Despatch Transportation Service Transportation Service Servicio de transporte para el despacho original OriginalDespatchTransportationService ASBIE Consignment. Final Delivery_ Transportation Service. Transportation Service The service for delivery to the consignee under the transport contract. 0..1 Consignment Final Delivery Transportation Service Transportation Service FinalDeliveryTransportationService ASBIE Consignment. Final Delivery_ Transportation Service. Transportation Service Sevicio de entrega del consignatario especificado en el contrato. 0..1 Consignment Final Delivery Transportation Service Transportation Service Servicio de transporte para le entrega final FinalDeliveryTransportationService ASBIE Consignment. Delivery Terms All the conditions agreed upon between a seller and a buyer with regard to the delivery of goods and/or services, e.g., CIF, FOB, or EXW from the INCOTERMS Terms of Delivery. 0..1 Consignment Delivery Terms Delivery Terms Trade Terms, INCOTERMS DeliveryTerms ASBIE Consignment. Delivery Terms Conjunto de condiciones acordadas entre un comprador y un vendedor en relación con los bienes y/o servicios; p.e., el CIF, FOB o EXW de las Condiciones de entrega especificadas en INCOTERMS. 0..1 Consignment Delivery Terms Delivery Terms Condiciones de entrega DeliveryTerms ASBIE Consignment. Payment Terms The conditions of payment between the parties in a transaction. 0..1 Consignment Payment Terms Payment Terms PaymentTerms ASBIE Consignment. Payment Terms Condiciones de pago establecidas entre las partes de una transacción. 0..1 Consignment Payment Terms Payment Terms Condiciones de pago PaymentTerms ASBIE Consignment. Freight_ Allowance Charge. Allowance Charge Costs incurred by the shipper in moving goods, by whatever means, from one place to another under the terms of the contract of carriage. In addition to transport costs, this may include such elements as packing, documentation, loading, unloading, and insu 0..n Consignment Freight Allowance Charge Allowance Charge Freight Costs FreightAllowanceCharge ASBIE Consignment. Freight_ Allowance Charge. Allowance Charge Costes generados por quien desplaza los bienes, por los medios que fueran, de un lugar a otro bajo los términos del contrato de transporte. Además de los costes derivados del transporte, estos costes pueden incluir elementos tales como embalaje, documenta 0..n Consignment Freight Allowance Charge Allowance Charge Cargo o descuento sobre el flete FreightAllowanceCharge ABIE Consumption. Details A class to describe the consumption of a utility. Consumption ConsumptionType ABIE Consumption. Details Consumption ConsumptionType BBIE Consumption. Utility Statement Type Code. Code A code identifying the type of the Utility Statement required for this consumption. Explains the kind of utility the statement is about, e.g.. "gas", "electricity", "telephone" 0..1 Consumption Utility Statement Type Code Code Code. Type Electricity BBIE Consumption. Utility Statement Type Code. Code 0..1 Consumption Utility Statement Type Code Code Code. Type Electricity ASBIE Consumption. Main_ Period. Period The period of consumption. 0..1 Consumption Main Period Period ASBIE Consumption. Main_ Period. Period 0..1 Consumption Main Period Period ASBIE Consumption. Allowance Charge An allowance or charges that may apply with this consumption. 0..n Consumption Allowance Charge Allowance Charge ASBIE Consumption. Allowance Charge 0..n Consumption Allowance Charge Allowance Charge ASBIE Consumption. Tax Total The total of taxes for each tax type covering the consumption. 0..n Consumption Tax Total Tax Total ASBIE Consumption. Tax Total 0..n Consumption Tax Total Tax Total ASBIE Consumption. Energy Water Supply The details of any energy or water consumption. 0..1 Consumption Energy Water Supply Energy Water Supply ASBIE Consumption. Energy Water Supply 0..1 Consumption Energy Water Supply Energy Water Supply ASBIE Consumption. Telecommunications Supply The details of any telecommunications consumption. 0..1 Consumption Telecommunications Supply Telecommunications Supply ASBIE Consumption. Telecommunications Supply 0..1 Consumption Telecommunications Supply Telecommunications Supply ASBIE Consumption. Legal_ Monetary Total. Monetary Total The total amount payable on this consumption, including any allowances, charges, or taxes. 1 Consumption Legal Monetary Total Monetary Total ASBIE Consumption. Legal_ Monetary Total. Monetary Total 1 Consumption Legal Monetary Total Monetary Total ABIE Consumption Average. Details A class to define an average consumption as a monetary amount. Consumption Average ConsumptionAverageType ABIE Consumption Average. Details Consumption Average ConsumptionAverageType BBIE Consumption Average. Average_ Amount. Amount The average monetary amount of the consumption. 0..1 Consumption Average Average Amount Amount Amount. Type 1.65 BBIE Consumption Average. Average_ Amount. Amount 0..1 Consumption Average Average Amount Amount Amount. Type 1.65 BBIE Consumption Average. Description. Text A description of the average consumed. 0..n Consumption Average Description Text Text. Type Average price incl. value added tax per kilowatt-hour in the billing period. BBIE Consumption Average. Description. Text 0..n Consumption Average Description Text Text. Type Average price incl. value added tax per kilowatt-hour in the billing period. ABIE Consumption Correction. Details The Statement of correction, for examples heating correction. Consumption Correction ConsumptionCorrectionType ABIE Consumption Correction. Details Consumption Correction ConsumptionCorrectionType BBIE Consumption Correction. Correction Type. Text Statement for the correction type. 0..1 Consumption Correction Correction Type Text Text. Type Heating Correction BBIE Consumption Correction. Correction Type. Text 0..1 Consumption Correction Correction Type Text Text. Type Heating Correction BBIE Consumption Correction. Correction Type Code. Code Statement at the code for the correction type. 0..1 Consumption Correction Correction Type Code Code Code. Type HeatingCorrection BBIE Consumption Correction. Correction Type Code. Code 0..1 Consumption Correction Correction Type Code Code Code. Type HeatingCorrection BBIE Consumption Correction. Meter Number. Text Statement for meter number. 0..1 Consumption Correction Meter Number Text Text. Type 530071575 BBIE Consumption Correction. Meter Number. Text 0..1 Consumption Correction Meter Number Text Text. Type 530071575 BBIE Consumption Correction. Gas Pressure. Quantity Correction of the gas pressure. 0..1 Consumption Correction Gas Pressure Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Consumption Correction. Gas Pressure. Quantity 0..1 Consumption Correction Gas Pressure Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Consumption Correction. Actual_ Temperature Reduction. Quantity Statement for the actuel heating correction temperature. 0..1 Consumption Correction Actual Temperature Reduction Quantity Quantity. Type -36.69 BBIE Consumption Correction. Actual_ Temperature Reduction. Quantity 0..1 Consumption Correction Actual Temperature Reduction Quantity Quantity. Type -36.69 BBIE Consumption Correction. Normal_ Temperature Reduction. Quantity Statement for the standard for heating correction temperature. 0..1 Consumption Correction Normal Temperature Reduction Quantity Quantity. Type -37.00 BBIE Consumption Correction. Normal_ Temperature Reduction. Quantity 0..1 Consumption Correction Normal Temperature Reduction Quantity Quantity. Type -37.00 BBIE Consumption Correction. Difference_ Temperature Reduction. Quantity Deviation from standard heating correction. 0..1 Consumption Correction Difference Temperature Reduction Quantity Quantity. Type 0.31 BBIE Consumption Correction. Difference_ Temperature Reduction. Quantity 0..1 Consumption Correction Difference Temperature Reduction Quantity Quantity. Type 0.31 BBIE Consumption Correction. Description. Text Description related to the corrections. 0..n Consumption Correction Description Text Text. Type BBIE Consumption Correction. Description. Text 0..n Consumption Correction Description Text Text. Type BBIE Consumption Correction. Correction Unit Amount. Amount Correction per MWH per degree C. 0..1 Consumption Correction Correction Unit Amount Amount Amount. Type 0.0000 BBIE Consumption Correction. Correction Unit Amount. Amount 0..1 Consumption Correction Correction Unit Amount Amount Amount. Type 0.0000 BBIE Consumption Correction. Consumption Energy. Quantity Your consumpt for district heating energy. 0..1 Consumption Correction Consumption Energy Quantity Quantity. Type 563.6240 BBIE Consumption Correction. Consumption Energy. Quantity 0..1 Consumption Correction Consumption Energy Quantity Quantity. Type 563.6240 BBIE Consumption Correction. Consumption Water. Quantity Your consumpt for district heating water. 0..1 Consumption Correction Consumption Water Quantity Quantity. Type 13212.14 BBIE Consumption Correction. Consumption Water. Quantity 0..1 Consumption Correction Consumption Water Quantity Quantity. Type 13212.14 BBIE Consumption Correction. Correction Amount. Amount Your correction for heating correction. 0..1 Consumption Correction Correction Amount Amount Amount. Type 0.00 BBIE Consumption Correction. Correction Amount. Amount 0..1 Consumption Correction Correction Amount Amount Amount. Type 0.00 ABIE Consumption History. Details A class to describe the measurement of a type of consumption during a particular period, used for the subscriber to get an overview of his consumption Consumption History ConsumptionHistoryType ABIE Consumption History. Details Consumption History ConsumptionHistoryType BBIE Consumption History. Meter Number. Text A text identifier for the meter measuring the consumption. 0..1 Consumption History Meter Number Text Text. Type 61722x BBIE Consumption History. Meter Number. Text 0..1 Consumption History Meter Number Text Text. Type 61722x BBIE Consumption History. Quantity The quantity consumed. 1 Consumption History Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 7621.00 BBIE Consumption History. Quantity 1 Consumption History Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 7621.00 BBIE Consumption History. Amount The monetary amount to be charged for the quantity consumed. 0..1 Consumption History Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Consumption History. Amount 0..1 Consumption History Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Consumption History. Consumption Level Code. Code The consumption level, expressed as a code used explain the consumption quantity, e.g.. diversion from the normal. 0..1 Consumption History Consumption Level Code Code Code. Type B BBIE Consumption History. Consumption Level Code. Code 0..1 Consumption History Consumption Level Code Code Code. Type B BBIE Consumption History. Consumption Level Text. Text The consumption level, expressed as text, used explain the consumption quantity, e.g.. diversion from the normal. 0..1 Consumption History Consumption Level Text Text Text. Type Average BBIE Consumption History. Consumption Level Text. Text 0..1 Consumption History Consumption Level Text Text Text. Type Average BBIE Consumption History. Description. Text Text describing the consumption itself. 0..n Consumption History Description Text Text. Type 2004/2005 BBIE Consumption History. Description. Text 0..n Consumption History Description Text Text. Type 2004/2005 ASBIE Consumption History. Period The period during which the consumption took place. 1 Consumption History Period Period ASBIE Consumption History. Period 1 Consumption History Period Period ABIE Consumption Line. Details A class to describe a line item for utility consumption. To specify more than one utility item, use separate consumption lines. Consumption Line ConsumptionLineType ABIE Consumption Line. Details Consumption Line ConsumptionLineType BBIE Consumption Line. Identifier An identifier for this consumption line. 1 Consumption Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type 1 BBIE Consumption Line. Identifier 1 Consumption Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type 1 BBIE Consumption Line. Parent_ Document Line Reference Identifier. Identifier An identifier for the transaction line on a related document (such as an invoice) that covers this consumption line. 0..1 Consumption Line Parent Document Line Reference Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Consumption BBIE Consumption Line. Parent_ Document Line Reference Identifier. Identifier 0..1 Consumption Line Parent Document Line Reference Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Consumption BBIE Consumption Line. Invoiced_ Quantity. Quantity The quantity invoiced. 1 Consumption Line Invoiced Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Consumption Line. Invoiced_ Quantity. Quantity 1 Consumption Line Invoiced Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Consumption Line. Line Extension Amount. Amount The monetary amount, including discount, to be charged for this consumption line. 1 Consumption Line Line Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Consumption Line. Line Extension Amount. Amount 1 Consumption Line Line Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type ASBIE Consumption Line. Period The period of time covered by this consumption line. 0..1 Consumption Line Period Period ASBIE Consumption Line. Period 0..1 Consumption Line Period Period ASBIE Consumption Line. Delivery A delivery of the utility item on this consumption line. 0..n Consumption Line Delivery Delivery ASBIE Consumption Line. Delivery 0..n Consumption Line Delivery Delivery ASBIE Consumption Line. Allowance Charge An allowance or charge that applies to this consumption line. 0..n Consumption Line Allowance Charge Allowance Charge ASBIE Consumption Line. Allowance Charge 0..n Consumption Line Allowance Charge Allowance Charge ASBIE Consumption Line. Tax Total A total amount of taxes of a particular kind applicable to this consumption line. 0..n Consumption Line Tax Total Tax Total ASBIE Consumption Line. Tax Total 0..n Consumption Line Tax Total Tax Total ASBIE Consumption Line. Utility Item The utility item consumed. 1 Consumption Line Utility Item Utility Item ASBIE Consumption Line. Utility Item 1 Consumption Line Utility Item Utility Item ASBIE Consumption Line. Price The price associated with this consumption line, expressed in a data structure containing multiple properties. 0..1 Consumption Line Price Price ASBIE Consumption Line. Price 0..1 Consumption Line Price Price ASBIE Consumption Line. Unstructured Price The price associated with this consumption line expressed in a less structured form that includes just the amount and the time of use. 0..1 Consumption Line Unstructured Price Unstructured Price ASBIE Consumption Line. Unstructured Price 0..1 Consumption Line Unstructured Price Unstructured Price ABIE Consumption Point. Details A class to define the point of consumption for a utility, such as a meter. Consumption Point ABIE Consumption Point. Details Consumption Point BBIE Consumption Point. Identifier An identifier for this point of consumption. 1 Consumption Point Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Consumption Point. Identifier 1 Consumption Point Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type 7411013716x ID BBIE Consumption Point. Description. Text Text describing this consumption point. 0..n Consumption Point Description Text Text. Type Description BBIE Consumption Point. Description. Text 0..n Consumption Point Description Text Text. Type Additional informations concerning the consumption point Description BBIE Consumption Point. Subscriber Identifier. Identifier An identifier for the subscriber responsible for the consumption at this consumption point. 0..1 Consumption Point Subscriber Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type SubscriberID BBIE Consumption Point. Subscriber Identifier. Identifier 0..1 Consumption Point Subscriber Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type 98143211 SubscriberID BBIE Consumption Point. Subscriber Type. Text The type of subscriber, expressed as text. 0..1 Consumption Point Subscriber Type Text Text. Type SubscriberType BBIE Consumption Point. Subscriber Type. Text 0..1 Consumption Point Subscriber Type Text Text. Type SubscriberType BBIE Consumption Point. Subscriber Type Code. Code The type of subscriber, expressed as a code. 0..1 Consumption Point Subscriber Type Code Code Code. Type SubscriberTypeCode BBIE Consumption Point. Subscriber Type Code. Code 0..1 Consumption Point Subscriber Type Code Code Code. Type APL SubscriberTypeCode BBIE Consumption Point. Total_ Delivered Quantity. Quantity The total quantity delivered, calculated at this consumption point. 0..1 Consumption Point Total Delivered Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type TotalDeliveredQuantity BBIE Consumption Point. Total_ Delivered Quantity. Quantity 0..1 Consumption Point Total Delivered Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 5761.00 TotalDeliveredQuantity ASBIE Consumption Point. Address The address of this consumption point. 0..1 Consumption Point Address Address Address ASBIE Consumption Point. Address 0..1 Consumption Point Address Address Address ASBIE Consumption Point. Web Site Access Access information for the website of this consumption point. 0..1 Consumption Point Web Site Access Web Site Access WebSiteAccess ASBIE Consumption Point. Web Site Access 0..1 Consumption Point Web Site Access Web Site Access WebSiteAccess ASBIE Consumption Point. Utility_ Meter. Meter A meter at this consumption point. 0..n Consumption Point Utility Meter Meter UtilityMeter ASBIE Consumption Point. Utility_ Meter. Meter 0..n Consumption Point Utility Meter Meter UtilityMeter ABIE Consumption Report. Details A class to describe utility consumption, including details of the environment in which consumption takes place. Consumption Report ConsumptionReportType ABIE Consumption Report. Details Consumption Report ConsumptionReportType BBIE Consumption Report. Identifier An identifier for this consumption report. 1 Consumption Report Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type n/a BBIE Consumption Report. Identifier 1 Consumption Report Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type n/a BBIE Consumption Report. Consumption Type. Text The type of consumption, expressed as text. 0..1 Consumption Report Consumption Type Text Text. Type Consumption BBIE Consumption Report. Consumption Type. Text 0..1 Consumption Report Consumption Type Text Text. Type Consumption BBIE Consumption Report. Consumption Type Code. Code The type of consumption, expressed as a code. 0..1 Consumption Report Consumption Type Code Code Code. Type Consumption BBIE Consumption Report. Consumption Type Code. Code 0..1 Consumption Report Consumption Type Code Code Code. Type Consumption BBIE Consumption Report. Description. Text Text reporting utility consumption. 0..n Consumption Report Description Text Text. Type This report contain the latest year consumption BBIE Consumption Report. Description. Text 0..n Consumption Report Description Text Text. Type This report contain the latest year consumption BBIE Consumption Report. Total_ Consumed Quantity. Quantity The total quantity consumed. 0..1 Consumption Report Total Consumed Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 20479.00 BBIE Consumption Report. Total_ Consumed Quantity. Quantity 0..1 Consumption Report Total Consumed Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 20479.00 BBIE Consumption Report. Basic_ Consumed Quantity. Quantity The basic quantity consumed, excluding additional consumption. 0..1 Consumption Report Basic Consumed Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 20000.00 BBIE Consumption Report. Basic_ Consumed Quantity. Quantity 0..1 Consumption Report Basic Consumed Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 20000.00 BBIE Consumption Report. Resident_ Occupants Numeric. Numeric The number of people occupying the residence covered by this report. 0..1 Consumption Report Resident Occupants Numeric Numeric Numeric. Type 4.0 BBIE Consumption Report. Resident_ Occupants Numeric. Numeric 0..1 Consumption Report Resident Occupants Numeric Numeric Numeric. Type 4.0 BBIE Consumption Report. Consumers_ Energy Level Code. Code The level of energy consumed, compared to the average for this residence type and the number of people living in the residence, expressed as a code. 0..1 Consumption Report Consumers Energy Level Code Code Code. Type B BBIE Consumption Report. Consumers_ Energy Level Code. Code 0..1 Consumption Report Consumers Energy Level Code Code Code. Type B BBIE Consumption Report. Consumers_ Energy Level. Text The level of energy consumed, compared to the average for this residence type and the number of people living in the residence, expressed as text. 0..1 Consumption Report Consumers Energy Level Text Text. Type Middel BBIE Consumption Report. Consumers_ Energy Level. Text 0..1 Consumption Report Consumers Energy Level Text Text. Type Middel BBIE Consumption Report. Residence Type. Text The type of residence (house, apartment, etc.) covered in this report, expressed as text. 0..1 Consumption Report Residence Type Text Text. Type House BBIE Consumption Report. Residence Type. Text 0..1 Consumption Report Residence Type Text Text. Type House BBIE Consumption Report. Residence Type Code. Code The type of residence (house, apartment, etc.) covered in this report, expressed as a code. 0..1 Consumption Report Residence Type Code Code Code. Type House BBIE Consumption Report. Residence Type Code. Code 0..1 Consumption Report Residence Type Code Code Code. Type House BBIE Consumption Report. Heating Type. Text The type of heating in the residence covered in this report, expressed as text. 0..1 Consumption Report Heating Type Text Text. Type District heating BBIE Consumption Report. Heating Type. Text 0..1 Consumption Report Heating Type Text Text. Type District heating BBIE Consumption Report. Heating Type Code. Code The type of heating in the residence covered in this report, expressed as a code. 0..1 Consumption Report Heating Type Code Code Code. Type DistrictHeating BBIE Consumption Report. Heating Type Code. Code 0..1 Consumption Report Heating Type Code Code Code. Type DistrictHeating ASBIE Consumption Report. Period The period of consumption covered in this report. 0..1 Consumption Report Period Period ASBIE Consumption Report. Period 0..1 Consumption Report Period Period ASBIE Consumption Report. Guidance_ Document Reference. Document Reference A reference to a document providing an explanation of this kind of report. 0..1 Consumption Report Guidance Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Consumption Report. Guidance_ Document Reference. Document Reference 0..1 Consumption Report Guidance Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Consumption Report. Document Reference A reference to some other document (for example, this report in another format). 0..1 Consumption Report Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Consumption Report. Document Reference 0..1 Consumption Report Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Consumption Report. Consumption Report Reference A reference to a previous consumption report. 0..n Consumption Report Consumption Report Reference Consumption Report Reference ASBIE Consumption Report. Consumption Report Reference 0..n Consumption Report Consumption Report Reference Consumption Report Reference ASBIE Consumption Report. Consumption History A report describing historical parameters relating to a specific instance of consumption. 0..n Consumption Report Consumption History Consumption History ASBIE Consumption Report. Consumption History 0..n Consumption Report Consumption History Consumption History ABIE Consumption Report Reference. Details A class to define a reference to an earlier consumption report (e.g., last year's consumption). Consumption Report Reference ConsumptionReportReferenceType ABIE Consumption Report Reference. Details Consumption Report Reference ConsumptionReportReferenceType BBIE Consumption Report Reference. Consumption_ Report Identifier. Identifier An identifier for the referenced consumption report. 1 Consumption Report Reference Consumption Report Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type n/a BBIE Consumption Report Reference. Consumption_ Report Identifier. Identifier 1 Consumption Report Reference Consumption Report Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type n/a BBIE Consumption Report Reference. Consumption Type. Text The reported consumption type, expressed as text. 0..1 Consumption Report Reference Consumption Type Text Text. Type Consumption BBIE Consumption Report Reference. Consumption Type. Text 0..1 Consumption Report Reference Consumption Type Text Text. Type Consumption BBIE Consumption Report Reference. Consumption Type Code. Code The reported consumption type, expressed as a code. 0..1 Consumption Report Reference Consumption Type Code Code Code. Type Consumption BBIE Consumption Report Reference. Consumption Type Code. Code 0..1 Consumption Report Reference Consumption Type Code Code Code. Type Consumption BBIE Consumption Report Reference. Total_ Consumed Quantity. Quantity The total quantity consumed during the period of the referenced report. 1 Consumption Report Reference Total Consumed Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 20479.00 BBIE Consumption Report Reference. Total_ Consumed Quantity. Quantity 1 Consumption Report Reference Total Consumed Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 20479.00 ASBIE Consumption Report Reference. Period The period of consumption covered by the referenced report. 1 Consumption Report Reference Period Period ASBIE Consumption Report Reference. Period 1 Consumption Report Reference Period Period ABIE Contact. Details Information about a contactable person or organization department. Contact ABIE Contact. Details Información acerca de una persona o de un departamento designados como punto de consulta o acceso a un organismo Contact Contacto BBIE Contact. Identifier An identifier for the Contact. 0..1 Contact Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Contact. Identifier Identifica de forma única a este contacto 0..1 Contact Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Contact. Name The name of the Contact. 0..1 Contact Name Name Name. Type Name BBIE Contact. Name Nombre del contacto 0..1 Contact Name Name Name. Type Nombre Name BBIE Contact. Telephone. Text The telephone number of the Contact. 0..1 Contact Telephone Text Text. Type Telephone BBIE Contact. Telephone. Text Número de teléfono de este contacto en formato textual 0..1 Contact Telephone Text Text. Type Teléfono Telephone BBIE Contact. Telefax. Text The fax number of the Contact. 0..1 Contact Telefax Text Text. Type Telefax BBIE Contact. Telefax. Text Número de fax de este contacto en formato textual 0..1 Contact Telefax Text Text. Type Fax Telefax BBIE Contact. Electronic_ Mail. Text The email address of the Contact. 0..1 Contact Electronic Mail Text Text. Type ElectronicMail BBIE Contact. Electronic_ Mail. Text Correo electrónico de este contacto 0..1 Contact Electronic Mail Text Text. Type Correo electrónico ElectronicMail BBIE Contact. Note. Text A note such as 'Emergency' or 'After Hours' describing the circumstances in which the Contact can be used. 0..1 Contact Note Text Text. Type Note BBIE Contact. Note. Text Nota como por ejemplo “Emergencia” o “Fuera de Horas” que describe las circunstancias en las que se puede utilizar este Contacto. 0..1 Contact Note Text Text. Type Nota Note ASBIE Contact. Other_ Communication. Communication An association to Other Communication. 0..n Contact Other Communication Communication OtherCommunication ASBIE Contact. Other_ Communication. Communication Asociaciones posibles con instancias del componente Comunicación a fin de especificar otros medios de comunicación con este contacto 0..n Contact Other Communication Communication Otras comunicaciones OtherCommunication ABIE Contract. Details Information about a Contract. Contract ABIE Contract. Details Información básica acerca de un contrato Contract Contrato BBIE Contract. Identifier Identifies the Contract. 0..1 Contract Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Contract. Identifier Identifica el contrato de forma única 0..1 Contract Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Número de contrato ID BBIE Contract. Issue Date. Date The date on which the Contract was issued. 0..1 Contract Issue Date Date Date. Type IssueDate BBIE Contract. Issue Date. Date Fecha de emisión del contrato 0..1 Contract Issue Date Date Date. Type Fecha de emisión IssueDate BBIE Contract. Issue Time. Time The time at which the Contract was issued. 0..1 Contract Issue Time Time Time. Type IssueTime BBIE Contract. Issue Time. Time Hora de emisión del contrato 0..1 Contract Issue Time Time Time. Type Hora de emisión IssueTime BBIE Contract. Contract Type Code. Code The type of Contract, expressed as a code. 0..1 Contract Contract Type Code Code Code. Type ContractTypeCode BBIE Contract. Contract Type Code. Code Código que identifica el tipo de contrato del que se trata 0..1 Contract Contract Type Code Code Code. Type Código de tipo de contrato ContractTypeCode BBIE Contract. Contract Type. Text The type of Contract, expressed as text. 0..1 Contract Contract Type Text Text. Type ContractType BBIE Contract. Contract Type. Text Texto descriptivo del tipo de contrato 0..1 Contract Contract Type Text Text. Type Tipo de contrato ContractType ASBIE Contract. Validity_ Period. Period An association to Validity Period. 0..1 Contract Validity Period Period ValidityPeriod ASBIE Contract. Validity_ Period. Period Asociación con una instancia del componente Periodo utilizada para indicar el período de validez de este contrato 0..1 Contract Validity Period Period Período de validez ValidityPeriod ASBIE Contract. Contract_ Document Reference. Document Reference An associative reference to Contract Document. 0..n Contract Contract Document Reference Document Reference ContractDocumentReference ASBIE Contract. Contract_ Document Reference. Document Reference Asociación a una Referencia a un Contrato. 0..n Contract Contract Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a Contrato ContractDocumentReference ABIE Contract Execution Requirement. Details An action or statement that is imperative in a tender. Contract Execution Requirement ABIE Contract Execution Requirement. Details Condiciones especiales de ejecución de un contrato. Contract Execution Requirement Requisito de ejecución BBIE Contract Execution Requirement. Name. Text Name of the requirement. 0..n Contract Execution Requirement Name Text Text. Type BBIE Contract Execution Requirement. Name. Text Nombre de la condición de ejecución. 0..n Contract Execution Requirement Name Text Text. Type Nombre BBIE Contract Execution Requirement. Execution Requirement Code. Code The contract execution requirement coded. 0..1 Contract Execution Requirement Execution Requirement Code Code Code. Type BBIE Contract Execution Requirement. Execution Requirement Code. Code Código de condición especial de ejecución del contrato. 0..1 Contract Execution Requirement Execution Requirement Code Code Code. Type Código de requisito BBIE Contract Execution Requirement. Description. Text A textual description of the requirement. 0..n Contract Execution Requirement Description Text Text. Type BBIE Contract Execution Requirement. Description. Text Descripción textual del requisito 0..n Contract Execution Requirement Description Text Text. Type Descripción ABIE Contract Extension. Details Information about the possible extensions of a contract. Contract Extension ABIE Contract Extension. Details Opciones y prórrogas de un contrato (como el contrato correspondiente a un proceso de licitación). Contract Extension Extensión BBIE Contract Extension. Options Description. Text Option Description to be executed while awarding the contract. 0..n Contract Extension Options Description Text Text. Type BBIE Contract Extension. Options Description. Text Descripción textual de las opciones que se deben ejercer a la adjudicación del contrato. 0..n Contract Extension Options Description Text Text. Type Descripción de Opciones BBIE Contract Extension. Minimum_ Number. Numeric Minimum number of contract extensions. 0..1 Contract Extension Minimum Number Numeric Numeric. Type BBIE Contract Extension. Minimum_ Number. Numeric Número de prórrogas mínimo. 0..1 Contract Extension Minimum Number Numeric Numeric. Type Mínimo de prórrogas BBIE Contract Extension. Maximum_ Number. Numeric Maximum number of contract extensions. 0..1 Contract Extension Maximum Number Numeric Numeric. Type BBIE Contract Extension. Maximum_ Number. Numeric Número de prórrogas máximo. 0..1 Contract Extension Maximum Number Numeric Numeric. Type Máximo de prórrogas ASBIE Contract Extension. Option Validity_ Period. Period The period during which the option for extending the contract is available. 0..1 Contract Extension Option Validity Period Period ASBIE Contract Extension. Option Validity_ Period. Period Período de validez en el que el órgano de contratación puede ejercitar el derecho a opciones y prórrogas. 0..1 Contract Extension Option Validity Period Period Período de Validez de Opción ASBIE Contract Extension. Renewal Information about a renewal. 0..n Contract Extension Renewal Renewal ASBIE Contract Extension. Renewal Asociación con Renovación para especificar las condiciones de las eventuales prórrogas. 0..n Contract Extension Renewal Renewal Renovación ABIE Contract Modification. Details Information about the modification of a contract Contract Modification ABIE Contract Modification. Details Información acerca de la modificación de un contrato Contract Modification Modificación de contrato BBIE Contract Modification. Identifier The unique identification for this modification 0..1 Contract Modification Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Contract Modification. Identifier Número de modificación para el contrato indicado 0..1 Contract Modification Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Número de modificación BBIE Contract Modification. Issue Date. Date The date assigned by the Contractor on which the Contract Notice was issued 0..1 Contract Modification Issue Date Date Date. Type BBIE Contract Modification. Issue Date. Date Fecha en la que se produce la modificación del contrato 0..1 Contract Modification Issue Date Date Date. Type Fecha de la modificación BBIE Contract Modification. Note. Text General notes 0..n Contract Modification Note Text Text. Type BBIE Contract Modification. Note. Text Observaciones sobre la modificación del contrato 0..n Contract Modification Note Text Text. Type Nota BBIE Contract Modification. Contract Modification Duration. Measure Time length of the modification of the contract (positive or negative). 0..1 Contract Modification Contract Modification Duration Measure Measure. Type BBIE Contract Modification. Contract Modification Duration. Measure Duración de la modificación, entendida como incremento (positivo) o decremento (negativo) de la duración del contrato 0..1 Contract Modification Contract Modification Duration Measure Measure. Type Duración de la modificación BBIE Contract Modification. Final Duration. Measure Time length of the contract after the modification 0..1 Contract Modification Final Duration Measure Measure. Type BBIE Contract Modification. Final Duration. Measure Duración final del contrato tras aplicarle las modificaciones 0..1 Contract Modification Final Duration Measure Measure. Type Duración final BBIE Contract Modification. Contract Contract Identifier 1 Contract Modification Contract Identifier Identifier Identifier Type BBIE Contract Modification. Contract Identificador del contrato. 1 Contract Modification Contract Identifier Identifier Identifier Type Identificación de contrato BBIE Contract Modification. Lot Identifier. Identifier The lot identifier whose contract is being modified 0..1 Contract Modification Contract Modification Lot Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Contract Modification. Lot Identifier. Identifier Identificador único del lote con el que se corresponde la modificación 0..1 Contract Modification Contract Modification Lot Identifier Identifier. Type Número de lote BBIE Contract Modification. Reason. Code Reason for modification 0..1 Contract Modification Contract Modification Reason Code Code. Type BBIE Contract Modification. Reason. Code Motivación de la modificación del contrato. 0..1 Contract Modification Contract Modification Reason Code Code. Type Motivo de la Modificación BBIE Contract Modification. Reason. Text Description of the economic or technical reasons and the inconvenience or duplication of cost preventing a change of contractor 0..1 Contract Modification Justification Text Text. Type BBIE Contract Modification. Reason. Text Descripción de las razones económicas o técnicas y de los inconvenientes o el aumento de costes que impiden cambiar de contratista 0..1 Contract Modification Justification Text Text. Type Justificación del motivo de la modificación ASBIE Contract Modification. ContractModification_ Document Reference. Document Reference An association to a Contract Modification Document Reference 0..1 Contract Modification Contract Modification Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Contract Modification. ContractModification_ Document Reference. Document Reference Asociación con una instancia del componente Documento, utilizada para anexar un documento relativo a la modificación del contrato. 0..1 Contract Modification Contract Modification Document Reference Document Reference Documento anexo ASBIE Contract Modification. Contract Modification Legal Monetary Total An association to the Legal Monetary Total detailing the amounts of the modification. 0..1 Contract Modification Contract Modification Legal Monetary Total Legal Monetary Total ASBIE Contract Modification. Contract Modification Legal Monetary Total Asociación con una instancia del componente Importes Totales que detalla los importes de la modificación 0..1 Contract Modification Contract Modification Legal Monetary Total Legal Monetary Total Importe de la modificación ASBIE Contract Modification. Final Legal Monetary Total An association to the Legal Monetary Total detailing the amounts of the modification. 0..1 Contract Modification Final Legal Monetary Total Legal Monetary Total ASBIE Contract Modification. Final Legal Monetary Total Asociación con una instancia del componente Importes Totales que detalla los importes del contrato tras la modificación 0..1 Contract Modification Final Legal Monetary Total Legal Monetary Total Importe total tras de la modificación ASBIE Contract Modification. PartyIdentification The TendererParty identifier whose contract is being modified 0..1 Contract Modification Contract Modification PartyIdentification PartyIdentification ASBIE Contract Modification. PartyIdentification Identificador del adjudicatario cuyo contrato se modifica 0..1 Contract Modification Contract Modification PartyIdentification PartyIdentification Identificador del adjudicatario ABIE Contracting Activity. Details The nature of the type of business of the organization. Contracting Activity ContractingActivityType ABIE Contracting Activity. Details Contracting Activity ContractingActivityType BBIE Contracting Activity. Activity Type Code. Code A code specifying the nature of the type of business of the organization. 0..1 Contracting Activity Activity Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Contracting Activity. Activity Type Code. Code 0..1 Contracting Activity Activity Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Contracting Activity. Activity Type. Text The nature of the type of business of the organization, expressed as text. 0..1 Contracting Activity Activity Type Text Text. Type BBIE Contracting Activity. Activity Type. Text 0..1 Contracting Activity Activity Type Text Text. Type ABIE Contracting Party. Details An individual, a group, or a body having a procurement role in a tendering process. Contracting Party ABIE Contracting Party. Details Organismo que tiene el rol de comprador en un proceso de contratación pública. Contracting Party Órgano de contratación BBIE Contracting Party. Contracting Party Type Code. Code A code specifying the type of party that is independent of its role. 0..1 Contracting Party Contracting Party Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Contracting Party. Contracting Party Type Code. Code Código que especifica el tipo de poder adjudicador. 0..1 Contracting Party Contracting Party Type Code Code Code. Type Tipo de Órgano de Contratación BBIE Contracting Party. Activity. Code A code specifying the nature of the type of business of the organization. 0..n Contracting Party Activity Code Code. Type BBIE Contracting Party. Activity. Code Tipo de actividad del poder adjudicador. 0..n Contracting Party Activity Code Code. Type Tipo de Actividad BBIE Contracting Party. Buyer Profile_ URI. Identifier Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) communication information for this party's buyer profile. A buyer profile is a website where the party publishes its procurement opportunities. 0..1 Contracting Party Buyer Profile URI Identifier Identifier. Type Buyer Profile BBIE Contracting Party. Buyer Profile_ URI. Identifier URI (dirección Web) que identifica la ubicación del Perfil de Comprador del Órgano de Contratación. 0..1 Contracting Party Buyer Profile URI Identifier Identifier. Type Perfil del Comprador ASBIE Contracting Party. Party An association to Party 1 Contracting Party Party Party ASBIE Contracting Party. Party Asociación con una instancia del componente Parte que contiene toda la información identificativa propia del Órgano de Contratación (como su nombre, contactos o dirección). 1 Contracting Party Party Party Parte ABIE Contracting Prohibition. Details The information about a prohibition set on an Economic Operator for being contracted by the Public Administration. Contracting Prohibition ABIE Contracting Prohibition. Details Información acerca de una prohibición para contratar. Contracting Prohibition Prohibición para contratar BBIE Contracting Prohibition. Resolution Date. Date The date at which the creation of the business has been legalized. 0..1 Contracting Prohibition Resolution Date Date Date. Type BBIE Contracting Prohibition. Resolution Date. Date Fecha en la que se acuerda la prohibición. 0..1 Contracting Prohibition Resolution Date Date Date. Type Fecha del Acuerdo BBIE Contracting Prohibition. Starting Date. Date The date at which the creation of the business has been legalized. 0..1 Contracting Prohibition Starting Date Date Date. Type BBIE Contracting Prohibition. Starting Date. Date Fecha en la que entra en vigor la prohibición. 0..1 Contracting Prohibition Starting Date Date Date. Type Fecha de Inicio de la Prohibición BBIE Contracting Prohibition. Duration. Measure Time whereas this prohibition applies. 0..1 Contracting Prohibition Duration Measure Measure. Type BBIE Contracting Prohibition. Duration. Measure Fecha en la que finaliza la prohibición o período de tiempo durante el cual se aplica la prohibición. 0..1 Contracting Prohibition Duration Measure Measure. Type Fin de la Prohibición BBIE Contracting Prohibition. Cause. Text A textual description of the official degree or academic qualification of this person. 0..1 Contracting Prohibition Cause Text Text. Type BBIE Contracting Prohibition. Cause. Text Causa legal que motiva la prohibición. 0..1 Contracting Prohibition Cause Text Text. Type Causa BBIE Contracting Prohibition. Effects. Text A textual description of the effects and scope of this prohibition. 0..1 Contracting Prohibition Effects Text Text. Type BBIE Contracting Prohibition. Effects. Text Alcance y efectos de la prohibición. 0..1 Contracting Prohibition Effects Text Text. Type Efectos ASBIE Contracting Prohibition. Ordering_ Party. Party An association to the Party that orders the prohibition to contract. 0..1 Contracting Prohibition Ordering Party Party ASBIE Contracting Prohibition. Ordering_ Party. Party Asociación con una o varias instancias del componente Parte utilizada para identificar a la autoridad que dicta el fallo de prohibición. 0..1 Contracting Prohibition Ordering Party Party Autoridad Ordenante ABIE Corporate Registration Scheme. Details Information directly relating a scheme for corporate registration of businesses. Corporate Registration Scheme ABIE Corporate Registration Scheme. Details Información directamente relacionada con un esquema cuya finalidad es el registro de empresas Corporate Registration Scheme Esquema de registro de empresas BBIE Corporate Registration Scheme. Identifier Identifies the scheme. 0..1 Corporate Registration Scheme Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Corporate Registration Scheme. Identifier Identifica este esquema de forma única 0..1 Corporate Registration Scheme Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Corporate Registration Scheme. Name Identifies the scheme by name. 0..1 Corporate Registration Scheme Name Name Name. Type Name BBIE Corporate Registration Scheme. Name Identifica el esquema mediante su nombre 0..1 Corporate Registration Scheme Name Name Name. Type Nombre Name BBIE Corporate Registration Scheme. Corporate Registration Type Code. Code Identifies the type of scheme. 0..1 Corporate Registration Scheme Corporate Registration Type Code Code Code. Type CorporateRegistrationTypeCode BBIE Corporate Registration Scheme. Corporate Registration Type Code. Code Identifica el tipo de esquema. 0..1 Corporate Registration Scheme Corporate Registration Type Code Code Code. Type Tipo de registro CorporateRegistrationTypeCode ASBIE Corporate Registration Scheme. Jurisdiction Region_ Address. Address Associates the registration scheme with particulars that identify and locate the geographic area to which the scheme applies. 0..n Corporate Registration Scheme Jurisdiction Region Address Address JurisdictionRegionAddress ASBIE Corporate Registration Scheme. Jurisdiction Region_ Address. Address Asociaciones posibles del Esquema de Registro con instancias del componente Dirección con el fin de identificar y ubicar las zonas geográficas donde se aplica este Esquema de Registro de Empresas 0..n Corporate Registration Scheme Jurisdiction Region Address Address Dirección jurisdiccional JurisdictionRegionAddress ABIE Country. Details Information about a geopolitical country. Country ABIE Country. Details Información geopolítica acerca de un país Country País BBIE Country. Identification Code. Code An identifier for the Country. 0..1 Country Identification Code Code Country Identification Country Identification_ Code. Type IdentificationCode BBIE Country. Identification Code. Code Identificador para el País. 0..1 Country Identification Code Code Country Identification Country Identification_ Code. Type ID IdentificationCode BBIE Country. Name The name of the Country. 0..1 Country Name Name Name. Type Name BBIE Country. Name Nombre del país 0..1 Country Name Name Name. Type Nombre Name ABIE Credit Account. Details Information about a Credit Account (for sales on account). Credit Account ABIE Credit Account. Details Información sobre una Cuenta de Crédito (para ventas a crédito). Credit Account Cuenta de crédito BBIE Credit Account. Account Identifier. Identifier Identifies the Credit Account. 1 Credit Account Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type AccountID BBIE Credit Account. Account Identifier. Identifier Identificador de la Cuenta de Crédito. 1 Credit Account Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de cuenta AccountID ABIE Credit Note Line. Details Information about a Credit Note Line. Credit Note Line ABIE Credit Note Line. Details Información acerca de una Línea de nota de abono. Credit Note Line Línea de nota de abono BBIE Credit Note Line. Identifier Identifies the Credit Note Line. 1 Credit Note Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Credit Note Line. Identifier Identifica de forma única a la Línea de nota de abono. 1 Credit Note Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Credit Note Line. UUID. Identifier A universally unique identifier for an instance of this ABIE. 0..1 Credit Note Line UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID BBIE Credit Note Line. UUID. Identifier Identificador único universal generado por ordenador (UUID) asignado a la instancia del ABIE. 0..1 Credit Note Line UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID UUID BBIE Credit Note Line. Note. Text Free-form text applying to the Credit Note Line. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure. 0..1 Credit Note Line Note Text Text. Type Note BBIE Credit Note Line. Note. Text Texto libre sobre aplicable a la Línea de nota de abono. Este elemento puede contener notas o cualquier otra información similar explícitamente no contenida en otra estructura. 0..1 Credit Note Line Note Text Text. Type Nota Note BBIE Credit Note Line. Credited_ Quantity. Quantity The quantity of Items credited. 0..1 Credit Note Line Credited Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type CreditedQuantity BBIE Credit Note Line. Credited_ Quantity. Quantity Cantidad de elementos incluidos en el abono. 0..1 Credit Note Line Credited Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad a abonar CreditedQuantity BBIE Credit Note Line. Line Extension Amount. Amount The total amount for the Credit Note Line, including Allowance Charges but net of taxes. 0..1 Credit Note Line Line Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type LineExtensionAmount BBIE Credit Note Line. Line Extension Amount. Amount Importe monetario que es el total de la Línea de nota de abono, incluyendo variaciones de precio (cargos o descuentos) pero sin incluir ningún impuesto. 0..1 Credit Note Line Line Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe de línea LineExtensionAmount BBIE Credit Note Line. Tax Point Date. Date The date of the Credit Note Line, used to indicate the point at which tax becomes applicable. 0..1 Credit Note Line Tax Point Date Date Date. Type TaxPointDate BBIE Credit Note Line. Tax Point Date. Date Fecha de la Línea de nota de abono, utilizada para indicar el dia de aplicabilidad de los impuestos. 0..1 Credit Note Line Tax Point Date Date Date. Type Fecha de impuesto TaxPointDate BBIE Credit Note Line. Accounting Cost Code. Code The buyer's accounting code applied to the Credit Note Line. 0..1 Credit Note Line Accounting Cost Code Code Code. Type AccountingCostCode BBIE Credit Note Line. Accounting Cost Code. Code Código contable del comprador aplicado al conjunto de la línea de la nota de abono. 0..1 Credit Note Line Accounting Cost Code Code Code. Type Código de Coste Contable AccountingCostCode BBIE Credit Note Line. Accounting Cost. Text The buyer's accounting cost centre applied to the Credit Note Line, expressed as text. 0..1 Credit Note Line Accounting Cost Text Text. Type AccountingCost BBIE Credit Note Line. Accounting Cost. Text Centro de coste contable del comprador aplicado al conjunto de la línea de la nota de abono, expresado como texto. 0..1 Credit Note Line Accounting Cost Text Text. Type Coste Contable AccountingCost ASBIE Credit Note Line. Discrepancy_ Response. Response An association to Discrepancy Response; the reason for the Credit. 0..n Credit Note Line Discrepancy Response Response DiscrepancyResponse ASBIE Credit Note Line. Discrepancy_ Response. Response Asociación con con una o más Discrepancias; la razón del abono. 0..n Credit Note Line Discrepancy Response Response Discrepancia DiscrepancyResponse ASBIE Credit Note Line. Despatch_ Line Reference. Line Reference An associative reference to Despatch Line. 0..n Credit Note Line Despatch Line Reference Line Reference DespatchLineReference ASBIE Credit Note Line. Despatch_ Line Reference. Line Reference Asociación con una o más referencias a líneas de albarán de entrega. 0..n Credit Note Line Despatch Line Reference Line Reference Referencia a Línea de albarán DespatchLineReference ASBIE Credit Note Line. Receipt_ Line Reference. Line Reference An associative reference to Receipt Line. 0..n Credit Note Line Receipt Line Reference Line Reference ReceiptLineReference ASBIE Credit Note Line. Receipt_ Line Reference. Line Reference Asociación a una o más líneas de recibo. 0..n Credit Note Line Receipt Line Reference Line Reference Referencia a Línea de recibo ReceiptLineReference ASBIE Credit Note Line. Billing Reference An association to Billing Reference. 0..n Credit Note Line Billing Reference Billing Reference BillingReference ASBIE Credit Note Line. Billing Reference Asociación con Referencias de facturación. 0..n Credit Note Line Billing Reference Billing Reference Referencia de facturación BillingReference ASBIE Credit Note Line. Document Reference An association to Document Reference. 0..n Credit Note Line Document Reference Document Reference DocumentReference ASBIE Credit Note Line. Document Reference Asociación con una Referencia a documento. 0..n Credit Note Line Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a documento DocumentReference ASBIE Credit Note Line. Pricing Reference An association to Pricing Reference. 0..1 Credit Note Line Pricing Reference Pricing Reference PricingReference ASBIE Credit Note Line. Pricing Reference Asociación con una Referencia a precio. 0..1 Credit Note Line Pricing Reference Pricing Reference Referencia a precio PricingReference ASBIE Credit Note Line. Delivery An association to Delivery. 0..n Credit Note Line Delivery Delivery Delivery ASBIE Credit Note Line. Delivery Asociación con una Entrega. 0..n Credit Note Line Delivery Delivery Entrega Delivery ASBIE Credit Note Line. Tax Total An association to Tax Total. 0..n Credit Note Line Tax Total Tax Total TaxTotal ASBIE Credit Note Line. Tax Total Asociación con un o más Impuestos totales. 0..n Credit Note Line Tax Total Tax Total Impuestos totales TaxTotal ASBIE Credit Note Line. Item An association to Item 0..1 Credit Note Line Item Item Item ASBIE Credit Note Line. Item Asociación con un Elemento. 0..1 Credit Note Line Item Item Elemento Item ASBIE Credit Note Line. Price An association to Price. 0..1 Credit Note Line Price Price Unit Price, Base Price Price ASBIE Credit Note Line. Price Asociación con un Precio. 0..1 Credit Note Line Price Price Precio Price ABIE Customer Party. Details Information about the Customer Party. Customer Party ABIE Customer Party. Details Información acerca del Cliente. Customer Party Cliente BBIE Customer Party. Customer Assigned_ Account Identifier. Identifier An identifier for the Customer's account, assigned by the Customer itself. 0..1 Customer Party Customer Assigned Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type CustomerAssignedAccountID BBIE Customer Party. Customer Assigned_ Account Identifier. Identifier Identificador de la cuenta del cliente asignado por el propio cliente. 0..1 Customer Party Customer Assigned Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de cuenta asignada por el cliente CustomerAssignedAccountID BBIE Customer Party. Supplier Assigned_ Account Identifier. Identifier An identifier for the Customer's account, assigned by the Supplier. 0..1 Customer Party Supplier Assigned Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type SupplierAssignedAccountID BBIE Customer Party. Supplier Assigned_ Account Identifier. Identifier Identificador de la cuenta del cliente asignada por el proveedor. 0..1 Customer Party Supplier Assigned Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de cuenta asignada por el proveedor SupplierAssignedAccountID BBIE Customer Party. Additional_ Account Identifier. Identifier An identifier for the Customer's account, assigned by a third party. 0..n Customer Party Additional Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type AdditionalAccountID BBIE Customer Party. Additional_ Account Identifier. Identifier Identificador de la cuenta del cliente asignada por una tercera parte. 0..n Customer Party Additional Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de cuenta adicional AdditionalAccountID ASBIE Customer Party. Party An association to Party. 0..1 Customer Party Party Party Party ASBIE Customer Party. Party Asociación con la parte. 0..1 Customer Party Party Party Parte Party ASBIE Customer Party. Delivery_ Contact. Contact An association to Delivery Contact. 0..1 Customer Party Delivery Contact Contact DeliveryContact ASBIE Customer Party. Delivery_ Contact. Contact Asociación con el contacto para la entrega. 0..1 Customer Party Delivery Contact Contact Contacto de entrega DeliveryContact ASBIE Customer Party. Accounting_ Contact. Contact An association to Accounting Contact (Customer). 0..1 Customer Party Accounting Contact Contact AccountingContact ASBIE Customer Party. Accounting_ Contact. Contact Asociación con el contacto del cliente responsable de la contabilidad. 0..1 Customer Party Accounting Contact Contact Contacto de facturación AccountingContact ASBIE Customer Party. Buyer_ Contact. Contact An association to Buyer Contact. 0..1 Customer Party Buyer Contact Contact BuyerContact ASBIE Customer Party. Buyer_ Contact. Contact Asociación con el contacto del comprador. 0..1 Customer Party Buyer Contact Contact Contacto de compras BuyerContact ABIE Customs Declaration. Details A class describing identifiers or references relating to customs procedures. Customs Declaration CustomsDeclarationType ABIE Customs Declaration. Details Customs Declaration CustomsDeclarationType BBIE Customs Declaration. Identifier An identifier associated with customs related procedures. 1 Customs Declaration Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type CUST001 3333-44-123 BBIE Customs Declaration. Identifier 1 Customs Declaration Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type CUST001 3333-44-123 ASBIE Customs Declaration. Issuer_ Party. Party Describes the party issuing the customs declaration. 0..1 Customs Declaration Issuer Party Party ASBIE Customs Declaration. Issuer_ Party. Party 0..1 Customs Declaration Issuer Party Party ABIE DPS Category. Details A division of a procurement project, set up to create different contracts allowing the contracting party to award different categories to different economic operators. DPS Category ABIE DPS Category. Details Descripción de una categoría dentro de un proyecto de compra. DPS Category Categoría BBIE DPS Category. Identifier The unique identifier of this DPS Category. 1 DPS Category Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE DPS Category. Identifier Identificador único de categoría 1 DPS Category Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Número de categoría ASBIE DPS Category. Tendering Terms Tendering terms for an specific procurement project lot. 0..1 DPS Category Tendering Terms Tendering Terms ASBIE DPS Category. Tendering Terms Condiciones de licitación específicas para esta categoría. 0..1 DPS Category Tendering Terms Tendering Terms Condiciones de Licitación ASBIE DPS Category. Procurement Project The goods or the service which is the subject to be procured in the tendering process. 1 DPS Category Procurement Project Procurement Project ASBIE DPS Category. Procurement Project Asociación con un componente Proyecto de Compra para especificar los detalles del objeto del contrato para esta categoría 1 DPS Category Procurement Project Procurement Project Proyecto de Compra ABIE Debit Note Line. Details A class to define a line in a Debit Note. Debit Note Line ABIE Debit Note Line. Details Debit Note Line BBIE Debit Note Line. Identifier An identifier for this debit note line. 1 Debit Note Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Debit Note Line. Identifier 1 Debit Note Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Debit Note Line. UUID. Identifier A universally unique identifier for this debit note line. 0..1 Debit Note Line UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID BBIE Debit Note Line. UUID. Identifier 0..1 Debit Note Line UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID BBIE Debit Note Line. Note. Text Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures. 0..n Debit Note Line Note Text Text. Type Note BBIE Debit Note Line. Note. Text 0..n Debit Note Line Note Text Text. Type Note BBIE Debit Note Line. Debited_ Quantity. Quantity The quantity of Items debited in this debit note line. 0..1 Debit Note Line Debited Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type DebitedQuantity BBIE Debit Note Line. Debited_ Quantity. Quantity 0..1 Debit Note Line Debited Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type DebitedQuantity BBIE Debit Note Line. Line Extension Amount. Amount The total amount for this debit note line, including allowance charges but net of taxes. 1 Debit Note Line Line Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type LineExtensionAmount BBIE Debit Note Line. Line Extension Amount. Amount 1 Debit Note Line Line Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type LineExtensionAmount BBIE Debit Note Line. Tax Point Date. Date The date of this debit note line, used to indicate the point at which tax becomes applicable. 0..1 Debit Note Line Tax Point Date Date Date. Type TaxPointDate BBIE Debit Note Line. Tax Point Date. Date 0..1 Debit Note Line Tax Point Date Date Date. Type TaxPointDate BBIE Debit Note Line. Accounting Cost Code. Code The buyer's accounting cost centre for this debit note line, expressed as a code. 0..1 Debit Note Line Accounting Cost Code Code Code. Type AccountingCostCode BBIE Debit Note Line. Accounting Cost Code. Code 0..1 Debit Note Line Accounting Cost Code Code Code. Type AccountingCostCode BBIE Debit Note Line. Accounting Cost. Text The buyer's accounting cost centre for this debit note line, expressed as text. 0..1 Debit Note Line Accounting Cost Text Text. Type AccountingCost BBIE Debit Note Line. Accounting Cost. Text 0..1 Debit Note Line Accounting Cost Text Text. Type AccountingCost BBIE Debit Note Line. Payment Purpose Code. Code A code signifying the business purpose for this payment. 0..1 Debit Note Line Payment Purpose Code Code Code. Type PaymentPurposeCode BBIE Debit Note Line. Payment Purpose Code. Code 0..1 Debit Note Line Payment Purpose Code Code Code. Type PaymentPurposeCode ASBIE Debit Note Line. Discrepancy_ Response. Response A reason for the debit. 0..n Debit Note Line Discrepancy Response Response DiscrepancyResponse ASBIE Debit Note Line. Discrepancy_ Response. Response 0..n Debit Note Line Discrepancy Response Response DiscrepancyResponse ASBIE Debit Note Line. Despatch_ Line Reference. Line Reference A reference to a despatch line associated with this debit note line. 0..n Debit Note Line Despatch Line Reference Line Reference DespatchLineReference ASBIE Debit Note Line. Despatch_ Line Reference. Line Reference 0..n Debit Note Line Despatch Line Reference Line Reference DespatchLineReference ASBIE Debit Note Line. Receipt_ Line Reference. Line Reference A reference to a receipt line associated with this debit note line. 0..n Debit Note Line Receipt Line Reference Line Reference ReceiptLineReference ASBIE Debit Note Line. Receipt_ Line Reference. Line Reference 0..n Debit Note Line Receipt Line Reference Line Reference ReceiptLineReference ASBIE Debit Note Line. Billing Reference A reference to a billing document associated with this debit note line. 0..n Debit Note Line Billing Reference Billing Reference BillingReference ASBIE Debit Note Line. Billing Reference 0..n Debit Note Line Billing Reference Billing Reference BillingReference ASBIE Debit Note Line. Document Reference A reference to a document associated with this debit note line. 0..n Debit Note Line Document Reference Document Reference DocumentReference ASBIE Debit Note Line. Document Reference 0..n Debit Note Line Document Reference Document Reference DocumentReference ASBIE Debit Note Line. Pricing Reference A reference to pricing and item location information associated with this debit note line. 0..1 Debit Note Line Pricing Reference Pricing Reference PricingReference ASBIE Debit Note Line. Pricing Reference 0..1 Debit Note Line Pricing Reference Pricing Reference PricingReference ASBIE Debit Note Line. Delivery A delivery associated with this debit note line. 0..n Debit Note Line Delivery Delivery Delivery ASBIE Debit Note Line. Delivery 0..n Debit Note Line Delivery Delivery Delivery ASBIE Debit Note Line. Tax Total A total amount of taxes of a particular kind applicable to this debit note line. 0..n Debit Note Line Tax Total Tax Total TaxTotal ASBIE Debit Note Line. Tax Total 0..n Debit Note Line Tax Total Tax Total TaxTotal ASBIE Debit Note Line. Allowance Charge An allowance or charge associated with this debit note. 0..n Debit Note Line Allowance Charge Allowance Charge AllowanceCharge ASBIE Debit Note Line. Allowance Charge 0..n Debit Note Line Allowance Charge Allowance Charge AllowanceCharge ASBIE Debit Note Line. Item The item associated with this debit note line. 0..1 Debit Note Line Item Item Item ASBIE Debit Note Line. Item 0..1 Debit Note Line Item Item Item ASBIE Debit Note Line. Price The price of the item associated with this debit note line. 0..1 Debit Note Line Price Price Unit Price, Base Price Price ASBIE Debit Note Line. Price 0..1 Debit Note Line Price Price Price ASBIE Debit Note Line. Sub_ Debit Note Line. Debit Note Line A recursive description of a debit note line subsidiary to this debit note line. 0..n Debit Note Line Sub Debit Note Line Debit Note Line SubDebitNoteLine ASBIE Debit Note Line. Sub_ Debit Note Line. Debit Note Line 0..n Debit Note Line Sub Debit Note Line Debit Note Line SubDebitNoteLine ABIE Declaration. Details An statement defined by a party. Declaration ABIE Declaration. Details Manifestación formal que realiza una persona con efectos jurídicos, especialmente la que hacen las partes, testigos o peritos en un proceso. Declaraciones realizadas por el licitador para solicitar su participación en un proceso de licitación indicando que cumple requisitos establecidos en el Pliego. Declaration Declaración BBIE Declaration. Name. Text Name of the declaration. 0..n Declaration Name Text Text. Type BBIE Declaration. Name. Text Nombre de la declaración. 0..n Declaration Name Text Text. Type Nombre BBIE Declaration. Declaration Type Code. Code A code specifying the type of declaration. 0..1 Declaration Declaration Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Declaration. Declaration Type Code. Code Código que tipifica la declaración. 0..1 Declaration Declaration Type Code Code Code. Type Tipo de declaración BBIE Declaration. Description. Text A textual description of the declaration. 0..n Declaration Description Text Text. Type BBIE Declaration. Description. Text Descripción textual de la declaración. 0..n Declaration Description Text Text. Type Descripción BBIE Declaration. Evidence Supplied. Identifier An ID reference to the Evidence that justifies this declaration. 0..n Declaration Evidence Supplied Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Declaration. Evidence Supplied. Identifier Referencia a un documento evidencia que acredita esta declaración. 0..n Declaration Evidence Supplied Identifier Identifier. Type Referencia a la evidencia ABIE Delivery. Details Information about Delivery. Delivery ABIE Delivery. Details Información de entrega. Delivery Entrega BBIE Delivery. Identifier Identifies the Delivery. 0..1 Delivery Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Delivery. Identifier Identifica la entrega. 0..1 Delivery Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Delivery. Quantity The quantity in a Delivery. 0..1 Delivery Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Quantity BBIE Delivery. Quantity Cantidad en una entrega. 0..1 Delivery Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad Quantity BBIE Delivery. Minimum_ Quantity. Quantity The minimum quantity in a Delivery. 0..1 Delivery Minimum Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type MinimumQuantity BBIE Delivery. Minimum_ Quantity. Quantity Cantidad mínima en una entrega. 0..1 Delivery Minimum Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad mínima MinimumQuantity BBIE Delivery. Maximum_ Quantity. Quantity The maximum quantity in a Delivery. 0..1 Delivery Maximum Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type MaximumQuantity BBIE Delivery. Maximum_ Quantity. Quantity Cantidad máxima en una entrega. 0..1 Delivery Maximum Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad máxima MaximumQuantity BBIE Delivery. Actual_ Delivery Date. Date The actual Delivery date. 0..1 Delivery Actual Delivery Date Date Date. Type ActualDeliveryDate BBIE Delivery. Actual_ Delivery Date. Date Fecha en la que ha tenido lugar la entrega. 0..1 Delivery Actual Delivery Date Date Date. Type Fecha de entrega real ActualDeliveryDate BBIE Delivery. Actual_ Delivery Time. Time The actual Delivery time. 0..1 Delivery Actual Delivery Time Time Time. Type ActualDeliveryTime BBIE Delivery. Actual_ Delivery Time. Time Hora en la que ha tenido lugar la entrega. 0..1 Delivery Actual Delivery Time Time Time. Type Hora de entrega real ActualDeliveryTime BBIE Delivery. Latest_ Delivery Date. Date The latest delivery date allowed by the buyer. 0..1 Delivery Latest Delivery Date Date Date. Type LatestDeliveryDate BBIE Delivery. Latest_ Delivery Date. Date Último dia permitido por el comprador para que se realice la entrega. 0..1 Delivery Latest Delivery Date Date Date. Type Último día de entrega LatestDeliveryDate BBIE Delivery. Latest_ Delivery Time. Time The latest delivery time allowed by the buyer. 0..1 Delivery Latest Delivery Time Time Time. Type LatestDeliveryTime BBIE Delivery. Latest_ Delivery Time. Time Última hora permitida por el comprador para que se realice la entrega. 0..1 Delivery Latest Delivery Time Time Time. Type Última hora de entrega LatestDeliveryTime BBIE Delivery. Tracking Identifier. Identifier The delivery Tracking ID (for transport tracking). 0..1 Delivery Tracking Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type TrackingID BBIE Delivery. Tracking Identifier. Identifier El identificador de trazabilidad de la entrega (a efectos de transporte) 0..1 Delivery Tracking Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de trazabilidad TrackingID ASBIE Delivery. Delivery_ Address. Address An association to Delivery Address. 0..1 Delivery Delivery Address Address DeliveryAddress ASBIE Delivery. Delivery_ Address. Address Información relacionada con la dirección de entrega. 0..1 Delivery Delivery Address Address Dirección de entrega DeliveryAddress ASBIE Delivery. Delivery_ Location. Location An association to Location. 0..1 Delivery Delivery Location Location DeliveryLocation ASBIE Delivery. Delivery_ Location. Location Información relacionada con el lugar de entrega. 0..1 Delivery Delivery Location Location Lugar de entrega DeliveryLocation ASBIE Delivery. Requested Delivery_ Period. Period The requested Period for Delivery. 0..1 Delivery Requested Delivery Period Period RequestedDeliveryPeriod ASBIE Delivery. Requested Delivery_ Period. Period Período requerido para que se produzca la entrega. 0..1 Delivery Requested Delivery Period Period Período de entrega solicitado RequestedDeliveryPeriod ASBIE Delivery. Promised Delivery_ Period. Period The promised Period for Delivery. 0..1 Delivery Promised Delivery Period Period PromisedDeliveryPeriod ASBIE Delivery. Promised Delivery_ Period. Period Período prometido para que se produzca la entrega. 0..1 Delivery Promised Delivery Period Period Período de entrega prometido PromisedDeliveryPeriod ASBIE Delivery. Estimated Delivery_ Period. Period The estimated Period for Delivery. 0..1 Delivery Estimated Delivery Period Period EstimatedDeliveryPeriod ASBIE Delivery. Estimated Delivery_ Period. Period Período estimado para que se produzca la entrega. 0..1 Delivery Estimated Delivery Period Period Período de entrega estimado EstimatedDeliveryPeriod ASBIE Delivery. Delivery_ Party. Party The party to whom the goods/services are delivered. 0..1 Delivery Delivery Party Party DeliveryParty ASBIE Delivery. Delivery_ Party. Party La parte a quien se le entregan los bienes o servicios. 0..1 Delivery Delivery Party Party Receptor DeliveryParty ASBIE Delivery. Despatch An association to the Despatch. 0..1 Delivery Despatch Despatch Despatch ASBIE Delivery. Despatch Asocia la entrega con la información del despacho. 0..1 Delivery Despatch Despatch Despacho Despatch ABIE Delivery Terms. Details Information about Delivery Terms. Delivery Terms ABIE Delivery Terms. Details Contiene información sobre las condiciones de entrega para el conjunto de elementos a que se refiere la transacción. Delivery Terms Condiciones de entrega BBIE Delivery Terms. Identifier Identifies the Delivery Terms. 0..1 Delivery Terms Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Delivery Terms. Identifier Identifica las Condiciones de Entrega. 0..1 Delivery Terms Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Delivery Terms. Special_ Terms. Text A description of special conditions relating to the Delivery Terms. 0..1 Delivery Terms Special Terms Text Text. Type SpecialTerms BBIE Delivery Terms. Special_ Terms. Text Descripción en texto libre de condiciones especiales para las condiciones de entrega. 0..1 Delivery Terms Special Terms Text Text. Type Condiciones especiales SpecialTerms BBIE Delivery Terms. Loss Risk Responsibility Code. Code An identifier for the responsibility for loss risk in the context of the Delivery Terms, expressed as a code. 0..1 Delivery Terms Loss Risk Responsibility Code Code Code. Type LossRiskResponsibilityCode BBIE Delivery Terms. Loss Risk Responsibility Code. Code Identifica la responsabilidad por riesgo de pérdida dentro de las condiciones de entrega. 0..1 Delivery Terms Loss Risk Responsibility Code Code Code. Type Código de responsabilidad por riesgo de pérdidas LossRiskResponsibilityCode BBIE Delivery Terms. Loss Risk. Text A description of the loss risk in the context of the Delivery Terms. 0..1 Delivery Terms Loss Risk Text Text. Type LossRisk BBIE Delivery Terms. Loss Risk. Text Texto que describe los riesgos de pérdida relacionados con las condiciones de entrega. 0..1 Delivery Terms Loss Risk Text Text. Type Riesgos de pérdida LossRisk ASBIE Delivery Terms. Delivery_ Location. Location An association to Location, e.g., a port. 0..1 Delivery Terms Delivery Location Location DeliveryLocation ASBIE Delivery Terms. Delivery_ Location. Location Información relacionada con el lugar de entrega. 0..1 Delivery Terms Delivery Location Location Lugar de entrega DeliveryLocation ASBIE Delivery Terms. Allowance Charge An association to Allowance Charge. 0..1 Delivery Terms Allowance Charge Allowance Charge AllowanceCharge ASBIE Delivery Terms. Allowance Charge Asocia las condiciones de entrega con información de descuentos y cargos. 0..1 Delivery Terms Allowance Charge Allowance Charge Descuentos y cargos AllowanceCharge ABIE Delivery Unit. Details Information about a Delivery Unit. Delivery Unit ABIE Delivery Unit. Details Información acerca de una unidad de entrega Delivery Unit Unidad de entrega BBIE Delivery Unit. Batch Quantity. Quantity The quantity of ordered Items that constitutes a batch for delivery purposes. 1 Delivery Unit Batch Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BatchQuantity BBIE Delivery Unit. Batch Quantity. Quantity Cantidad de elementos pedidos que constituye un lote susceptible de ser entregado. 1 Delivery Unit Batch Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad del lote BatchQuantity BBIE Delivery Unit. Consumer_ Unit. Quantity The quantity of consumer units in the Delivery Unit. 0..1 Delivery Unit Consumer Unit Quantity Quantity. Type ConsumerUnitQuantity BBIE Delivery Unit. Consumer_ Unit. Quantity Cantidad de unidades consumibles que constituyen una unidad de entrega. 0..1 Delivery Unit Consumer Unit Quantity Quantity. Type Unidad consumible ConsumerUnitQuantity BBIE Delivery Unit. Hazardous Risk_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether the Item as delivered is hazardous. 0..1 Delivery Unit Hazardous Risk Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type HazardousRiskIndicator BBIE Delivery Unit. Hazardous Risk_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si el producto al entregarse es peligroso. 0..1 Delivery Unit Hazardous Risk Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de mercancía peligrosa HazardousRiskIndicator ABIE Dependent Price Reference. Details A class to define the price of an item as a percentage of the price of a different item. Dependent Price Reference DependentPriceReferenceType ABIE Dependent Price Reference. Details Dependent Price Reference DependentPriceReferenceType BBIE Dependent Price Reference. Percent The percentage by which the price of the different item is multiplied to calculate the price of the item. 0..1 Dependent Price Reference Percent Percent Percent. Type BBIE Dependent Price Reference. Percent 0..1 Dependent Price Reference Percent Percent Percent. Type ASBIE Dependent Price Reference. Location_ Address. Address The reference location for this dependent price reference. 0..1 Dependent Price Reference Location Address Address ASBIE Dependent Price Reference. Location_ Address. Address 0..1 Dependent Price Reference Location Address Address ASBIE Dependent Price Reference. Dependent_ Line Reference. Line Reference A reference to a line that the price is depended of. 0..1 Dependent Price Reference Dependent Line Reference Line Reference ASBIE Dependent Price Reference. Dependent_ Line Reference. Line Reference 0..1 Dependent Price Reference Dependent Line Reference Line Reference ABIE Despatch. Details Information about Despatch. Despatch ABIE Despatch. Details Información sobre un despacho. Despatch Despacho BBIE Despatch. Identifier The identifier for the Delivery. 0..1 Despatch Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Despatch. Identifier Identificador de la entrega. 0..1 Despatch Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Despatch. Requested_ Despatch Date. Date The despatch (pick-up) date requested by the buyer. 0..1 Despatch Requested Despatch Date Date Date. Type RequestedDespatchDate BBIE Despatch. Requested_ Despatch Date. Date La fecha de despacho (recogida) solicitada por el comprador. 0..1 Despatch Requested Despatch Date Date Date. Type Fecha de despacho solicitada RequestedDespatchDate BBIE Despatch. Requested_ Despatch Time. Time The despatch (pick-up) time requested by the buyer. 0..1 Despatch Requested Despatch Time Time Time. Type RequestedDespatchTime BBIE Despatch. Requested_ Despatch Time. Time La hora de despacho (recogida) solicitada por el comprador. 0..1 Despatch Requested Despatch Time Time Time. Type Hora de despacho solicitada RequestedDespatchTime BBIE Despatch. Estimated_ Despatch Date. Date The despatch (pick-up) date estimated by the seller or Despatch. 0..1 Despatch Estimated Despatch Date Date Date. Type EstimatedDespatchDate BBIE Despatch. Estimated_ Despatch Date. Date La fecha de despacho (recogida) estimada por el vendedor o Despachador. 0..1 Despatch Estimated Despatch Date Date Date. Type Fecha de despacho estimada EstimatedDespatchDate BBIE Despatch. Estimated_ Despatch Time. Time The despatch (pick-up) time estimated by the seller or Despatch. 0..1 Despatch Estimated Despatch Time Time Time. Type EstimatedDespatchTime BBIE Despatch. Estimated_ Despatch Time. Time La hora de despacho (recogida) estimada por el vendedor o Despachador. 0..1 Despatch Estimated Despatch Time Time Time. Type Hora de despacho estimada EstimatedDespatchTime BBIE Despatch. Actual_ Despatch Date. Date The actual despatch (pick-up) date. 0..1 Despatch Actual Despatch Date Date Date. Type ActualDespatchDate BBIE Despatch. Actual_ Despatch Date. Date La fecha real de despacho (recogida). 0..1 Despatch Actual Despatch Date Date Date. Type Fecha de despacho real ActualDespatchDate BBIE Despatch. Actual_ Despatch Time. Time The actual despatch (pick-up) time. 0..1 Despatch Actual Despatch Time Time Time. Type ActualDespatchTime BBIE Despatch. Actual_ Despatch Time. Time La hora real de despacho (recogida). 0..1 Despatch Actual Despatch Time Time Time. Type Hora de despacho real ActualDespatchTime ASBIE Despatch. Despatch_ Address. Address An association to Despatch Address. 0..1 Despatch Despatch Address Address DespatchAddress ASBIE Despatch. Despatch_ Address. Address Asociación con una Dirección de despacho. 0..1 Despatch Despatch Address Address Dirección de despacho DespatchAddress ASBIE Despatch. Despatch_ Party. Party The party who despatched the delivery. 0..1 Despatch Despatch Party Party DespatchParty ASBIE Despatch. Despatch_ Party. Party La parte que despacha la entrega. 0..1 Despatch Despatch Party Party Despachante DespatchParty ASBIE Despatch. Contact An association to Contact. 0..1 Despatch Contact Contact Contact ASBIE Despatch. Contact Asociación con un Contacto. 0..1 Despatch Contact Contact Contacto Contact ABIE Despatch Line. Details Information about a Despatch Line. Despatch Line ABIE Despatch Line. Details Información sobre una línea de despacho. Despatch Line Línea de despacho BBIE Despatch Line. Identifier Identifies the Despatch Line. 1 Despatch Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Despatch Line. Identifier Identifica la línea. 1 Despatch Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Despatch Line. UUID. Identifier A universally unique identifier for an instance of this ABIE. 0..1 Despatch Line UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID BBIE Despatch Line. UUID. Identifier Identificador único universal generado por ordenador (UUID) asignado a la instancia del ABIE. 0..1 Despatch Line UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID UUID BBIE Despatch Line. Note. Text Free-form text applying to the Despatch Line. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure. 0..1 Despatch Line Note Text Text. Type Note BBIE Despatch Line. Note. Text Contiene cualquier texto libre relativo a la línea del documento. Este elemento puede contener notas o cualquier otro tipo de información similar que no esté contenida en ninguna otra estructura. 0..1 Despatch Line Note Text Text. Type Nota Note BBIE Despatch Line. Line Status Code. Code Identifies the status of the Despatch Line with respect to its original state. 0..1 Despatch Line Line Status Code Code Line Status Line Status_ Code. Type LineStatusCode BBIE Despatch Line. Line Status Code. Code Identifica el estado de la línea respecto su estado original. 0..1 Despatch Line Line Status Code Code Line Status Line Status_ Code. Type Código de estado de línea LineStatusCode BBIE Despatch Line. Delivered_ Quantity. Quantity The quantity despatched. 0..1 Despatch Line Delivered Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type DeliveredQuantity BBIE Despatch Line. Delivered_ Quantity. Quantity Cantidad de elementos declarados como expedidos en esta línea. 0..1 Despatch Line Delivered Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad entregada DeliveredQuantity BBIE Despatch Line. Backorder_ Quantity. Quantity The quantity on Back Order at the Supplier. 0..1 Despatch Line Backorder Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BackorderQuantity BBIE Despatch Line. Backorder_ Quantity. Quantity Cantidad no suministrada. 0..1 Despatch Line Backorder Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad no suministrada BackorderQuantity BBIE Despatch Line. Backorder_ Reason. Text The reason for the Back Order. 0..1 Despatch Line Backorder Reason Text Text. Type BackorderReason BBIE Despatch Line. Backorder_ Reason. Text Motivo por el que no se suministra la cantidad solicitada. 0..1 Despatch Line Backorder Reason Text Text. Type Motivo no suministro BackorderReason BBIE Despatch Line. Outstanding_ Quantity. Quantity The quantity outstanding (which will follow in a later despatch). 0..1 Despatch Line Outstanding Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type OutstandingQuantity BBIE Despatch Line. Outstanding_ Quantity. Quantity Cantidad de elementos que no han sido expedidos y que serán remitidos en un envío posterior, sin ninguna intervención del comprador o receptor. 0..1 Despatch Line Outstanding Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad pendiente OutstandingQuantity BBIE Despatch Line. Outstanding_ Reason. Text The reason for the Outstanding Quantity. 0..1 Despatch Line Outstanding Reason Text Text. Type OutstandingReason BBIE Despatch Line. Outstanding_ Reason. Text Razón por la que el vendedor fue incapaz de suministrar toda la cantidad planificada. 0..1 Despatch Line Outstanding Reason Text Text. Type Motivo de cantidad pendiente OutstandingReason BBIE Despatch Line. Oversupply_ Quantity. Quantity The quantity over-supplied. 0..1 Despatch Line Oversupply Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type OversupplyQuantity BBIE Despatch Line. Oversupply_ Quantity. Quantity Cantidad adicional suministrada. 0..1 Despatch Line Oversupply Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad adicional OversupplyQuantity ASBIE Despatch Line. Order Line Reference An association to Order Line Reference. 1..n Despatch Line Order Line Reference Order Line Reference OrderLineReference ASBIE Despatch Line. Order Line Reference Asocia la línea de albarán con una o más líneas de pedido. 1..n Despatch Line Order Line Reference Order Line Reference Referencia a línea de pedido OrderLineReference ASBIE Despatch Line. Document Reference An association to Document Reference. 0..n Despatch Line Document Reference Document Reference DocumentReference ASBIE Despatch Line. Document Reference Asociación la línea con una referencia a un documento. 0..n Despatch Line Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a documento DocumentReference ASBIE Despatch Line. Item An association to Item. 1 Despatch Line Item Item Item ASBIE Despatch Line. Item Asocia la línea de albarán con información relacionada con un Elemento. 1 Despatch Line Item Item Elemento Item ASBIE Despatch Line. Shipment An association to Shipment. 0..n Despatch Line Shipment Shipment Shipment ASBIE Despatch Line. Shipment Asociación con la Expedición. 0..n Despatch Line Shipment Shipment Expedición Shipment ABIE Dimension. Details Information about a measurable dimension of an item. Dimension ABIE Dimension. Details Iformación acerca de la dimensión mensurable de un elemento Dimension Dimensión BBIE Dimension. Attribute Identifier. Identifier An identifier for the attribute to which the measure applies. 1 Dimension Attribute Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type AttributeID BBIE Dimension. Attribute Identifier. Identifier Identificador asignado al atributo del elemento al que se aplica esta medida 1 Dimension Attribute Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID AttributeID BBIE Dimension. Measure The measurement value. 0..1 Dimension Measure Measure Measure. Type Measure BBIE Dimension. Measure Valor de la medida 0..1 Dimension Measure Measure Measure. Type Valor Measure BBIE Dimension. Description. Text A description of the measurement attribute. 0..n Dimension Description Text Text. Type Description BBIE Dimension. Description. Text Descripción de la medida del atributo 0..n Dimension Description Text Text. Type Descripción Description BBIE Dimension. Minimum_ Measure. Measure The minimum value in a range of measurement. 0..1 Dimension Minimum Measure Measure Measure. Type MinimumMeasure BBIE Dimension. Minimum_ Measure. Measure Valor mínimo en un rango de medidas aplicadas al atributo del elemento 0..1 Dimension Minimum Measure Measure Measure. Type Valor mínimo MinimumMeasure BBIE Dimension. Maximum_ Measure. Measure The maximum value in a range of measurement. 0..1 Dimension Maximum Measure Measure Measure. Type MaximumMeasure BBIE Dimension. Maximum_ Measure. Measure Valor máximo en un rango de medidas aplicadas al atributo del elemento 0..1 Dimension Maximum Measure Measure Measure. Type Valor máximo MaximumMeasure ABIE Document Distribution. Details The details of the distribution of the document among business partners. Document Distribution ABIE Document Distribution. Details Detalles de la distribución del documento entre los interlocutores comerciales. Document Distribution Distribución de documentos BBIE Document Distribution. Print_ Qualifier. Text The access right for a Party to distribute the document. 1 Document Distribution Print Qualifier Text Text. Type PrintQualifier BBIE Document Distribution. Print_ Qualifier. Text Derecho de acceso de una Parte para distribuir el documento. 1 Document Distribution Print Qualifier Text Text. Type Cualificador de impresión PrintQualifier BBIE Document Distribution. Maximum_ Copies. Numeric Specifies the maximum number of copies of the document that the user can print. 1 Document Distribution Maximum Copies Numeric Numeric. Type MaximumCopiesNumeric BBIE Document Distribution. Maximum_ Copies. Numeric Especifica el número máximo de copias del documento que el usuario puede imprimir. 1 Document Distribution Maximum Copies Numeric Numeric. Type Número máximo de copias MaximumCopiesNumeric ASBIE Document Distribution. Party Details of the Party who can access the document. 1 Document Distribution Party Party Party ASBIE Document Distribution. Party Detalles de la Parte que puede acceder al documento. 1 Document Distribution Party Party Parte Party ABIE Document Reference. Details Information about a document referred to in another document. Document Reference ABIE Document Reference. Details Document Reference BBIE Document Reference. Identifier Identifies the document being referred to. 1 Document Reference Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Document Reference. Identifier 1 Document Reference Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Document Reference. Copy_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether the referenced document is a copy (true) or the original (false). 0..1 Document Reference Copy Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type CopyIndicator BBIE Document Reference. Copy_ Indicator. Indicator 0..1 Document Reference Copy Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type CopyIndicator BBIE Document Reference. UUID. Identifier A universally unique identifier for an instance of this ABIE. 0..1 Document Reference UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID BBIE Document Reference. UUID. Identifier 0..1 Document Reference UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID BBIE Document Reference. Issue Date. Date The date, assigned by the sender of the referenced document, on which the referenced document was issued. 0..1 Document Reference Issue Date Date Date. Type IssueDate BBIE Document Reference. Issue Date. Date 0..1 Document Reference Issue Date Date Date. Type IssueDate BBIE Document Reference. Issue Time. Time The time, assigned by the sender of the referenced document, on which the referenced document was issued. 0..1 Document Reference Issue Time Time Time. Type IssueTime BBIE Document Reference. Issue Time. Time 0..1 Document Reference Issue Time Time Time. Type IssueTime BBIE Document Reference. Document Type Code. Code The referenced document type, expressed as a code. 0..1 Document Reference Document Type Code Code Code. Type DocumentTypeCode BBIE Document Reference. Document Type Code. Code 0..1 Document Reference Document Type Code Code Code. Type DocumentTypeCode BBIE Document Reference. Document Type. Text The referenced document type, expressed as text. 0..1 Document Reference Document Type Text Text. Type DocumentType BBIE Document Reference. Document Type. Text 0..1 Document Reference Document Type Text Text. Type DocumentType BBIE Document Reference. XPath. Text Refers to another part of the same document instance. 0..n Document Reference XPath Text Text. Type XPath BBIE Document Reference. XPath. Text 0..n Document Reference XPath Text Text. Type XPath BBIE Document Reference. Language. Identifier Identifies the language used in the referenced document. 0..1 Document Reference Language Identifier Identifier. Type LanguageID BBIE Document Reference. Language. Identifier 0..1 Document Reference Language Identifier Identifier. Type LanguageID BBIE Document Reference. Locale Code. Code The locale where the language is used, expressed as a code. 0..1 Document Reference Locale Code Code Code. Type LocaleCode BBIE Document Reference. Locale Code. Code 0..1 Document Reference Locale Code Code Code. Type LocaleCode BBIE Document Reference. Description. Text Plain language description of the document 0..n Document Reference Description Text Text. Type Description BBIE Document Reference. Description. Text Descripción del documento 0..n Document Reference Description Text Text. Type Descripción Description ASBIE Document Reference. Attachment An attached document, externally referred to, referred to in the MIME location, or embedded. 0..1 Document Reference Attachment Attachment Attachment ASBIE Document Reference. Attachment 0..1 Document Reference Attachment Attachment Attachment ASBIE Document Reference. Validity_ Period. Period An association to Validity Period. 0..1 Document Reference Validity Period Period ValidityPeriod ASBIE Document Reference. Validity_ Period. Period 0..1 Document Reference Validity Period Period ValidityPeriod ASBIE Document Reference. Issuer_ Party. Party Details of the Party who issued the referenced document. 0..1 Document Reference Issuer Party Party IssuerParty ASBIE Document Reference. Issuer_ Party. Party 0..1 Document Reference Issuer Party Party IssuerParty ASBIE Document Reference. Result Of Verification 0..1 Document Reference Result Of Verification Result Of Verification ResultOfVerification ASBIE Document Reference. Result Of Verification 0..1 Document Reference Result Of Verification Result Of Verification ResultOfVerification ABIE Document Response. Details Information about responses to a document (at the application level). Document Response ABIE Document Response. Details Información acerca de las respuestas a un documento (al nivel de aplicación) Document Response Respuesta a un documento ASBIE Document Response. Response The response to the document. 1 Document Response Response Response Response ASBIE Document Response. Response La respuesta al documento. 1 Document Response Response Response Respuesta Response ASBIE Document Response. Document Reference An association to Document Reference. 1 Document Response Document Reference Document Reference DocumentReference ASBIE Document Response. Document Reference Asociación con una Referencia a un Documento. 1 Document Response Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a documento DocumentReference ASBIE Document Response. Issuer_ Party. Party The party who issued a document. 0..1 Document Response Issuer Party Party IssuerParty ASBIE Document Response. Issuer_ Party. Party La parte que emitió el documento. 0..1 Document Response Issuer Party Party Emisor IssuerParty ASBIE Document Response. Recipient_ Party. Party The party for whom the document is intended. 0..1 Document Response Recipient Party Party RecipientParty ASBIE Document Response. Recipient_ Party. Party La parte a quien se envía el documento. 0..1 Document Response Recipient Party Party Receptor RecipientParty ASBIE Document Response. Line Response Response to various lines in the document. 0..n Document Response Line Response Line Response LineResponse ASBIE Document Response. Line Response Respuesta a diversas líneas en el documento. 0..n Document Response Line Response Line Response Línea de respuesta LineResponse ABIE Duty. Details The charging rate used for both call charging and time dependent charging Duty DutyType ABIE Duty. Details Duty DutyType BBIE Duty. Amount The amount of this duty. 1 Duty Amount Amount Amount. Type 88.23 BBIE Duty. Amount 1 Duty Amount Amount Amount. Type 88.23 BBIE Duty. Duty. Text Text describing this duty. 0..1 Duty Duty Text Text. Type ConnectionFee BBIE Duty. Duty. Text 0..1 Duty Duty Text Text. Type ConnectionFee BBIE Duty. Duty Code. Code The type of this charge rate, expressed as a code. 0..1 Duty Duty Code Code Code. Type ConnectionFee BBIE Duty. Duty Code. Code 0..1 Duty Duty Code Code Code. Type ConnectionFee ASBIE Duty. Tax Category The tax category applicable to this duty. 0..1 Duty Tax Category Tax Category ASBIE Duty. Tax Category 0..1 Duty Tax Category Tax Category ABIE Economic Operator Classification. Details The information about the business classification profile assigned by the Competent Institution to the Economic Operator. Economic Operator Classification ABIE Economic Operator Classification. Details Información acerca de una Clasificación de Empresa otorgada por la Institución Competente Economic Operator Classification Clasificación Empresarial BBIE Economic Operator Classification. Registration Date. Date The official date when the Economic Operator obtained the Classification. 1 Economic Operator Classification Registration Date Date Date. Type BBIE Economic Operator Classification. Registration Date. Date Fecha en la que se acordó esta Clasificación del Operador Económico. 1 Economic Operator Classification Registration Date Date Date. Type Fecha de Alta BBIE Economic Operator Classification. Validity_ Duration. Measure Time whereas this classification applies. 0..1 Economic Operator Classification Validity Duration Measure Measure. Type BBIE Economic Operator Classification. Validity_ Duration. Measure Duración de la validez de la clasificación. 0..1 Economic Operator Classification Validity Duration Measure Measure. Type Período de Validez BBIE Economic Operator Classification. Classification_ File. Identifier The identifier for the Quotation Line Item 0..1 Economic Operator Classification Classification File Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Economic Operator Classification. Classification_ File. Identifier Identifica un posible Expediente externo al Registro que contiene toda la información relacionada con la determinación de la Clasificación. 0..1 Economic Operator Classification Classification File Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador de Expediente de Clasificación ASBIE Economic Operator Classification. Classification_ Party. Party An association to the Party that issues this classification. 1 Economic Operator Classification Classification Party Party ASBIE Economic Operator Classification. Classification_ Party. Party Asociación con una instancia del componente Parte utilizada para especificar al Órgano Competente que otorga la Clasificación. 1 Economic Operator Classification Classification Party Party Entidad Clasificadora ASBIE Economic Operator Classification. Classification Scheme An association to classification categories officially obtained by this Economic Operator. 1..n Economic Operator Classification Classification Scheme Classification Scheme ASBIE Economic Operator Classification. Classification Scheme Asociación con una instancia del componente Esquema de Clasificación utilizada para informar de la Clasificación acordada. 1..n Economic Operator Classification Classification Scheme Classification Scheme Esquema de Clasificación Empresarial ABIE Economic Operator Role. Details A class to describe the tenderer contracting role. Economic Operator Role EconomicOperatorRoleType ABIE Economic Operator Role. Details Economic Operator Role EconomicOperatorRoleType BBIE Economic Operator Role. Role Code. Code A code specifying the role of the party. 0..1 Economic Operator Role Role Code Code Code. Type BBIE Economic Operator Role. Role Code. Code 0..1 Economic Operator Role Role Code Code Code. Type BBIE Economic Operator Role. Role Description. Text A textual description of the party role. 0..n Economic Operator Role Role Description Text Text. Type BBIE Economic Operator Role. Role Description. Text 0..n Economic Operator Role Role Description Text Text. Type ABIE Economic Operator Short List. Details Information about the creation of a short list of economic operators for a tendering process Economic Operator Short List ABIE Economic Operator Short List. Details Información acerca de una lista reducida de candidatos o de invitados a una licitación. Economic Operator Short List Lista Reducida BBIE Economic Operator Short List. Limitation_ Description. Text Criteria to select a restricted number of candidates 0..n Economic Operator Short List Limitation Description Text Text. Type BBIE Economic Operator Short List. Limitation_ Description. Text Descripción textual de los criterios objetivos para la selección del número limitado de candidatos. 0..n Economic Operator Short List Limitation Description Text Text. Type Criterios de Selección del Número de Operadores BBIE Economic Operator Short List. Expected. Quantity Expected number of economic operators in this tendering process. 0..1 Economic Operator Short List Expected Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Economic Operator Short List. Expected. Quantity Número previsto de operadores económicos para la creación de la lista corta de candidatos. 0..1 Economic Operator Short List Expected Quantity Quantity. Type Número Previsto de Operadores BBIE Economic Operator Short List. Maximum. Quantity Maximum number of economic operators in this tendering process. 0..1 Economic Operator Short List Maximum Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Economic Operator Short List. Maximum. Quantity Número máximo de empresarios u operadores económicos para la creación de la lista corta de candidatos. 0..1 Economic Operator Short List Maximum Quantity Quantity. Type Número Máximo de Operadores BBIE Economic Operator Short List. Minimum. Quantity Minimum number of economic operators in thistendering process. 0..1 Economic Operator Short List Minimum Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Economic Operator Short List. Minimum. Quantity Número mínimo de empresarios u operadores económicos para la creación de la lista corta de candidatos. 0..1 Economic Operator Short List Minimum Quantity Quantity. Type Número Mínimo de Operadores ASBIE Economic Operator Short List. Pre Selected_ Party. Party Parties preselected in a negotiated procedure. 0..n Economic Operator Short List Pre Selected Party Party ASBIE Economic Operator Short List. Pre Selected_ Party. Party Operadores económicos preseleccionadas en un procedimiento negociado sin publicidad.. 0..n Economic Operator Short List Pre Selected Party Party Licitadores Preseleccionados ABIE Emission Calculation Method. Details A class to define how an environmental emission is calculated. Emission Calculation Method EmissionCalculationMethodType ABIE Emission Calculation Method. Details Emission Calculation Method EmissionCalculationMethodType BBIE Emission Calculation Method. Calculation Method Code. Code A code signifying the method used to calculate the emission. 0..1 Emission Calculation Method Calculation Method Code Code Code. Type BBIE Emission Calculation Method. Calculation Method Code. Code 0..1 Emission Calculation Method Calculation Method Code Code Code. Type BBIE Emission Calculation Method. Fullness Indication Code. Code A code signifying whether a piece of transport equipment is full, partially full, or empty. This indication is used as a parameter when calculating the environmental emission. 0..1 Emission Calculation Method Fullness Indication Code Code Code. Type BBIE Emission Calculation Method. Fullness Indication Code. Code 0..1 Emission Calculation Method Fullness Indication Code Code Code. Type ASBIE Emission Calculation Method. Measurement From_ Location. Location A start location from which an environmental emission is calculated. 0..1 Emission Calculation Method Measurement From Location Location ASBIE Emission Calculation Method. Measurement From_ Location. Location 0..1 Emission Calculation Method Measurement From Location Location ASBIE Emission Calculation Method. Measurement To_ Location. Location An end location to which an environmental emission is calculated. 0..1 Emission Calculation Method Measurement To Location Location ASBIE Emission Calculation Method. Measurement To_ Location. Location 0..1 Emission Calculation Method Measurement To Location Location ABIE Endorsement. Details Details of an endorsement on the document. Endorsement ABIE Endorsement. Details Detalles de un endoso sobre el documento. Endorsement Endoso BBIE Endorsement. Document. Identifier Identifies the endorsement. 1 Endorsement Document Identifier Identifier. Type DocumentID BBIE Endorsement. Document. Identifier Identifica el endoso. 1 Endorsement Document Identifier Identifier. Type ID del documento DocumentID BBIE Endorsement. Approval Status. Text Specifies the status of the endorsement. 1 Endorsement Approval Status Text Text. Type Authentication Code ApprovalStatus BBIE Endorsement. Approval Status. Text Especifica el estado del endoso. 1 Endorsement Approval Status Text Text. Type Estado de la aprobación ApprovalStatus BBIE Endorsement. Remarks. Text Remarks by the endorsing party. 0..n Endorsement Remarks Text Text. Type Remarks BBIE Endorsement. Remarks. Text Observaciones realizadas por quien endosa el documento. 0..n Endorsement Remarks Text Text. Type Observaciones Remarks ASBIE Endorsement. Endorser Party The type of party providing the endorsement. 1 Endorsement Endorser Party Endorser Party EndorserParty ASBIE Endorsement. Endorser Party Asociación con la Parte que endosa el documento. 1 Endorsement Endorser Party Endorser Party Aprobador EndorserParty ASBIE Endorsement. Signature One or more signatures applied to the endorsement. 0..n Endorsement Signature Signature Signature ASBIE Endorsement. Signature Una o más firmas aplicadas al Endoso. 0..n Endorsement Signature Signature Firma Signature ABIE Endorser Party. Details The party endorsing a document. Endorser Party ABIE Endorser Party. Details Parte que endosa un documento. Endorser Party Aprobador BBIE Endorser Party. Role Code. Code The role of the party providing the endorsement, e.g., Issuer, Embassy, Insurance, etc. 1 Endorser Party Role Code Code Code. Type RoleCode BBIE Endorser Party. Role Code. Code El rol de la parte que endosa. P.e., Emisor, Embajada, Seguro, etc. 1 Endorser Party Role Code Code Code. Type Código de rol RoleCode BBIE Endorser Party. Sequence. Numeric The sequence in which the endorsements are to be applied. 1 Endorser Party Sequence Numeric Numeric. Type SequenceNumeric BBIE Endorser Party. Sequence. Numeric Secuencia en la que se aplican los endosos. 1 Endorser Party Sequence Numeric Numeric. Type Número de Secuencia SequenceNumeric ASBIE Endorser Party. Party Details of the party endorsing the application. 1 Endorser Party Party Party Party ASBIE Endorser Party. Party Asociación con la Parte que endosa el documento. 1 Endorser Party Party Party Parte Party ASBIE Endorser Party. Signatory_ Contact. Contact Details of the individual representing the exporter who signs the Certificate of Origin application before submitting it to the Issuer Party. 1 Endorser Party Signatory Contact Contact SignatoryContact ASBIE Endorser Party. Signatory_ Contact. Contact Detalles acerca del individuo que representa al exportador que firma la solicitud de Certificado de origen antes de enviársela a la Parte Emisora. 1 Endorser Party Signatory Contact Contact Contacto firmante SignatoryContact ABIE Energy Tax Report. Details A class to describe energy taxes. Energy Tax Report EnergyTaxReportType ABIE Energy Tax Report. Details Energy Tax Report EnergyTaxReportType BBIE Energy Tax Report. Tax Energy Amount. Amount The monetary amount of taxes (and duties). 0..1 Energy Tax Report Tax Energy Amount Amount Amount. Type 3087.90 BBIE Energy Tax Report. Tax Energy Amount. Amount 0..1 Energy Tax Report Tax Energy Amount Amount Amount. Type 3087.90 BBIE Energy Tax Report. Tax Energy_ On Account Amount. Amount The monetary amount of taxes (and duties) paid on account. 0..1 Energy Tax Report Tax Energy On Account Amount Amount Amount. Type 2855.40 BBIE Energy Tax Report. Tax Energy_ On Account Amount. Amount 0..1 Energy Tax Report Tax Energy On Account Amount Amount Amount. Type 2855.40 BBIE Energy Tax Report. Tax Energy Balance. Amount The monetary amount of the balance of taxes owing. 0..1 Energy Tax Report Tax Energy Balance Amount Amount. Type 232.49 BBIE Energy Tax Report. Tax Energy Balance. Amount 0..1 Energy Tax Report Tax Energy Balance Amount Amount. Type 232.49 ASBIE Energy Tax Report. Tax Scheme The relevant taxation scheme. 1 Energy Tax Report Tax Scheme Tax Scheme ASBIE Energy Tax Report. Tax Scheme 1 Energy Tax Report Tax Scheme Tax Scheme ABIE Energy Water Supply. Details A class to describe the supply (and therefore consumption) of an amount of energy or water. Energy Water Supply EnergyWaterSupplyType ABIE Energy Water Supply. Details Energy Water Supply EnergyWaterSupplyType ASBIE Energy Water Supply. Consumption Report An amount of energy or water consumed. 0..n Energy Water Supply Consumption Report Consumption Report ASBIE Energy Water Supply. Consumption Report 0..n Energy Water Supply Consumption Report Consumption Report ASBIE Energy Water Supply. Energy Tax Report A tax on the consumption of energy or water. 0..n Energy Water Supply Energy Tax Report Energy Tax Report ASBIE Energy Water Supply. Energy Tax Report 0..n Energy Water Supply Energy Tax Report Energy Tax Report ASBIE Energy Water Supply. Consumption Average A consumption average. 0..n Energy Water Supply Consumption Average Consumption Average ASBIE Energy Water Supply. Consumption Average 0..n Energy Water Supply Consumption Average Consumption Average ASBIE Energy Water Supply. Energy Water_ Consumption Correction. Consumption Correction Describes any corrections or adjustments to the supply of energy or water. 0..n Energy Water Supply Energy Water Consumption Correction Consumption Correction ASBIE Energy Water Supply. Energy Water_ Consumption Correction. Consumption Correction 0..n Energy Water Supply Energy Water Consumption Correction Consumption Correction ABIE Environmental Emission. Details A class to describe an environmental emission. Environmental Emission EnvironmentalEmissionType ABIE Environmental Emission. Details Environmental Emission EnvironmentalEmissionType BBIE Environmental Emission. Environmental Emission Type Code. Code A code specifying the type of environmental emission. 1 Environmental Emission Environmental Emission Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Environmental Emission. Environmental Emission Type Code. Code 1 Environmental Emission Environmental Emission Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Environmental Emission. Value. Measure A value measurement for the environmental emission. 1 Environmental Emission Value Measure Measure. Type BBIE Environmental Emission. Value. Measure 1 Environmental Emission Value Measure Measure. Type BBIE Environmental Emission. Description. Text Text describing this environmental emission. 0..n Environmental Emission Description Text Text. Type BBIE Environmental Emission. Description. Text 0..n Environmental Emission Description Text Text. Type ASBIE Environmental Emission. Emission Calculation Method A method used to calculate the amount of this emission. 0..n Environmental Emission Emission Calculation Method Emission Calculation Method ASBIE Environmental Emission. Emission Calculation Method 0..n Environmental Emission Emission Calculation Method Emission Calculation Method ABIE Evaluation Criteria. Details Criteria that is required to a tenderer in order to admit or reject him in the tendering process. Evaluation Criteria ABIE Evaluation Criteria. Details Criterio que se puede requerir a un operador económico en un proceso de licitación y a partir del cual evaluar su admisibilidad como licitador. Evaluation Criteria Criterio de Evaluación BBIE Evaluation Criteria. Evaluation Criteria Type Code. Code Code that defines the financial or technical criteria, such as total revenue, qualified staff. 0..1 Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Criteria Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Evaluation Criteria. Evaluation Criteria Type Code. Code Código que tipifica el criterio de solvencia. Puede ser un criterio de solvencia técnico-profesional o de solvencia económico-financiera. 0..1 Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Criteria Type Code Code Code. Type Código del Criterio BBIE Evaluation Criteria. Description. Text Textual description of the criteria. 0..n Evaluation Criteria Description Text Text. Type BBIE Evaluation Criteria. Description. Text Descripción textual del criterio de solvencia. 0..n Evaluation Criteria Description Text Text. Type Descripción BBIE Evaluation Criteria. Threshold. Amount Estimated threshold amount for that criteria in this tendering process. 0..1 Evaluation Criteria Threshold Amount Amount. Type BBIE Evaluation Criteria. Threshold. Amount Valor umbral del criterio cuando se trata de un importe, como por ejemplo el valor del volumen de negocios. 0..1 Evaluation Criteria Threshold Amount Amount. Type Umbral de Importe BBIE Evaluation Criteria. Threshold. Quantity Estimated threshold quantity for that criteria in this tendering process. 0..1 Evaluation Criteria Threshold Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Evaluation Criteria. Threshold. Quantity Valor umbral del criterio cuando no es un importe, como por ejemplo el número de empleados. 0..1 Evaluation Criteria Threshold Quantity Quantity. Type Umbral de Cantidad BBIE Evaluation Criteria. Expression. Text Textual description of the expression that would evaluate the criteria. 0..n Evaluation Criteria Expression Text Text. Type BBIE Evaluation Criteria. Expression. Text Descripción textual que define expresión matemática que servirá para evaluar el criterio de evaluación de la admisibilidad a licitar de los operadores económicos. 0..n Evaluation Criteria Expression Text Text. Type Expresión BBIE Evaluation Criteria. Expression. Code Code describing the expression that would evaluate the criteria. 0..n Evaluation Criteria Expression Code Code. Type BBIE Evaluation Criteria. Expression. Code Código que define expresión matemática que servirá para evaluar el criterio de evaluación de la admisibilidad a licitar de los operadores económicos. 0..n Evaluation Criteria Expression Code Code. Type Código de expresión BBIE Evaluation Criteria. Second Stage. Indicator The indication that the tender requirement is used for selection of candidates for a second stage 0..1 Evaluation Criteria Second Stage Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Evaluation Criteria. Second Stage. Indicator Indicar que el requisito será usado en la selección de candidadtos en una segunda fase 0..1 Evaluation Criteria Second Stage Indicator Indicator. Type Segunda fase ASBIE Evaluation Criteria. Duration_ Period. Period Period during which the evaluation criteria should be positive. 0..1 Evaluation Criteria Duration Period Period ASBIE Evaluation Criteria. Duration_ Period. Period Período o lapso de tiempo de aplicabilidad del criterio. 0..1 Evaluation Criteria Duration Period Period Duración ASBIE Evaluation Criteria. Suggested_ Evidence. Evidence Evidence that is suggested to be used to fulfil the criteria. 0..n Evaluation Criteria Suggested Evidence Evidence ASBIE Evaluation Criteria. Suggested_ Evidence. Evidence Evidencia que el licitador puede utilizar para acreditar este criterio de evaluación. 0..n Evaluation Criteria Suggested Evidence Evidence Evidencia sugerida ABIE Evaluation Criterion. Details A class defining the required criterion for a tenderer to be elligible in a tendering process. Evaluation Criterion EvaluationCriterionType ABIE Evaluation Criterion. Details Evaluation Criterion EvaluationCriterionType BBIE Evaluation Criterion. Evaluation Criterion Type Code. Code A code that specifies the criterion; it may be financial, technical or organizational. 0..1 Evaluation Criterion Evaluation Criterion Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Evaluation Criterion. Evaluation Criterion Type Code. Code 0..1 Evaluation Criterion Evaluation Criterion Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Evaluation Criterion. Description. Text A description of the criterion. 0..n Evaluation Criterion Description Text Text. Type BBIE Evaluation Criterion. Description. Text 0..n Evaluation Criterion Description Text Text. Type BBIE Evaluation Criterion. Threshold_ Amount. Amount Estimated monetary amount of the threshold for the criterion. 0..1 Evaluation Criterion Threshold Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Evaluation Criterion. Threshold_ Amount. Amount 0..1 Evaluation Criterion Threshold Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Evaluation Criterion. Threshold_ Quantity. Quantity Estimated quantity of the threshold for the criterion. 0..1 Evaluation Criterion Threshold Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Evaluation Criterion. Threshold_ Quantity. Quantity 0..1 Evaluation Criterion Threshold Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Evaluation Criterion. Expression Code. Code A code identifying the expression that will be used to evaluate the criterion. 0..1 Evaluation Criterion Expression Code Code Code. Type BBIE Evaluation Criterion. Expression Code. Code 0..1 Evaluation Criterion Expression Code Code Code. Type BBIE Evaluation Criterion. Expression. Text The expression that will be used to evaluate the criterion. 0..n Evaluation Criterion Expression Text Text. Type BBIE Evaluation Criterion. Expression. Text 0..n Evaluation Criterion Expression Text Text. Type ASBIE Evaluation Criterion. Duration_ Period. Period Describes the period for which the evaluation criterion is valid. 0..1 Evaluation Criterion Duration Period Period ASBIE Evaluation Criterion. Duration_ Period. Period 0..1 Evaluation Criterion Duration Period Period ASBIE Evaluation Criterion. Suggested_ Evidence. Evidence Describes any evidences that should be used to satisfy the criterion. 0..n Evaluation Criterion Suggested Evidence Evidence ASBIE Evaluation Criterion. Suggested_ Evidence. Evidence 0..n Evaluation Criterion Suggested Evidence Evidence ABIE Event. Details A significant occurrence or happening related to an object process, or person. Event ABIE Event. Details Evento genérico (como el que puede producirse en el ámbito de un proceso de licitación). Event Evento BBIE Event. Identification. Identifier A unique identifier for this event. 0..1 Event Identification Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Event. Identification. Identifier Identifica de forma única este evento. 0..1 Event Identification Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador BBIE Event. Occurrence Date. Date A date of an occurrence of this event. 0..1 Event Occurrence Date Date Date. Type BBIE Event. Occurrence Date. Date Fecha en la que se produce el evento. 0..1 Event Occurrence Date Date Date. Type Fecha BBIE Event. Occurrence Time. Time A time of an occurrence of this event. 0..1 Event Occurrence Time Time Time. Type BBIE Event. Occurrence Time. Time Hora en la que se produce el evento. 0..1 Event Occurrence Time Time Time. Type Hora BBIE Event. Type. Code A type for this event, coded. 0..1 Event Type Code Code. Type BBIE Event. Type. Code Código que tipifica el evento. 0..1 Event Type Code Code. Type Tipo BBIE Event. Description. Text A textual description of the event. 0..n Event Description Text Text. Type BBIE Event. Description. Text Descripción textual del evento. 0..n Event Description Text Text. Type Descripción BBIE Event. Completion_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates if this event is completed 0..1 Event Completion Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Event. Completion_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si el evento ha terminado (verdadero), está en curso o no ha sido iniciado (falso). 0..1 Event Completion Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de Completitud ASBIE Event. Current_ Status. Status Association to current status information for this event. 0..n Event Current Status Status ASBIE Event. Current_ Status. Status Asociación con el componente Estado para identificar el estado para este evento. 0..n Event Current Status Status Estado actual ASBIE Event. Contact Association to the contacts for this event. 0..n Event Contact Contact ASBIE Event. Contact Asociación con una instancia del componente contacto para especificar los contactos participantes en este evento. 0..n Event Contact Contact Contacto ASBIE Event. Occurrence_ Location. Location Location information where this event will occur or has occurred. 0..1 Event Occurrence Location Location ASBIE Event. Occurrence_ Location. Location Asociación con una instancia del componente Localización, utilizada para indicar el lugar donde se produce el evento.. 0..1 Event Occurrence Location Location Lugar ASBIE Event. Attendance Conditions Information about autorised persons 0..1 Event AttendanceConditions AttendanceConditions ASBIE Event. Attendance Conditions Asociación con una instancia de Información sobre las personas que estan autorizadas a participar en un evento 0..1 Event AttendanceConditions AttendanceConditions Condiciones de asistencia al evento ABIE Event Comment. Details A class to define comments about a retail event. Event Comment EventCommentType ABIE Event Comment. Details Event Comment EventCommentType BBIE Event Comment. Comment. Text Text commenting on the event. 1 Event Comment Comment Text Text. Type BBIE Event Comment. Comment. Text 1 Event Comment Comment Text Text. Type BBIE Event Comment. Issue Date. Date The date on which this comment was made. 0..1 Event Comment Issue Date Date Date. Type BBIE Event Comment. Issue Date. Date 0..1 Event Comment Issue Date Date Date. Type BBIE Event Comment. Issue Time. Time The time at which this comment was made. 0..1 Event Comment Issue Time Time Time. Type BBIE Event Comment. Issue Time. Time 0..1 Event Comment Issue Time Time Time. Type ABIE Event Line Item. Details A class to define a line item describing the expected impacts associated with a retail event involving a specific product at a specific location. Event Line Item EventLineItemType ABIE Event Line Item. Details Event Line Item EventLineItemType BBIE Event Line Item. Line Number. Numeric The number of this event line item. 0..1 Event Line Item Line Number Numeric Numeric. Type BBIE Event Line Item. Line Number. Numeric 0..1 Event Line Item Line Number Numeric Numeric. Type ASBIE Event Line Item. Participating Locations_ Location. Location The location of the stores involved in the event described in this line item. 0..1 Event Line Item Participating Locations Location Location ASBIE Event Line Item. Participating Locations_ Location. Location 0..1 Event Line Item Participating Locations Location Location ASBIE Event Line Item. Retail Planned Impact A planned impact of the event described in this line item. 0..n Event Line Item Retail Planned Impact Retail Planned Impact ASBIE Event Line Item. Retail Planned Impact 0..n Event Line Item Retail Planned Impact Retail Planned Impact ASBIE Event Line Item. Supply_ Item. Item The product with which the event is associated. 1 Event Line Item Supply Item Item ASBIE Event Line Item. Supply_ Item. Item 1 Event Line Item Supply Item Item ABIE Event Tactic. Details A class defining a specific type of action or situation arranged by the Buyer or the Seller to promote the product or products. Event Tactic EventTacticType ABIE Event Tactic. Details Event Tactic EventTacticType BBIE Event Tactic. Comment. Text Generic field to add additional information or to specify mutually defined eventTacticTypes that are not currently listed. 0..1 Event Tactic Comment Text Text. Type BBIE Event Tactic. Comment. Text 0..1 Event Tactic Comment Text Text. Type BBIE Event Tactic. Quantity The currencies, units, etc. that describes what is need for the event or promotion Usage example: Number of pallets per store for a stack display 0..1 Event Tactic Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Event Tactic. Quantity 0..1 Event Tactic Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type ASBIE Event Tactic. Event Tactic Enumeration The set of codes that describes this event tactic. 1 Event Tactic Event Tactic Enumeration Event Tactic Enumeration ASBIE Event Tactic. Event Tactic Enumeration 1 Event Tactic Event Tactic Enumeration Event Tactic Enumeration ASBIE Event Tactic. Period The period covered by this event tactic. 0..1 Event Tactic Period Period ASBIE Event Tactic. Period 0..1 Event Tactic Period Period ABIE Event Tactic Enumeration. Details A class to define a set of codes that describes a retail tactic. Event Tactic Enumeration EventTacticEnumerationType ABIE Event Tactic Enumeration. Details Event Tactic Enumeration EventTacticEnumerationType BBIE Event Tactic Enumeration. Consumer Incentive Tactic Type Code. Code A code signifying the type of consumer incentive. Examples include:Free Item, Temporary Price reduction 0..1 Event Tactic Enumeration Consumer Incentive Tactic Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Event Tactic Enumeration. Consumer Incentive Tactic Type Code. Code 0..1 Event Tactic Enumeration Consumer Incentive Tactic Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Event Tactic Enumeration. Display Tactic Type Code. Code A code signifying the type of display. Examples Include: ON_COUNTER_DISPLAY, FLOOR_GRAPHICS FLOOR_STACK_DISPLAY 0..1 Event Tactic Enumeration Display Tactic Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Event Tactic Enumeration. Display Tactic Type Code. Code 0..1 Event Tactic Enumeration Display Tactic Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Event Tactic Enumeration. Feature Tactic Type Code. Code A code signifying a special feature. Examples Include: BILLBOARD DIRECT_MAIL_AD, FLYER 0..1 Event Tactic Enumeration Feature Tactic Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Event Tactic Enumeration. Feature Tactic Type Code. Code 0..1 Event Tactic Enumeration Feature Tactic Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Event Tactic Enumeration. Trade Item Packing Labeling Type Code. Code A code signifying the type of trade item packing and labeling. Examples Include: BONUS_SIZE CO_BRANDED_TRADE_ITEM 0..1 Event Tactic Enumeration Trade Item Packing Labeling Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Event Tactic Enumeration. Trade Item Packing Labeling Type Code. Code 0..1 Event Tactic Enumeration Trade Item Packing Labeling Type Code Code Code. Type ABIE Evidence. Details Evidentiary support for capabilities or requirements an economic operator has to provide for being accepted in a tendering process. Evidence ABIE Evidence. Details Documento que prueba una circunstancia determinada declarada en el documento de cualificación. Evidence Evidencia BBIE Evidence. Identifier Identifies the evidence. 0..1 Evidence Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Evidence. Identifier Identifica una evidencia concreta. 0..1 Evidence Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador de evidencia BBIE Evidence. Language. Code Identifies the language of the evidence. 0..1 Evidence Language Code Code. Type BBIE Evidence. Language. Code Código del idioma con el que está escrito el documento acreditativo. 0..1 Evidence Language Code Code. Type Idioma BBIE Evidence. Evidence Type Code. Code The coded type for this evidence. 0..1 Evidence Evidence Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Evidence. Evidence Type Code. Code Código que especifica el tipo de evidencia. 0..1 Evidence Evidence Type Code Code Code. Type Tipo Evidencia BBIE Evidence. Name. Text The textual description for this Evidence. 0..n Evidence Name Text Text. Type BBIE Evidence. Name. Text Nombre del documento acreditativo. 0..n Evidence Name Text Text. Type Nombre BBIE Evidence. Required Signature. Inidicator Indicates if the document must be signed 0..1 Evidence Required Signature Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Evidence. Required Signature. Inidicator Indica si el documento debe ser firmado electrónicamente 0..1 Evidence Required Signature Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de firma requerida ASBIE Evidence. Evidence Issuing_ Party. Party An association to the Party that has issued this evidence. 0..1 Evidence Evidence Issuing Party Party ASBIE Evidence. Evidence Issuing_ Party. Party Asociación con la parte responsable de la emisión de la evidencia. 0..1 Evidence Evidence Issuing Party Party Emisor de la evidencia ASBIE Evidence. Document Reference An association to Document Reference handling the actual evidentiary document. 0..n Evidence Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Evidence. Document Reference Asociación con el componente referencia a documento desde donde se puede incorporar o hacer referencia al documento acreditativo. 0..n Evidence Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a documento ABIE Evidence Supplied. Details A reference to evidence. Evidence Supplied EvidenceSuppliedType ABIE Evidence Supplied. Details Evidence Supplied EvidenceSuppliedType BBIE Evidence Supplied. Identifier The identifier of the referenced evidence. 1 Evidence Supplied Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Evidence Supplied. Identifier 1 Evidence Supplied Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ABIE Exception Criteria Line. Details A class to define a line in an ExceptionCriteria document that specifies a threshold for forecast variance, product activity, or performance history, the exceeding of which should trigger an exception message. Exception Criteria Line ExceptionCriteriaLineType ABIE Exception Criteria Line. Details Exception Criteria Line ExceptionCriteriaLineType BBIE Exception Criteria Line. Identifier An identifier for this exception criteria line. 1 Exception Criteria Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Exception Criteria Line. Identifier 1 Exception Criteria Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Exception Criteria Line. Note. Text Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures. 0..n Exception Criteria Line Note Text Text. Type BBIE Exception Criteria Line. Note. Text 0..n Exception Criteria Line Note Text Text. Type BBIE Exception Criteria Line. Threshold Value Comparison Code. Code Type of comparison to be carried out in reference to the set threshold." Allowed values are: EXCEEDS_EXCEPTION_VALUE FALLS_BELOW_EXCEPTION_VALUE 1 Exception Criteria Line Threshold Value Comparison Code Code Code. Type BBIE Exception Criteria Line. Threshold Value Comparison Code. Code 1 Exception Criteria Line Threshold Value Comparison Code Code Code. Type BBIE Exception Criteria Line. Threshold_ Quantity. Quantity A quantity beyond which an exception will be triggered. 1 Exception Criteria Line Threshold Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Exception Criteria Line. Threshold_ Quantity. Quantity 1 Exception Criteria Line Threshold Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Exception Criteria Line. Exception Status Code. Code A code signifying status specific to a shipment exception. 0..1 Exception Criteria Line Exception Status Code Code Code. Type BBIE Exception Criteria Line. Exception Status Code. Code 0..1 Exception Criteria Line Exception Status Code Code Code. Type BBIE Exception Criteria Line. Collaboration_ Priority Code. Code A collaboratively assigned code signifying priority of the Exception. Possible values are: HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM 0..1 Exception Criteria Line Collaboration Priority Code Code Code. Type BBIE Exception Criteria Line. Collaboration_ Priority Code. Code 0..1 Exception Criteria Line Collaboration Priority Code Code Code. Type BBIE Exception Criteria Line. Exception_ Resolution Code. Code Coded representation of possible resolution methods". Possible values are: DEFAULT_TO_AVERAGE_OF_COMPARED_VALUES DEFAULT_TO_BUYERS_VALUE DEFAULT_TO_HIGH_VALUE DEFAULT_TO_LOW_VALUE DEFAULT_TO_SELLERS_VALUE MANUAL_RESOLUTION MUTUALLY_DEFINED 0..1 Exception Criteria Line Exception Resolution Code Code Code. Type BBIE Exception Criteria Line. Exception_ Resolution Code. Code 0..1 Exception Criteria Line Exception Resolution Code Code Code. Type BBIE Exception Criteria Line. Supply Chain Activity Type Code. Code Establishes the criterion for one of the three types of exceptions. There can be three types of exception criteria: Operational, Metric and Forecast Exceptions. This will be set if this Exception is about an Operational Exception. Description could be: A code used to identify an operational exception. Possible values are: CANCELED_ORDERS EMERGENCY_ORDERS ON_HAND ORDERS RECEIPTS SALES SHIPMENTS 0..1 Exception Criteria Line Supply Chain Activity Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Exception Criteria Line. Supply Chain Activity Type Code. Code 0..1 Exception Criteria Line Supply Chain Activity Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Exception Criteria Line. Performance Metric Type Code. Code A code signifying a measure of performance. 0..1 Exception Criteria Line Performance Metric Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Exception Criteria Line. Performance Metric Type Code. Code 0..1 Exception Criteria Line Performance Metric Type Code Code Code. Type ASBIE Exception Criteria Line. Effective_ Period. Period The period during which this exception criteria line is in effect. 0..1 Exception Criteria Line Effective Period Period ASBIE Exception Criteria Line. Effective_ Period. Period 0..1 Exception Criteria Line Effective Period Period ASBIE Exception Criteria Line. Supply_ Item. Item The Trade Item that is the subject of the Exception Criterion. 1..n Exception Criteria Line Supply Item Item ASBIE Exception Criteria Line. Supply_ Item. Item 1..n Exception Criteria Line Supply Item Item ASBIE Exception Criteria Line. Forecast Exception Criterion Line Establishes the criterion for one of the three types of exceptions. This class provides the criterion for the kind of forecast exception, the identification of the purpose of the forecast, the source of data and the time basis criterion for the exception. 0..1 Exception Criteria Line Forecast Exception Criterion Line Forecast Exception Criterion Line ASBIE Exception Criteria Line. Forecast Exception Criterion Line 0..1 Exception Criteria Line Forecast Exception Criterion Line Forecast Exception Criterion Line ABIE Exception Notification Line. Details A class to define a line in an Exception Notification. Exception Notification Line ExceptionNotificationLineType ABIE Exception Notification Line. Details Exception Notification Line ExceptionNotificationLineType BBIE Exception Notification Line. Identifier An identifier for this exception notification line. 1 Exception Notification Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Identifier 1 Exception Notification Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Note. Text Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures. 0..n Exception Notification Line Note Text Text. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Note. Text 0..n Exception Notification Line Note Text Text. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Description. Text Text describing the exception. 0..n Exception Notification Line Description Text Text. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Description. Text 0..n Exception Notification Line Description Text Text. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Exception Status Code. Code A code signifying status specific to a shipment exception. 0..1 Exception Notification Line Exception Status Code Code Code. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Exception Status Code. Code 0..1 Exception Notification Line Exception Status Code Code Code. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Collaboration_ Priority Code. Code Priority of Exception. 0..1 Exception Notification Line Collaboration Priority Code Code Code. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Collaboration_ Priority Code. Code 0..1 Exception Notification Line Collaboration Priority Code Code Code. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Resolution Code. Code Coded representation of possible resolution methods". Possible values are: DEFAULT_TO_AVERAGE_OF_COMPARED_VALUES DEFAULT_TO_BUYERS_VALUE DEFAULT_TO_HIGH_VALUE DEFAULT_TO_LOW_VALUE DEFAULT_TO_SELLERS_VALUE MANUAL_RESOLUTION MUTUALLY_DEFINED 0..1 Exception Notification Line Resolution Code Code Code. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Resolution Code. Code 0..1 Exception Notification Line Resolution Code Code Code. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Compared Value. Measure The value that was compared with the source value that resulted in the exception 1 Exception Notification Line Compared Value Measure Measure. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Compared Value. Measure 1 Exception Notification Line Compared Value Measure Measure. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Source Value. Measure The value used as the basis of comparison 1 Exception Notification Line Source Value Measure Measure. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Source Value. Measure 1 Exception Notification Line Source Value Measure Measure. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Variance. Quantity The variance of a data item from an expected value during a particular time interval. 0..1 Exception Notification Line Variance Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Variance. Quantity 0..1 Exception Notification Line Variance Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Supply Chain Activity Type Code. Code Establishes the criterion for one of the three types of exceptions: Operational, performance metric and forecast. This reports an exception notification about an operational exception. Description could be: A code used to identify an operational exception. Possible values are: CANCELED_ORDERS EMERGENCY_ORDERS ON_HAND ORDERS RECEIPTS SALES SHIPMENTS 0..1 Exception Notification Line Supply Chain Activity Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Supply Chain Activity Type Code. Code 0..1 Exception Notification Line Supply Chain Activity Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Performance Metric Type Code. Code A code used to identify a measure of performance. It defines the type of the Performance Metric on which an exception criteria is being defined 0..1 Exception Notification Line Performance Metric Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Exception Notification Line. Performance Metric Type Code. Code 0..1 Exception Notification Line Performance Metric Type Code Code Code. Type ASBIE Exception Notification Line. Exception Observation_ Period. Period The period (start-end date) when this exception is observed 0..1 Exception Notification Line Exception Observation Period Period ASBIE Exception Notification Line. Exception Observation_ Period. Period 0..1 Exception Notification Line Exception Observation Period Period ASBIE Exception Notification Line. Document Reference A reference to Exception Criteria document can be provided. 0..n Exception Notification Line Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Exception Notification Line. Document Reference 0..n Exception Notification Line Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Exception Notification Line. Forecast Exception A forecast accuracy or comparison exception. 0..1 Exception Notification Line Forecast Exception Forecast Exception ASBIE Exception Notification Line. Forecast Exception 0..1 Exception Notification Line Forecast Exception Forecast Exception ASBIE Exception Notification Line. Supply_ Item. Item The product associated with this exception notification line. 1 Exception Notification Line Supply Item Item ASBIE Exception Notification Line. Supply_ Item. Item 1 Exception Notification Line Supply Item Item ABIE Exchange Rate. Details Information about Exchange Rate. Exchange Rate ABIE Exchange Rate. Details Información relacionada con el tipo de cambio (conversión) entre dos monedas. Exchange Rate Tasa de cambio BBIE Exchange Rate. Source_ Currency Code. Code The reference currency for the Exchange Rate; the currency from which the exchange is being made (CC Definition). 1 Exchange Rate Source Currency Code Code Currency Currency_ Code. Type SourceCurrencyCode BBIE Exchange Rate. Source_ Currency Code. Code Moneda de referencia de la tipo de cambio. La moneda a partir de la cual se realiza el cambio (definición CC). 1 Exchange Rate Source Currency Code Code Currency Currency_ Code. Type Código de moneda origen SourceCurrencyCode BBIE Exchange Rate. Source_ Currency Base Rate. Rate The unit base of the source currency for currencies with small denominations. 0..1 Exchange Rate Source Currency Base Rate Rate Rate. Type SourceCurrencyBaseRate BBIE Exchange Rate. Source_ Currency Base Rate. Rate Especifica la unidad base de la moneda de origen para monedas con poco valor. 0..1 Exchange Rate Source Currency Base Rate Rate Rate. Type Tasa base moneda origen SourceCurrencyBaseRate BBIE Exchange Rate. Target_ Currency Code. Code The target currency for the Exchange Rate; the currency to which the exchange is being made (CC Definition). 1 Exchange Rate Target Currency Code Code Currency Currency_ Code. Type TargetCurrencyCode BBIE Exchange Rate. Target_ Currency Code. Code Moneda final de la tipo de cambio. Esta es la moneda para la que se realiza el cambio (Definición CC). 1 Exchange Rate Target Currency Code Code Currency Currency_ Code. Type Código de moneda final TargetCurrencyCode BBIE Exchange Rate. Target_ Currency Base Rate. Rate The unit base of the target currency for currencies with small denominations. 0..1 Exchange Rate Target Currency Base Rate Rate Rate. Type TargetCurrencyBaseRate BBIE Exchange Rate. Target_ Currency Base Rate. Rate Especifica la unidad base de la moneda final para monedas de poco valor. 0..1 Exchange Rate Target Currency Base Rate Rate Rate. Type Tasa base unidad final TargetCurrencyBaseRate BBIE Exchange Rate. Exchange Market Identifier. Identifier Identifies the currency exchange market used as the source of the Exchange Rate. 0..1 Exchange Rate Exchange Market Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ExchangeMarketID BBIE Exchange Rate. Exchange Market Identifier. Identifier Identifica el mercado de cambio de divisas del que se coge la tipo de cambio. 0..1 Exchange Rate Exchange Market Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID mercado de cambio ExchangeMarketID BBIE Exchange Rate. Calculation Rate. Rate The factor applied to the source currency to calculate the target currency. 0..1 Exchange Rate Calculation Rate Rate Rate. Type CalculationRate BBIE Exchange Rate. Calculation Rate. Rate Factor utilizado para la conversión de una cantidad desde una moneda (origen) a otra (final). 0..1 Exchange Rate Calculation Rate Rate Rate. Type Tasa de cálculo CalculationRate BBIE Exchange Rate. Mathematic Operator Code. Code An identifier for whether the Calculation Rate should be used to multiply or to divide, expressed as a code. 0..1 Exchange Rate Mathematic Operator Code Code Operator Operator_ Code. Type MathematicOperatorCode BBIE Exchange Rate. Mathematic Operator Code. Code Identificador que especifica si la Tase de Cálculo se debe usar para multiplicar o dividir, expresado como un código. 0..1 Exchange Rate Mathematic Operator Code Code Operator Operator_ Code. Type Operador matemático MathematicOperatorCode BBIE Exchange Rate. Date The date of the Exchange. 0..1 Exchange Rate Date Date Date. Type Date BBIE Exchange Rate. Date Fecha del cambio. 0..1 Exchange Rate Date Date Date. Type Fecha Date ASBIE Exchange Rate. Foreign Exchange_ Contract. Contract An association to Foreign Exchange Contract. 0..1 Exchange Rate Foreign Exchange Contract Contract ForeignExchangeContract ASBIE Exchange Rate. Foreign Exchange_ Contract. Contract Identifica un contrato de cambio de divisas en el que se ha acordado un tipo de cambio. 0..1 Exchange Rate Foreign Exchange Contract Contract Contrato de cambio de divisas ForeignExchangeContract ABIE Exclusion Grounds. Details Information regarding about the exclusion grounds Exclusion Grounds ABIE Exclusion Grounds. Details Detalle sobre los motivos de exlusión Exclusion Grounds Motivos de exclusión BBIE Exclusion Grounds. Exclusion Ground Type Code Code indicating the reason for the exclusion 0..1 Exclusion Grounds Exclusion Ground Type Code Code. Type BBIE Exclusion Grounds. Exclusion Ground Type Code Código que indica el motivo de la exclusión 0..1 Exclusion Grounds Exclusion Ground Type Code Code. Type Motivo de exclusión BBIE Exclusion Grounds. Description Textual description of the reason for the selected exclusion reason 0..1 Exclusion Grounds Description Text Text. Type BBIE Exclusion Grounds. Description Descripción textual de la razón del motivo de exclusión seleccionada 0..1 Exclusion Grounds Description Text Text. Type Descripción del motivo de la exclusión ABIE External Reference. Details Information directly relating to an external reference i.e. a document stored at a remote location. External Reference ABIE External Reference. Details External Reference BBIE External Reference. URI. Identifier The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where the external document is located. 0..1 External Reference URI Identifier Identifier. Type URI BBIE External Reference. URI. Identifier 0..1 External Reference URI Identifier Identifier. Type URI BBIE External Reference. Document Hash. Text Specifies the hash code for the externally stored document. 0..1 External Reference Document Hash Text Text. Type DocumentHash BBIE External Reference. Document Hash. Text 0..1 External Reference Document Hash Text Text. Type DocumentHash BBIE External Reference. Hash Algorithm Method. Text 0..n External Reference Hash Algorithm Method Text Text. Type HashAlgorithmMethod BBIE External Reference. Hash Algorithm Method. Text 0..n External Reference Hash Algorithm Method Text Text. Type HashAlgorithmMethod BBIE External Reference. Expiry Date. Date The date on which the document can no longer be found on the URI. 0..1 External Reference Expiry Date Date Date. Type ExpiryDate BBIE External Reference. Expiry Date. Date 0..1 External Reference Expiry Date Date Date. Type ExpiryDate BBIE External Reference. Expiry Time. Time The time on which the document can no longer be found on the URI. 0..1 External Reference Expiry Time Time Time. Type ExpiryTime BBIE External Reference. Expiry Time. Time 0..1 External Reference Expiry Time Time Time. Type ExpiryTime BBIE External Reference. Mime Code. Code The mime type of the external document. 0..1 External Reference Mime Code Code Code. Type MimeCode BBIE External Reference. Mime Code. Code 0..1 External Reference Mime Code Code Code. Type MimeCode BBIE External Reference. Format Code. Code The format of the external document. 0..1 External Reference Format Code Code Code. Type FormatCode BBIE External Reference. Format Code. Code 0..1 External Reference Format Code Code Code. Type FormatCode BBIE External Reference. Encoding Code. Code Specifies the decoding algorithm of the external document. 0..1 External Reference Encoding Code Code Code. Type EncodingCode BBIE External Reference. Encoding Code. Code 0..1 External Reference Encoding Code Code Code. Type EncodingCode BBIE External Reference. Character Set Code. Code The character set of the external document if the mime type is text. 0..1 External Reference Character Set Code Code Code. Type CharacterSetCode BBIE External Reference. Character Set Code. Code 0..1 External Reference Character Set Code Code Code. Type CharacterSetCode BBIE External Reference. File Name. Name The filename of the external document. 0..1 External Reference File Name Name Name. Type FileName BBIE External Reference. File Name. Name 0..1 External Reference File Name Name Name. Type FileName ABIE Financial Account. Details Information about a Financial Account. Financial Account ABIE Financial Account. Details Información relacionada con una cuenta financiera. Financial Account Cuenta financiera BBIE Financial Account. Identifier The identifier for the Financial Account; the Bank Account Number. 0..1 Financial Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Financial Account. Identifier Número o identificador de cuenta, el número de cuenta del Banco. 0..1 Financial Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Número de cuenta ID BBIE Financial Account. Name The name of the Financial Account. 0..1 Financial Account Name Name Name. Type Name BBIE Financial Account. Name Nombre que identifica una cuenta dado por el titular de la misma. 0..1 Financial Account Name Name Name. Type Nombre de cuenta Name BBIE Financial Account. Account Type Code. Code The type of Financial Account, expressed as a code. 0..1 Financial Account Account Type Code Code Code. Type AccountTypeCode BBIE Financial Account. Account Type Code. Code Código que especifica el tipo de cuenta. 0..1 Financial Account Account Type Code Code Code. Type Código de tipo de cuenta AccountTypeCode BBIE Financial Account. Currency Code. Code The currency in which the Financial Account is held, expressed as a code. 0..1 Financial Account Currency Code Code Currency Currency_ Code. Type CurrencyCode BBIE Financial Account. Currency Code. Code Identifica la moneda de la cuenta, utilizando un código. 0..1 Financial Account Currency Code Code Currency Currency_ Code. Type Código de moneda CurrencyCode BBIE Financial Account. Payment_ Note. Text Free-form text applying to the Payment to the owner of this account. 0..n Financial Account Payment Note Text Text. Type PaymentNote BBIE Financial Account. Payment_ Note. Text Texto en formato libre asociado al Pago del propietario de esta cuenta. 0..n Financial Account Payment Note Text Text. Type Nota de pago PaymentNote ASBIE Financial Account. Financial Institution_ Branch. Branch An association to Financial Institution Branch. 0..1 Financial Account Financial Institution Branch Branch FinancialInstitutionBranch ASBIE Financial Account. Financial Institution_ Branch. Branch Asocia la cuenta con una oficina de la institución financiera en la que es revisada/ mantenida. 0..1 Financial Account Financial Institution Branch Branch Sucursal entidad financiera FinancialInstitutionBranch ASBIE Financial Account. Country An association to Country. 0..1 Financial Account Country Country Country ASBIE Financial Account. Country Asocia la cuenta con País. (requerido en algunos países) 0..1 Financial Account Country Country País Country ABIE Financial Guarantee. Details The Information about the bond guarantee of a tender or bid submitter to actually enter into a contract if they are the successful bidder. Financial Guarantee ABIE Financial Guarantee. Details Información acerca de la garantía financiera requerida en un proceso de licitación. Financial Guarantee Garantía Financiera BBIE Financial Guarantee. Guarantee Type Code. Code Code that identifies the type of guarantee. 1 Financial Guarantee Guarantee Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Financial Guarantee. Guarantee Type Code. Code Código que especifica el tipo de garantía requerida. 1 Financial Guarantee Guarantee Type Code Code Code. Type Tipo de Garantía BBIE Financial Guarantee. Description. Text Textual description of the financial guarantee. 0..n Financial Guarantee Description Text Text. Type BBIE Financial Guarantee. Description. Text Descripción textual de la garantía financiera. 0..n Financial Guarantee Description Text Text. Type Descripción BBIE Financial Guarantee. Liability. Amount The monetary value that constitutes the liability amount in the bid bond guarantee. 0..1 Financial Guarantee Liability Amount Amount. Type BBIE Financial Guarantee. Liability. Amount Valor monetario que constituye el importe de la garantía. 0..1 Financial Guarantee Liability Amount Amount. Type Importe de la Garantía BBIE Financial Guarantee. Amount. Rate The rate used to calculate a bid bond guarantee amount. 0..1 Financial Guarantee Amount Rate Rate. Type BBIE Financial Guarantee. Amount. Rate Porcentaje para calcular la garantía a partir del presupuesto base de licitación en el caso de garantías provisionales, o del importe de adjudicación en el caso de garantías definitivas 0..1 Financial Guarantee Amount Rate Rate. Type Porcentaje ASBIE Financial Guarantee. Constitution_ Period. Period The specified period in the tendering process for which this bid bond guarantee has to be constituted. 0..1 Financial Guarantee Constitution Period Period ASBIE Financial Guarantee. Constitution_ Period. Period Asociación con una instancia del componente Período, utilizada para especificar el período de tiempo en el que se debe constituir la garantía. 0..1 Financial Guarantee Constitution Period Period Plazo de constitución ABIE Financial Institution. Details Information about a Financial Institution. Financial Institution ABIE Financial Institution. Details Información relacionada con un banco o entidad financiera. Financial Institution Entidad Financiera BBIE Financial Institution. Identifier The identifier for the Financial Institution expressed as a code; ISO 9362 BIC (Bank Identification Code) is recommended. 0..1 Financial Institution Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Financial Institution. Identifier Identifica la entidad financiera mediante un código Se recomienda ISO 9362 BIC (Bank Identificación Code). 0..1 Financial Institution Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Financial Institution. Name The name of the Financial Institution. 0..1 Financial Institution Name Name Name. Type Name BBIE Financial Institution. Name Nombre de la entidad financiera. 0..1 Financial Institution Name Name Name. Type Nombre Name ASBIE Financial Institution. Address An association to Address. 0..1 Financial Institution Address Address Address ASBIE Financial Institution. Address Asociación con la Dirección. 0..1 Financial Institution Address Address Dirección Address ABIE Forecast Exception. Details As explained in Exception Criteria Line: Three types of exception criteria can be defined, Operational, Metric or Forecast Exceptions. This class provides criteria for forecast exception type: the identification of the purpose of the forecast, the source of data and the time basis criteria for the exception. Forecast Exception ForecastExceptionType ABIE Forecast Exception. Details Forecast Exception ForecastExceptionType BBIE Forecast Exception. Forecast_ Purpose Code. Code It is either Sales forecast or Order Forecast. Definition can be changed like: "The purpose of the Forecast (either sales or order), about which an exception criteria is being defined". 1 Forecast Exception Forecast Purpose Code Code Code. Type BBIE Forecast Exception. Forecast_ Purpose Code. Code 1 Forecast Exception Forecast Purpose Code Code Code. Type BBIE Forecast Exception. Forecast Type Code. Code A code signifying the type of forecast. Example of values are:BASE PROMOTIONAL SEASONAL TOTAL 1 Forecast Exception Forecast Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Forecast Exception. Forecast Type Code. Code 1 Forecast Exception Forecast Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Forecast Exception. Issue Date. Date The date on which the forecast was issued. 1 Forecast Exception Issue Date Date Date. Type BBIE Forecast Exception. Issue Date. Date 1 Forecast Exception Issue Date Date Date. Type BBIE Forecast Exception. Issue Time. Time The time at which the forecast was issued. 0..1 Forecast Exception Issue Time Time Time. Type BBIE Forecast Exception. Issue Time. Time 0..1 Forecast Exception Issue Time Time Time. Type BBIE Forecast Exception. Data Source Code. Code A code signifying the partner who provides this information. 1 Forecast Exception Data Source Code Code Code. Type BBIE Forecast Exception. Data Source Code. Code 1 Forecast Exception Data Source Code Code Code. Type BBIE Forecast Exception. Comparison Data Code. Code A code signifying the partner providing the information in this forecast exception. 0..1 Forecast Exception Comparison Data Code Code Code. Type BBIE Forecast Exception. Comparison Data Code. Code 0..1 Forecast Exception Comparison Data Code Code Code. Type BBIE Forecast Exception. Comparison Forecast Issue Time. Time The time at which this comparison forecast was issued. 0..1 Forecast Exception Comparison Forecast Issue Time Time Time. Type BBIE Forecast Exception. Comparison Forecast Issue Time. Time 0..1 Forecast Exception Comparison Forecast Issue Time Time Time. Type BBIE Forecast Exception. Comparison Forecast Issue Date. Date The date on which this comparison forecast was issued. 0..1 Forecast Exception Comparison Forecast Issue Date Date Date. Type BBIE Forecast Exception. Comparison Forecast Issue Date. Date 0..1 Forecast Exception Comparison Forecast Issue Date Date Date. Type ABIE Forecast Exception Criterion Line. Details Establishes the criterion for one of the three types of exceptions. This class provides criteria for the kind of forecast exception, the identification of the purpose of the forecast, the source of data and the time basis criterion for the exception. Forecast Exception Criterion Line ForecastExceptionCriterionLineType ABIE Forecast Exception Criterion Line. Details Forecast Exception Criterion Line ForecastExceptionCriterionLineType BBIE Forecast Exception Criterion Line. Forecast_ Purpose Code. Code A description of the purpose for the forecast that is assigned to each forecast data item exception criterion. 1 Forecast Exception Criterion Line Forecast Purpose Code Code Code. Type BBIE Forecast Exception Criterion Line. Forecast_ Purpose Code. Code 1 Forecast Exception Criterion Line Forecast Purpose Code Code Code. Type BBIE Forecast Exception Criterion Line. Forecast Type Code. Code A description of a Forecast selected from a list. 1 Forecast Exception Criterion Line Forecast Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Forecast Exception Criterion Line. Forecast Type Code. Code 1 Forecast Exception Criterion Line Forecast Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Forecast Exception Criterion Line. Comparison Data Source Code. Code If it is a forecast comparison exception, this value indicates the other source of information. 0..1 Forecast Exception Criterion Line Comparison Data Source Code Code Code. Type BBIE Forecast Exception Criterion Line. Comparison Data Source Code. Code 0..1 Forecast Exception Criterion Line Comparison Data Source Code Code Code. Type BBIE Forecast Exception Criterion Line. Data Source Code. Code Indication of the partner who provides the information. 1 Forecast Exception Criterion Line Data Source Code Code Code. Type BBIE Forecast Exception Criterion Line. Data Source Code. Code 1 Forecast Exception Criterion Line Data Source Code Code Code. Type BBIE Forecast Exception Criterion Line. Time Delta Days Quantity. Quantity Time basis in days for the Exception. 0..1 Forecast Exception Criterion Line Time Delta Days Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Forecast Exception Criterion Line. Time Delta Days Quantity. Quantity 0..1 Forecast Exception Criterion Line Time Delta Days Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type ABIE Forecast Line. Details Detailed information about a particular Forecast Line within a Forecast Document Forecast Line ForecastLineType ABIE Forecast Line. Details Forecast Line ForecastLineType BBIE Forecast Line. Identifier An identifier for this forecast line. 1 Forecast Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Forecast Line. Identifier 1 Forecast Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Forecast Line. Note. Text Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures. 0..n Forecast Line Note Text Text. Type BBIE Forecast Line. Note. Text 0..n Forecast Line Note Text Text. Type BBIE Forecast Line. Frozen Document Indicator. Indicator An indicator that the status of the forecast is modifiable (true) or not (false). 0..1 Forecast Line Frozen Document Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Forecast Line. Frozen Document Indicator. Indicator 0..1 Forecast Line Frozen Document Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Forecast Line. Forecast Type Code. Code A code signifying the type of forecast. Examples: BASE PROMOTIONAL SEASONAL TOTAL 1 Forecast Line Forecast Type Code Code Code. Type seasonal, total BBIE Forecast Line. Forecast Type Code. Code 1 Forecast Line Forecast Type Code Code Code. Type seasonal, total ASBIE Forecast Line. Forecast_ Period. Period The period to which the forecast applies. 0..1 Forecast Line Forecast Period Period ASBIE Forecast Line. Forecast_ Period. Period 0..1 Forecast Line Forecast Period Period ASBIE Forecast Line. Sales Item Sales information for the item to which this line applies. 0..1 Forecast Line Sales Item Sales Item ASBIE Forecast Line. Sales Item 0..1 Forecast Line Sales Item Sales Item ABIE Forecast Revision Line. Details A class to define a line in a Forecast Revision describing a revision to a line in a Forecast. Forecast Revision Line ForecastRevisionLineType ABIE Forecast Revision Line. Details Forecast Revision Line ForecastRevisionLineType BBIE Forecast Revision Line. Identifier An identifier for this forecast revision line. 1 Forecast Revision Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Forecast Revision Line. Identifier 1 Forecast Revision Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Forecast Revision Line. Note. Text Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures. 0..n Forecast Revision Line Note Text Text. Type BBIE Forecast Revision Line. Note. Text 0..n Forecast Revision Line Note Text Text. Type BBIE Forecast Revision Line. Description. Text Text describing the revision to this line. 0..n Forecast Revision Line Description Text Text. Type BBIE Forecast Revision Line. Description. Text 0..n Forecast Revision Line Description Text Text. Type BBIE Forecast Revision Line. Revised_ Forecast Line Identifier. Identifier An identifier for the revised forecast line. 1 Forecast Revision Line Revised Forecast Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Forecast Revision Line. Revised_ Forecast Line Identifier. Identifier 1 Forecast Revision Line Revised Forecast Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Forecast Revision Line. Source Forecast_ Issue Date. Date The date on which the forecast modified by this revision was generated or created. 1 Forecast Revision Line Source Forecast Issue Date Date Date. Type BBIE Forecast Revision Line. Source Forecast_ Issue Date. Date 1 Forecast Revision Line Source Forecast Issue Date Date Date. Type BBIE Forecast Revision Line. Source Forecast_ Issue Time. Time The time at which the forecast modified by this revision was generated or created. 1 Forecast Revision Line Source Forecast Issue Time Time Time. Type BBIE Forecast Revision Line. Source Forecast_ Issue Time. Time 1 Forecast Revision Line Source Forecast Issue Time Time Time. Type BBIE Forecast Revision Line. Adjustment Reason Code. Code A code signifying the reason for the adjustment specified in this forecast revision line. 0..1 Forecast Revision Line Adjustment Reason Code Code Code. Type BBIE Forecast Revision Line. Adjustment Reason Code. Code 0..1 Forecast Revision Line Adjustment Reason Code Code Code. Type ASBIE Forecast Revision Line. Forecast_ Period. Period The period to which this forecast revision line applies. 0..1 Forecast Revision Line Forecast Period Period ASBIE Forecast Revision Line. Forecast_ Period. Period 0..1 Forecast Revision Line Forecast Period Period ASBIE Forecast Revision Line. Sales Item Sales information for the item to which this line applies. 0..1 Forecast Revision Line Sales Item Sales Item ASBIE Forecast Revision Line. Sales Item 0..1 Forecast Revision Line Sales Item Sales Item ABIE Framework Agreement. Details The information about a tendering framework agreement. Framework Agreement ABIE Framework Agreement. Details Información acerca de un sistema de contratación de tipo Acuerdo Marco. También sirve para incluir información sobre Sistemas Dinámicos de Contratación Framework Agreement Información del Acuerdo Marco BBIE Framework Agreement. Expected_ Operator. Quantity Expected number of economic operators in this framework agreement. 0..1 Framework Agreement Expected Operator Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Framework Agreement. Expected_ Operator. Quantity Número previsto de empresarios u operadores económicos para el acuerdo marco. 0..1 Framework Agreement Expected Operator Quantity Quantity. Type Número Previsto de Operadores BBIE Framework Agreement. Maximum_ Operator. Quantity Maximum number of economic operators in this framework agreement. 0..1 Framework Agreement Maximum Operator Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Framework Agreement. Maximum_ Operator. Quantity Número máximo de empresarios u operadores económicos para el acuerdo marco. 0..1 Framework Agreement Maximum Operator Quantity Quantity. Type Número Máximo de Operadores BBIE Framework Agreement. Justification. Text The textual description of the justification for this framework agreement. 0..n Framework Agreement Justification Text Text. Type BBIE Framework Agreement. Justification. Text Justificación de la necesidad de establecer un Acuerdo Marco de duración superior a cuatro años. 0..n Framework Agreement Justification Text Text. Type Justificación BBIE Framework Agreement. Frequency. Text The frequency by which the subsequent contracts will be awarded. 0..n Framework Agreement Frequency Text Text. Type BBIE Framework Agreement. Frequency. Text Descripción textual de la frecuencia de adjudicación de los contratos subsiguientes. 0..n Framework Agreement Frequency Text Text. Type Frecuencia ASBIE Framework Agreement. Duration_ Period. Period The duration period for the framework agreement. 0..1 Framework Agreement Duration Period Period ASBIE Framework Agreement. Duration_ Period. Period Duración del acuerdo marco expresado como un período. 0..1 Framework Agreement Duration Period Period Duración ASBIE Framework Agreement. Subsequent Process_ Tender Requirement. Tender Requirement Used to specify what requirements are made to different processes in the result from the current one. 0..n Framework Agreement Subsequent Process Tender Requirement Tender Requirement ASBIE Framework Agreement. Subsequent Process_ Tender Requirement. Tender Requirement En acuerdos marco, condiciones o requisitos que se deberán satisfacer en procesos subsiguientes. 0..n Framework Agreement Subsequent Process Tender Requirement Tender Requirement Requisitos para procesos subsiguentes ABIE Framework Agreement Recalculated Values. Details Indication of the maximum and estimated values ​​of a framework agreement in the results announcements Framework Agreement Recalculated Values ABIE Framework Agreement Recalculated Values. Details Indicación de los valores máximo y estimado de un acuerdo marco en los anuncios de resultados Framework Agreement Recalculated Values Valores recalculados de un acuerdo marco BBIE Framework Agreement Recalculated Values. Maximum Value Amount The maximum value which can be spent within a framework agreement over its whole duration, including options and renewals, as calculated on the basis of the winner’s tender or winners’ tenders. 1 Framework Agreement Recalculated Values Maximum Value Amount Amount. Type BBIE Framework Agreement Recalculated Values. Maximum Value Amount El valor máximo que se puede gastar dentro de un acuerdo marco durante toda su duración, incluidas las opciones y renovaciones, calculado sobre la base de la oferta del ganador o las ofertas de los ganadores. 1 Framework Agreement Recalculated Values Maximum Value Amount Amount. Type Valor máximo recalculado BBIE Framework Agreement Recalculated Values. Reestimated Value Amount The value likely to be spent within a framework agreement over its whole duration, including options and renewals, as re-estimated on the basis of the winner’s tender or winners’ tenders. 1 Framework Agreement Recalculated Values ReestimatedValue Amount Amount. Type BBIE Framework Agreement Recalculated Values. Reestimated Value Amount El valor que probablemente se gastará dentro de un acuerdo marco durante toda su duración, incluidas las opciones y renovaciones, reestimado sobre la base de la oferta del ganador o las ofertas de los ganadores. 1 Framework Agreement Recalculated Values ReestimatedValue Amount Amount. Type Nuevo valor estimado ABIE Goods Item. Details A separately identifiable quantity of products of a single product type. Goods Item ABIE Goods Item. Details Cantidad de productos identificables de un único tipo de producto. Goods Item Mercancía BBIE Goods Item. Identifier An identifier for the goods item. 1 Goods Item Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Goods Item. Identifier Identifica la mercancía. 1 Goods Item Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Goods Item. Sequence Number. Identifier Sequence number differentiating a specific goods item within a consignment. 0..1 Goods Item Sequence Number Identifier Identifier. Type Customs item number (WCO ID 021), Sequence Position SequenceNumberID BBIE Goods Item. Sequence Number. Identifier Número de secuencia que identifica de forma diferenciadora la mercancía dentro de una consignación. 0..1 Goods Item Sequence Number Identifier Identifier. Type ID de número de secuencia SequenceNumberID BBIE Goods Item. Description. Text Plain language description of a goods item sufficient to identify it for customs, statistical, or transport purposes. 0..n Goods Item Description Text Text. Type Description of goods (WCO ID 137) Description BBIE Goods Item. Description. Text Descripción sencilla de una mercancía pero suficiente para identificarla a efectos aduaneros, estadísticos o relacionados con su transporte. 0..n Goods Item Description Text Text. Type Descripción Description BBIE Goods Item. Hazardous Risk_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether the goods item includes hazardous items (dangerous goods). 0..1 Goods Item Hazardous Risk Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type HazardousRiskIndicator BBIE Goods Item. Hazardous Risk_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si la mercancía incluye elementos peligrosos. 0..1 Goods Item Hazardous Risk Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de mercancía peligrosa HazardousRiskIndicator BBIE Goods Item. Declared Customs_ Value. Amount Amount declared for Customs purposes of those goods in a consignment which are subject to the same Customs procedure and have the same tariff/statistical heading, country information, and duty regime. 0..1 Goods Item Declared Customs Value Amount Amount. Type For Customs Value (WCO ID 108) DeclaredCustomsValueAmount BBIE Goods Item. Declared Customs_ Value. Amount Valor declarado en Aduanas de los bienes de consignados sujetos al mismo proceso aduanero, y que tienen la misma tarifa y cabecera estadística, información de país y régimen impositivo. 0..1 Goods Item Declared Customs Value Amount Amount. Type Valor declarado en aduana DeclaredCustomsValueAmount BBIE Goods Item. Declared For Carriage_ Value. Amount Value declared by the shipper or his agent solely for the purpose of varying the carrier's level of liability from that provided in the contract of carriage in case of loss or damage to goods or delayed delivery. 0..1 Goods Item Declared For Carriage Value Amount Amount. Type Interest in delivery, declared value for carriage DeclaredForCarriageValueAmount BBIE Goods Item. Declared For Carriage_ Value. Amount Valor, declarado por el transportista o su agente con el único objetivo de modificar el valor del transporte del establecido en el contrato de transporte, en caso de pérdida o rotura de los bienes o entrega con retraso. 0..1 Goods Item Declared For Carriage Value Amount Amount. Type Valor declarado para el transportista DeclaredForCarriageValueAmount BBIE Goods Item. Declared Statistics_ Value. Amount Value declared for statistical purposes of those goods in a consignment which have the same statistical heading. 0..1 Goods Item Declared Statistics Value Amount Amount. Type Statistical Value (WCO ID 114) DeclaredStatisticsValueAmount BBIE Goods Item. Declared Statistics_ Value. Amount Valor declarado con fines estadísticos de los bienes consignados que tienen la misma cabecera estadística. 0..1 Goods Item Declared Statistics Value Amount Amount. Type Valor declarado estadístico DeclaredStatisticsValueAmount BBIE Goods Item. Free On Board_ Value. Amount Monetary amount that has to be or has been paid as calculated under the applicable trade delivery. 0..1 Goods Item Free On Board Value Amount Amount. Type FOB Value FreeOnBoardValueAmount BBIE Goods Item. Free On Board_ Value. Amount Importe monetario a pagar o que se ha pagado, calculado a partir de de la entrega aplicable. 0..1 Goods Item Free On Board Value Amount Amount. Type Valor en zona franca FreeOnBoardValueAmount BBIE Goods Item. Insurance_ Value. Amount The amount covered by an insurance for a particular goods item. 0..1 Goods Item Insurance Value Amount Amount. Type Value Insured InsuranceValueAmount BBIE Goods Item. Insurance_ Value. Amount Importe cubierto por una póliza de seguros para una mercancía concreta. 0..1 Goods Item Insurance Value Amount Amount. Type Valor del seguro InsuranceValueAmount BBIE Goods Item. Value. Amount Specifies the amount on which a duty, tax, or fee will be assessed. 0..1 Goods Item Value Amount Amount. Type Duty/tax/fee assessment basis in value (WCO ID 116) ValueAmount BBIE Goods Item. Value. Amount Especifica el importe cargado por una tasa, impuesto o tarifa. 0..1 Goods Item Value Amount Amount. Type Importe ValueAmount BBIE Goods Item. Gross_ Weight. Measure Weight (mass) of goods, including packaging but excluding the carrier's equipment. 0..1 Goods Item Gross Weight Measure Measure. Type Actual Gross Weight GrossWeightMeasure BBIE Goods Item. Gross_ Weight. Measure Declaración del peso (masa) total de los bienes, incluido el embalaje pero excluyendo de él el equipamiento del transportista. 0..1 Goods Item Gross Weight Measure Measure. Type Peso bruto GrossWeightMeasure BBIE Goods Item. Net_ Weight. Measure Weight (mass) of goods item, excluding all packing but including any packaging that normally goes with the goods. 0..1 Goods Item Net Weight Measure Measure. Type NetWeightMeasure BBIE Goods Item. Net_ Weight. Measure Peso neto (masa) total de todas las mercancías, excluyendo todo el empaquetado, pero incluyendo los embalajes con el que normalmente se envuelven los bienes. 0..1 Goods Item Net Weight Measure Measure. Type Peso neto NetWeightMeasure BBIE Goods Item. Net Net_ Weight. Measure Weight (mass) of goods without any packaging. 0..1 Goods Item Net Net Weight Measure Measure. Type Customs Weight (WCO ID 128) NetNetWeightMeasure BBIE Goods Item. Net Net_ Weight. Measure Peso (masa) de los bienes sin embalar. 0..1 Goods Item Net Net Weight Measure Measure. Type Peso neto sin embalajes NetNetWeightMeasure BBIE Goods Item. Chargeable_ Weight. Measure Gross weight (mass) on which a charge is to be based. 0..1 Goods Item Chargeable Weight Measure Measure. Type ChargeableWeightMeasure BBIE Goods Item. Chargeable_ Weight. Measure Peso (masa) bruto a partir del cual se debe aplicar un cargo. 0..1 Goods Item Chargeable Weight Measure Measure. Type Cargo por sobrepeso ChargeableWeightMeasure BBIE Goods Item. Gross_ Volume. Measure Measurement normally arrived at by multiplying the maximum length, width, and height of the goods item. 0..1 Goods Item Gross Volume Measure Measure. Type Volume, Gross Measurement Cube (GMC), Cube (WCO ID 134) GrossVolumeMeasure BBIE Goods Item. Gross_ Volume. Measure Medida normalmente calculada multiplicando la longitud máxima, anchura y altura de la mercancía. 0..1 Goods Item Gross Volume Measure Measure. Type Volumen bruto GrossVolumeMeasure BBIE Goods Item. Net_ Volume. Measure The volume contained by a goods item, excluding the volume of any packaging material. 0..1 Goods Item Net Volume Measure Measure. Type NetVolumeMeasure BBIE Goods Item. Net_ Volume. Measure Volumen contenido por una mercancía, excluido el volumen del material empleado en el embalaje. 0..1 Goods Item Net Volume Measure Measure. Type Volumen neto NetVolumeMeasure BBIE Goods Item. Quantity Number of goods items. 0..1 Goods Item Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Quantity BBIE Goods Item. Quantity Número de mercancías. 0..1 Goods Item Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad Quantity BBIE Goods Item. Preference Criterion Code. Code Specifies the treatment preference for this good according to international trading agreements. 0..1 Goods Item Preference Criterion Code Code Code. Type PreferenceCriterionCode BBIE Goods Item. Preference Criterion Code. Code Especifica qué tratamiento preferente debe aplicarse a la mercancía según los acuerdos comerciales internacionales. 0..1 Goods Item Preference Criterion Code Code Code. Type Código de criterio de preferencia PreferenceCriterionCode BBIE Goods Item. Required_ Customs Identifier. Identifier Additional tariff codes required to specify a type of goods for Customs, transport, statistical, or other regulatory purposes. 0..1 Goods Item Required Customs Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Tariff code extensions (WCO ID 255) RequiredCustomsID BBIE Goods Item. Required_ Customs Identifier. Identifier Tarifas adicionales exigibles utilizadas para especificar un tipo de mercancía ya sea a efectos aduaneros, de transporte, estadísticos o normativos. 0..1 Goods Item Required Customs Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID Arancelario requerido RequiredCustomsID BBIE Goods Item. Customs Status Code. Code Status of goods as identified by customs for regulation purposes. 0..1 Goods Item Customs Status Code Code Code. Type Customs status of goods (WCO ID 094) CustomsStatusCode BBIE Goods Item. Customs Status Code. Code Código utilizado por las Aduanas para identificar el Estado de las mercancías por motivos normativos. 0..1 Goods Item Customs Status Code Code Code. Type Código de estado aduanero CustomsStatusCode BBIE Goods Item. Customs Tariff Quantity. Quantity Quantity of the goods in the unit as required by Customs for tariff, statistical, or fiscal purposes. 0..1 Goods Item Customs Tariff Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type CustomsTariffQuantity BBIE Goods Item. Customs Tariff Quantity. Quantity Cantidad de mercancías, requerida por Aduanas a efectos arancelarios, estadísticos o fiscales. 0..1 Goods Item Customs Tariff Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad tarifable en aduana CustomsTariffQuantity BBIE Goods Item. Customs Import_ Classified Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether the goods have been customs classified for import. 0..1 Goods Item Customs Import Classified Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type CustomsImportClassifiedIndicator BBIE Goods Item. Customs Import_ Classified Indicator. Indicator Indica si las mercancías han sido clasificadas por la Aduana como susceptibles de ser importadas. 0..1 Goods Item Customs Import Classified Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador aduanero de importable CustomsImportClassifiedIndicator ASBIE Goods Item. Item Association to a description of the good or service. 0..n Goods Item Item Item Item ASBIE Goods Item. Item Asociación con una descripción del bien o del servicio. 0..n Goods Item Item Item Elemento Item ASBIE Goods Item. Goods Item Container Association to describe the transporting of a goods item in a unit of transport equipment (e.g., container). 0..n Goods Item Goods Item Container Goods Item Container GoodsItemContainer ASBIE Goods Item. Goods Item Container Asociación que permite la descripción del transporte de una mercancía en una unidad de transporte (como por ejemplo un contenedor). 0..n Goods Item Goods Item Container Goods Item Container Contenedor de mercancías GoodsItemContainer ASBIE Goods Item. Freight_ Allowance Charge. Allowance Charge Costs incurred by the shipper in moving goods, by whatever means, from one place to another under the terms of the contract of carriage. In addition to transport costs, this may include such elements as packing, documentation, loading, unloading, and insu 0..n Goods Item Freight Allowance Charge Allowance Charge Freight Costs FreightAllowanceCharge ASBIE Goods Item. Freight_ Allowance Charge. Allowance Charge Costes incurridos por el transportista en mover los bienes, por los medios que sea, de un lugar a otro bajo los términos del contrato de transporte. Además de costes de transporte, puede incluir elementos como embalaje, documentación, carga, descarga, y s 0..n Goods Item Freight Allowance Charge Allowance Charge Descuentos y cargos de fletado FreightAllowanceCharge ASBIE Goods Item. Invoice Line Association to information directly relating to a line item of an invoice. 0..n Goods Item Invoice Line Invoice Line InvoiceLine ASBIE Goods Item. Invoice Line Asociación con información relacionada directamente con una Línea de Factura. 0..n Goods Item Invoice Line Invoice Line Línea de factura InvoiceLine ASBIE Goods Item. Temperature Any temperatures associated with the goods. 0..n Goods Item Temperature Temperature Temperature ASBIE Goods Item. Temperature Cualquier temperatura asociada con las mercancías. 0..n Goods Item Temperature Temperature Temperatura Temperature ASBIE Goods Item. Contained_ Goods Item. Goods Item Associates with any other goods items contained in this goods item. 0..n Goods Item Contained Goods Item Goods Item ContainedGoodsItem ASBIE Goods Item. Contained_ Goods Item. Goods Item Asociación con cualquier otra mercancía contenida en la mercancía. 0..n Goods Item Contained Goods Item Goods Item Mercancía contenida ContainedGoodsItem ASBIE Goods Item. Origin_ Address. Address Region in which the goods have been produced or manufactured, according to criteria laid down for the purposes of application of the Customs tariff, or quantitative restrictions, or any other measure related to trade. 0..1 Goods Item Origin Address Address Region of origin (WCO ID 066) OriginAddress ASBIE Goods Item. Origin_ Address. Address Región en la que se han producido o manufacturado las mercancías, según los criterios establecidos relacionados con las solicitudes de Aranceles, restricciones cuantitativas o cualquier otra medida comercial. 0..1 Goods Item Origin Address Address Dirección de origen OriginAddress ABIE Goods Item Container. Details How goods items are split across transport equipment. Goods Item Container ABIE Goods Item Container. Details Describe cómo se reparten las mercancías en los equipos de transporte. Goods Item Container Contenedor de mercancías BBIE Goods Item Container. Identifier Identifies goods items split across transport equipment. 1 Goods Item Container Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Goods Item Container. Identifier Identifica las mercancías distribuidas en equipamiento de transporte. 1 Goods Item Container Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Goods Item Container. Quantity Number of goods items loaded into or onto one piece of transport equipment as a total consignment or part of a consignment. 0..1 Goods Item Container Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Number of packages stuffed Quantity BBIE Goods Item Container. Quantity Número de mercancías cargadas en una o más piezas dequipamiento de transporte tomado como total de la consignación o como una parte de la consignación. 0..1 Goods Item Container Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad Quantity ASBIE Goods Item Container. Transport Equipment Associates the containers for a single goods item. 0..n Goods Item Container Transport Equipment Transport Equipment TransportEquipment ASBIE Goods Item Container. Transport Equipment Asociación con los contenedores dedicados a una mercancía. 0..n Goods Item Container Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Equipo de transporte TransportEquipment ABIE Hazardous Goods Transit. Details Information about Hazardous Goods Transit. Hazardous Goods Transit ABIE Hazardous Goods Transit. Details Información acerca del tránsito de mercanías peligrosas Hazardous Goods Transit Tránsito de mercancías peligrosas BBIE Hazardous Goods Transit. Transport Emergency Card Code. Code The identifier for a transport emergency card, describing the actions to be taken in an emergency in transporting the Hazardous Goods. May be the identity number of a hazardous emergency response plan assigned by the appropriate authority. 0..1 Hazardous Goods Transit Transport Emergency Card Code Code Code. Type TREM card TransportEmergencyCardCode BBIE Hazardous Goods Transit. Transport Emergency Card Code. Code Identifica una tarjeta de emergencia de transporte en la que se describen las acciones a emprender en caso de producirse una emergencia durante el transporte de mercancías peligrosas. Este identificador puede ser el número de identidad de un plan de respu 0..1 Hazardous Goods Transit Transport Emergency Card Code Code Code. Type Código de tarjeta de emergencia TransportEmergencyCardCode BBIE Hazardous Goods Transit. Packing Criteria Code. Code A code identifying the packaging requirement for the transportation of the Hazardous Goods as assigned by IATA/IMDB/ADR/RID etc. 0..1 Hazardous Goods Transit Packing Criteria Code Code Code. Type Packing Group PackingCriteriaCode BBIE Hazardous Goods Transit. Packing Criteria Code. Code Código que identifica y tipifica el requisito de empaquetado para el transporte de mercancías peligrosas. Este código es especifcado por agencias como IATA/IMDB/ADR/RID u otras. 0..1 Hazardous Goods Transit Packing Criteria Code Code Code. Type Código del criterio de embalado PackingCriteriaCode BBIE Hazardous Goods Transit. Hazardous Regulation Code. Code The identifier for a set of legal regulations that govern the transportation of the Hazardous Goods, expressed as a code. 0..1 Hazardous Goods Transit Hazardous Regulation Code Code Code. Type HazardousRegulationCode BBIE Hazardous Goods Transit. Hazardous Regulation Code. Code Código que Identifica el conjunto de regulaciones legales que gobiernan el transporte de mercancías peligrosas. 0..1 Hazardous Goods Transit Hazardous Regulation Code Code Code. Type Código de regulación de transporte HazardousRegulationCode BBIE Hazardous Goods Transit. Inhalation Toxicity Zone Code. Code An identifier for the Inhalation Toxicity Hazard Zone for the Hazardous Goods, as defined by the US Department of Transportation, expressed as a code. 0..1 Hazardous Goods Transit Inhalation Toxicity Zone Code Code Code. Type InhalationToxicityZoneCode BBIE Hazardous Goods Transit. Inhalation Toxicity Zone Code. Code Código que identifica la Zona de Peligro de Toxicidad por Inhalación para las Mercancías Peligrosas, tal como define el Departamento de Transporte de los U.S. 0..1 Hazardous Goods Transit Inhalation Toxicity Zone Code Code Code. Type Código de zona de inhalación tóxica InhalationToxicityZoneCode BBIE Hazardous Goods Transit. Transport Authorization Code. Code Code specifying the authorization for the transportation of hazardous cargo. 0..1 Hazardous Goods Transit Transport Authorization Code Code Code. Type Permission for Transport TransportAuthorizationCode BBIE Hazardous Goods Transit. Transport Authorization Code. Code Especificación, mediante un código, de la autorización otorgada al transporte de la carga peligrosa 0..1 Hazardous Goods Transit Transport Authorization Code Code Code. Type Código de autorización del transporte TransportAuthorizationCode ASBIE Hazardous Goods Transit. Maximum_ Temperature. Temperature An association to Maximum Temperature (at which the Hazardous Goods can be safely transported). 0..1 Hazardous Goods Transit Maximum Temperature Temperature MaximumTemperature ASBIE Hazardous Goods Transit. Maximum_ Temperature. Temperature Asociación con una instancia del componente Temperatura, utilizada para especificar la temperatura máxima a la que una mercancía peligrosa puede transportarse de modo seguro 0..1 Hazardous Goods Transit Maximum Temperature Temperature Temperatura máxima MaximumTemperature ASBIE Hazardous Goods Transit. Minimum_ Temperature. Temperature An association to Minimum Temperature (at which the Hazardous Goods can be safely transported). 0..1 Hazardous Goods Transit Minimum Temperature Temperature MinimumTemperature ASBIE Hazardous Goods Transit. Minimum_ Temperature. Temperature Asociación con una instancia del componente Temperatura, utilizada para especificar la temperatura mínima a la que una mercancía peligrosa puede transportarse de modo seguro 0..1 Hazardous Goods Transit Minimum Temperature Temperature Temperatura mínima MinimumTemperature ABIE Hazardous Item. Details Information about a Hazardous Item. Hazardous Item ABIE Hazardous Item. Details Información acerca de una sustancia o un producto peligroso Hazardous Item Mercancía peligrosa BBIE Hazardous Item. Identifier The identifier for a Hazardous Item. 0..1 Hazardous Item Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Hazardous Item. Identifier Identifica la sustancia o producto peligroso 0..1 Hazardous Item Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Hazardous Item. Placard Notation. Text The placard notation corresponding to the hazard class of the hazardous commodity. Can also be the hazard identification number of the orange placard (upper part) required on the means of transport. 0..1 Hazardous Item Placard Notation Text Text. Type PlacardNotation BBIE Hazardous Item. Placard Notation. Text Notación textual para la placa relativa a la clase de peligro que representa el Elemento peligroso. Puede ser también el número de identificación de la placa naranja (de la Parte superior) cuya presencia es obligatoria en los medios de transporte 0..1 Hazardous Item Placard Notation Text Text. Type Notación de la placa PlacardNotation BBIE Hazardous Item. Placard Endorsement. Text The placard endorsement that is to be shown on the shipping papers for the hazardous commodity. Can also be used for the number of the orange placard (lower part) required on the means of transport. 0..1 Hazardous Item Placard Endorsement Text Text. Type PlacardEndorsement BBIE Hazardous Item. Placard Endorsement. Text Texto de aprobación indicada en la placa y que debe aparecer en los papeles del transporte de la mercancía peligrosa. También puede utilizarse en lugar del número de la placa naranja (de la Parte inferior) cuya presencia es obligatoria en los medios de tr 0..1 Hazardous Item Placard Endorsement Text Text. Type Aprobación de la placa PlacardEndorsement BBIE Hazardous Item. Additional_ Information. Text Additional information about the hazardous substance. Can be used to specify information such as the type of regulatory requirements that apply to a description. 0..1 Hazardous Item Additional Information Text Text. Type AdditionalInformation BBIE Hazardous Item. Additional_ Information. Text Información adicional acerca de la sustancia peligrosa. Puede utilizarse para especificar información como el tipo de requisitos normativos que deben aplicarse a la descripción. 0..1 Hazardous Item Additional Information Text Text. Type Información Adicional AdditionalInformation BBIE Hazardous Item. UNDG Code. Code The identifier assigned to transportable hazardous goods by the United Nations, expressed as a code. 0..1 Hazardous Item UNDG Code Code Code. Type UN Code UNDGCode BBIE Hazardous Item. UNDG Code. Code Código identificador asignado a las mercancías peligrosas especificado por las Naciones Unidas 0..1 Hazardous Item UNDG Code Code Code. Type Código UNDG UNDGCode BBIE Hazardous Item. Emergency Procedures Code. Code The emergency procedures for the Hazardous Item, expressed as a code. 0..1 Hazardous Item Emergency Procedures Code Code Code. Type EMG code, EMS Page Number EmergencyProceduresCode BBIE Hazardous Item. Emergency Procedures Code. Code Código que tipifica e identifica los procedimientos de emergencia para una mercancía peligrosa 0..1 Hazardous Item Emergency Procedures Code Code Code. Type Código de procedimientos de emergencia EmergencyProceduresCode BBIE Hazardous Item. Medical First Aid Guide Code. Code The identifier of a medical first aid guide that is relevant to specific hazardous goods, expressed as a code. 0..1 Hazardous Item Medical First Aid Guide Code Code Code. Type MFAG page number MedicalFirstAidGuideCode BBIE Hazardous Item. Medical First Aid Guide Code. Code Código que identifica la guía de primeros auxilios médicos relevantes en relación con mercancías peligrosas específicas 0..1 Hazardous Item Medical First Aid Guide Code Code Code. Type Código de guía de primeros auxilios MedicalFirstAidGuideCode BBIE Hazardous Item. Technical_ Name. Name The full technical name of the specific hazardous substance. 0..1 Hazardous Item Technical Name Name Name. Type TechnicalName BBIE Hazardous Item. Technical_ Name. Name Nombe técnico completo de la sustancia peligrosa específica 0..1 Hazardous Item Technical Name Name Name. Type Nombre técnico TechnicalName BBIE Hazardous Item. Category. Name The name of the category of hazard that applies to the Item. 0..1 Hazardous Item Category Name Name. Type CategoryName BBIE Hazardous Item. Category. Name Nombre de la categoria de peligro que aplica a un elemento. 0..1 Hazardous Item Category Name Name. Type Nombre de categoría CategoryName BBIE Hazardous Item. Hazardous Category Code. Code Code specifying a kind of hazard for a material. 0..1 Hazardous Item Hazardous Category Code Code Code. Type Hazardous material class code HazardousCategoryCode BBIE Hazardous Item. Hazardous Category Code. Code Código que especifica el tipo de peligro para un material. 0..1 Hazardous Item Hazardous Category Code Code Code. Type Código de categoría HazardousCategoryCode BBIE Hazardous Item. Upper_ Orange Hazard Placard Identifier. Identifier Specifies the identity number for the upper part of the orange hazard placard required on the means of transport. 0..1 Hazardous Item Upper Orange Hazard Placard Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Hazard identification number (upper part) UpperOrangeHazardPlacardID BBIE Hazardous Item. Upper_ Orange Hazard Placard Identifier. Identifier Especifica el número de identidad para la Parte superior de la placa naranja indicadora de transporte de mercancía peligrosa cuya presencia es obligatoria en el medio de transporte 0..1 Hazardous Item Upper Orange Hazard Placard Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID superior de la placa naranja UpperOrangeHazardPlacardID BBIE Hazardous Item. Lower_ Orange Hazard Placard Identifier. Identifier Specifies the identity number for the lower part of the orange hazard placard required on the means of transport. 0..1 Hazardous Item Lower Orange Hazard Placard Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Substance identification number (lower part) LowerOrangeHazardPlacardID BBIE Hazardous Item. Lower_ Orange Hazard Placard Identifier. Identifier Especifica el número de identidad para la Parte inferior de la placa naranja indicadora de transporte de mercancía peligrosa cuya presencia es obligatoria en el medio de transporte 0..1 Hazardous Item Lower Orange Hazard Placard Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID inferior de la placa naranja LowerOrangeHazardPlacardID BBIE Hazardous Item. Marking Identifier. Identifier Identifies the marking of dangerous goods. 0..1 Hazardous Item Marking Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Dangerous goods label marking MarkingID BBIE Hazardous Item. Marking Identifier. Identifier Identifica el marcado utilizado para indicar el transporte de mercancías peligrosas 0..1 Hazardous Item Marking Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de marcado MarkingID BBIE Hazardous Item. Hazard Class Identifier. Identifier Identifies a hazard class applicable to dangerous goods as defined by the relevant regulation authority, such as the IMDG Class Number of the SOLAS Convention of IMO and the ADR/RID Class Number for the road/rail environment. 0..1 Hazardous Item Hazard Class Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type IMDG Class Number, ADR/RID Class Number HazardClassID BBIE Hazardous Item. Hazard Class Identifier. Identifier Identifica una clase de peligro aplicable a una mercancía peligrosa tal y como está definida por una autoridad reguladora relevante como el Número de Clase IMDG de la Convención SOLAS de IMO y el número de Clase ADR/RID del entorno carretera/ferrocarril 0..1 Hazardous Item Hazard Class Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de clase de peligro HazardClassID BBIE Hazardous Item. Net_ Weight. Measure The total net weight of hazardous goods; the weight of the goods plus packaging. 0..1 Hazardous Item Net Weight Measure Measure. Type NetWeightMeasure BBIE Hazardous Item. Net_ Weight. Measure El peso total neto de las mercancías peligrosas; el peso de la mercancía más el embalaje. 0..1 Hazardous Item Net Weight Measure Measure. Type Peso neto NetWeightMeasure BBIE Hazardous Item. Net_ Volume. Measure The volume of hazardous goods net of packaging and transport equipment. 0..1 Hazardous Item Net Volume Measure Measure. Type NetVolumeMeasure BBIE Hazardous Item. Net_ Volume. Measure Volumen de las mercancías peligrosas, neto de embalaje y equipo de transporte. 0..1 Hazardous Item Net Volume Measure Measure. Type Volumen neto NetVolumeMeasure BBIE Hazardous Item. Quantity The quantity of goods that are hazardous. 0..1 Hazardous Item Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Quantity BBIE Hazardous Item. Quantity Cantidad de mercancías que son peligrosas. 0..1 Hazardous Item Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad Quantity ASBIE Hazardous Item. Contact_ Party. Party Associates the Hazardous Item with details of an individual, group, or body that is the contact in case of hazard incident. 0..1 Hazardous Item Contact Party Party ContactParty ASBIE Hazardous Item. Contact_ Party. Party Asociación con una instancia del componente Contacto, utilizada para aportar detalles acerca de un individuo, grupo o entidad a contactar en caso de un incidente peligroso 0..1 Hazardous Item Contact Party Party Contacto ContactParty ASBIE Hazardous Item. Secondary Hazard Associates the Hazardous Item with information about secondary hazards. 0..n Hazardous Item Secondary Hazard Secondary Hazard SecondaryHazard ASBIE Hazardous Item. Secondary Hazard Asociaciones posibles con instancias del componente Peligro secundario, utilizadas para especificar información acerca de los peligros secundarios derivados del transporte o manejo de este elemento 0..n Hazardous Item Secondary Hazard Secondary Hazard Peligro secundario SecondaryHazard ASBIE Hazardous Item. Hazardous Goods Transit Associates the Hazardous Item with information about the transportation of hazardous goods. 0..n Hazardous Item Hazardous Goods Transit Hazardous Goods Transit HazardousGoodsTransit ASBIE Hazardous Item. Hazardous Goods Transit Asociaciones posibles con instancias del componente Tránsito de mercancías peligrosas, utilizadas para especificar las condiciones regulatorias aplicables al transporte de este elemento 0..n Hazardous Item Hazardous Goods Transit Hazardous Goods Transit Tránsito de mercancías peligrosas HazardousGoodsTransit ASBIE Hazardous Item. Emergency_ Temperature. Temperature Associates the Hazardous Item with the temperature at which emergency procedures apply during the handling of temperature-controlled hazardous goods. 0..1 Hazardous Item Emergency Temperature Temperature EmergencyTemperature ASBIE Hazardous Item. Emergency_ Temperature. Temperature Asociación con una instancia del componente Temperatura, utilizada para especificar la temperatura a la cual se aplican los procedimientos de emergencia durante el manejo de mercancías peligrosas a temperaturas controladas 0..1 Hazardous Item Emergency Temperature Temperature Temperatura de emergencia EmergencyTemperature ASBIE Hazardous Item. Flashpoint_ Temperature. Temperature Associates the Hazardous Item with the lowest temperature at which the vapor of a combustible liquid can be made to ignite momentarily in air, known in hazardous goods procedures as the flashpoint. 0..1 Hazardous Item Flashpoint Temperature Temperature FlashpointTemperature ASBIE Hazardous Item. Flashpoint_ Temperature. Temperature Asociación con una instancia del componente Temperatura, utilizada para especificar la temperatura mínima a la cual el vapor de un combustible líquido puede inflamarse en el aire repentinamente. Conocido en el dominio de las mercancías peligrosas como Umb 0..1 Hazardous Item Flashpoint Temperature Temperature Umbral de ignición FlashpointTemperature ASBIE Hazardous Item. Additional_ Temperature. Temperature Information providing details of temperatures relevant to the handling of hazardous goods. 0..n Hazardous Item Additional Temperature Temperature AdditionalTemperature ASBIE Hazardous Item. Additional_ Temperature. Temperature Asociaciones con instancias del componente Temperatura, utilizadas para especificar detalles acerca de otras temperaturas importantes en el manejo de mercancías peligrosas 0..n Hazardous Item Additional Temperature Temperature Temperatura adicional AdditionalTemperature ABIE Immobilized Security. Details Information about an immobilized security to be used as a guarantee. Immobilized Security ABIE Immobilized Security. Details Valores inmovilizados para ser utilizados como garantía. Immobilized Security Valores Inmovilizados BBIE Immobilized Security. Immobilization Certificate Identifier. Identifier Identifier for the certificate of this immobilized security. 0..1 Immobilized Security Immobilization Certificate Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Immobilized Security. Immobilization Certificate Identifier. Identifier Número identificador del certificado de inmovilización de valores. 0..1 Immobilized Security Immobilization Certificate Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Numero de certificado BBIE Immobilized Security. Security Identifier. Identifier Identifier for the security being immobilized. 0..1 Immobilized Security Security Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Immobilized Security. Security Identifier. Identifier Código ISIN 0..1 Immobilized Security Security Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Código ISIN BBIE Immobilized Security. Issue Date. Date Issue date for this immobilized security. 0..1 Immobilized Security Issue Date Date Date. Type BBIE Immobilized Security. Issue Date. Date Fecha de la inmovilización de los valores. 0..1 Immobilized Security Issue Date Date Date. Type Fecha de Inmovilización BBIE Immobilized Security. Face Value. Amount Value amount for the security the day it has been immobilized. 0..1 Immobilized Security Face Value Amount Amount. Type BBIE Immobilized Security. Face Value. Amount Valor nominal de los valores inmovilizados. 0..1 Immobilized Security Face Value Amount Amount. Type Valor nominal BBIE Immobilized Security. Market Value. Amount Market value amount for the immobiized securities. 0..1 Immobilized Security Market Value Amount Amount. Type BBIE Immobilized Security. Market Value. Amount Valor monetario resultado de la aplicación de la tasa de cambio de los valores inmovilizados a la fecha de inmovilización. 0..1 Immobilized Security Market Value Amount Amount. Type Valor realización BBIE Immobilized Security. Shares Number. Quantity Number of shares immobilized. 0..1 Immobilized Security Shares Number Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Immobilized Security. Shares Number. Quantity Número de títulos o valores inmovilizados. 0..1 Immobilized Security Shares Number Quantity Quantity. Type Numero de títulos ASBIE Immobilized Security. Issuer_ Party. Party Association to the party issuing the immobilized security certificate. 0..1 Immobilized Security Issuer Party Party ASBIE Immobilized Security. Issuer_ Party. Party Oficina gestora responsable de la inmovilización de los valores. 0..1 Immobilized Security Issuer Party Party Entidad Gestora ABIE Instruction For Returns Line. Details A class to define a line in an Instruction for Returns. Instruction For Returns Line InstructionForReturnsLineType ABIE Instruction For Returns Line. Details Instruction For Returns Line InstructionForReturnsLineType BBIE Instruction For Returns Line. Identifier An identifier for this instruction for returns line. 1 Instruction For Returns Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Instruction For Returns Line. Identifier 1 Instruction For Returns Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Instruction For Returns Line. Note. Text Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures. 0..n Instruction For Returns Line Note Text Text. Type BBIE Instruction For Returns Line. Note. Text 0..n Instruction For Returns Line Note Text Text. Type BBIE Instruction For Returns Line. Quantity The quantity of goods being returned. 1 Instruction For Returns Line Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Instruction For Returns Line. Quantity 1 Instruction For Returns Line Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type ASBIE Instruction For Returns Line. Manufacturer_ Party. Party The manufacturer of the goods being returned. 0..1 Instruction For Returns Line Manufacturer Party Party ASBIE Instruction For Returns Line. Manufacturer_ Party. Party 0..1 Instruction For Returns Line Manufacturer Party Party ASBIE Instruction For Returns Line. Item A description of the item being returned. 1 Instruction For Returns Line Item Item ASBIE Instruction For Returns Line. Item 1 Instruction For Returns Line Item Item ABIE Insured Accountability. Details The responsibilities insured by an Economic Operator in order to cover the financial risks derived of being unable for procuring the contracted goods, works or services. Insured Accountability ABIE Insured Accountability. Details Información acerca de una responsabilidad civil asegurada mediante una póliza que un Operador Económico contrata con una compañía de seguros para cubrir responsabilidades derivadas de la no entrega, ejecución o prestación de bienes, obras o servicios. Insured Accountability Responsabilidad Asegurada BBIE Insured Accountability. Identifier The code specifying the Insurance Policy that contains the risk being covered by the policy. 0..1 Insured Accountability Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Insured Accountability. Identifier Identifica la póliza que cubre la garantía a indemnizar. 0..1 Insured Accountability Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador de Póliza BBIE Insured Accountability. Insured. Amount The amount payable by the Insurance Company for granting the risk. 0..1 Insured Accountability Insured Amount Amount. Type BBIE Insured Accountability. Insured. Amount Suma con la que la Compañía Aseguradora indemnizará. 0..1 Insured Accountability Insured Amount Amount. Type Importe Asegurado BBIE Insured Accountability. Starting_ Date. Date The date when the insurance gets into force. 1 Insured Accountability Starting Date Date Date. Type BBIE Insured Accountability. Starting_ Date. Date Fecha de entrada en vigor de la póliza. 1 Insured Accountability Starting Date Date Date. Type Fecha de Inicio BBIE Insured Accountability. Duration. Measure Time whereas this prohibition applies. 0..1 Insured Accountability Duration Measure Measure. Type BBIE Insured Accountability. Duration. Measure Lapso de tiempo durante el cual la póliza está en vigor o fecha en la se extingue su validez. 0..1 Insured Accountability Duration Measure Measure. Type Duración BBIE Insured Accountability. Covered_ Risk. Text The description of the risk covered by the policy. 0..1 Insured Accountability Covered Risk Text Text. Type BBIE Insured Accountability. Covered_ Risk. Text Texto que describe el tipo de garantía cubierto por la póliza. 0..1 Insured Accountability Covered Risk Text Text. Type Riesgo Cubierto ASBIE Insured Accountability. Insurance Company_ Party. Party An association to the Insurance Company Party. 1 Insured Accountability Insurance Company Party Party ASBIE Insured Accountability. Insurance Company_ Party. Party Compañía Aseguradora. 1 Insured Accountability Insurance Company Party Party Asegurador ABIE Inventory Report Line. Details A class to define a line in an Inventory Report. Inventory Report Line InventoryReportLineType ABIE Inventory Report Line. Details Inventory Report Line InventoryReportLineType BBIE Inventory Report Line. Identifier An identifier for this inventory report line. 1 Inventory Report Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Inventory Report Line. Identifier 1 Inventory Report Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Inventory Report Line. Note. Text Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures. 0..n Inventory Report Line Note Text Text. Type BBIE Inventory Report Line. Note. Text 0..n Inventory Report Line Note Text Text. Type BBIE Inventory Report Line. Quantity The quantity of the item reported that is currently in stock. 1 Inventory Report Line Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Inventory Report Line. Quantity 1 Inventory Report Line Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Inventory Report Line. Inventory_ Value. Amount The value of the quantity of the item reported that is currently in stock. 0..1 Inventory Report Line Inventory Value Amount Amount. Type BBIE Inventory Report Line. Inventory_ Value. Amount 0..1 Inventory Report Line Inventory Value Amount Amount. Type BBIE Inventory Report Line. Availability Date. Date The date from which the goods will be available. If not present, the goods are available now. 0..1 Inventory Report Line Availability Date Date Date. Type BBIE Inventory Report Line. Availability Date. Date 0..1 Inventory Report Line Availability Date Date Date. Type BBIE Inventory Report Line. Availability Status Code. Code A code signifying the item's level of availability. 0..1 Inventory Report Line Availability Status Code Code Code. Type BBIE Inventory Report Line. Availability Status Code. Code 0..1 Inventory Report Line Availability Status Code Code Code. Type ASBIE Inventory Report Line. Item The item associated with this inventory report line. 1 Inventory Report Line Item Item ASBIE Inventory Report Line. Item 1 Inventory Report Line Item Item ASBIE Inventory Report Line. Inventory_ Location. Location The location of the reported quantity of goods. 0..1 Inventory Report Line Inventory Location Location ASBIE Inventory Report Line. Inventory_ Location. Location 0..1 Inventory Report Line Inventory Location Location ABIE Invoice Line. Details Information about an Invoice Line. Invoice Line ABIE Invoice Line. Details Información acerca de una Línea de Factura. Invoice Line Línea de factura BBIE Invoice Line. Identifier Identifies the Invoice Line. 1 Invoice Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Invoice Line. Identifier Identificación de la línea de factura. 1 Invoice Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Invoice Line. UUID. Identifier A universally unique identifier for an instance of this ABIE. 0..1 Invoice Line UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID BBIE Invoice Line. UUID. Identifier Identificador único universal generado por ordenador (UUID) asignado a la instancia del ABIE. 0..1 Invoice Line UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID UUID BBIE Invoice Line. Note. Text Free-form text applying to the Invoice Line. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure. 0..1 Invoice Line Note Text Text. Type Note BBIE Invoice Line. Note. Text Texto en formato libre aplicable a la línea de factura. Puede contener notas o cualquier otra información similar que no esté explícitamente contenida en ninguna otra estructura. 0..1 Invoice Line Note Text Text. Type Nota Note BBIE Invoice Line. Invoiced_ Quantity. Quantity The quantity (of Items) on the Invoice Line. 0..1 Invoice Line Invoiced Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type InvoicedQuantity BBIE Invoice Line. Invoiced_ Quantity. Quantity Cantidad del elemento que se factura en esta línea de factura. 0..1 Invoice Line Invoiced Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad facturada InvoicedQuantity BBIE Invoice Line. Line Extension Amount. Amount The total amount for the Invoice Line, including Allowance Charges but net of taxes. 1 Invoice Line Line Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type LineExtensionAmount BBIE Invoice Line. Line Extension Amount. Amount Importe monetario que es el total de la línea de detalle, incluyendo variaciones de precio (subvenciones, cargos o descuentos) pero sin impuestos. 1 Invoice Line Line Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe de línea LineExtensionAmount BBIE Invoice Line. Tax Point Date. Date The date of the Invoice Line, used to indicate the point at which tax becomes applicable. 0..1 Invoice Line Tax Point Date Date Date. Type TaxPointDate BBIE Invoice Line. Tax Point Date. Date Fecha de la línea de factura, utilizada para indicar el dia de aplicabilidad de los impuestos. 0..1 Invoice Line Tax Point Date Date Date. Type Fecha de impuesto TaxPointDate BBIE Invoice Line. Accounting Cost Code. Code The buyer's accounting code applied to the Invoice Line. 0..1 Invoice Line Accounting Cost Code Code Code. Type AccountingCostCode BBIE Invoice Line. Accounting Cost Code. Code Código contable del comprador aplicado a la línea de la factura. 0..1 Invoice Line Accounting Cost Code Code Code. Type Código de Coste Contable AccountingCostCode BBIE Invoice Line. Accounting Cost. Text The buyer's accounting cost centre applied to the Invoice Line, expressed as text. 0..1 Invoice Line Accounting Cost Text Text. Type AccountingCost BBIE Invoice Line. Accounting Cost. Text Centro de coste contable del comprador aplicado a la línea de la factura, expresado como texto. 0..1 Invoice Line Accounting Cost Text Text. Type Coste Contable AccountingCost BBIE Invoice Line. Free Of Charge_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether the Invoice Line is Free Of Charge (default = false). 0..1 Invoice Line Free Of Charge Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type FreeOfChargeIndicator BBIE Invoice Line. Free Of Charge_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si la línea de factura es sin cargo (por defecto = falso) 0..1 Invoice Line Free Of Charge Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de sin cargo FreeOfChargeIndicator ASBIE Invoice Line. Order Line Reference An association to Order Line Reference. 0..n Invoice Line Order Line Reference Order Line Reference OrderLineReference ASBIE Invoice Line. Order Line Reference Asociación con una o más referencias a líneas de un pedido. 0..n Invoice Line Order Line Reference Order Line Reference Referencia a línea de pedido OrderLineReference ASBIE Invoice Line. Despatch_ Line Reference. Line Reference An associative reference to Despatch Line. 0..n Invoice Line Despatch Line Reference Line Reference DespatchLineReference ASBIE Invoice Line. Despatch_ Line Reference. Line Reference Asociación con una o más líneas referencias a un albarán de entrega. 0..n Invoice Line Despatch Line Reference Line Reference Referencia a línea de albarán DespatchLineReference ASBIE Invoice Line. Receipt_ Line Reference. Line Reference An associative reference to Receipt Line. 0..n Invoice Line Receipt Line Reference Line Reference ReceiptLineReference ASBIE Invoice Line. Receipt_ Line Reference. Line Reference Asociación con referencias a Líneas de Recibos. 0..n Invoice Line Receipt Line Reference Line Reference Referencia a línea de recibo ReceiptLineReference ASBIE Invoice Line. Billing Reference An association to Billing Reference. 0..n Invoice Line Billing Reference Billing Reference BillingReference ASBIE Invoice Line. Billing Reference Asociación con Referencias de Facturación. 0..n Invoice Line Billing Reference Billing Reference Referencia de facturación BillingReference ASBIE Invoice Line. Document Reference An association to Document Reference. 0..n Invoice Line Document Reference Document Reference DocumentReference ASBIE Invoice Line. Document Reference Asociación con Referencias a Documentos. 0..n Invoice Line Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a documento DocumentReference ASBIE Invoice Line. Pricing Reference An association to Pricing Reference. 0..1 Invoice Line Pricing Reference Pricing Reference PricingReference ASBIE Invoice Line. Pricing Reference Asociación con una Referencia a precio. 0..1 Invoice Line Pricing Reference Pricing Reference Referencia a precio PricingReference ASBIE Invoice Line. Originator_ Party. Party The party who originated the Order to which the Invoice is related. 0..1 Invoice Line Originator Party Party OriginatorParty ASBIE Invoice Line. Originator_ Party. Party La parte que originó el pedido con el que está relacionado esta factura. 0..1 Invoice Line Originator Party Party Originador OriginatorParty ASBIE Invoice Line. Delivery An association to Delivery. 0..n Invoice Line Delivery Delivery Delivery ASBIE Invoice Line. Delivery Asocia la línea con detalles de la entrega (o entregas). 0..n Invoice Line Delivery Delivery Entrega Delivery ASBIE Invoice Line. Payment Terms An association to Payment Terms. 0..n Invoice Line Payment Terms Payment Terms PaymentTerms ASBIE Invoice Line. Payment Terms Asocia la línea de factura con las condiciones de pago. 0..n Invoice Line Payment Terms Payment Terms Condiciones de pago PaymentTerms ASBIE Invoice Line. Allowance Charge An association to Allowance Charge. 0..n Invoice Line Allowance Charge Allowance Charge AllowanceCharge ASBIE Invoice Line. Allowance Charge Asocia la línea de factura con un cargo o descuento. 0..n Invoice Line Allowance Charge Allowance Charge Descuentos y cargos AllowanceCharge ASBIE Invoice Line. Tax Total An association to Tax Total. 0..n Invoice Line Tax Total Tax Total TaxTotal ASBIE Invoice Line. Tax Total Asocia la línea de factura con información de total de impuestos para un impuesto determinado. 0..n Invoice Line Tax Total Tax Total Impuestos totales TaxTotal ASBIE Invoice Line. Item An association to Item. 1 Invoice Line Item Item Item ASBIE Invoice Line. Item Asocia la línea de factura con información relativa a un elemento (Elemento, producto, bien, elemento o servicio). 1 Invoice Line Item Item Elemento Item ASBIE Invoice Line. Price An association to Price. 0..1 Invoice Line Price Price Unit Price, Base Price Price ASBIE Invoice Line. Price Asocia la línea de factura con el precio. 0..1 Invoice Line Price Price Precio Price ASBIE Invoice Line. Delivery Terms An association to Delivery Terms. 0..1 Invoice Line Delivery Terms Delivery Terms DeliveryTerms ASBIE Invoice Line. Delivery Terms Asocia la línea de factura con las condiciones de entrega. 0..1 Invoice Line Delivery Terms Delivery Terms Condiciones de entrega DeliveryTerms ABIE Invoicing Terms. Detatail Information about Electronic Invoicing Terms Invoicing Terms ABIE Invoicing Terms. Detatail Información de como los adjudicatarios tienen que realizar la facturación electrónica Invoicing Terms Condiciones de Facturación BBIE Invoicing Terms. ElectronicInvoing. Indicator Indicates that electronic invoicing will be accepted 0..1 Electronic Invoicing Terms ElectronicInvoicing Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Invoicing Terms. ElectronicInvoing. Indicator Indica que la factura se deberá emitir electrónicamente 0..1 Electronic Invoicing Terms ElectronicInvoicing Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de factura electrónica BBIE Invoicing Terms. Invoing. Description Description about conditions electronic invoicing 0..1 Invoicing Description Text Text. Type BBIE Invoicing Terms. Invoing. Description Descripción sobre los términos sobre la facturación electrónica 0..1 Invoicing Description Text Text. Type Descripción sobre las condiciones de facturación BBIE Invoicing Terms. Buyer Reference A reference provided by the buyer to be included in the invoice for internal routing 0..1 Buyer Reference Text Text. Type BBIE Invoicing Terms. Buyer Reference Referencia que se debe incluir en la factura para hacerla llegar a su destinatario 0..1 Buyer Reference Text Text. Type Referencia del destinatario ABIE Item. Details Information directly relating to an item. Item article, product, goods item ABIE Item. Details Información relacionada con un elemento. Item Elemento BBIE Item. Description. Text Free-form field that can be used to give a text description of the item. 0..n Item Description Text Text. Type Description BBIE Item. Description. Text Campo de texto libre usado para proporcionar una descripción del elemento 0..n Item Description Text Text. Type Descripción Description BBIE Item. Pack Quantity. Quantity The unit packaging quantity. 0..1 Item Pack Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type PackQuantity BBIE Item. Pack Quantity. Quantity Cantidad de embalajes necesaria. 0..1 Item Pack Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad de embalajes PackQuantity BBIE Item. Pack Size. Numeric The number of items in a pack. 0..1 Item Pack Size Numeric Numeric. Type PackSizeNumeric BBIE Item. Pack Size. Numeric Cantidad de elementos por embalaje 0..1 Item Pack Size Numeric Numeric. Type Cantidad por embalaje PackSizeNumeric BBIE Item. Catalogue_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether the item was ordered from a Catalogue (true) or not (false). 0..1 Item Catalogue Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type CatalogueIndicator BBIE Item. Catalogue_ Indicator. Indicator Indicador de si el elemento fue pedido a través de Catálogo (verdadero) o no (falso) 0..1 Item Catalogue Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de catálogo CatalogueIndicator BBIE Item. Name A short name optionally given to an item, such as a name from a Catalogue, as distinct from a description. 0..1 Item Name Name Name. Type Name BBIE Item. Name Nombre corto (opcional) que se da a un elemento, como el nombre de elemento extraído de un catálogo, distinto de una descripción. 0..1 Item Name Name Name. Type Nombre Name BBIE Item. Hazardous Risk_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether the item as delivered is hazardous. 0..1 Item Hazardous Risk Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type HazardousRiskIndicator BBIE Item. Hazardous Risk_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si la entrega del producto puede ser peligrosa 0..1 Item Hazardous Risk Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de mercancía peligrosa HazardousRiskIndicator BBIE Item. Additional_ Information. Text Provides more details of the item (e.g., the URL of a relevant web page). 0..1 Item Additional Information Text Text. Type AdditionalInformation BBIE Item. Additional_ Information. Text Se utiliza para proporcionar más detalles sobre el elemento (como, por ejemplo, una página Web donde se halla información relevante acerca del elemento) 0..1 Item Additional Information Text Text. Type Información adicional AdditionalInformation BBIE Item. Keyword. Text A Seller Party-defined search string for the item. Also could be synonyms for identifying the item. 0..n Item Keyword Text Text. Type Keyword BBIE Item. Keyword. Text Palabra clave definida por el vendedor para facilitar la búsqueda del elemento. Estas palabras claves pueden ser también sinónimos del producto 0..n Item Keyword Text Text. Type Palabra clave Keyword BBIE Item. Brand Name. Name Brand name for the item. 0..n Item Brand Name Name Name. Type BrandName BBIE Item. Brand Name. Name Marca comercial del elemento 0..n Item Brand Name Name Name. Type Marca BrandName BBIE Item. Model Name. Name Model name for the item. 0..n Item Model Name Name Name. Type ModelName BBIE Item. Model Name. Name Nombre del modelo del elemento 0..n Item Model Name Name Name. Type Modelo ModelName ASBIE Item. Buyers_ Item Identification. Item Identification Associates the item with its identification according to the buyer's system. 0..1 Item Buyers Item Identification Item Identification BuyersItemIdentification ASBIE Item. Buyers_ Item Identification. Item Identification Asocia el elemento con su identificación de acuerdo con el sistema del comprador. 0..1 Item Buyers Item Identification Item Identification ID del comprador BuyersItemIdentification ASBIE Item. Sellers_ Item Identification. Item Identification Associates the item with its identification according to the seller's system. 0..1 Item Sellers Item Identification Item Identification SellersItemIdentification ASBIE Item. Sellers_ Item Identification. Item Identification Asocia el elemento con su identificación de acuerdo con el sistema del vendedor. 0..1 Item Sellers Item Identification Item Identification ID del vendedor SellersItemIdentification ASBIE Item. Manufacturers_ Item Identification. Item Identification Associates the item with its identification according to the manufacturer's system. 0..n Item Manufacturers Item Identification Item Identification ManufacturersItemIdentification ASBIE Item. Manufacturers_ Item Identification. Item Identification Asocia el elemento con su identificación de acuerdo con el sistema del fabricante. 0..n Item Manufacturers Item Identification Item Identification ID del fabricante ManufacturersItemIdentification ASBIE Item. Standard_ Item Identification. Item Identification Associates the item with its identification according to a standard system. 0..1 Item Standard Item Identification Item Identification StandardItemIdentification ASBIE Item. Standard_ Item Identification. Item Identification Asocia el elemento con su identificación de acuerdo con un sistema estándar o normalizado. 0..1 Item Standard Item Identification Item Identification ID normalizado StandardItemIdentification ASBIE Item. Catalogue_ Item Identification. Item Identification Associates the item with its identification according to a cataloguing system. 0..1 Item Catalogue Item Identification Item Identification CatalogueItemIdentification ASBIE Item. Catalogue_ Item Identification. Item Identification Asocia el elemento con su identificación de acuerdo a un sistema de catálogo. 0..1 Item Catalogue Item Identification Item Identification ID según catálogo CatalogueItemIdentification ASBIE Item. Additional_ Item Identification. Item Identification Associates the item with other identification means. 0..n Item Additional Item Identification Item Identification AdditionalItemIdentification ASBIE Item. Additional_ Item Identification. Item Identification Asocia el elemento con otros medios de identificación. 0..n Item Additional Item Identification Item Identification ID adicional AdditionalItemIdentification ASBIE Item. Catalogue_ Document Reference. Document Reference An associative reference to Catalogue. 0..1 Item Catalogue Document Reference Document Reference CatalogueDocumentReference ASBIE Item. Catalogue_ Document Reference. Document Reference Asociación con una referencia a un Catálogo. 0..1 Item Catalogue Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a Catálogo CatalogueDocumentReference ASBIE Item. Item Specification_ Document Reference. Document Reference An associative reference to a document providing Item specification. 0..n Item Item Specification Document Reference Document Reference ItemSpecificationDocumentReference ASBIE Item. Item Specification_ Document Reference. Document Reference Asociación a una referencia a un documento que da las especificaciones el elemento. 0..n Item Item Specification Document Reference Document Reference Especificación referenciada ItemSpecificationDocumentReference ASBIE Item. Origin_ Country. Country Associates the item with its country of origin. 0..1 Item Origin Country Country OriginCountry ASBIE Item. Origin_ Country. Country Asociación con el país de origen de este elemento 0..1 Item Origin Country Country País de origen OriginCountry ASBIE Item. Commodity Classification Associates the item with its classification(s) according to a commodity classifying system. 0..n Item Commodity Classification Commodity Classification CommodityClassification ASBIE Item. Commodity Classification Asocia el elemento con su clasificación de acuerdo con un sistema de clasificación de bienes. 0..n Item Commodity Classification Commodity Classification Clasificación de bien, servicio o producto CommodityClassification ASBIE Item. Transaction Conditions Associates the item with sales conditions appertaining to it. 0..n Item Transaction Conditions Transaction Conditions TransactionConditions ASBIE Item. Transaction Conditions Asocia el elemento con las condiciones comerciales que le pertenecen. 0..n Item Transaction Conditions Transaction Conditions Condiciones de transacción TransactionConditions ASBIE Item. Hazardous Item Associates the item with its hazardous item information. 0..n Item Hazardous Item Hazardous Item HazardousItem ASBIE Item. Hazardous Item Asocia el elemento con su información de elemento peligroso. 0..n Item Hazardous Item Hazardous Item Mercancía peligrosa HazardousItem ASBIE Item. Classified_ Tax Category. Tax Category Classifies the item using one or more categories of taxes. 0..n Item Classified Tax Category Tax Category ClassifiedTaxCategory ASBIE Item. Classified_ Tax Category. Tax Category Clasifica el elemento utilizando una o más categorías de impuestos. 0..n Item Classified Tax Category Tax Category Categoría tributaria clasificada ClassifiedTaxCategory ASBIE Item. Additional_ Item Property. Item Property Associates the item with a set of additional properties. 0..n Item Additional Item Property Item Property AdditionalItemProperty ASBIE Item. Additional_ Item Property. Item Property Asocia el elemento con un conjunto de propiedades adicionales. 0..n Item Additional Item Property Item Property Propiedad adicional AdditionalItemProperty ASBIE Item. Manufacturer_ Party. Party Associates the item with its manufacturer. 0..n Item Manufacturer Party Party ManufacturerParty ASBIE Item. Manufacturer_ Party. Party Asocia el elemento con su fabricante. 0..n Item Manufacturer Party Party Fabricante ManufacturerParty ASBIE Item. Information Content Provider_ Party. Party Associates the item with the party responsible for the its specification. 0..1 Item Information Content Provider Party Party InformationContentProviderParty ASBIE Item. Information Content Provider_ Party. Party Asocia el elemento con la parte responsable de su especificación. 0..1 Item Information Content Provider Party Party Proveedor de información InformationContentProviderParty ASBIE Item. Origin_ Address. Address Associates the item with the region of origin (not the country). 0..n Item Origin Address Address OriginAddress ASBIE Item. Origin_ Address. Address Asocia el elemento con la region de origen (no el país) 0..n Item Origin Address Address Dirección original OriginAddress ASBIE Item. Item Instance An association to Item Instance. 0..n Item Item Instance Item Instance ItemInstance ASBIE Item. Item Instance Asociación a un Instancia de elemento. 0..n Item Item Instance Item Instance Instancia de elemento ItemInstance ABIE Item Comparison. Details Used to compare different items based on cost, quantity, or measurements. Item Comparison ABIE Item Comparison. Details Utilizado para comparar diferentes elementos basándose en su coste, cantidad o medidas. Item Comparison Comparación de elemento BBIE Item Comparison. Price. Amount The price for the comparison quantity of the item. 0..1 Item Comparison Price Amount Amount. Type PriceAmount BBIE Item Comparison. Price. Amount Precio utilizado como cantidad de comparación. 0..1 Item Comparison Price Amount Amount. Type Importe PriceAmount BBIE Item Comparison. Quantity The quantity used for price comparison with other items. 0..1 Item Comparison Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Quantity BBIE Item Comparison. Quantity Cantidad utilizada para comparar precios entre elementos. 0..1 Item Comparison Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad Quantity ABIE Item Identification. Details Information about item identification. Item Identification ABIE Item Identification. Details Información acerca de la identificación de un elemento Item Identification Identificación de elemento BBIE Item Identification. Identifier An identifier for an item. 1 Item Identification Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Item Identification. Identifier Identifica el elemento 1 Item Identification Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Item Identification. Extended_ Identifier. Identifier An extended identifier for the item that identifies the item with specific properties, e.g., Item 123 = Chair / Item 123 Ext 45 = brown chair. 0..1 Item Identification Extended Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ExtendedID BBIE Item Identification. Extended_ Identifier. Identifier Extensión del identificador principal. Permite identificar el elemento mediante propiedades específicas, como por ejemplo 123= Elemento/Silla IDAd 45 = silla marrón 0..1 Item Identification Extended Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID adicional ExtendedID ASBIE Item Identification. Physical Attribute An association to Physical Attribute. 0..n Item Identification Physical Attribute Physical Attribute PhysicalAttribute ASBIE Item Identification. Physical Attribute Asociación a Atributo Físico. 0..n Item Identification Physical Attribute Physical Attribute Atributo físico PhysicalAttribute ASBIE Item Identification. Measurement_ Dimension. Dimension An association to Measurement Dimension. 0..n Item Identification Measurement Dimension Dimension MeasurementDimension ASBIE Item Identification. Measurement_ Dimension. Dimension Asociación a Medida de Dimensión 0..n Item Identification Measurement Dimension Dimension Medida de dimensión MeasurementDimension ASBIE Item Identification. Issuer_ Party. Party An association to Issuer Party i.e. the Party that issued the Item Identification. 0..1 Item Identification Issuer Party Party IssuerParty ASBIE Item Identification. Issuer_ Party. Party Asociación con un Emisor, utilizada para especificar al emisor de esta identificación para el elemento 0..1 Item Identification Issuer Party Party Emisor IssuerParty ABIE Item Information Request Line. Details A class to define a line in an Item Information Request asking a trading partner for item information. Item Information Request Line ItemInformationRequestLineType ABIE Item Information Request Line. Details Item Information Request Line ItemInformationRequestLineType BBIE Item Information Request Line. Time Frequency Code. Code A code signifying the frequency with which item information should be sent to the requester. 0..1 Item Information Request Line Time Frequency Code Code Code. Type BBIE Item Information Request Line. Time Frequency Code. Code 0..1 Item Information Request Line Time Frequency Code Code Code. Type BBIE Item Information Request Line. Supply Chain Activity Type Code. Code A code used to identify the type of supply chain activity about which information request is issued. Examples: CANCELED_ORDERS EMERGENCY_ORDERS ON_HAND ORDERS 0..1 Item Information Request Line Supply Chain Activity Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Item Information Request Line. Supply Chain Activity Type Code. Code 0..1 Item Information Request Line Supply Chain Activity Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Item Information Request Line. Forecast Type Code. Code The information request can be either about supply chain activity or about forecasts or about performance metrics, so it should be optional 0..1 Item Information Request Line Forecast Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Item Information Request Line. Forecast Type Code. Code 0..1 Item Information Request Line Forecast Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Item Information Request Line. Performance Metric Type Code. Code A code signifying a measure of performance. 0..1 Item Information Request Line Performance Metric Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Item Information Request Line. Performance Metric Type Code. Code 0..1 Item Information Request Line Performance Metric Type Code Code Code. Type ASBIE Item Information Request Line. Period A period for which this information is requested. 1..n Item Information Request Line Period Period ASBIE Item Information Request Line. Period 1..n Item Information Request Line Period Period ASBIE Item Information Request Line. Sales Item Sales information for the item to which this line applies. 1..n Item Information Request Line Sales Item Sales Item ASBIE Item Information Request Line. Sales Item 1..n Item Information Request Line Sales Item Sales Item ABIE Item Instance. Details Information about a specific instance of an item. Item Instance ABIE Item Instance. Details Información acerca de una instancia específica de un elemento Item Instance Instancia de elemento BBIE Item Instance. Product Trace_ Identifier. Identifier An identifier used for tracing the item, such as the EPC number used in RFID. 0..1 Item Instance Product Trace Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ProductTraceID BBIE Item Instance. Product Trace_ Identifier. Identifier Identificador obligatorio utilizado para rastrear la localización del elemento, como por ejemplo el número EPC/RFID (sistema de identificación y seguimiento de mercancías en tiempo real basado en la radiofrecuencia de identificación, RFID, y que asocia un 0..1 Item Instance Product Trace Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de trazabilidad ProductTraceID BBIE Item Instance. Manufacture Date. Date The date of manufacture of the Item Instance. 0..1 Item Instance Manufacture Date Date Date. Type ManufactureDate BBIE Item Instance. Manufacture Date. Date Fecha de fabricación de esta instancia de elemento 0..1 Item Instance Manufacture Date Date Date. Type Fecha de fabricación ManufactureDate BBIE Item Instance. Manufacture Time. Time The time of manufacture of the Item Instance. 0..1 Item Instance Manufacture Time Time Time. Type ManufactureTime BBIE Item Instance. Manufacture Time. Time Hora de fabricación de esta instancia de elemento 0..1 Item Instance Manufacture Time Time Time. Type Hora de fabricación ManufactureTime BBIE Item Instance. Registration Identifier. Identifier The registration identifier of the Item Instance. 0..1 Item Instance Registration Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type RegistrationID BBIE Item Instance. Registration Identifier. Identifier Identificador asignado a esta instancia de elemento por un registro específico (oficial o no) 0..1 Item Instance Registration Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de registro RegistrationID BBIE Item Instance. Serial Identifier. Identifier The serial number of the Item Instance. 0..1 Item Instance Serial Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type SerialID BBIE Item Instance. Serial Identifier. Identifier Número de serie aplicado a esta instancia de elemento 0..1 Item Instance Serial Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Número de serie SerialID ASBIE Item Instance. Additional_ Item Property. Item Property An association to Additional Item Property. 0..n Item Instance Additional Item Property Item Property AdditionalItemProperty ASBIE Item Instance. Additional_ Item Property. Item Property Asociación a una Propiedad Adicional del Elemento. 0..n Item Instance Additional Item Property Item Property Propiedad adicional AdditionalItemProperty ASBIE Item Instance. Lot Identification Associates the item instance with its lot identification (the identification that allows recall of the item if necessary). 0..1 Item Instance Lot Identification Lot Identification LotIdentification ASBIE Item Instance. Lot Identification Asocia la instancia de elemento con su identificación de lote (el identificador que permite reclamar el elemento si es necesario) 0..1 Item Instance Lot Identification Lot Identification ID de lote LotIdentification ABIE Item Location Quantity. Details Information about the properties of an item as they relate to specific quantities and/or specific locations. Item Location Quantity ABIE Item Location Quantity. Details Información acerca de las propiedades de un Elemento relacionadas con cantidades y/o ubicaciones específicas. Item Location Quantity Cantidad y/o ubicación del elemento BBIE Item Location Quantity. Lead Time. Measure The time taken from the time of order to the time of delivery for an item. 0..1 Item Location Quantity Lead Time Measure Measure. Type LeadTimeMeasure BBIE Item Location Quantity. Lead Time. Measure Período que media desde la realización de un pedido hasta la entrega efectiva del producto o servicio. 0..1 Item Location Quantity Lead Time Measure Measure. Type Tiempo de entrega LeadTimeMeasure BBIE Item Location Quantity. Minimum_ Quantity. Quantity The minimum quantity that can be ordered to qualify for a specific price. 0..1 Item Location Quantity Minimum Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type MinimumQuantity BBIE Item Location Quantity. Minimum_ Quantity. Quantity Cantidad mínima que puede pedirse y que, para un precio concreto, debe especificarse. 0..1 Item Location Quantity Minimum Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad mínima MinimumQuantity BBIE Item Location Quantity. Maximum_ Quantity. Quantity The maximum quantity that can be ordered to qualify for a specific price. 0..1 Item Location Quantity Maximum Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type MaximumQuantity BBIE Item Location Quantity. Maximum_ Quantity. Quantity Cantidad máxima que puede pedirse y que, para un precio concreto, debe especificarse. 0..1 Item Location Quantity Maximum Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad máxima MaximumQuantity BBIE Item Location Quantity. Hazardous Risk_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether the item as delivered, in the stated quantity to the stated location, is hazardous. 0..1 Item Location Quantity Hazardous Risk Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type HazardousRiskIndicator BBIE Item Location Quantity. Hazardous Risk_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si los elementos entregados, en la cantidad y en el lugar especificados, son peligrosos. 0..1 Item Location Quantity Hazardous Risk Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de mercancía peligrosa HazardousRiskIndicator BBIE Item Location Quantity. Trading Restrictions. Text A description of trade restrictions that apply to the item or quantities of the item. 0..n Item Location Quantity Trading Restrictions Text Text. Type TradingRestrictions BBIE Item Location Quantity. Trading Restrictions. Text Descripción de las restricciones comerciales aplicables al Elemento o a cantidades del Elemento. 0..n Item Location Quantity Trading Restrictions Text Text. Type Restricciones comerciales TradingRestrictions ASBIE Item Location Quantity. Applicable Territory_ Address. Address An association to Territory (Address). 0..n Item Location Quantity Applicable Territory Address Address ApplicableTerritoryAddress ASBIE Item Location Quantity. Applicable Territory_ Address. Address Asociación con direcciones de ámbito territorial. 0..n Item Location Quantity Applicable Territory Address Address Dirección territorial aplicable ApplicableTerritoryAddress ASBIE Item Location Quantity. Price An association to Price. 0..1 Item Location Quantity Price Price Price ASBIE Item Location Quantity. Price Asociación con una instancia de Precio. 0..1 Item Location Quantity Price Price Precio Price ASBIE Item Location Quantity. Delivery Unit An association to Delivery Unit. 0..n Item Location Quantity Delivery Unit Delivery Unit DeliveryUnit ASBIE Item Location Quantity. Delivery Unit Asociación con unidades de entrega. 0..n Item Location Quantity Delivery Unit Delivery Unit Unidad de entrega DeliveryUnit ASBIE Item Location Quantity. Applicable_ Tax Category. Tax Category An association to Tax Category. 0..n Item Location Quantity Applicable Tax Category Tax Category ApplicableTaxCategory ASBIE Item Location Quantity. Applicable_ Tax Category. Tax Category Asociación con Categoría tributaria. 0..n Item Location Quantity Applicable Tax Category Tax Category Categoría tributaria aplicable ApplicableTaxCategory ABIE Item Management Profile. Details A class to define a management profile for an item. Item Management Profile ItemManagementProfileType ABIE Item Management Profile. Details Item Management Profile ItemManagementProfileType BBIE Item Management Profile. Frozen Period Days. Numeric The number of days in the future that an order forecast quantity automatically becomes a confirmed order for a product. 0..1 Item Management Profile Frozen Period Days Numeric Numeric. Type BBIE Item Management Profile. Frozen Period Days. Numeric 0..1 Item Management Profile Frozen Period Days Numeric Numeric. Type BBIE Item Management Profile. Minimum_ Inventory Quantity. Quantity The quantity of the item that should trigger a replenishment order to avoid depleting the safety stock. 0..1 Item Management Profile Minimum Inventory Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Item Management Profile. Minimum_ Inventory Quantity. Quantity 0..1 Item Management Profile Minimum Inventory Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Item Management Profile. Multiple_ Order Quantity. Quantity The order quantity multiples in which the product may be ordered. 0..1 Item Management Profile Multiple Order Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Item Management Profile. Multiple_ Order Quantity. Quantity 0..1 Item Management Profile Multiple Order Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Item Management Profile. Order Interval Days. Numeric The number of days between regular replenishment orders for the product. 0..1 Item Management Profile Order Interval Days Numeric Numeric. Type BBIE Item Management Profile. Order Interval Days. Numeric 0..1 Item Management Profile Order Interval Days Numeric Numeric. Type BBIE Item Management Profile. Replenishment Owner Description. Text The trading partner maintaining this item management profile. 0..n Item Management Profile Replenishment Owner Description Text Text. Type BBIE Item Management Profile. Replenishment Owner Description. Text 0..n Item Management Profile Replenishment Owner Description Text Text. Type BBIE Item Management Profile. Target Service Percent. Percent The Unit Service Level the trading partners expect to be maintained, expressed as a percentage. Unite Service Level (USL) is a term used in Inventory Management, which is sometimes known as "fill rate", counts the average number of units short expressed as the percentage of the order quantity. 0..1 Item Management Profile Target Service Percent Percent Percent. Type BBIE Item Management Profile. Target Service Percent. Percent 0..1 Item Management Profile Target Service Percent Percent Percent. Type BBIE Item Management Profile. Target_ Inventory Quantity. Quantity The target inventory quantity. 0..1 Item Management Profile Target Inventory Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Item Management Profile. Target_ Inventory Quantity. Quantity 0..1 Item Management Profile Target Inventory Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type ASBIE Item Management Profile. Effective_ Period. Period The period during which this profile is effective. 1 Item Management Profile Effective Period Period ASBIE Item Management Profile. Effective_ Period. Period 1 Item Management Profile Effective Period Period ASBIE Item Management Profile. Item The item associated with this item management profile. 1 Item Management Profile Item Item ASBIE Item Management Profile. Item 1 Item Management Profile Item Item ASBIE Item Management Profile. Item Location Quantity A set of location-specific properties (e.g., price and quantity) associated with the item. 0..1 Item Management Profile Item Location Quantity Item Location Quantity ASBIE Item Management Profile. Item Location Quantity 0..1 Item Management Profile Item Location Quantity Item Location Quantity ABIE Item Property. Details Information about specific Item Properties. Item Property ABIE Item Property. Details Item Property BBIE Item Property. Name The name of the Item Property. 0..1 Item Property Name Name Name. Type Name BBIE Item Property. Name 0..1 Item Property Name Name Name. Type Name BBIE Item Property. Name. Code The name of the Item Property expressed as code. 0..1 Item Property Name Code Code. Type NameCode BBIE Item Property. Name. Code 0..1 Item Property Name Code Code. Type NameCode BBIE Item Property. Value. Text The Item Property value expressed as a text. 0..n Item Property Value Text Text. Type Value BBIE Item Property. Value. Text 0..n Item Property Value Text Text. Type Value BBIE Item Property. Value. Quantity The Item Property value expressed as a quantity. 0..1 Item Property Value Quantity Quantity. Type ValueQuantity BBIE Item Property. Value. Quantity 0..1 Item Property Value Quantity Quantity. Type ValueQuantity BBIE Item Property. Value Qualifier. Text A text qualifier for the value of the property. 0..n Item Property Value Qualifier Text Text. Type ValueQualifier BBIE Item Property. Value Qualifier. Text 0..n Item Property Value Qualifier Text Text. Type ValueQualifier BBIE Item Property. Importance. Code A code establishing the importance for the property when using it to describe a required Item. 0..1 Item Property Importance Code Code. Type ImportanceCode BBIE Item Property. Importance. Code 0..1 Item Property Importance Code Code. Type ImportanceCode ASBIE Item Property. Usability_ Period. Period The period for which the Item Property is valid. 0..1 Item Property Usability Period Period UsabilityPeriod ASBIE Item Property. Usability_ Period. Period 0..1 Item Property Usability Period Period UsabilityPeriod ASBIE Item Property. Item Property Group An association to Item Property Group. 0..n Item Property Item Property Group Item Property Group ItemPropertyGroup ASBIE Item Property. Item Property Group 0..n Item Property Item Property Group Item Property Group ItemPropertyGroup ASBIE Item Property. Range_ Dimension. Dimension An association to Dimension. 0..1 Item Property Range Dimension Dimension RangeDimension ASBIE Item Property. Range_ Dimension. Dimension 0..1 Item Property Range Dimension Dimension RangeDimension ABIE Item Property Group. Details Information about sets of classifications (or groups) of Item Properties. Item Property Group ABIE Item Property Group. Details Información acerca de conjuntos de clasificaciones (o grupos) de propiedades de elementos Item Property Group Grupo de Propiedades de Elemento BBIE Item Property Group. Identifier An identifier for the Item Property Group. 1 Item Property Group Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Item Property Group. Identifier Identifica al grupo de propiedades 1 Item Property Group Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Item Property Group. Name The name of the Item Property Group. 0..1 Item Property Group Name Name Name. Type Name BBIE Item Property Group. Name Nombre del grupo de propiedades 0..1 Item Property Group Name Name Name. Type Nombre Name ABIE Item Property Range. Details A class to describe a range of values for an item property. Item Property Range ItemPropertyRangeType ABIE Item Property Range. Details Item Property Range ItemPropertyRangeType BBIE Item Property Range. Minimum_ Value. Text The minimum value in this range of values. 0..1 Item Property Range Minimum Value Text Text. Type BBIE Item Property Range. Minimum_ Value. Text 0..1 Item Property Range Minimum Value Text Text. Type BBIE Item Property Range. Maximum_ Value. Text The maximum value in this range of values. 0..1 Item Property Range Maximum Value Text Text. Type BBIE Item Property Range. Maximum_ Value. Text 0..1 Item Property Range Maximum Value Text Text. Type ABIE Language. Details Information about Language. Language ABIE Language. Details Información acerca de un idioma Language Idioma BBIE Language. Identifier An identifier for a language, expressed as a code. 0..1 Language Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Language. Identifier Identificador de un idioma, expresado como un código. 0..1 Language Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Language. Name The name of the language. 0..1 Language Name Name Name. Type Name BBIE Language. Name Nombre del idioma 0..1 Language Name Name Name. Type Nombre Name BBIE Language. Locale Code. Code The locale where the language is used, expressed as a code. 0..1 Language Locale Code Code Code. Type LocaleCode BBIE Language. Locale Code. Code Código usado para especificar la zona en la que se utiliza el idioma 0..1 Language Locale Code Code Code. Type Código local LocaleCode ABIE Legal Monetary Total. Details Information about Monetary Totals. Legal Monetary Total ABIE Legal Monetary Total. Details Información acerca de totales monetarios. Legal Monetary Total Importes Totales BBIE Legal Monetary Total. Line Extension Amount. Amount The total of Line Extension Amounts net of tax and settlement discounts, but inclusive of any applicable rounding amount. 0..1 Legal Monetary Total Line Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Legal Monetary Total. Line Extension Amount. Amount Total de los importes netos de línea sin impuestos ni descuentos, pero incluyendo redondeo. 0..1 Legal Monetary Total Line Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type Base Imponible BBIE Legal Monetary Total. Tax Exclusive Amount. Amount The total amount exclusive of taxes. 0..1 Legal Monetary Total Tax Exclusive Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Legal Monetary Total. Tax Exclusive Amount. Amount Importe total de impuestos. 0..1 Legal Monetary Total Tax Exclusive Amount Amount Amount. Type Total de impuestos BBIE Legal Monetary Total. Tax Inclusive Amount. Amount The total amount inclusive of taxes. 0..1 Legal Monetary Total Tax Inclusive Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Legal Monetary Total. Tax Inclusive Amount. Amount Importe total incluyendo impuestos. 0..1 Legal Monetary Total Tax Inclusive Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe total impuestos incluídos BBIE Legal Monetary Total. Allowance Total Amount. Amount The total amount of all allowances. 0..1 Legal Monetary Total Allowance Total Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Legal Monetary Total. Allowance Total Amount. Amount Importe total de todos los descuentos. 0..1 Legal Monetary Total Allowance Total Amount Amount Amount. Type Total descuentos BBIE Legal Monetary Total. Charge Total Amount. Amount The total amount of all charges. 0..1 Legal Monetary Total Charge Total Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Legal Monetary Total. Charge Total Amount. Amount Importe total de todos los cargos. 0..1 Legal Monetary Total Charge Total Amount Amount Amount. Type Total cargos BBIE Legal Monetary Total. Prepaid Amount. Amount The total prepaid amount. 0..1 Legal Monetary Total Prepaid Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Legal Monetary Total. Prepaid Amount. Amount Importe prepagado total. 0..1 Legal Monetary Total Prepaid Amount Amount Amount. Type Anticipos BBIE Legal Monetary Total. Payable_ Rounding Amount. Amount The rounding amount (positive or negative) added to the calculated Line Extension Total Amount to produce the rounded Line Extension Total Amount. 0..1 Legal Monetary Total Payable Rounding Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Legal Monetary Total. Payable_ Rounding Amount. Amount Importe de redondeo (positivo o negativo) añadido a la Base Imponible calculada para producir una Base Imponible Redondeada. 0..1 Legal Monetary Total Payable Rounding Amount Amount Amount. Type Redondeo BBIE Legal Monetary Total. Payable_ Amount. Amount The total amount to be paid. 0..1 Legal Monetary Total Payable Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Legal Monetary Total. Payable_ Amount. Amount Importe total a pagar. 0..1 Legal Monetary Total Payable Amount Amount Amount. Type Total a Pagar ABIE Line Item. Details Information about a Line Item. Line Item ABIE Line Item. Details Información sobre una Línea de Elemento Line Item Línea de elemento BBIE Line Item. Identifier Identifies the Line Item assigned by the buyer. 1 Line Item Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Line Item. Identifier Identificación que da el comprador a la línea. 1 Line Item Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Line Item. Sales_ Order Identifier. Identifier The identification given to a Line by the seller. 0..1 Line Item Sales Order Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type SalesOrderID BBIE Line Item. Sales_ Order Identifier. Identifier Identificación que da el vendedor a la línea. 0..1 Line Item Sales Order Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de vendedor SalesOrderID BBIE Line Item. UUID. Identifier A universally unique identifier for an instance of this ABIE. 0..1 Line Item UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID BBIE Line Item. UUID. Identifier Identificador único universal asignado a la instancia del ABIE. 0..1 Line Item UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID UUID BBIE Line Item. Note. Text Free-form text applying to the Line Item. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure. 0..1 Line Item Note Text Text. Type Note BBIE Line Item. Note. Text Contiene cualquier texto en formato libre de la línea del documento. Puede contener notas o cualquier otro tipo de información similar que no se contemple en ninguna otra estructura. 0..1 Line Item Note Text Text. Type Nota Note BBIE Line Item. Line Status Code. Code Identifies the status of the Line with respect to its original state. 0..1 Line Item Line Status Code Code Line Status Line Status_ Code. Type LineStatusCode BBIE Line Item. Line Status Code. Code Identifica el estado de la línea respecto a su estado original. 0..1 Line Item Line Status Code Code Line Status Line Status_ Code. Type Código de estado de línea LineStatusCode BBIE Line Item. Quantity The quantity of Items for the Line Item. 0..1 Line Item Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Quantity BBIE Line Item. Quantity Cantidad del elemento en esta línea de detalle. 0..1 Line Item Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad Quantity BBIE Line Item. Line Extension Amount. Amount The total amount for the Line Item, including Allowance Charges but net of taxes. 0..1 Line Item Line Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type LineExtensionAmount BBIE Line Item. Line Extension Amount. Amount Importe total para esta Linea de Elemento, incluyendo Descuentos y Cargos pero neto de Impuestos. 0..1 Line Item Line Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe de línea LineExtensionAmount BBIE Line Item. Total_ Tax Amount. Amount The total tax amount for the Line Item. 0..1 Line Item Total Tax Amount Amount Amount. Type TotalTaxAmount BBIE Line Item. Total_ Tax Amount. Amount Importe total de impuestos para esta línea de detalle. 0..1 Line Item Total Tax Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe total de impuestos TotalTaxAmount BBIE Line Item. Minimum_ Quantity. Quantity The minimum quantity for the Item on the Line. 0..1 Line Item Minimum Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type MinimumQuantity BBIE Line Item. Minimum_ Quantity. Quantity Mínima cantidad del elemento en esta línea. 0..1 Line Item Minimum Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad mínima MinimumQuantity BBIE Line Item. Maximum_ Quantity. Quantity The maximum quantity for the Item on the Line. 0..1 Line Item Maximum Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type MaximumQuantity BBIE Line Item. Maximum_ Quantity. Quantity Máxima cantidad del elemento en esta línea. 0..1 Line Item Maximum Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad máxima MaximumQuantity BBIE Line Item. Minimum_ Backorder. Quantity The minimum back order quantity (where back order is allowed). 0..1 Line Item Minimum Backorder Quantity Quantity. Type MinimumBackorderQuantity BBIE Line Item. Minimum_ Backorder. Quantity Mínima cantidad de un elemento que podrá ser no servida por la parte vendedora (en caso de estar permitido) 0..1 Line Item Minimum Backorder Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad mínima que se puede no servir MinimumBackorderQuantity BBIE Line Item. Maximum_ Backorder. Quantity The maximum back order quantity (where back order is allowed). 0..1 Line Item Maximum Backorder Quantity Quantity. Type MaximumBackorderQuantity BBIE Line Item. Maximum_ Backorder. Quantity Máxima cantidad de un elemento que podrá ser no servida por la parte vendedora (en caso de estar permitido) 0..1 Line Item Maximum Backorder Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad máxima que se puede no servir MaximumBackorderQuantity BBIE Line Item. Inspection Method Code. Code Inspection requirements for a Line Item, expressed as a code. 0..1 Line Item Inspection Method Code Code Code. Type InspectionMethodCode BBIE Line Item. Inspection Method Code. Code Requerimientos de inspección para un elemento de línea, codificado. 0..1 Line Item Inspection Method Code Code Code. Type Código de requerimiento de inspección InspectionMethodCode BBIE Line Item. Partial Delivery Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether a partial delivery is allowed. 0..1 Line Item Partial Delivery Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type PartialDeliveryIndicator BBIE Line Item. Partial Delivery Indicator. Indicator Indica si se permite entrega parcial. 0..1 Line Item Partial Delivery Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de entrega parcial PartialDeliveryIndicator BBIE Line Item. Back Order Allowed Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether back order is allowed. 0..1 Line Item Back Order Allowed Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type BackOrderAllowedIndicator BBIE Line Item. Back Order Allowed Indicator. Indicator Indica si se permite no suministro. 0..1 Line Item Back Order Allowed Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de no suministro permitido BackOrderAllowedIndicator BBIE Line Item. Accounting Cost Code. Code The buyer's accounting code applied to the Line Item. 0..1 Line Item Accounting Cost Code Code Code. Type AccountingCostCode BBIE Line Item. Accounting Cost Code. Code Código contable del comprador aplicado a la línea de elemento. 0..1 Line Item Accounting Cost Code Code Code. Type Código de Coste Contable AccountingCostCode BBIE Line Item. Accounting Cost. Text The buyer's accounting cost centre applied to the Line Item, expressed as text. 0..1 Line Item Accounting Cost Text Text. Type AccountingCost BBIE Line Item. Accounting Cost. Text Centro de coste contable del comprador aplicado a la línea de factura, expresado como texto. 0..1 Line Item Accounting Cost Text Text. Type Coste Contable AccountingCost ASBIE Line Item. Delivery An association to Delivery. 0..n Line Item Delivery Delivery Delivery ASBIE Line Item. Delivery Asociación con una Entrega. 0..n Line Item Delivery Delivery Entrega Delivery ASBIE Line Item. Delivery Terms An association to Delivery Terms. 0..1 Line Item Delivery Terms Delivery Terms DeliveryTerms ASBIE Line Item. Delivery Terms Asociación con Condiciones de Entrega 0..1 Line Item Delivery Terms Delivery Terms Condiciones de entrega DeliveryTerms ASBIE Line Item. Originator_ Party. Party The party who originated Order. 0..1 Line Item Originator Party Party OriginatorParty ASBIE Line Item. Originator_ Party. Party La parte que originó el pedido. 0..1 Line Item Originator Party Party Originador OriginatorParty ASBIE Line Item. Ordered Shipment An association to Ordered Shipment. 0..n Line Item Ordered Shipment Ordered Shipment OrderedShipment ASBIE Line Item. Ordered Shipment Asociación con Envío Solicitado 0..n Line Item Ordered Shipment Ordered Shipment Envío solicitado OrderedShipment ASBIE Line Item. Pricing Reference An association to Pricing Reference. 0..1 Line Item Pricing Reference Pricing Reference PricingReference ASBIE Line Item. Pricing Reference La línea de detalle de factura puede estar asociada a una referencia a precio. 0..1 Line Item Pricing Reference Pricing Reference Referencia a precio PricingReference ASBIE Line Item. Allowance Charge An association to Allowance Charge. 0..n Line Item Allowance Charge Allowance Charge AllowanceCharge ASBIE Line Item. Allowance Charge Asociación con Referencia a Precio 0..n Line Item Allowance Charge Allowance Charge Descuentos y cargos AllowanceCharge ASBIE Line Item. Price An association to Price. 0..1 Line Item Price Price Price ASBIE Line Item. Price Asocia la Línea con el precio base a aplicar a ciertas transacciones – posiblemente debido a contratos u otros acuerdos. 0..1 Line Item Price Price Precio Price ASBIE Line Item. Item An association to Item. 1 Line Item Item Item Item ASBIE Line Item. Item Asociación con Precio. 1 Line Item Item Item Elemento Item ABIE Line Reference. Details Reference to a Line on a document. Line Reference ABIE Line Reference. Details Referencia a una línea dentro de un documento Line Reference Referencia a Línea BBIE Line Reference. Line Identifier. Identifier Identifies the Line on the referenced document. 1 Line Reference Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type LineID BBIE Line Reference. Line Identifier. Identifier Identifica la Línea en el Referencia a Documento. 1 Line Reference Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de Línea LineID BBIE Line Reference. UUID. Identifier A universally unique identifier for an instance of this ABIE. 0..1 Line Reference UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID BBIE Line Reference. UUID. Identifier Identificador único universal asignado a la instancia del ABIE. 0..1 Line Reference UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID UUID BBIE Line Reference. Line Status Code. Code Identifies the status of the referenced Line with respect to its original state. 0..1 Line Reference Line Status Code Code Line Status Line Status_ Code. Type LineStatusCode BBIE Line Reference. Line Status Code. Code Identifica el estado de la línea referenciada en relación con su estado original 0..1 Line Reference Line Status Code Code Line Status Line Status_ Code. Type Código de estado LineStatusCode ASBIE Line Reference. Document Reference An association to Document Reference. 0..1 Line Reference Document Reference Document Reference DocumentReference ASBIE Line Reference. Document Reference Asociación a Referencia a Documento 0..1 Line Reference Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a Documento DocumentReference ABIE Line Response. Details A response to a Line in a Document. Line Response ABIE Line Response. Details Referencia a la respuesta a una línea dentro de un documento Line Response Respuesta a una línea ASBIE Line Response. Line Reference An association to Line Reference. 1 Line Response Line Reference Line Reference LineReference ASBIE Line Response. Line Reference Asociación a una Referencia a Línea. 1 Line Response Line Reference Line Reference Referencia a Línea LineReference ASBIE Line Response. Response An association to Response. 1..n Line Response Response Response Response ASBIE Line Response. Response Asociación a una Respuesta. 1..n Line Response Response Response Respuesta Response ABIE Location. Details Information about a location. Location ABIE Location. Details Información acerca de una localización Location Localización BBIE Location. Identifier The unique identifier for the location, e.g., the EAN Location Number, GLN. 0..1 Location Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Location. Identifier Identifica la localización de forma única. Un Número de Localización EAN o un identificador GLN (Global Location Number) 0..1 Location Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Location. Description. Text The description or name of the location. 0..1 Location Description Text Text. Type Description BBIE Location. Description. Text Descripción o nombre de la localización 0..1 Location Description Text Text. Type Descripción Description BBIE Location. Conditions. Text Conditions describing the location. 0..1 Location Conditions Text Text. Type Conditions BBIE Location. Conditions. Text Condiciones, expresadas textualmente, que describen la localización 0..1 Location Conditions Text Text. Type Condiciones Conditions BBIE Location. Country Subentity. Text A territorial division of a country, such as a county or state. 0..1 Location Country Subentity Text Text. Type AdministrativeArea, State, Country, Shire, Canton CountrySubentity BBIE Location. Country Subentity. Text Texto que identifica una subdivisión territorial dentro de un país, como una Provincia, Comunidad Autónoma, un condado o un estado federado 0..1 Location Country Subentity Text Text. Type Subentidad territorial CountrySubentity BBIE Location. Country Subentity Code. Code The territorial division of a country, such as a county or state, expressed as a code. 0..1 Location Country Subentity Code Code Code. Type AdministrativeAreaCode, State Code CountrySubentityCode BBIE Location. Country Subentity Code. Code Código que identifica una subdivisión territorial dentro de un país, como una provincia, comunidad autónoma, condado o estado federado 0..1 Location Country Subentity Code Code Code. Type Código de subentidad Territorial CountrySubentityCode ASBIE Location. Validity_ Period. Period Period(s) in which the location can be used, e.g., for delivery. 0..n Location Validity Period Period ValidityPeriod ASBIE Location. Validity_ Period. Period Periodo(s) en el que se puede usar la localización, p.e. para una entrega. 0..n Location Validity Period Period Período de validez ValidityPeriod ASBIE Location. Address Association to the address of the location. 0..1 Location Address Address Address ASBIE Location. Address Asociación a la dirección de la localización. 0..1 Location Address Address Dirección Address ABIE Location Coordinate. Details Information about physical (geographical) location. Location Coordinate ABIE Location Coordinate. Details Información acerca de una ubicación física (geográfica) Location Coordinate Coordenada de localización BBIE Location Coordinate. Coordinate System Code. Code An identifier for the location system used. 0..1 Location Coordinate Coordinate System Code Code Code. Type CoordinateSystemCode BBIE Location Coordinate. Coordinate System Code. Code Código identificador del sistema de coordenadas utilizado para especificar la localización 0..1 Location Coordinate Coordinate System Code Code Code. Type Código de sistema de Coordenadas CoordinateSystemCode BBIE Location Coordinate. Latitude_ Degrees. Measure The measure of latitude in degrees. 0..1 Location Coordinate Latitude Degrees Measure Measure. Type LatitudeDegreesMeasure BBIE Location Coordinate. Latitude_ Degrees. Measure Medida de la latitud en grados 0..1 Location Coordinate Latitude Degrees Measure Measure. Type Grados de latitud LatitudeDegreesMeasure BBIE Location Coordinate. Latitude_ Minutes. Measure The measure of latitude in minutes. 0..1 Location Coordinate Latitude Minutes Measure Measure. Type LatitudeMinutesMeasure BBIE Location Coordinate. Latitude_ Minutes. Measure Medida de la latitud en minutos 0..1 Location Coordinate Latitude Minutes Measure Measure. Type Minutos de latitud LatitudeMinutesMeasure BBIE Location Coordinate. Latitude Direction Code. Code The direction of latitude measurement from the equator. 0..1 Location Coordinate Latitude Direction Code Code Latitude Direction Latitude Direction_ Code. Type LatitudeDirectionCode BBIE Location Coordinate. Latitude Direction Code. Code Dirección de desplazamiento respecto del ecuador y relativa a la latitud 0..1 Location Coordinate Latitude Direction Code Code Latitude Direction Latitude Direction_ Code. Type Dirección de la latitud LatitudeDirectionCode BBIE Location Coordinate. Longitude_ Degrees. Measure The measure of longitude in degrees. 0..1 Location Coordinate Longitude Degrees Measure Measure. Type LongitudeDegreesMeasure BBIE Location Coordinate. Longitude_ Degrees. Measure Medida de la longitud en grados 0..1 Location Coordinate Longitude Degrees Measure Measure. Type Grados de longitud LongitudeDegreesMeasure BBIE Location Coordinate. Longitude_ Minutes. Measure The measure of longitude in minutes. 0..1 Location Coordinate Longitude Minutes Measure Measure. Type LongitudeMinutesMeasure BBIE Location Coordinate. Longitude_ Minutes. Measure Medida de la longitud en minutos 0..1 Location Coordinate Longitude Minutes Measure Measure. Type Minutos de longitud LongitudeMinutesMeasure BBIE Location Coordinate. Longitude Direction Code. Code The direction of longitude measurement from the meridian. 0..1 Location Coordinate Longitude Direction Code Code Longitude Direction Longitude Direction_ Code. Type LongitudeDirectionCode BBIE Location Coordinate. Longitude Direction Code. Code Dirección de desplazamiento respecto del meridiano y relativa a la longitud 0..1 Location Coordinate Longitude Direction Code Code Longitude Direction Longitude Direction_ Code. Type Dirección de la longitud LongitudeDirectionCode ABIE Lot Identification. Details Information about a lot (of Item Instances). Lot Identification ABIE Lot Identification. Details Información acerca de un lote (de instancias de elementos) Lot Identification Identificación de lote BBIE Lot Identification. Lot Number. Identifier Identifies the lot. 0..1 Lot Identification Lot Number Identifier Identifier. Type LotNumberID BBIE Lot Identification. Lot Number. Identifier Identifica el lote mediante un número 0..1 Lot Identification Lot Number Identifier Identifier. Type Número de lote LotNumberID BBIE Lot Identification. Expiry Date. Date The expiry date of the lot. 0..1 Lot Identification Expiry Date Date Date. Type ExpiryDate BBIE Lot Identification. Expiry Date. Date Fecha de caducidad del lote 0..1 Lot Identification Expiry Date Date Date. Type Fecha de caducidad ExpiryDate ASBIE Lot Identification. Additional_ Item Property. Item Property An association to Additional Item Property. 0..n Lot Identification Additional Item Property Item Property AdditionalItemProperty ASBIE Lot Identification. Additional_ Item Property. Item Property Asociación con una Propiedad de Elemento Adicional. 0..n Lot Identification Additional Item Property Item Property Propiedad de elemento adicional AdditionalItemProperty ABIE Maritime Transport. Details Describes a water (including sea, river, and canal) transport vessel. Maritime Transport ABIE Maritime Transport. Details Describe un medio de transporte acuático (incluyendo rios, mares y canales) Maritime Transport Transporte marítimo BBIE Maritime Transport. Vessel Identifier. Identifier Identifies a specific vessel. 0..1 Maritime Transport Vessel Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Lloyds Number, Registration Number (WCO ID 167) VesselID BBIE Maritime Transport. Vessel Identifier. Identifier Identifica una embarcación específica. 0..1 Maritime Transport Vessel Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de embarcación VesselID BBIE Maritime Transport. Vessel Name. Name The name of the vessel. 0..1 Maritime Transport Vessel Name Name Name. Type Ships Name VesselName BBIE Maritime Transport. Vessel Name. Name El nombre de la embarcación. 0..1 Maritime Transport Vessel Name Name Name. Type Nombre de la embarcación VesselName ABIE Meter. Details A class to describe a meter and its readings. Meter MeterType ABIE Meter. Details Meter MeterType BBIE Meter. Meter Number. Text The meter number, expressed as text. 0..1 Meter Meter Number Text Text. Type 61722x BBIE Meter. Meter Number. Text 0..1 Meter Meter Number Text Text. Type 61722x BBIE Meter. Meter Name. Text The name of this meter, which serves as an identifier to distinguish a main meter from a submeter. 0..1 Meter Meter Name Text Text. Type BBIE Meter. Meter Name. Text 0..1 Meter Meter Name Text Text. Type BBIE Meter. Meter Constant. Text The factor by which readings of this meter must be multiplied to calculate consumption, expressed as text. 0..1 Meter Meter Constant Text Text. Type 1.000 BBIE Meter. Meter Constant. Text 0..1 Meter Meter Constant Text Text. Type 1.000 BBIE Meter. Meter Constant Code. Code A code signifying the formula to be used in applying the meter constant. 0..1 Meter Meter Constant Code Code Code. Type Factor BBIE Meter. Meter Constant Code. Code 0..1 Meter Meter Constant Code Code Code. Type Factor BBIE Meter. Total_ Delivered Quantity. Quantity The quantity delivered; the total quantity consumed as calculated from the meter readings. 0..1 Meter Total Delivered Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 5761.00 BBIE Meter. Total_ Delivered Quantity. Quantity 0..1 Meter Total Delivered Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 5761.00 ASBIE Meter. Meter Reading A reading of this meter. 0..n Meter Meter Reading Meter Reading ASBIE Meter. Meter Reading 0..n Meter Meter Reading Meter Reading ASBIE Meter. Meter Property A property of this meter. 0..n Meter Meter Property Meter Property ASBIE Meter. Meter Property 0..n Meter Meter Property Meter Property ABIE Meter Property. Details The name of this meter property. Meter Property MeterPropertyType ABIE Meter Property. Details Meter Property MeterPropertyType BBIE Meter Property. Name The name of this meter property, expressed as a code. 0..1 Meter Property Name Name Name. Type Energy Rating , Collar Size , Fat Content BBIE Meter Property. Name 0..1 Meter Property Name Name Name. Type Energy Rating , Collar Size , Fat Content BBIE Meter Property. Name Code. Code The value of this meter property, expressed as text. 0..1 Meter Property Name Code Code Code. Type BBIE Meter Property. Name Code. Code 0..1 Meter Property Name Code Code Code. Type BBIE Meter Property. Value. Text The value of this meter property, expressed as a quantity. 0..1 Meter Property Value Text Text. Type 100 watts , 15 European , 20% +/- 5% BBIE Meter Property. Value. Text 0..1 Meter Property Value Text Text. Type 100 watts , 15 European , 20% +/- 5% BBIE Meter Property. Value_ Quantity. Quantity The value of this meter property, expressed as a quantity. 0..1 Meter Property Value Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Meter Property. Value_ Quantity. Quantity 0..1 Meter Property Value Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Meter Property. Value Qualifier. Text An additional value to qualify the value of the meter 0..n Meter Property Value Qualifier Text Text. Type BBIE Meter Property. Value Qualifier. Text 0..n Meter Property Value Qualifier Text Text. Type ABIE Meter Reading. Details A class to describe a meter reading. Meter Reading MeterReadingType ABIE Meter Reading. Details Meter Reading MeterReadingType BBIE Meter Reading. Identifier An identifier for this meter reading. 0..1 Meter Reading Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type 7411013716x BBIE Meter Reading. Identifier 0..1 Meter Reading Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type 7411013716x BBIE Meter Reading. Meter Reading Type. Text The type of this meter reading, expressed as text. 0..1 Meter Reading Meter Reading Type Text Text. Type Electricity BBIE Meter Reading. Meter Reading Type. Text 0..1 Meter Reading Meter Reading Type Text Text. Type Electricity BBIE Meter Reading. Meter Reading Type Code. Code The type of this meter reading, expressed as a code. 0..1 Meter Reading Meter Reading Type Code Code Code. Type Electricity BBIE Meter Reading. Meter Reading Type Code. Code 0..1 Meter Reading Meter Reading Type Code Code Code. Type Electricity BBIE Meter Reading. Previous_ Meter Reading Date. Date The date of the previous meter reading. 1 Meter Reading Previous Meter Reading Date Date Date. Type 2006-09-01 BBIE Meter Reading. Previous_ Meter Reading Date. Date 1 Meter Reading Previous Meter Reading Date Date Date. Type 2006-09-01 BBIE Meter Reading. Previous_ Meter Quantity. Quantity The quantity of the previous meter reading. 1 Meter Reading Previous Meter Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 122604.00 BBIE Meter Reading. Previous_ Meter Quantity. Quantity 1 Meter Reading Previous Meter Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 122604.00 BBIE Meter Reading. Latest_ Meter Reading Date. Date The date of the latest meter reading. 1 Meter Reading Latest Meter Reading Date Date Date. Type 2006-09-01 BBIE Meter Reading. Latest_ Meter Reading Date. Date 1 Meter Reading Latest Meter Reading Date Date Date. Type 2006-09-01 BBIE Meter Reading. Latest_ Meter Quantity. Quantity The quantity of the latest meter reading. 1 Meter Reading Latest Meter Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 128365.00 BBIE Meter Reading. Latest_ Meter Quantity. Quantity 1 Meter Reading Latest Meter Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 128365.00 BBIE Meter Reading. Previous Meter Reading_ Method. Text The method used for the previous meter reading, expressed as text. 0..1 Meter Reading Previous Meter Reading Method Text Text. Type Manuel BBIE Meter Reading. Previous Meter Reading_ Method. Text 0..1 Meter Reading Previous Meter Reading Method Text Text. Type Manuel BBIE Meter Reading. Previous Meter Reading_ Method Code. Code The method used for the previous meter reading, expressed as a code. 0..1 Meter Reading Previous Meter Reading Method Code Code Code. Type Estimated BBIE Meter Reading. Previous Meter Reading_ Method Code. Code 0..1 Meter Reading Previous Meter Reading Method Code Code Code. Type Estimated BBIE Meter Reading. Latest Meter Reading_ Method. Text The method used for the latest meter reading, expressed as text. 0..1 Meter Reading Latest Meter Reading Method Text Text. Type Manuel BBIE Meter Reading. Latest Meter Reading_ Method. Text 0..1 Meter Reading Latest Meter Reading Method Text Text. Type Manuel BBIE Meter Reading. Latest Meter Reading_ Method Code. Code The method used for the latest meter reading, expressed as a code. 0..1 Meter Reading Latest Meter Reading Method Code Code Code. Type Estimated BBIE Meter Reading. Latest Meter Reading_ Method Code. Code 0..1 Meter Reading Latest Meter Reading Method Code Code Code. Type Estimated BBIE Meter Reading. Meter Reading_ Comments. Text Text containing comments on this meter reading. 0..n Meter Reading Meter Reading Comments Text Text. Type The last stated meterstand is estimated BBIE Meter Reading. Meter Reading_ Comments. Text 0..n Meter Reading Meter Reading Comments Text Text. Type The last stated meterstand is estimated BBIE Meter Reading. Delivered_ Quantity. Quantity Consumption in the period from PreviousMeterReadingDate to LatestMeterReadingDate. 1 Meter Reading Delivered Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Meter Reading. Delivered_ Quantity. Quantity 1 Meter Reading Delivered Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type ABIE Miscellaneous Event. Details A class to describe a miscellaneous event associated with a retail event. Miscellaneous Event MiscellaneousEventType ABIE Miscellaneous Event. Details Miscellaneous Event MiscellaneousEventType BBIE Miscellaneous Event. Miscellaneous Event Type Code. Code A code signifying the type of this miscellaneous event. Examples are: ASSORTMENT_CHARGE DISASTER FORECAST_DECREASE FORECAST_INCREASE FREIGHT_FLOW_ALLOCATION INVENTORY_POLICY_CHANGE LOCATION_CLOSING LOCATION_OPENING OTHER OUT_OF_STOCK PACKAGING_LABELING_CHANGE PRICE_DECREASE PRICE_INCREASE STORE_FORMAT_OR_PLANOGRAM_CHANGE TEST_MARKET WEATHER 1 Miscellaneous Event Miscellaneous Event Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Miscellaneous Event. Miscellaneous Event Type Code. Code 1 Miscellaneous Event Miscellaneous Event Type Code Code Code. Type ASBIE Miscellaneous Event. Event Line Item An event line item for this miscellaneous retail event. 1..n Miscellaneous Event Event Line Item Event Line Item ASBIE Miscellaneous Event. Event Line Item 1..n Miscellaneous Event Event Line Item Event Line Item ABIE Monetary Total. Details Information about Monetary Totals. Monetary Total ABIE Monetary Total. Details Información acerca de totales monetarios. Monetary Total Totales BBIE Monetary Total. Line Extension Amount. Amount The total of Line Extension Amounts net of tax and settlement discounts, but inclusive of any applicable rounding amount. 0..1 Monetary Total Line Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type LineExtensionAmount BBIE Monetary Total. Line Extension Amount. Amount Total de los importes netos de línea sin impuestos ni descuentos, pero incluyendo redondeo. 0..1 Monetary Total Line Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type Base Imponible LineExtensionAmount BBIE Monetary Total. Tax Exclusive Amount. Amount The total amount exclusive of taxes. 0..1 Monetary Total Tax Exclusive Amount Amount Amount. Type TaxExclusiveAmount BBIE Monetary Total. Tax Exclusive Amount. Amount Importe total de impuestos. 0..1 Monetary Total Tax Exclusive Amount Amount Amount. Type Total de impuestos TaxExclusiveAmount BBIE Monetary Total. Tax Inclusive Amount. Amount The total amount inclusive of taxes. 0..1 Monetary Total Tax Inclusive Amount Amount Amount. Type TaxInclusiveAmount BBIE Monetary Total. Tax Inclusive Amount. Amount Importe total incluyendo impuestos. 0..1 Monetary Total Tax Inclusive Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe total impuestos incluídos TaxInclusiveAmount BBIE Monetary Total. Allowance Total Amount. Amount The total amount of all allowances. 0..1 Monetary Total Allowance Total Amount Amount Amount. Type AllowanceTotalAmount BBIE Monetary Total. Allowance Total Amount. Amount Importe total de todos los descuentos. 0..1 Monetary Total Allowance Total Amount Amount Amount. Type Total descuentos AllowanceTotalAmount BBIE Monetary Total. Charge Total Amount. Amount The total amount of all charges. 0..1 Monetary Total Charge Total Amount Amount Amount. Type ChargeTotalAmount BBIE Monetary Total. Charge Total Amount. Amount Importe total de todos los cargos. 0..1 Monetary Total Charge Total Amount Amount Amount. Type Total cargos ChargeTotalAmount BBIE Monetary Total. Prepaid Amount. Amount The total prepaid amount. 0..1 Monetary Total Prepaid Amount Amount Amount. Type PrepaidAmount BBIE Monetary Total. Prepaid Amount. Amount Importe prepagado total. 0..1 Monetary Total Prepaid Amount Amount Amount. Type Anticipos PrepaidAmount BBIE Monetary Total. Payable_ Rounding Amount. Amount The rounding amount (positive or negative) added to the calculated Line Extension Total Amount to produce the rounded Line Extension Total Amount. 0..1 Monetary Total Payable Rounding Amount Amount Amount. Type PayableRoundingAmount BBIE Monetary Total. Payable_ Rounding Amount. Amount Importe de redondeo (positivo o negativo) añadido a la Base Imponible calculada para producir una Base Imponible Redondeada. 0..1 Monetary Total Payable Rounding Amount Amount Amount. Type Redondeo PayableRoundingAmount BBIE Monetary Total. Payable_ Amount. Amount The total amount to be paid. 1 Monetary Total Payable Amount Amount Amount. Type PayableAmount BBIE Monetary Total. Payable_ Amount. Amount Importe total a pagar. 1 Monetary Total Payable Amount Amount Amount. Type Total a Pagar PayableAmount ABIE Notification Requirement. Details A class to describe a notification requirement. Notification Requirement NotificationRequirementType ABIE Notification Requirement. Details Notification Requirement NotificationRequirementType BBIE Notification Requirement. Notification Type Code. Code A code signifying the type of notification (e.g., pickup status). 1 Notification Requirement Notification Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Notification Requirement. Notification Type Code. Code 1 Notification Requirement Notification Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Notification Requirement. Post Event Notification Duration. Measure The length of time between the occurrence of a given event and the issuance of a notification. 0..1 Notification Requirement Post Event Notification Duration Measure Measure. Type BBIE Notification Requirement. Post Event Notification Duration. Measure 0..1 Notification Requirement Post Event Notification Duration Measure Measure. Type BBIE Notification Requirement. Pre Event Notification Duration. Measure The length of time to elapse between the issuance of a notification and the occurrence of the event it relates to. 0..1 Notification Requirement Pre Event Notification Duration Measure Measure. Type BBIE Notification Requirement. Pre Event Notification Duration. Measure 0..1 Notification Requirement Pre Event Notification Duration Measure Measure. Type ASBIE Notification Requirement. Notify_ Party. Party A party to be notified. 0..n Notification Requirement Notify Party Party ASBIE Notification Requirement. Notify_ Party. Party 0..n Notification Requirement Notify Party Party ASBIE Notification Requirement. Notification_ Period. Period A period during which a notification should be issued. 0..n Notification Requirement Notification Period Period ASBIE Notification Requirement. Notification_ Period. Period 0..n Notification Requirement Notification Period Period ASBIE Notification Requirement. Notification_ Location. Location A location at which a notification should be issued. 0..n Notification Requirement Notification Location Location ASBIE Notification Requirement. Notification_ Location. Location 0..n Notification Requirement Notification Location Location ABIE On Account Payment. Details A scheduled prepayment (on-account payment) for a estimated utility consumption On Account Payment OnAccountPaymentType ABIE On Account Payment. Details On Account Payment OnAccountPaymentType BBIE On Account Payment. Estimated_ Consumed Quantity. Quantity The estimated consumed quantity covered by the payment. 1 On Account Payment Estimated Consumed Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE On Account Payment. Estimated_ Consumed Quantity. Quantity 1 On Account Payment Estimated Consumed Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE On Account Payment. Note. Text Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures. 0..n On Account Payment Note Text Text. Type We make a reservation for price regulations. You will receive you next yearly statement about one year from today. BBIE On Account Payment. Note. Text 0..n On Account Payment Note Text Text. Type We make a reservation for price regulations. You will receive you next yearly statement about one year from today. ASBIE On Account Payment. Payment Terms A specification of payment terms associated with this payment. 1..n On Account Payment Payment Terms Payment Terms ASBIE On Account Payment. Payment Terms 1..n On Account Payment Payment Terms Payment Terms ABIE Order Line. Details Information about an Order Line. Order Line ABIE Order Line. Details Información sobre una Línea de Pedido. Order Line Línea de pedido BBIE Order Line. Substitution Status Code. Code A code indicating the substitution status of the Order Line. Order Line may indicate that a substitute is proposed by the buyer or by the seller (in Order Response) or that a substitution has been made by the seller (in Order Response). 0..1 Order Line Substitution Status Code Code Substitution Status Substitution Status_ Code. Type SubstitutionStatusCode BBIE Order Line. Substitution Status Code. Code Código que indica el estado de sustitución de la Línea de Pedido. Puede indicar que el sustituto ha sido propuesto por el comprador o por el vendedor (en la Respuesta a Pedido) o que se ha realizado una sustitución por el vendedor (en la Respuesta al Pedi 0..1 Order Line Substitution Status Code Code Substitution Status Substitution Status_ Code. Type Código de estado de sustitución SubstitutionStatusCode BBIE Order Line. Note. Text Free-form text applying to the Order Line. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure. 0..1 Order Line Note Text Text. Type Note BBIE Order Line. Note. Text Contiene cualquier texto en formato libre de la línea del documento. Este elemento puede contener notas o cualquier otro tipo de información similar que no se contemple en ninguna otra estructura. 0..1 Order Line Note Text Text. Type Nota Note ASBIE Order Line. Line Item An association to Line Item. 1 Order Line Line Item Line Item LineItem ASBIE Order Line. Line Item Asociación con una Línea de elemento. 1 Order Line Line Item Line Item Línea de elemento LineItem ASBIE Order Line. Seller Proposed Substitute_ Line Item. Line Item Substitute Line Items proposed by the seller (in Order Response). 0..n Order Line Seller Proposed Substitute Line Item Line Item SellerProposedSubstituteLineItem ASBIE Order Line. Seller Proposed Substitute_ Line Item. Line Item Elementos de línea sustitutivos propuestos por el vendedor (en la Respuesta al Pedido) 0..n Order Line Seller Proposed Substitute Line Item Line Item Elemento sustitutivo propuesto por el vendedor SellerProposedSubstituteLineItem ASBIE Order Line. Seller Substituted_ Line Item. Line Item Item(s) replaced by the seller. The original ordered quantity and pricing may be different from the substituted item. However, when an item is substituted by the seller, it is assumed that other information, such as shipment details, will be the same. 0..n Order Line Seller Substituted Line Item Line Item SellerSubstitutedLineItem ASBIE Order Line. Seller Substituted_ Line Item. Line Item Elemento(s) sustituídos por el vendedor - la cantidad pedida originalmente, el precio, etc.. que pueden ser diferentes del elemento sustituído. Se asume que los detalles de mercancías peligrosas y de transporte, etc.. serán los mismos. 0..n Order Line Seller Substituted Line Item Line Item Elemento sustituído por el vendedor SellerSubstitutedLineItem ASBIE Order Line. Buyer Proposed Substitute_ Line Item. Line Item Possible alternatives, proposed by the buyer, to the Line Item. 0..n Order Line Buyer Proposed Substitute Line Item Line Item BuyerProposedSubstituteLineItem ASBIE Order Line. Buyer Proposed Substitute_ Line Item. Line Item Alternativas posibles, propuestas por el comprador, a la Línea de elemento. 0..n Order Line Buyer Proposed Substitute Line Item Line Item Elemento sustitutivo propuesto por el comprador BuyerProposedSubstituteLineItem ASBIE Order Line. Catalogue_ Line Reference. Line Reference An associative reference to Catalogue Line. 0..1 Order Line Catalogue Line Reference Line Reference CatalogueLineReference ASBIE Order Line. Catalogue_ Line Reference. Line Reference Asociación con una línea de catálogo. 0..1 Order Line Catalogue Line Reference Line Reference Referencia a línea de catálogo CatalogueLineReference ASBIE Order Line. Quotation_ Line Reference. Line Reference an associative reference to Quotation Line. 0..1 Order Line Quotation Line Reference Line Reference QuotationLineReference ASBIE Order Line. Quotation_ Line Reference. Line Reference Asociación con una línea de presupuesto. 0..1 Order Line Quotation Line Reference Line Reference Referencia a línea de presupuesto QuotationLineReference ASBIE Order Line. Document Reference An association to Document Reference. 0..n Order Line Document Reference Document Reference DocumentReference ASBIE Order Line. Document Reference Asociación con una referencia a documento. 0..n Order Line Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a documento DocumentReference ABIE Order Line Reference. Details Information about an Order Line Reference. Order Line Reference ABIE Order Line Reference. Details Identifica una referencia de línea y su documento pedido. Order Line Reference Referencia a línea de pedido BBIE Order Line Reference. Line Identifier. Identifier Identifies the referenced Order Line assigned by the buyer. 1 Order Line Reference Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type LineID BBIE Order Line Reference. Line Identifier. Identifier Identificador de la línea asignado por el comprador. 1 Order Line Reference Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de línea LineID BBIE Order Line Reference. Sales Order_ Line Identifier. Identifier Identifies the referenced Order Line assigned by the seller. 0..1 Order Line Reference Sales Order Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type SalesOrderLineID BBIE Order Line Reference. Sales Order_ Line Identifier. Identifier Identificador de la línea asignado por el vendedor. 0..1 Order Line Reference Sales Order Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de línea del vendedor SalesOrderLineID BBIE Order Line Reference. UUID. Identifier A universally unique identifier for an instance of this ABIE. 0..1 Order Line Reference UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID BBIE Order Line Reference. UUID. Identifier Identificador único universal asignado a la instancia del ABIE. 0..1 Order Line Reference UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID UUID BBIE Order Line Reference. Line Status Code. Code Identifies the status of the referenced Order Line with respect to its original state. 0..1 Order Line Reference Line Status Code Code Line Status Line Status_ Code. Type LineStatusCode BBIE Order Line Reference. Line Status Code. Code Identifica el estado de la línea respecto a su estado original. 0..1 Order Line Reference Line Status Code Code Line Status Line Status_ Code. Type Código de estado de línea LineStatusCode ASBIE Order Line Reference. Order Reference An association to Order Reference. 0..1 Order Line Reference Order Reference Order Reference OrderReference ASBIE Order Line Reference. Order Reference Asociación con un Pedido. 0..1 Order Line Reference Order Reference Order Reference Referencia a pedido OrderReference ABIE Order Reference. Details Information about an Order Reference. Order Reference ABIE Order Reference. Details Información acerca de una Referencia a Pedido Order Reference Referencia a Pedido BBIE Order Reference. Identifier Identifies the referenced Order assigned by the buyer. 1 Order Reference Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Order Reference. Identifier Identificador del pedido asignado por el comprador. 1 Order Reference Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Order Reference. Sales Order Identifier. Identifier Identifies the referenced Order assigned by the seller. 0..1 Order Reference Sales Order Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type SalesOrderID BBIE Order Reference. Sales Order Identifier. Identifier Identificador del pedido asignado por el vendedor. 0..1 Order Reference Sales Order Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de vendedor SalesOrderID BBIE Order Reference. Copy_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether the referenced Order is a copy (true) or the original (false). 0..1 Order Reference Copy Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type CopyIndicator BBIE Order Reference. Copy_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si el pedido referenciado es una copia (verdad) o el original (falso). 0..1 Order Reference Copy Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de copia CopyIndicator BBIE Order Reference. UUID. Identifier A universally unique identifier for an instance of this ABIE. 0..1 Order Reference UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID BBIE Order Reference. UUID. Identifier Identificador único universal asignado a la instancia del ABIE. 0..1 Order Reference UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID UUID BBIE Order Reference. Issue Date. Date The date on which the referenced Order was issued. 0..1 Order Reference Issue Date Date Date. Type IssueDate BBIE Order Reference. Issue Date. Date Fecha en la que se envió el pedido. 0..1 Order Reference Issue Date Date Date. Type Fecha de emisión IssueDate BBIE Order Reference. Issue Time. Time The time at which the referenced Order was issued. 0..1 Order Reference Issue Time Time Time. Type IssueTime BBIE Order Reference. Issue Time. Time Hora en la que se envió el pedido. 0..1 Order Reference Issue Time Time Time. Type Hora de emisión IssueTime BBIE Order Reference. Customer_ Reference. Text A reference used (CRI) for tagging purchasing card transactions. 0..1 Order Reference Customer Reference Text Text. Type CustomerReference BBIE Order Reference. Customer_ Reference. Text Referencia utilizada para seguimiento de transacciones de realizadas mediante tarjeta de compra. 0..1 Order Reference Customer Reference Text Text. Type Referencia a cliente CustomerReference ASBIE Order Reference. Document Reference An association to Document Reference. 0..1 Order Reference Document Reference Document Reference DocumentReference ASBIE Order Reference. Document Reference Asociación con una referencia a documento. 0..1 Order Reference Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a documento DocumentReference ABIE Ordered Shipment. Details Information about an Ordered Shipment. Ordered Shipment ABIE Ordered Shipment. Details Información acerca de una Expedición Solicitada. Ordered Shipment Expedición solicitada ASBIE Ordered Shipment. Shipment An association to Shipment. 1 Ordered Shipment Shipment Shipment Shipment ASBIE Ordered Shipment. Shipment Asociación con una Expedición 1 Ordered Shipment Shipment Shipment Expedición Shipment ASBIE Ordered Shipment. Package An association to Package. 0..n Ordered Shipment Package Package Package ASBIE Ordered Shipment. Package Asociación con Embalaje 0..n Ordered Shipment Package Package Embalaje Package ABIE Package. Details Information about a package. Package ABIE Package. Details Información sobre un embalaje Package Embalaje BBIE Package. Identifier Identifies the package. 0..1 Package Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Package. Identifier Identifica el paquete. 0..1 Package Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Package. Quantity The quantity (of items) contained in the package. 0..1 Package Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Quantity BBIE Package. Quantity Cantidad (de elementos) contenidos en un embalaje. 0..1 Package Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad Quantity BBIE Package. Returnable Material_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether the packaging material is returnable (true) or not (false). 0..1 Package Returnable Material Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type ReturnableMaterialIndicator BBIE Package. Returnable Material_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si el material empaquetado es retornable (verdad) o no (falso). 0..1 Package Returnable Material Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de material retornable ReturnableMaterialIndicator BBIE Package. Package Level Code. Code Code specifying a level of packaging. 0..1 Package Package Level Code Code Code. Type PackageLevelCode BBIE Package. Package Level Code. Code Código que especifica el nivel de embalaje. 0..1 Package Package Level Code Code Code. Type Código de nivel de embalaje PackageLevelCode BBIE Package. Packaging Type Code. Code Code specifying the type of packaging of an item. 0..1 Package Packaging Type Code Code Packaging Type Packaging Type_ Code. Type Package classification code PackagingTypeCode BBIE Package. Packaging Type Code. Code Código que especifica el tipo de embalaje de un elemento. 0..1 Package Packaging Type Code Code Packaging Type Packaging Type_ Code. Type Código de tipo de embalaje PackagingTypeCode BBIE Package. Packing Material. Text Description of the type of packaging of an item. 0..n Package Packing Material Text Text. Type PackingMaterial BBIE Package. Packing Material. Text Descripción del tipo de empaquetado de un elemento. 0..n Package Packing Material Text Text. Type Material de empaquetado PackingMaterial ASBIE Package. Contained_ Package. Package An association to Contained Package; used to describe a package within a package. 0..n Package Contained Package Package ContainedPackage ASBIE Package. Contained_ Package. Package Asociación con un Paquete contenido; utilizado para describir un paquete dentro de otro paquete. 0..n Package Contained Package Package Paquete contenido ContainedPackage ASBIE Package. Goods Item An association to Goods Item. 0..n Package Goods Item Goods Item GoodsItem ASBIE Package. Goods Item Asociación a Mercancía 0..n Package Goods Item Goods Item Mercancía GoodsItem ASBIE Package. Measurement_ Dimension. Dimension An association to describe the measurement dimensions of the package. 0..n Package Measurement Dimension Dimension MeasurementDimension ASBIE Package. Measurement_ Dimension. Dimension Asociación para describir las medidas de un embalaje. 0..n Package Measurement Dimension Dimension Dimensión MeasurementDimension ASBIE Package. Delivery Unit An association to Delivery Units in the package. 0..n Package Delivery Unit Delivery Unit DeliveryUnit ASBIE Package. Delivery Unit Asociación con unidades de entrega en un embalaje. 0..n Package Delivery Unit Delivery Unit Unidad de entrega DeliveryUnit ABIE Party. Details Information about an organization, sub-organization, or individual fulfilling a role in a business process. Party ABIE Party. Details Información acerca de una organización, suborganización o individuo que juegue algún papel en un proceso de negocio Party Parte BBIE Party. Mark Care_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether a party is C/O (care of). 0..1 Party Mark Care Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type MarkCareIndicator BBIE Party. Mark Care_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si esta Parte está designada como destinataria final de un envío (una carta, por ejemplo). Quien reciba el envío debe trasladarlo a esta Parte si su indicador “Destinado a“ está inicializado con el valor verdadero. 0..1 Party Mark Care Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Dirigido a MarkCareIndicator BBIE Party. Mark Attention_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether a party is 'FAO' (for the attention of). 0..1 Party Mark Attention Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type MarkAttentionIndicator BBIE Party. Mark Attention_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si esta Parte está designada como receptora (verdadero) o no (falso) de un envío. Aquello que se le remite suele ser correo marcado como “A la atención de”. Quien reciba este correo debe asegurarse que la Parte cuyo atributo “A la Atención de” esté 0..1 Party Mark Attention Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type A la Atención de MarkAttentionIndicator BBIE Party. Website_ URI. Identifier The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the party. 0..1 Party Website URI Identifier Identifier. Type WebsiteURI BBIE Party. Website_ URI. Identifier URI (dirección Web) donde se encuentra la sede Web de la Parte 0..1 Party Website URI Identifier Identifier. Type Sede web WebsiteURI BBIE Party. Logo Reference. Identifier A party's logo. 0..1 Party Logo Reference Identifier Identifier. Type LogoReferenceID BBIE Party. Logo Reference. Identifier Logotipo de la Parte 0..1 Party Logo Reference Identifier Identifier. Type Referencia a Logo LogoReferenceID BBIE Party. Endpoint Identifier. Identifier Identifies the end point of the routing service, e.g., EAN Location Number, GLN. 0..1 Party Endpoint Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type EndpointID BBIE Party. Endpoint Identifier. Identifier Identifica la dirección virtual de un servicio de encaminamiento como por ejemplo el Número de Localización EAN o un identificador GLN (Global Location Number) 0..1 Party Endpoint Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID Punto de Servicio EndpointID ASBIE Party. Party Identification An association to Party Identification. 0..n Party Party Identification Party Identification PartyIdentification ASBIE Party. Party Identification Asociación a Identificación de la Parte. 0..n Party Party Identification Party Identification Identificación de parte PartyIdentification ASBIE Party. Party Name An association to Party Name. 0..n Party Party Name Party Name PartyName ASBIE Party. Party Name Asociación a Nombre de la Parte 0..n Party Party Name Party Name Nombre de parte PartyName ASBIE Party. Language An association to Language. 0..1 Party Language Language Language ASBIE Party. Language Asociación a Idioma. 0..1 Party Language Language Idioma Language ASBIE Party. Postal_ Address. Address The party's postal address. 0..1 Party Postal Address Address PostalAddress ASBIE Party. Postal_ Address. Address La dirección postal de la parte. 0..1 Party Postal Address Address Dirección postal PostalAddress ASBIE Party. Physical_ Location. Location The party's physical location. 0..1 Party Physical Location Location PhysicalLocation ASBIE Party. Physical_ Location. Location La ubicación física de la parte. 0..1 Party Physical Location Location Ubicación física PhysicalLocation ASBIE Party. Party Tax Scheme An association to Party Tax Scheme. 0..n Party Party Tax Scheme Party Tax Scheme PartyTaxScheme ASBIE Party. Party Tax Scheme Asociación al Esquema Tributario de la Parte. 0..n Party Party Tax Scheme Party Tax Scheme Esquema tributario de parte PartyTaxScheme ASBIE Party. Party Legal Entity An association to Party Legal Entity. 0..n Party Party Legal Entity Party Legal Entity PartyLegalEntity ASBIE Party. Party Legal Entity Asociación a Persona Jurídica. 0..n Party Party Legal Entity Party Legal Entity Persona jurídica PartyLegalEntity ASBIE Party. Contact An association to Contact. 0..1 Party Contact Contact Contact ASBIE Party. Contact Asociación a Contacto. 0..1 Party Contact Contact Contacto Contact ASBIE Party. Person An association to a person. 0..1 Party Person Person Person ASBIE Party. Person Asociación a Persona. 0..1 Party Person Person Persona física Person ASBIE Party. Agent_ Party. Party An association to another party who acts as an agent for this party. 0..1 Party Agent Party Party AgentParty ASBIE Party. Agent_ Party. Party Asociación a otra parte que actua como agente para esta parte. 0..1 Party Agent Party Party Agente AgentParty ASBIE Party. Power Of Attorney An association to one or more Power of Attorney. 0..n Party Power Of Attorney Power Of Attorney PowerOfAttorney ASBIE Party. Power Of Attorney Asociación con un poder notarial para especificar los apoderamientos de esta parte. 0..n Party Power Of Attorney Power Of Attorney Poder Notarial PowerOfAttorney ABIE Party Identification. Details Information about a party's identification. Party Identification ABIE Party Identification. Details Información acerca de la identificación de una Parte Party Identification Identificación de Parte BBIE Party Identification. Identifier Identifies a party. 1 Party Identification Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Party Identification. Identifier Identifica a la Parte 1 Party Identification Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID ABIE Party Legal Entity. Details Information directly relating to the legal registration that is applicable to a party. Party Legal Entity ABIE Party Legal Entity. Details Información directamente relacionada con el registro legal aplicable a una Parte Party Legal Entity Persona jurídica BBIE Party Legal Entity. Registration_ Name. Name The name of a party as registered with the legal authority. 0..1 Party Legal Entity Registration Name Name Name. Type RegistrationName BBIE Party Legal Entity. Registration_ Name. Name Nombre oficial registrado por la autoridad legal 0..1 Party Legal Entity Registration Name Name Name. Type Nombre oficial RegistrationName BBIE Party Legal Entity. Company Identifier. Identifier Identifies a company as registered with the company registration scheme. 0..1 Party Legal Entity Company Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Business Registration Number, Company Number CompanyID BBIE Party Legal Entity. Company Identifier. Identifier Identifica a la persona jurídica registrada mediante un esquema de registro propio 0..1 Party Legal Entity Company Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de empresa CompanyID BBIE Party Legal Entity. Company Type Code. Code The company legal status, expressed as a code. 0..1 Party Legal Entity Company Type Code Code Code. Type CompanyTypeCode BBIE Party Legal Entity. Company Type Code. Code Estado legal de la empresa, expresado como un código. 0..1 Party Legal Entity Company Type Code Code Code. Type Código tipo empresa CompanyTypeCode BBIE Party Legal Entity. Company Liquidation Status Code. Code The company liquidation status, expressed as a code. 0..1 Party Legal Entity Company Liquidation Status Code Code Code. Type CompanyLiquidationStatusCode BBIE Party Legal Entity. Company Liquidation Status Code. Code Estado de liquidación de la empresa, expresado como un código. 0..1 Party Legal Entity Company Liquidation Status Code Code Code. Type Código liquidación empresa CompanyLiquidationStatusCode BBIE Party Legal Entity. Registration_ Date. Date The registration date of the CompanyID. 0..1 Party Legal Entity Registration Date Date Date. Type RegistrationDate BBIE Party Legal Entity. Registration_ Date. Date Fecha de constitución de la empresa. 0..1 Party Legal Entity Registration Date Date Date. Type Fecha de constitución RegistrationDate BBIE Party Legal Entity. Registration Expiration_ Date. Date The expiration date, e.g. for Import/Export licenses. 0..1 Party Legal Entity Registration Expiration Date Date Date. Type RegistrationExpirationDate BBIE Party Legal Entity. Registration Expiration_ Date. Date Fecha de caducidad, p.e. para licencias de Importación/Exportación. 0..1 Party Legal Entity Registration Expiration Date Date Date. Type Fecha de caducidad de registro RegistrationExpirationDate BBIE Party Legal Entity. Corporate Stock_ Amount. Amount Capital Stock (equities). 0..1 Party Legal Entity Corporate Stock Amount Amount Amount. Type CorporateStockAmount BBIE Party Legal Entity. Corporate Stock_ Amount. Amount Capital social. 0..1 Party Legal Entity Corporate Stock Amount Amount Amount. Type Capital CorporateStockAmount ASBIE Party Legal Entity. Registration_ Address. Address Associates with the registered address of the party within a Corporate Registration Scheme. 0..1 Party Legal Entity Registration Address Address RegistrationAddress ASBIE Party Legal Entity. Registration_ Address. Address Asociación con el domicilio social especificado en el Esquema de Registro de Empresas 0..1 Party Legal Entity Registration Address Address Domicilio social RegistrationAddress ASBIE Party Legal Entity. Corporate Registration Scheme Associates the party with a Corporate Registration Scheme. 0..1 Party Legal Entity Corporate Registration Scheme Corporate Registration Scheme CorporateRegistrationScheme ASBIE Party Legal Entity. Corporate Registration Scheme Asociación con un Esquema de Registro de Empresas. 0..1 Party Legal Entity Corporate Registration Scheme Corporate Registration Scheme Esquema de registro de empresas CorporateRegistrationScheme ASBIE Party Legal Entity. Stakeholder_ Party. Party An association to the list of stackhoders who found the consorptium. 0..n Party Legal Entity Stakeholder Party Party StakeholderParty ASBIE Party Legal Entity. Stakeholder_ Party. Party Accionista que forma parte del consorcio o empresa 0..n Party Legal Entity Stakeholder Party Party Accionistas StakeholderParty ASBIE Party Legal Entity. Company Dossier_ Document Reference. Document Reference An association to an existing VCD or other dossier. 0..1 Party Legal Entity Company Dossier Document Reference Document Reference CompanyDossierDocumentReference ASBIE Party Legal Entity. Company Dossier_ Document Reference. Document Reference Asociación con el dosier u otra documentación referente a la empresa. 0..1 Party Legal Entity Company Dossier Document Reference Document Reference VCD CompanyDossierDocumentReference ABIE Party Name. Details Information about a party's name. Party Name ABIE Party Name. Details Información acerca del nombre de una Parte Party Name Nombre de parte BBIE Party Name. Name The name of the party. 1 Party Name Name Name Name. Type Name BBIE Party Name. Name Nombre de la Parte 1 Party Name Name Name Name. Type Nombre Name ABIE Party Tax Scheme. Details Information about a party's Tax Scheme. Party Tax Scheme ABIE Party Tax Scheme. Details Información acerca del esquema tributario de la Parte Party Tax Scheme Esquema tributario de parte BBIE Party Tax Scheme. Registration_ Name. Name The official name of the party as registered with the relevant fiscal authority. 0..1 Party Tax Scheme Registration Name Name Name. Type RegistrationName BBIE Party Tax Scheme. Registration_ Name. Name Nombre oficial según consta en el registro de la autoridad fiscal competente 0..1 Party Tax Scheme Registration Name Name Name. Type Nombre oficial RegistrationName BBIE Party Tax Scheme. Company Identifier. Identifier The identifier assigned for tax purposes to a party by the taxation authority. 0..1 Party Tax Scheme Company Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type VAT Number CompanyID BBIE Party Tax Scheme. Company Identifier. Identifier Identificador asignado a la Parte por la autoridad fiscal a efectos tributarios 0..1 Party Tax Scheme Company Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de empresa CompanyID BBIE Party Tax Scheme. Tax Level Code. Code The section or role within the tax scheme that applies to the party. 0..1 Party Tax Scheme Tax Level Code Code Code. Type TaxLevelCode BBIE Party Tax Scheme. Tax Level Code. Code Sección o papel especificado por el esquema tributario aplicable a la Parte 0..1 Party Tax Scheme Tax Level Code Code Code. Type Código de nivel tributario TaxLevelCode BBIE Party Tax Scheme. Exemption Reason Code. Code A reason for a party's exemption from tax, expressed as a code. 0..1 Party Tax Scheme Exemption Reason Code Code Code. Type ExemptionReasonCode BBIE Party Tax Scheme. Exemption Reason Code. Code Código que tipifica la razón o motivo por el que una Parte es exonerada del pago de tributos 0..1 Party Tax Scheme Exemption Reason Code Code Code. Type Código de motivo de exención ExemptionReasonCode BBIE Party Tax Scheme. Exemption_ Reason. Text A reason for a party's exemption from tax, expressed as text. 0..1 Party Tax Scheme Exemption Reason Text Text. Type ExemptionReason BBIE Party Tax Scheme. Exemption_ Reason. Text Texto que describe la razón por la que una Parte es exonerada del pago de tributos 0..1 Party Tax Scheme Exemption Reason Text Text. Type Motivo de exención ExemptionReason ASBIE Party Tax Scheme. Registration_ Address. Address An association to Registered Address (for tax purposes). 0..1 Party Tax Scheme Registration Address Address RegistrationAddress ASBIE Party Tax Scheme. Registration_ Address. Address Asociación con el Domicilio Social registrado (sólo a efectos fiscales) 0..1 Party Tax Scheme Registration Address Address Domicilio social RegistrationAddress ASBIE Party Tax Scheme. Tax Scheme An association to Tax Scheme. 1 Party Tax Scheme Tax Scheme Tax Scheme TaxScheme ASBIE Party Tax Scheme. Tax Scheme Asociación con el Esquema Tributario. 1 Party Tax Scheme Tax Scheme Tax Scheme Esquema tributario TaxScheme ABIE Payment. Details Information directly relating to a specific payment. Payment ABIE Payment. Details Información relativa a un pago específico. Payment Pago BBIE Payment. Identifier Identifies the payment. 0..1 Payment Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Payment. Identifier Identifica el pago. 0..1 Payment Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Payment. Paid_ Amount. Amount The amount paid. 0..1 Payment Paid Amount Amount Amount. Type PaidAmount BBIE Payment. Paid_ Amount. Amount Importe pagado. 0..1 Payment Paid Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe pagado PaidAmount BBIE Payment. Received_ Date. Date The date on which the payment was received. 0..1 Payment Received Date Date Date. Type ReceivedDate BBIE Payment. Received_ Date. Date Fecha en que se recibió el pago. 0..1 Payment Received Date Date Date. Type Fecha de recepción ReceivedDate BBIE Payment. Paid_ Date. Date The date at which the payment was made. 0..1 Payment Paid Date Date Date. Type PaidDate BBIE Payment. Paid_ Date. Date Fecha en la que se realizó el pago. 0..1 Payment Paid Date Date Date. Type Fecha de pago PaidDate BBIE Payment. Paid_ Time. Time The time at which the payment was made. 0..1 Payment Paid Time Time Time. Type PaidTime BBIE Payment. Paid_ Time. Time Hora en la que se realizó el pago. 0..1 Payment Paid Time Time Time. Type Hora de pago PaidTime BBIE Payment. Instruction Identifier. Identifier Identifies the Payment Instruction. 0..1 Payment Instruction Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type InstructionID BBIE Payment. Instruction Identifier. Identifier Identifica la instrucción de pago. 0..1 Payment Instruction Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de Instrucción InstructionID ABIE Payment Mandate. Details A class to describe a payment mandate. Payment Mandate ABIE Payment Mandate. Details Payment Mandate BBIE Payment Mandate. Identifier An identifier for this payment mandate. 0..1 Payment Mandate Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Payment Mandate. Identifier 0..1 Payment Mandate Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Payment Mandate. Mandate Type Code. Code A code signifying the type of this payment mandate. 0..1 Payment Mandate Mandate Type Code Code Code. Type MandateTypeCode BBIE Payment Mandate. Mandate Type Code. Code 0..1 Payment Mandate Mandate Type Code Code Code. Type MandateTypeCode BBIE Payment Mandate. Maximum Payment Instructions. Numeric The number of maximum payment instructions allowed within the validity period. 0..1 Payment Mandate Maximum Payment Instructions Numeric Numeric. Type MaximumPaymentInstructionsNumeric BBIE Payment Mandate. Maximum Payment Instructions. Numeric 0..1 Payment Mandate Maximum Payment Instructions Numeric Numeric. Type MaximumPaymentInstructionsNumeric BBIE Payment Mandate. Maximum_ Paid Amount. Amount The maximum amount to be paid within a single instruction. 0..1 Payment Mandate Maximum Paid Amount Amount Amount. Type MaximumPaidAmount BBIE Payment Mandate. Maximum_ Paid Amount. Amount 0..1 Payment Mandate Maximum Paid Amount Amount Amount. Type MaximumPaidAmount BBIE Payment Mandate. Signature Identifier. Identifier An identifier for a signature applied by a signatory party. 0..1 Payment Mandate Signature Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type SignatureID BBIE Payment Mandate. Signature Identifier. Identifier 0..1 Payment Mandate Signature Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type SignatureID ASBIE Payment Mandate. Payer_ Party. Party The payer party (if different from the debtor). 0..1 Payment Mandate Payer Party Party PayerParty ASBIE Payment Mandate. Payer_ Party. Party 0..1 Payment Mandate Payer Party Party PayerParty ASBIE Payment Mandate. Payer_ Financial Account. Financial Account The payer's financial account. 0..1 Payment Mandate Payer Financial Account Financial Account PayerFinancialAccount ASBIE Payment Mandate. Payer_ Financial Account. Financial Account 0..1 Payment Mandate Payer Financial Account Financial Account PayerFinancialAccount ASBIE Payment Mandate. Validity_ Period. Period The period during which this mandate is valid. 0..1 Payment Mandate Validity Period Period ValidityPeriod ASBIE Payment Mandate. Validity_ Period. Period 0..1 Payment Mandate Validity Period Period ValidityPeriod ASBIE Payment Mandate. Payment Reversal_ Period. Period The period of the reverse payment. 0..1 Payment Mandate Payment Reversal Period Period PaymentReversalPeriod ASBIE Payment Mandate. Payment Reversal_ Period. Period 0..1 Payment Mandate Payment Reversal Period Period PaymentReversalPeriod ASBIE Payment Mandate. Clause A clause applicable to this payment mandate. 0..n Payment Mandate Clause Clause Clause ASBIE Payment Mandate. Clause 0..n Payment Mandate Clause Clause Clause ABIE Payment Means. Details Information about Payment Means. Payment Means ABIE Payment Means. Details Información acerca de las formas de pago. Payment Means Forma de pago BBIE Payment Means. Identifier Identifies the Payment Means. 0..1 Payment Means Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Payment Means. Identifier Identifica la forma de pago. 0..1 Payment Means Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Payment Means. Payment Means Code. Code The Payment Means expressed as a code 1 Payment Means Payment Means Code Code Payment Means Payment Means_ Code. Type PaymentMeansCode BBIE Payment Means. Payment Means Code. Code La forma de pago expresada como un código. 1 Payment Means Payment Means Code Code Payment Means Payment Means_ Code. Type Código de forma de pago PaymentMeansCode BBIE Payment Means. Payment Due Date. Date The date on which payment is due for the Payment Means. 0..1 Payment Means Payment Due Date Date Date. Type PaymentDueDate BBIE Payment Means. Payment Due Date. Date Fecha de vencimiento para esta forma de pago. 0..1 Payment Means Payment Due Date Date Date. Type Fecha de vencimiento PaymentDueDate BBIE Payment Means. Payment Channel Code. Code The Payment Channel, expressed as a code. 0..1 Payment Means Payment Channel Code Code Code. Type PaymentChannelCode BBIE Payment Means. Payment Channel Code. Code Sistema o canal de pago, expresado como un código. 0..1 Payment Means Payment Channel Code Code Code. Type Código de sistema de pago PaymentChannelCode BBIE Payment Means. Instruction Identifier. Identifier Identifies the Payment Instruction. 0..1 Payment Means Instruction Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type InstructionID BBIE Payment Means. Instruction Identifier. Identifier Identifica la instrucción de pago. 0..1 Payment Means Instruction Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de Instrucción InstructionID BBIE Payment Means. Instruction_ Note. Text Free-form text applying to the Payment. 0..n Payment Means Instruction Note Text Text. Type InstructionNote BBIE Payment Means. Instruction_ Note. Text Texto en formato libre aplicable al pago. 0..n Payment Means Instruction Note Text Text. Type Instrucción InstructionNote BBIE Payment Means. Payment Identifier. Identifier Identifies the Payment(s). 0..n Payment Means Payment Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type PaymentID BBIE Payment Means. Payment Identifier. Identifier Identifica el/los pago(s). 0..n Payment Means Payment Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de pago PaymentID ASBIE Payment Means. Card Account An association to Card Account. 0..1 Payment Means Card Account Card Account CardAccount ASBIE Payment Means. Card Account Asociación con la tarjeta de crédito/débito. 0..1 Payment Means Card Account Card Account Número de tarjeta CardAccount ASBIE Payment Means. Payer_ Financial Account. Financial Account An association to the payer's Financial Account. 0..1 Payment Means Payer Financial Account Financial Account PayerFinancialAccount ASBIE Payment Means. Payer_ Financial Account. Financial Account Asociación con la cuenta bancaria del Pagador (la parte que realiza el pago). 0..1 Payment Means Payer Financial Account Financial Account Cuenta bancaria del pagador PayerFinancialAccount ASBIE Payment Means. Payee_ Financial Account. Financial Account An association to the payee's Financial Account. 0..1 Payment Means Payee Financial Account Financial Account PayeeFinancialAccount ASBIE Payment Means. Payee_ Financial Account. Financial Account Asociación con la cuenta bancaria del Beneficiario (la persona que recibe el pago). 0..1 Payment Means Payee Financial Account Financial Account Cuenta bancaria del beneficiario PayeeFinancialAccount ASBIE Payment Means. Credit Account An association to Credit Account. 0..1 Payment Means Credit Account Credit Account CreditAccount ASBIE Payment Means. Credit Account Asociación con una cuenta de crédito. 0..1 Payment Means Credit Account Credit Account Cuenta de crédito CreditAccount ABIE Payment Terms. Details Information about Payment Terms. Payment Terms ABIE Payment Terms. Details Información acerca de las condiciones de pago Payment Terms Condiciones de pago BBIE Payment Terms. Identifier Identifies the Payment Terms. 0..1 Payment Terms Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Payment Terms. Identifier Identifica las condiciones de pago. 0..1 Payment Terms Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Payment Terms. Payment Means Identifier. Identifier Identifies the applicable Payment Means. 0..1 Payment Terms Payment Means Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type PaymentMeansID BBIE Payment Terms. Payment Means Identifier. Identifier Identifica la forma de pago aplicable. 0..1 Payment Terms Payment Means Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de la forma de pago PaymentMeansID BBIE Payment Terms. Prepaid Payment Reference Identifier. Identifier Identifies a reference to a prepaid payment. 0..1 Payment Terms Prepaid Payment Reference Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type PrepaidPaymentReferenceID BBIE Payment Terms. Prepaid Payment Reference Identifier. Identifier Identifica una referencia a un anticipo. 0..1 Payment Terms Prepaid Payment Reference Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Referencia de prepago PrepaidPaymentReferenceID BBIE Payment Terms. Note. Text Free-form text applying to the Payment Terms. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure. 0..n Payment Terms Note Text Text. Type Note BBIE Payment Terms. Note. Text Textos libres destinados a la descripción de diversas condiciones de pago. Estos elementos pueden contener notas o cualquier otra información narrativa, de difícil estructuración. 0..n Payment Terms Note Text Text. Type Nota Note BBIE Payment Terms. Reference_ Event Code. Code The event from which terms are offered for a length of time, identified by a standard code. 0..1 Payment Terms Reference Event Code Code Code. Type ReferenceEventCode BBIE Payment Terms. Reference_ Event Code. Code Código utilizado para referenciar el evento a partir del cual se ofrecen estas condiciones de pago durante un período de tiempo 0..1 Payment Terms Reference Event Code Code Code. Type Código de evento ReferenceEventCode BBIE Payment Terms. Settlement_ Discount Percent. Percent The settlement discount rate (percentage) offered for payment within the settlement period. 0..1 Payment Terms Settlement Discount Percent Percent Percent. Type SettlementDiscountPercent BBIE Payment Terms. Settlement_ Discount Percent. Percent Porcentaje de descuento aplicado durante el período de tiempo especificado por una oferta 0..1 Payment Terms Settlement Discount Percent Percent Percent. Type Descuento SettlementDiscountPercent BBIE Payment Terms. Penalty_ Surcharge Percent. Percent The penalty rate (percentage) charged for late payment. 0..1 Payment Terms Penalty Surcharge Percent Percent Percent. Type PenaltySurchargePercent BBIE Payment Terms. Penalty_ Surcharge Percent. Percent Porcentaje cargado por demora en el pago 0..1 Payment Terms Penalty Surcharge Percent Percent Percent. Type Penalización PenaltySurchargePercent BBIE Payment Terms. Amount The payment amount for the Payment Terms. 0..1 Payment Terms Amount Amount Amount. Type Amount BBIE Payment Terms. Amount Importe a pagar en estas condiciones de pago 0..1 Payment Terms Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe Amount ASBIE Payment Terms. Settlement_ Period. Period An association to Settlement Period. 0..1 Payment Terms Settlement Period Period SettlementPeriod ASBIE Payment Terms. Settlement_ Period. Period Asociación con un Período de Descuento. 0..1 Payment Terms Settlement Period Period Período de descuento SettlementPeriod ASBIE Payment Terms. Penalty_ Period. Period An association to Penalty Period. 0..1 Payment Terms Penalty Period Period PenaltyPeriod ASBIE Payment Terms. Penalty_ Period. Period Asociación con un Período de Penalización. 0..1 Payment Terms Penalty Period Period Período de penalización PenaltyPeriod ABIE Performance Data Line. Details A class to define a line in a Performance History. Performance Data Line PerformanceDataLineType ABIE Performance Data Line. Details Performance Data Line PerformanceDataLineType BBIE Performance Data Line. Identifier An identifier for this performance data line. 1 Performance Data Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Performance Data Line. Identifier 1 Performance Data Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Performance Data Line. Note. Text Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures. 0..n Performance Data Line Note Text Text. Type BBIE Performance Data Line. Note. Text 0..n Performance Data Line Note Text Text. Type BBIE Performance Data Line. Performance Value. Quantity The value of the reported attribute. 1 Performance Data Line Performance Value Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Performance Data Line. Performance Value. Quantity 1 Performance Data Line Performance Value Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Performance Data Line. Performance Metric Type Code. Code A code signifying the measure of performance applicable to the reported attribute. 1 Performance Data Line Performance Metric Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Performance Data Line. Performance Metric Type Code. Code 1 Performance Data Line Performance Metric Type Code Code Code. Type ASBIE Performance Data Line. Period The period to which this performance data line applies. 0..1 Performance Data Line Period Period ASBIE Performance Data Line. Period 0..1 Performance Data Line Period Period ASBIE Performance Data Line. Item The item whose performance is reported in this data line. 0..1 Performance Data Line Item Item ASBIE Performance Data Line. Item 0..1 Performance Data Line Item Item ABIE Period. Details Information about a period of time. Period ABIE Period. Details Información sobre un período de tiempo. Period Período BBIE Period. Start Date. Date The start date of the period. 0..1 Period Start Date Date Date. Type StartDate BBIE Period. Start Date. Date Fecha de inicio del Período 0..1 Period Start Date Date Date. Type Fecha de inicio StartDate BBIE Period. Start Time. Time The start time of the period. 0..1 Period Start Time Time Time. Type StartTime BBIE Period. Start Time. Time Hora de inicio del Período 0..1 Period Start Time Time Time. Type Hora de inicio StartTime BBIE Period. End Date. Date The end date of the period. 0..1 Period End Date Date Date. Type EndDate BBIE Period. End Date. Date Fecha de finalización del período 0..1 Period End Date Date Date. Type Fecha de finalización EndDate BBIE Period. End Time. Time The end time of the period. 0..1 Period End Time Time Time. Type EndTime BBIE Period. End Time. Time Hora de finalización del período 0..1 Period End Time Time Time. Type Hora de finalización EndTime BBIE Period. Duration. Measure The duration of a period, expressed as a code; ISO 8601. 0..1 Period Duration Measure Measure. Type DurationMeasure BBIE Period. Duration. Measure Duración del Período expresada mediante un código, ISO 8601 0..1 Period Duration Measure Measure. Type Duración DurationMeasure BBIE Period. Description Code. Code A description of the period, expressed as a code. 0..n Period Description Code Code Code. Type DescriptionCode BBIE Period. Description Code. Code Código utilizado para especificar una descripción del Período 0..n Period Description Code Code Code. Type Código de Descripción DescriptionCode BBIE Period. Description. Text A description of the period. 0..n Period Description Text Text. Type Description BBIE Period. Description. Text Descripción del Período 0..n Period Description Text Text. Type Descripción Description ABIE Person. Details Information about a person. Person ABIE Person. Details Información acerca de una persona Person Persona BBIE Person. First_ Name. Name A person's forename or first name. 0..1 Person First Name Name Name. Type FirstName BBIE Person. First_ Name. Name Nombre de la Persona 0..1 Person First Name Name Name. Type Nombre FirstName BBIE Person. Family_ Name. Name A person's surname or family name. 0..1 Person Family Name Name Name. Type FamilyName BBIE Person. Family_ Name. Name Primer y segundo apellido de la Persona 0..1 Person Family Name Name Name. Type Apellidos FamilyName BBIE Person. Title. Text A person's title of address, e.g., Mr, Ms, Dr, Sir. 0..1 Person Title Text Text. Type Title BBIE Person. Title. Text Título para dirigirse a la Persona, prefijado a su nombre 0..1 Person Title Text Text. Type Título Title BBIE Person. Middle_ Name. Name A person's middle name(s) and/or initial(s). 0..1 Person Middle Name Name Name. Type MiddleName BBIE Person. Middle_ Name. Name Segundo nombre de la Persona, dentro de un nombre compuesto 0..1 Person Middle Name Name Name. Type Segundo nombre MiddleName BBIE Person. Name Suffix. Text A suffix to a person's name, e.g., PhD, OBE, Jnr. 0..1 Person Name Suffix Text Text. Type NameSuffix BBIE Person. Name Suffix. Text Sufijo para el nombre de la persona, añadido al nombre completo de la Persona 0..1 Person Name Suffix Text Text. Type Sufijo NameSuffix BBIE Person. Job Title. Text A person's job title within an organization (for a particular role). 0..1 Person Job Title Text Text. Type JobTitle BBIE Person. Job Title. Text Título profesional de una persona dentro de una organización (para un rol particular) 0..1 Person Job Title Text Text. Type Título profesional JobTitle BBIE Person. Organization_ Department. Text The department or subdivision of an organization that the person belongs to (for a particular role). 0..1 Person Organization Department Text Text. Type OrganizationDepartment BBIE Person. Organization_ Department. Text Departamento o subdivisión de una organización al que pertenece la Persona 0..1 Person Organization Department Text Text. Type Departamento OrganizationDepartment ASBIE Person. Contact Contact information related to the Person. 0..1 Person Contact Contact Contact ASBIE Person. Contact 0..1 Person Contact Contact Contact ABIE Physical Attribute. Details Information about physical attributes. Physical Attribute ABIE Physical Attribute. Details Información acerca de un atributo físico Physical Attribute Atributo físico BBIE Physical Attribute. Attribute Identifier. Identifier Identifies the physical attribute. 1 Physical Attribute Attribute Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type AttributeID BBIE Physical Attribute. Attribute Identifier. Identifier Identifica el Atributo Físico 1 Physical Attribute Attribute Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de atributo AttributeID BBIE Physical Attribute. Position Code. Code The position of the physical attribute, expressed as a code. 0..1 Physical Attribute Position Code Code Code. Type PositionCode BBIE Physical Attribute. Position Code. Code Código que identifica la posición del Atributo Físico 0..1 Physical Attribute Position Code Code Code. Type Código de posición PositionCode BBIE Physical Attribute. Description Code. Code The description of the physical attribute, expressed as a code. 0..1 Physical Attribute Description Code Code Code. Type DescriptionCode BBIE Physical Attribute. Description Code. Code Código que identifica la descripción del Atributo Físico 0..1 Physical Attribute Description Code Code Code. Type Código de descripción DescriptionCode BBIE Physical Attribute. Description. Text The description of the physical attribute, expressed as text. 0..n Physical Attribute Description Text Text. Type Description BBIE Physical Attribute. Description. Text Descripción textual del Atributo Físico 0..n Physical Attribute Description Text Text. Type Descripción Description ABIE Pickup. Details A class to describe a pickup for delivery. Pickup PickupType Collection ABIE Pickup. Details Pickup PickupType BBIE Pickup. Identifier An identifier for this pickup. 0..1 Pickup Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Pickup. Identifier 0..1 Pickup Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Pickup. Actual_ Pickup Date. Date The actual pickup date. 0..1 Pickup Actual Pickup Date Date Date. Type BBIE Pickup. Actual_ Pickup Date. Date 0..1 Pickup Actual Pickup Date Date Date. Type BBIE Pickup. Actual_ Pickup Time. Time The actual pickup time. 0..1 Pickup Actual Pickup Time Time Time. Type BBIE Pickup. Actual_ Pickup Time. Time 0..1 Pickup Actual Pickup Time Time Time. Type BBIE Pickup. Earliest_ Pickup Date. Date The earliest pickup date. 0..1 Pickup Earliest Pickup Date Date Date. Type BBIE Pickup. Earliest_ Pickup Date. Date 0..1 Pickup Earliest Pickup Date Date Date. Type BBIE Pickup. Earliest_ Pickup Time. Time The earliest pickup time. 0..1 Pickup Earliest Pickup Time Time Time. Type BBIE Pickup. Earliest_ Pickup Time. Time 0..1 Pickup Earliest Pickup Time Time Time. Type BBIE Pickup. Latest_ Pickup Date. Date The latest pickup date. 0..1 Pickup Latest Pickup Date Date Date. Type BBIE Pickup. Latest_ Pickup Date. Date 0..1 Pickup Latest Pickup Date Date Date. Type BBIE Pickup. Latest_ Pickup Time. Time The latest pickup time. 0..1 Pickup Latest Pickup Time Time Time. Type BBIE Pickup. Latest_ Pickup Time. Time 0..1 Pickup Latest Pickup Time Time Time. Type ASBIE Pickup. Pickup_ Location. Location The pickup location. 0..1 Pickup Pickup Location Location ASBIE Pickup. Pickup_ Location. Location 0..1 Pickup Pickup Location Location ASBIE Pickup. Pickup_ Party. Party The party responsible for picking up a delivery. 0..1 Pickup Pickup Party Party ASBIE Pickup. Pickup_ Party. Party 0..1 Pickup Pickup Party Party ABIE Power Of Attorney. Details Information about the power of attorney. Power Of Attorney ABIE Power Of Attorney. Details Información relativa a un poder notarial. Power Of Attorney Poder Notarial BBIE Power Of Attorney. Identifier Identifier for this power of attorney. 0..1 Power Of Attorney Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Power Of Attorney. Identifier Identificador del poder notarial. 0..1 Power Of Attorney Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Número de Protocolo BBIE Power Of Attorney. Issue Date. Date Issue date for this power of attorney. 0..1 Power Of Attorney Issue Date Date Date. Type BBIE Power Of Attorney. Issue Date. Date Fecha de emisión del poder notarial. 0..1 Power Of Attorney Issue Date Date Date. Type Fecha de Emisión BBIE Power Of Attorney. Issue Time. Time Issue time for this power of attorney. 0..1 Power Of Attorney Issue Time Time Time. Type BBIE Power Of Attorney. Issue Time. Time Hora de emisión del poder notarial. 0..1 Power Of Attorney Issue Time Time Time. Type Hora de Emisión BBIE Power Of Attorney. Description. Text Textual description of the power of attorney. 0..n Power Of Attorney Description Text Text. Type BBIE Power Of Attorney. Description. Text Texto descriptivo del contenido del poder notarial. 0..n Power Of Attorney Description Text Text. Type Texto ASBIE Power Of Attorney. Notary_ Party. Party An association to a Notary Party 1 Power Of Attorney Notary Party Party ASBIE Power Of Attorney. Notary_ Party. Party Parte que permite indicar el notario ante el que se formalizó el poder notarial. 1 Power Of Attorney Notary Party Party Notario ASBIE Power Of Attorney. Agent_ Party. Party An association to the Agent Party 1 Power Of Attorney Agent Party Party ASBIE Power Of Attorney. Agent_ Party. Party Información acerca del apoderado de este poder notarial. 1 Power Of Attorney Agent Party Party Apoderado ASBIE Power Of Attorney. Mandate_ Document Reference. Document Reference An association to the mandate. 0..n Power Of Attorney Mandate Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Power Of Attorney. Mandate_ Document Reference. Document Reference Asociación con una referencia al documento de poder. 0..n Power Of Attorney Mandate Document Reference Document Reference Documento Referenciado ABIE PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process. Details The process of a formal offer and response to execute work or supply goods at a stated price. PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process ABIE PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process. Details Información acerca de un proceso de consulta preliminar PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process Proceso de Consulta Preliminar de Mercado BBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. Description. Text A textual description of the process. 0..n PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process Description Text Text. Type BBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. Description. Text Descripción textual genérica de la consulta preliminar de mercado 0..n PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process Description Text Text. Type Descripción BBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. Condition Type Code. Code A code specifying the type of this tendering procedure. 0..1 PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process Condition Type Code Code. Type BBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. Condition Type Code. Code Código que especifica el tipo de consulta. 0..1 PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process Condition Type Code Code. Type Tipo de consulta BBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. Condition Type Reason Text. Text Justification of the accelerated procedure 0..1 PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process Condition Type Reason Text Text. Type BBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. Condition Type Reason Text. Text Descripción textual de la razón del tipo de consulta 0..1 PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process Condition Type Reason Text Text. Type Texto de la justificación del tipo BBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. Conditions Text. Text 0..1 PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process ConditionsText Text Text. Type BBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. Conditions Text. Text Descripción textual de las condiciones de presentación de respuestas a la consulta 0..1 PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process ConditionsText Text Text. Type Condiciones de respuestas BBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. PartySelection Reason Text. Text 0..1 PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process PartySelectionReasonText Text Text. Type BBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. PartySelection Reason Text. Text Descripción textual de la selección de participantes 0..1 PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process PartySelectionReasonText Text Text. Type Texto con la selección de participantes BBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. Planned Date. Date 0..1 PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process Planned Date Date. Type BBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. Planned Date. Date Fecha de inicio de la consulta 0..1 PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process Planned Date Date. Type Fecha de inicio de la consulta BBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. Limit Date. Date 0..1 PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process Limit Date Date. Type BBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. Limit Date. Date Fecha de límite de respuesta a la consulta 0..1 PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process Limit Date Date. Type Fecha de límite de respuesta a la consulta BBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. Consultation Name The consultation name. 0..1 PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process ConsultationName Text Text. Type BBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. Consultation Name Denominación del objeto de la consulta preliminar 0..1 PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process ConsultationName Text Text. Type Objeto de la consulta ASBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. Preliminary Consultation General. Document Reference An reference to additional relevant documents. 0..n PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process PreliminaryConsultation Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. Preliminary Consultation General. Document Reference Referencias a otros documentos. 0..n PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process PreliminaryConsultation Document Reference Document Reference Documentos Generales de la consulta ASBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. URL. Attachment An attached URL externally referred 0..1 PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process Attachment Attachment ASBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. URL. Attachment URL para la presentación de respuestas a la consulta 0..1 PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process Attachment Attachment URL en la que presentar la consulta ASBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. Language Default languages specified for this preliminary market consultation. 0..n PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process Language Language ASBIE Preliminary Market Consultation Process. Language Asociaciones con componente Idioma, utilizadas para especificar las lenguas que pueden utilizarse en una consulta preliminar de mercado 0..n PreliminaryMarketConsultation Process Language Language Idioma de la consulta ABIE Price. Details Information about the price. Price ABIE Price. Details Información acerca del precio Price Precio BBIE Price. Price Amount. Amount The price amount. 1 Price Price Amount Amount Amount. Type unit price PriceAmount BBIE Price. Price Amount. Amount Importe monetario que expresa el montante de este precio. 1 Price Price Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe PriceAmount BBIE Price. Base_ Quantity. Quantity The actual quantity to which the price applies. 0..1 Price Base Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BaseQuantity BBIE Price. Base_ Quantity. Quantity Cantidad real a la que aplica al precio 0..1 Price Base Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad de base BaseQuantity BBIE Price. Price Change_ Reason. Text The reason for the price change, expressed as text. 0..n Price Price Change Reason Text Text. Type PriceChangeReason BBIE Price. Price Change_ Reason. Text Motivo para el cambio de precio, expresado como un texto. 0..n Price Price Change Reason Text Text. Type Motivo de cambio de precio PriceChangeReason BBIE Price. Price Type Code. Code The price type, expressed as a code. 0..1 Price Price Type Code Code Code. Type PriceTypeCode BBIE Price. Price Type Code. Code Tipo de precio, codificado. 0..1 Price Price Type Code Code Code. Type Código de tipo de precio PriceTypeCode BBIE Price. Price Type. Text The price type, expressed as text. 0..1 Price Price Type Text Text. Type PriceType BBIE Price. Price Type. Text Tipo de precio, expresado como texto. 0..1 Price Price Type Text Text. Type Tipo de precio PriceType BBIE Price. Orderable Unit Factor. Rate The factor by which the base price unit can be converted to the orderable unit. 0..1 Price Orderable Unit Factor Rate Rate. Type OrderableUnitFactorRate BBIE Price. Orderable Unit Factor. Rate Porcentaje utilizado para transformar el precio unitario en unidades de pedido 0..1 Price Orderable Unit Factor Rate Rate. Type Tasa de Unidad Solicitable OrderableUnitFactorRate ASBIE Price. Validity_ Period. Period An association to Validity Period. 0..n Price Validity Period Period ValidityPeriod ASBIE Price. Validity_ Period. Period Asociación a un Período de Validez. 0..n Price Validity Period Period Período de validez ValidityPeriod ASBIE Price. Price List A reference to a Price List. 0..1 Price Price List Price List PriceList ASBIE Price. Price List Referencia a Lista de Precios. 0..1 Price Price List Price List Lista de precios PriceList ASBIE Price. Allowance Charge An association to Allowance Charge. 0..n Price Allowance Charge Allowance Charge AllowanceCharge ASBIE Price. Allowance Charge Asociación a Descuentos y Cargos. 0..n Price Allowance Charge Allowance Charge Cargo o descuento AllowanceCharge ABIE Price Extension. Details A class to describe a price extension, calculated by multiplying the price per unit by the quantity of items. Price Extension PriceExtensionType ABIE Price Extension. Details Price Extension PriceExtensionType BBIE Price Extension. Amount The amount of this price extension. 1 Price Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Price Extension. Amount 1 Price Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type ASBIE Price Extension. Tax Total A total amount of taxes of a particular kind applicable to this price extension. 0..n Price Extension Tax Total Tax Total ASBIE Price Extension. Tax Total 0..n Price Extension Tax Total Tax Total ABIE Price List. Details Information about a Price List. Price List ABIE Price List. Details Información acerca de una Lista de precios. Price List Lista de precios BBIE Price List. Identifier Identifies the Price List. 0..1 Price List Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Price List. Identifier Identifica la Lista de precios. 0..1 Price List Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Price List. Status Code. Code Identifies whether the price list is an 'original', 'copy', 'revision', or 'cancellation'. 0..1 Price List Status Code Code Code. Type StatusCode BBIE Price List. Status Code. Code Identifica si la Lista de precios es un 'original', una 'copia', una 'revisión' o una “cancelación'. 0..1 Price List Status Code Code Code. Type Código de estado StatusCode ASBIE Price List. Validity_ Period. Period An association to Validity Period. 0..n Price List Validity Period Period ValidityPeriod ASBIE Price List. Validity_ Period. Period Asociación a un Período de Validez. 0..n Price List Validity Period Period Período de validez ValidityPeriod ASBIE Price List. Previous_ Price List. Price List An association to Previous Price List. 0..1 Price List Previous Price List Price List PreviousPriceList ASBIE Price List. Previous_ Price List. Price List Asociación con una Lista de Precios Anterior. 0..1 Price List Previous Price List Price List Lista de precios anterior PreviousPriceList ABIE Pricing Reference. Details A reference to Pricing Information. Pricing Reference ABIE Pricing Reference. Details Referencia a Información acerca de un Precio. Pricing Reference Referencia a precio ASBIE Pricing Reference. Original_ Item Location Quantity. Item Location Quantity An association to the original Item Location Quantity. 0..1 Pricing Reference Original Item Location Quantity Item Location Quantity OriginalItemLocationQuantity ASBIE Pricing Reference. Original_ Item Location Quantity. Item Location Quantity Asociación con la Cantidad y/o Ubicación del Elemento originales. 0..1 Pricing Reference Original Item Location Quantity Item Location Quantity Cantitad y/o ubicación originales del elemento OriginalItemLocationQuantity ASBIE Pricing Reference. Alternative Condition_ Price. Price The price expressed in terms other than the actual price, e.g., the list price v. the contracted price, or the price in bags v. the price in kilos, or the list price in bags v. the contracted price in kilos. 0..n Pricing Reference Alternative Condition Price Price AlternativeConditionPrice ASBIE Pricing Reference. Alternative Condition_ Price. Price Precio expresado en términos diferentes al del precio real, como, por ejemplo, el precio de tarifa en contraposición al precio contratado, o en bolsas y en kilos, en bolsas trarifadas versus quilos contratados. 0..n Pricing Reference Alternative Condition Price Price Precio alternativo AlternativeConditionPrice ABIE Process Justification. Details Information needed to justify certain tendering processes Process Justification ABIE Process Justification. Details Justificación para la utilización de un determinado procedimiento de licitación. Process Justification Justificación del Procedimiento BBIE Process Justification. Reason. Code Code that specifies the reason why the contracting authority has used the tendering process. 0..1 Process Justification Reason Code Code. Type BBIE Process Justification. Reason. Code Código que tipifica el motivo por los que se seleccionó un determinado procedimiento de contratación. 0..1 Process Justification Reason Code Code. Type Código de Motivo BBIE Process Justification. Description. Text The textual description justifying the selection of this process. 0..n Process Justification Description Text Text. Type BBIE Process Justification. Description. Text Descripción textual de la jusitificación de la utilización de un determinado procedimiento de contratación. 0..n Process Justification Description Text Text. Type Descripción ABIE Procurement Additional Type. Details A class to describe additional types for a procurement project Procurement Additional Type ProcurementAdditionalTypeType ABIE Procurement Additional Type. Details Procurement Additional Type ProcurementAdditionalTypeType BBIE Procurement Additional Type. Procurement_ Type Code. Code A code signifying the type of procurement project (e.g., goods, works, services). 0..1 Procurement Additional Type Procurement Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Procurement Additional Type. Procurement_ Type Code. Code 0..1 Procurement Additional Type Procurement Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Procurement Additional Type. Procurement_ Type. Text Tthe type of procurement project (e.g., goods, works, services), expressed as text. 0..n Procurement Additional Type Procurement Type Text Text. Type BBIE Procurement Additional Type. Procurement_ Type. Text 0..n Procurement Additional Type Procurement Type Text Text. Type ABIE Procurement Project. Details An endeavour carefully planned to achieve a procurement of goods, works and service. Procurement Project ABIE Procurement Project. Details Descripción del proyecto de compra de este proceso de licitación. Un proyecto de compra da lugar a un expediente de contratación, y a uno o varios contratos. Procurement Project Proyecto de Compra BBIE Procurement Project. Identifier The unique identifier of this Procurement project. 0..1 Procurement Project Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Procurement Project. Identifier Identificador único de este proyecto de adquisición de bienes, obras o servicios. 0..1 Procurement Project Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador BBIE Procurement Project. Name The name, expressed as text, of this Procurement project. 1..n Procurement Project Name Name Name. Type BBIE Procurement Project. Name Denominación del objeto del contrato. 1..n Procurement Project Name Name Name. Type Objeto del Contrato BBIE Procurement Project. Description. Text The textual description of this Procurement project. 0..n Procurement Project Description Text Text. Type BBIE Procurement Project. Description. Text Descripción larga del proyecto de adquisición. 0..n Procurement Project Description Text Text. Type Descripción del Contrato BBIE Procurement Project. Type. Code The code specifying the type of Procurement project, such as goods, works and service. 0..1 Procurement Project Type Code Code. Type BBIE Procurement Project. Type. Code Código que especifica el tipo de proyecto según su naturaleza: Obras, servicios, suministros, gestión de servicios, concesión. 0..1 Procurement Project Type Code Code. Type Tipo BBIE Procurement Project. Sub_ Type. Code The code specifying the sub works type of work for this Procurement project, such as land surveying or IT consulting. 0..1 Procurement Project Sub Type Code Code. Type BBIE Procurement Project. Sub_ Type. Code Código que especifica el subtipo de proyecto. 0..1 Procurement Project Sub Type Code Code. Type Subtipo BBIE Procurement Project. Mix Contract Indicator. Indicator 0..1 Procurement Project Mix Contract Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Procurement Project. Mix Contract Indicator. Indicator Indicador sobre si se disponen de prestaciones de distintas clases 0..1 Procurement Project Mix Contract Indicator Indicator. Type Contrato mixto BBIE Procurement Project. Quality Control Code. Code The indication of whether or not the control quality is included in the works project. 0..1 Procurement Project Quality Control Code Code Code. Type BBIE Procurement Project. Quality Control Code. Code Código que señala si el control de calidad de la obra debe estar incluído en el presupuesto. 0..1 Procurement Project Quality Control Code Code Code. Type Código de Control de Calidad BBIE Procurement Project. Required_ Fee. Amount The reimbursement fee amount for concession procurement projects. 0..1 Procurement Project Required Fee Amount Amount. Type BBIE Procurement Project. Required_ Fee. Amount En contratos de concesión de servicios, el canon requerido. 0..1 Procurement Project Required Fee Amount Amount. Type Canon BBIE Procurement Project. Fee_ Description. Text Textual description of the reimbursement fee amount for concession procurement projects. 0..n Procurement Project Fee Description Text Text. Type BBIE Procurement Project. Fee_ Description. Text En contratos de concesión de servicios, la descripción textual del canon requerido. 0..n Procurement Project Fee Description Text Text. Type Descripción del cánon ASBIE Procurement Project. Budget Amount Budget monetary amounts for the project as whole. 0..1 Procurement Project Budget Amount Budget Amount ASBIE Procurement Project. Budget Amount Asociación con un componente Presupuesto para especificar los importes previstos para la adquisición de los bienes, obras o servicios de este proyecto de compra. 0..1 Procurement Project Budget Amount Budget Amount Presupuesto ASBIE Procurement Project. Required_ Commodity Classification. Commodity Classification An association to classification categories for the deliverable requested. 0..n Procurement Project Required Commodity Classification Commodity Classification ASBIE Procurement Project. Required_ Commodity Classification. Commodity Classification Clasificación del producto o servicio según un esquema de clasificación del comprador: CPV (Common Procurement Vocabulary), CPA (Clasificación de los Productos por Actividades), UNSPSC .... 0..n Procurement Project Required Commodity Classification Commodity Classification Clasificación requerida ASBIE Procurement Project. Realized_ Location. Location The physical actualization location of this Procurement project. 0..1 Procurement Project Realized Location Location ASBIE Procurement Project. Realized_ Location. Location Asociación con una instancia del componente Localización, utilizada para especificar el lugar de entrega o de ejecución del proyecto. 0..1 Procurement Project Realized Location Location Lugar de Ejecución o Entrega ASBIE Procurement Project. Planned_ Period. Period The planned period for performing this Procurement project in the tendering process. 0..1 Procurement Project Planned Period Period ASBIE Procurement Project. Planned_ Period. Period Período para especificar el plazo planificado para la ejecución del proyecto. 0..1 Procurement Project Planned Period Period Plazo de Ejecución ASBIE Procurement Project. Contract Extension The contract extension for this tendering process. 0..1 Procurement Project Contract Extension Contract Extension ASBIE Procurement Project. Contract Extension Extensión utilizada para especificar una extensión de las opciones y/o prórrogas del contrato. 0..1 Procurement Project Contract Extension Contract Extension Opciones y Prórrogas ASBIE Procurement Project. Request For Tender Line The goods or the service which is the subject to be procured in the tendering process. 0..n Procurement Project Request For Tender Line Request For Tender Line ASBIE Procurement Project. Request For Tender Line Líneas utilizadas para especificar bienes o servicios que deben ser suministrados o ejecutados en este proyecto de compra. 0..n Procurement Project Request For Tender Line Request For Tender Line Línea de Solicitud de Oferta ASBIE Procurement Project. Procurement Additional Type A class to describe additional types for a procurement project 0..n Procurement Project Procurement Additional Type Procurement Additional Type ASBIE Procurement Project. Procurement Additional Type Una clase para describir tipos adicionales de contrato 0..n Procurement Project Procurement Additional Type Procurement Additional Type Tipo adicional de contrato ABIE Procurement Project Lot. Details A division of a procurement project, set up to create different contracts allowing the contracting party to award different lots to different economic operators. Procurement Project Lot ABIE Procurement Project Lot. Details Descripción de un lote dentro de un proyecto de compra. Procurement Project Lot Lote BBIE Procurement Project Lot. Identifier The unique identifier of this Procurement Project Lot. 1 Procurement Project Lot Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Procurement Project Lot. Identifier Identificador único de este lote. 1 Procurement Project Lot Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Número de lote ASBIE Procurement Project Lot. Tendering Terms Tendering terms for an specific procurement project lot. 0..1 Procurement Project Lot Tendering Terms Tendering Terms ASBIE Procurement Project Lot. Tendering Terms Condiciones de licitación específicas para este lote. 0..1 Procurement Project Lot Tendering Terms Tendering Terms Condiciones de Licitación ASBIE Procurement Project Lot. Procurement Project The goods or the service which is the subject to be procured in the tendering process. 1 Procurement Project Lot Procurement Project Procurement Project ASBIE Procurement Project Lot. Procurement Project Asociación con un componente Proyecto de Compra para especificar los detalles del objeto del contrato para este lote. 1 Procurement Project Lot Procurement Project Procurement Project Proyecto de Compra ABIE Project Reference. Details A class to define a reference to a procurement project. Project Reference ProjectReferenceType ABIE Project Reference. Details Project Reference ProjectReferenceType BBIE Project Reference. Identifier An identifier for the referenced project. 1 Project Reference Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Project Reference. Identifier 1 Project Reference Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Project Reference. UUID. Identifier A universally unique identifier for the referenced project. 0..1 Project Reference UUID Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Project Reference. UUID. Identifier 0..1 Project Reference UUID Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Project Reference. Issue Date. Date The date on which the referenced project was issued. 0..1 Project Reference Issue Date Date Date. Type BBIE Project Reference. Issue Date. Date 0..1 Project Reference Issue Date Date Date. Type ASBIE Project Reference. Work Phase Reference A specific phase of work in the referenced project. 0..n Project Reference Work Phase Reference Work Phase Reference ASBIE Project Reference. Work Phase Reference 0..n Project Reference Work Phase Reference Work Phase Reference ABIE Promotional Event. Details Agree can be renamed as PromotionalEvents Promotional Event PromotionalEventType ABIE Promotional Event. Details Promotional Event PromotionalEventType BBIE Promotional Event. Promotional Event Type Code. Code A code signifying the type of this promotional event. Examples can be: Holiday, Seasonal Event, Store Closing, Trade Item Introduction 1 Promotional Event Promotional Event Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Promotional Event. Promotional Event Type Code. Code 1 Promotional Event Promotional Event Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Promotional Event. Submission. Date The date on which a proposal for this promotional event was submitted. 0..1 Promotional Event Submission Date Date. Type BBIE Promotional Event. Submission. Date 0..1 Promotional Event Submission Date Date. Type BBIE Promotional Event. First Shipment Availibility Date. Date The first day that products will be available to ship from buyer to seller if the proposal for this promotional event is accepted. 0..1 Promotional Event First Shipment Availibility Date Date Date. Type BBIE Promotional Event. First Shipment Availibility Date. Date 0..1 Promotional Event First Shipment Availibility Date Date Date. Type BBIE Promotional Event. Latest_ Proposal Acceptance Date. Date The deadline for acceptance of this promotional event. 0..1 Promotional Event Latest Proposal Acceptance Date Date Date. Type BBIE Promotional Event. Latest_ Proposal Acceptance Date. Date 0..1 Promotional Event Latest Proposal Acceptance Date Date Date. Type ASBIE Promotional Event. Promotional Specification A specification for a promotional event. 1..n Promotional Event Promotional Specification Promotional Specification ASBIE Promotional Event. Promotional Specification 1..n Promotional Event Promotional Specification Promotional Specification ABIE Promotional Event Line Item. Details A class to describe a line item associated with a promotional event. Promotional Event Line Item PromotionalEventLineItemType ABIE Promotional Event Line Item. Details Promotional Event Line Item PromotionalEventLineItemType BBIE Promotional Event Line Item. Amount The amount associated with this promotional event line item. 1 Promotional Event Line Item Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Promotional Event Line Item. Amount 1 Promotional Event Line Item Amount Amount Amount. Type ASBIE Promotional Event Line Item. Event Line Item A line item describing the expected impacts associated with this promotional event for a specific product at a specific location. 1 Promotional Event Line Item Event Line Item Event Line Item ASBIE Promotional Event Line Item. Event Line Item 1 Promotional Event Line Item Event Line Item Event Line Item ABIE Promotional Specification. Details A class to describe a promotional event as a set of item locations that share a set of promotional tactics. Promotional Specification PromotionalSpecificationType ABIE Promotional Specification. Details Promotional Specification PromotionalSpecificationType BBIE Promotional Specification. Specification Identifier. Identifier An identifier for this promotional specification. 0..1 Promotional Specification Specification Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Promotional Specification. Specification Identifier. Identifier 0..1 Promotional Specification Specification Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ASBIE Promotional Specification. Promotional Event Line Item A line item for a promotional event involving a specific product at a specific location; it describes the expected impacts associated with the event and specifies the promotional price of the item." 1..n Promotional Specification Promotional Event Line Item Promotional Event Line Item ASBIE Promotional Specification. Promotional Event Line Item 1..n Promotional Specification Promotional Event Line Item Promotional Event Line Item ASBIE Promotional Specification. Event Tactic An event tactic associated with this promotion. 0..n Promotional Specification Event Tactic Event Tactic ASBIE Promotional Specification. Event Tactic 0..n Promotional Specification Event Tactic Event Tactic ABIE Qualification Resolution. Details Distinctive features or characteristics required for a business in the tendering process such as number of employees, number of operating units, business type. Qualification Resolution ABIE Qualification Resolution. Details Información acerca de la resolución sobre la admisión o exclusión de un licitador. Qualification Resolution Resolución BBIE Qualification Resolution. Admission Code. Code Indicates whether the economic operator has been accepted (true) to the tendering process or rejected (false). 1 Qualification Resolution Admission Code Code Code. Type BBIE Qualification Resolution. Admission Code. Code Código que indica si se ha admitido o rechazado al licitador. 1 Qualification Resolution Admission Code Code Code. Type Código de admisión BBIE Qualification Resolution. Procurement Project Lot Identifier. Identifier Identifier of the Procurement project lot to which this tenderer is accepted or rejected. 0..1 Qualification Resolution Procurement Project Lot Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Qualification Resolution. Procurement Project Lot Identifier. Identifier Identificador del lote al que se acepta o rechaza que el licitador presente oferta. 0..1 Qualification Resolution Procurement Project Lot Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Lote BBIE Qualification Resolution. Exclusion Reason. Text Textual description of the exclusion reason. 0..n Qualification Resolution Exclusion Reason Text Text. Type BBIE Qualification Resolution. Exclusion Reason. Text Descripción textual del motivo por el que se excluye al licitador del proceso de licitación. 0..n Qualification Resolution Exclusion Reason Text Text. Type Motivo de exclusión BBIE Qualification Resolution. Resolution. Text The textual description for this qualification resolution. 0..n Qualification Resolution Resolution Text Text. Type BBIE Qualification Resolution. Resolution. Text Descripción textual del acuerdo de admisión o exclusión. 0..n Qualification Resolution Resolution Text Text. Type Descripción BBIE Qualification Resolution. Resolution Date. Date The date at which qualification resolution has been formalized. 0..1 Qualification Resolution Resolution Date Date Date. Type BBIE Qualification Resolution. Resolution Date. Date Fecha en la que se formaliza el acuerdo. 0..1 Qualification Resolution Resolution Date Date Date. Type Fecha del Acuerdo BBIE Qualification Resolution. Resolution Time. Time The time at which qualification resolution has been formalized. 0..1 Qualification Resolution Resolution Time Time Time. Type BBIE Qualification Resolution. Resolution Time. Time Hora en la que se formaliza el acuerdo. 0..1 Qualification Resolution Resolution Time Time Time. Type Hora del Acuerdo BBIE Qualification Resolution. DPS Category Identifier. Identifier Identifier of the DPS Category to which this tenderer is accepted or rejected. 0..1 Qualification Resolution DPS Category Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Qualification Resolution. DPS Category Identifier. Identifier Identificador de la categoría al que se acepta o rechaza que el licitador presente oferta. 0..1 Qualification Resolution DPS Category Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Categoría ABIE Qualifying Party. Details Distinctive features or characteristics required for a party in the tendering process such as number of employees, number of operating units, business type, definition of technical and financial capabilities or explanation of completed tasks. Qualifying Party ABIE Qualifying Party. Details Información de un operador económico para evaluar su admisión en un proceso de licitación Qualifying Party Operador económico BBIE Qualifying Party. Participation. Percent Participation percentage of the party in this tendering process. 0..1 Qualifying Party Participation Percent Percent. Type BBIE Qualifying Party. Participation. Percent Porcentaje de participación de este operador económico en la oferta. 0..1 Qualifying Party Participation Percent Percent. Type Porcentaje de participación BBIE Qualifying Party. Personal Situation. Text Textual description of the personal situation of the economic operators in this tendering process. 0..n Qualifying Party Personal Situation Text Text. Type BBIE Qualifying Party. Personal Situation. Text Descripción textual de la situación personal del operador económico. Permite responder de forma textual a requisitos específicos establecidos por el órgano de contratación en el pliego 0..n Qualifying Party Personal Situation Text Text. Type Situación Personal BBIE Qualifying Party. Operating Years. Quantity The number of years that the economic operatos has been in operation. 0..1 Qualifying Party Operating Years Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Qualifying Party. Operating Years. Quantity Años de experiencia del operador en el ejercicio de su actividad. 0..1 Qualifying Party Operating Years Quantity Quantity. Type Años de Ejercicio BBIE Qualifying Party. Employee. Quantity The number of employees of the economic operator. 0..1 Qualifying Party Employee Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Qualifying Party. Employee. Quantity Número de empleados actual del operador económico. 0..1 Qualifying Party Employee Quantity Quantity. Type Número de Empleados BBIE Qualifying Party. Business Classification Evidence. Identifier Identifier of the evidence where the contracting party will find evidences of the classification of the economic operator. 0..1 Qualifying Party Business Classification Evidence Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Qualifying Party. Business Classification Evidence. Identifier Identificador de la evidencia documental aportada para acreditar la clasificación empresarial. 0..1 Qualifying Party Business Classification Evidence Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador de evidencia de clasificación BBIE Qualifying Party. Business Identity Evidence. Identifier Identifier of the evidence where the contracting party will find evidences of the business identity of the economic operator. 0..1 Qualifying Party Business Identity Evidence Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Qualifying Party. Business Identity Evidence. Identifier Identificador de la evidencia documental aportada para acreditar la identidad. 0..1 Qualifying Party Business Identity Evidence Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador de evidencia de identidad ASBIE Qualifying Party. Business_ Classification Scheme. Classification Scheme An association to a classification scheme for the business profile. 0..1 Qualifying Party Business Classification Scheme Classification Scheme ASBIE Qualifying Party. Business_ Classification Scheme. Classification Scheme Esquema de Clasificación, utilizado para tipificar la Clasificación de un Licitador 0..1 Qualifying Party Business Classification Scheme Classification Scheme Esquema de Clasificación de Licitador ASBIE Qualifying Party. Technical_ Capability. Capability Technical capabilities of an economic operator. 0..n Qualifying Party Technical Capability Capability ASBIE Qualifying Party. Technical_ Capability. Capability Asociación con una instancia del componente Capacidad para especificar la solvencia técnica del operador económico. 0..n Qualifying Party Technical Capability Capability Solvencia Técnica ASBIE Qualifying Party. Financial_ Capability. Capability Financial capabilities of an economic operator. 0..n Qualifying Party Financial Capability Capability ASBIE Qualifying Party. Financial_ Capability. Capability Asociación con una instancia del componente Capacidad para especificar la solvencia económica y financiera del operador económico. 0..n Qualifying Party Financial Capability Capability Solvencia Económico-Financiera ASBIE Qualifying Party. Completed Task Tasks completed by the economic operator. 0..n Qualifying Party Completed Task Completed Task ASBIE Qualifying Party. Completed Task Asociación con una instancia de Trabajos Realizados para especificar la experiencia relevante. 0..n Qualifying Party Completed Task Completed Task Trabajos realizados ASBIE Qualifying Party. Declaration An association to declarations from the economic operator to fulfill the requirements specified in the call for tenders. 0..n Qualifying Party Declaration Declaration ASBIE Qualifying Party. Declaration Asociación con instancias Declaración para especificar las declaraciones realizadas por el licitador para solicitar su participación en un proceso de licitación indicando que cumple requisitos establecidos en el Pliego. 0..n Qualifying Party Declaration Declaration Declaración ASBIE Qualifying Party. Party An association to the Party 0..1 Qualifying Party Party Party ASBIE Qualifying Party. Party Asociación con una instancia del componente Parte, utilizada para especificar los datos del licitador. 0..1 Qualifying Party Party Party Interesado ABIE Quotation Line. Details Information about a Quotation Line. Quotation Line ABIE Quotation Line. Details Información acerca de una Línea de presupuesto. Quotation Line Línea de presupuesto BBIE Quotation Line. Identifier Identifies the Quotation Line. 0..1 Quotation Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Quotation Line. Identifier Identifica la Línea de Presupuesto. 0..1 Quotation Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Quotation Line. Note. Text Free-form text applying to the Quotation Line. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure. 0..1 Quotation Line Note Text Text. Type Note BBIE Quotation Line. Note. Text Texto libre aplicable a la Línea de Presupuesto. Este elemento puede contener notas o cualquier otra información similar no contenida de foma explícita en otra estructura. 0..1 Quotation Line Note Text Text. Type Nota Note BBIE Quotation Line. Quantity The quantity of the item quoted. 0..1 Quotation Line Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Quantity BBIE Quotation Line. Quantity Cantidad del elemento presupuestado. 0..1 Quotation Line Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad Quantity BBIE Quotation Line. Line Extension Amount. Amount The total amount for the Quotation Line, including Allowance Charges but net of taxes. 0..1 Quotation Line Line Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type LineExtensionAmount BBIE Quotation Line. Line Extension Amount. Amount Importe monetario que es el total de la Línea de Presupuesto, incluyendo variaciones de precio (cargos o descuentos) pero sin incluir impuestos. 0..1 Quotation Line Line Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe de línea LineExtensionAmount BBIE Quotation Line. Total_ Tax Amount. Amount The total tax amount for the Quotation Line. 0..1 Quotation Line Total Tax Amount Amount Amount. Type TotalTaxAmount BBIE Quotation Line. Total_ Tax Amount. Amount Importe total de impuestos a pagar por esta línea de presupuesto. 0..1 Quotation Line Total Tax Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe total de impuestos TotalTaxAmount ASBIE Quotation Line. Document Reference An association to Document Reference. 0..n Quotation Line Document Reference Document Reference DocumentReference ASBIE Quotation Line. Document Reference Asociación la línea con una referencia a un documento. 0..n Quotation Line Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a documento DocumentReference ASBIE Quotation Line. Line Item An association to Line Item. 1 Quotation Line Line Item Line Item LineItem ASBIE Quotation Line. Line Item Asociación con una Línea de elemento. 1 Quotation Line Line Item Line Item Línea de elemento LineItem ASBIE Quotation Line. Seller Proposed Substitute_ Line Item. Line Item An association to a proposed substitute Line Item. 0..n Quotation Line Seller Proposed Substitute Line Item Line Item SellerProposedSubstituteLineItem ASBIE Quotation Line. Seller Proposed Substitute_ Line Item. Line Item Elementos de línea sustitutivos propuestos por el vendedor. 0..n Quotation Line Seller Proposed Substitute Line Item Line Item Elemento sustitutivo propuesto por el vendedor SellerProposedSubstituteLineItem ABIE Rail Transport. Details Describes a train. Rail Transport ABIE Rail Transport. Details Describe un tren. Rail Transport Transporte ferroviario BBIE Rail Transport. Train Identifier. Identifier Identifies a train. 1 Rail Transport Train Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Train Number (WCO ID 167) TrainID BBIE Rail Transport. Train Identifier. Identifier Identifica al tren. 1 Rail Transport Train Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de tren TrainID BBIE Rail Transport. Rail Car Identifier. Identifier Identifies the rail car on the train used for the means of transport. 0..1 Rail Transport Rail Car Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type RailCarID BBIE Rail Transport. Rail Car Identifier. Identifier Identifica el coche del tren utilizado para el transporte. 0..1 Rail Transport Rail Car Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de vagón RailCarID ABIE Receipt Line. Details Information about a Receipt Line. Receipt Line ABIE Receipt Line. Details Información acerca de la línea de recibo. Receipt Line Línea de recibo BBIE Receipt Line. Identifier Identifies the Receipt Line. 1 Receipt Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Receipt Line. Identifier Identifica la línea de recibo. 1 Receipt Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Receipt Line. UUID. Identifier A universally unique identifier for an instance of this ABIE. 0..1 Receipt Line UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID BBIE Receipt Line. UUID. Identifier Identificador único universal generado por ordenador (UUID) asignado a la instancia del ABIE. 0..1 Receipt Line UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID UUID BBIE Receipt Line. Note. Text Free-form text applying to the Receipt Line. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure. 0..1 Receipt Line Note Text Text. Type Note BBIE Receipt Line. Note. Text Contiene cualquier texto en formato libre perteneciente a la línea del documento. Este elemento puede contener notas o cualquier otro tipo de información similar que no se contemple en ninguna otra estructura. 0..1 Receipt Line Note Text Text. Type Nota Note BBIE Receipt Line. Received_ Quantity. Quantity The quantity received. 0..1 Receipt Line Received Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type ReceivedQuantity BBIE Receipt Line. Received_ Quantity. Quantity Cantidad recibida por el comprador. 0..1 Receipt Line Received Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad recibida ReceivedQuantity BBIE Receipt Line. Short_ Quantity. Quantity The quantity received short; the difference between the quantity reported despatched and the quantity actually received. 0..1 Receipt Line Short Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type ShortQuantity BBIE Receipt Line. Short_ Quantity. Quantity Da la cantidad de un elemento que el receptor ha echado en falta al comparar con la cantidad declarada como enviada por el vendedor. 0..1 Receipt Line Short Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad que falta ShortQuantity BBIE Receipt Line. Shortage Action Code. Code The action that the Delivery Party wishes the Despatch Party to take as a result of the shortage, expressed as a code. 0..1 Receipt Line Shortage Action Code Code Code. Type ShortageActionCode BBIE Receipt Line. Shortage Action Code. Code Describe la acción, codificada, que el comprador/receptor desea que el vendedor realice si la cantidad proporcionada resulta menor. 0..1 Receipt Line Shortage Action Code Code Code. Type Código de acción por falta ShortageActionCode BBIE Receipt Line. Rejected_ Quantity. Quantity The quantity rejected. 0..1 Receipt Line Rejected Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type RejectedQuantity BBIE Receipt Line. Rejected_ Quantity. Quantity Cantidad rechazada por el receptor. 0..1 Receipt Line Rejected Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad rechazada RejectedQuantity BBIE Receipt Line. Reject Reason Code. Code The reason for rejection, expressed as a code. 0..1 Receipt Line Reject Reason Code Code Code. Type RejectReasonCode BBIE Receipt Line. Reject Reason Code. Code Motivo de rechazo, codificado. 0..1 Receipt Line Reject Reason Code Code Code. Type Código de motivo de rechazo RejectReasonCode BBIE Receipt Line. Reject_ Reason. Text The reason for rejection. 0..1 Receipt Line Reject Reason Text Text. Type RejectReason BBIE Receipt Line. Reject_ Reason. Text Motivo de rechazo. 0..1 Receipt Line Reject Reason Text Text. Type Motivo de rechazo RejectReason BBIE Receipt Line. Reject Action Code. Code The action that the Delivery Party wishes the Despatch Party to take as a result of the rejection, expressed as a code. 0..1 Receipt Line Reject Action Code Code Code. Type RejectActionCode BBIE Receipt Line. Reject Action Code. Code Describe la acción, codificada, que el comprador/receptor desea que el vendedor realice en caso de rechazo. 0..1 Receipt Line Reject Action Code Code Code. Type Código de acción por rechazo RejectActionCode BBIE Receipt Line. Oversupply Quantity. Quantity The quantity over-supplied, i.e., the quantity over and above that ordered. 0..1 Receipt Line Oversupply Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type OversupplyQuantity BBIE Receipt Line. Oversupply Quantity. Quantity Cantidad sobre-suministrada, i.e. Cantidad que exceda la solicidada. 0..1 Receipt Line Oversupply Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad en exceso OversupplyQuantity BBIE Receipt Line. Received_ Date. Date The date on which the good/services are received. 0..1 Receipt Line Received Date Date Date. Type ReceivedDate BBIE Receipt Line. Received_ Date. Date Fecha en la que se han recibido las mercancías. 0..1 Receipt Line Received Date Date Date. Type Fecha de recepción ReceivedDate BBIE Receipt Line. Timing Complaint Code. Code A complaint about the timing of delivery, expressed as a code. 0..1 Receipt Line Timing Complaint Code Code Code. Type TimingComplaintCode BBIE Receipt Line. Timing Complaint Code. Code Especifica la queja, codificada, sobre el horario de recepción de la entrega 0..1 Receipt Line Timing Complaint Code Code Code. Type Código de queja por horario TimingComplaintCode BBIE Receipt Line. Timing Complaint. Text A complaint about the timing of delivery. 0..1 Receipt Line Timing Complaint Text Text. Type TimingComplaint BBIE Receipt Line. Timing Complaint. Text Especifica la queja sobre el horario de recepción de la entrega 0..1 Receipt Line Timing Complaint Text Text. Type Queja por horario TimingComplaint ASBIE Receipt Line. Order Line Reference An association to Order Line Reference. 0..1 Receipt Line Order Line Reference Order Line Reference OrderLineReference ASBIE Receipt Line. Order Line Reference Asociación a referencias a líneas de pedido / pedidos. 0..1 Receipt Line Order Line Reference Order Line Reference Referencia a línea de pedido OrderLineReference ASBIE Receipt Line. Despatch_ Line Reference. Line Reference An associative reference to Despatch Line. 0..n Receipt Line Despatch Line Reference Line Reference DespatchLineReference ASBIE Receipt Line. Despatch_ Line Reference. Line Reference Asociación a líneas del albarán de entrega. 0..n Receipt Line Despatch Line Reference Line Reference Referencia a línea de albarán DespatchLineReference ASBIE Receipt Line. Document Reference An association to Document Reference. 0..n Receipt Line Document Reference Document Reference DocumentReference ASBIE Receipt Line. Document Reference Asociación con una referencia a un documento. 0..n Receipt Line Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a documento DocumentReference ASBIE Receipt Line. Item An association to Item. 0..n Receipt Line Item Item Item ASBIE Receipt Line. Item Asociación con un Elemento. 0..n Receipt Line Item Item Elemento Item ASBIE Receipt Line. Shipment An association to Shipment. 0..n Receipt Line Shipment Shipment Shipment ASBIE Receipt Line. Shipment Asociación con una Expedición 0..n Receipt Line Shipment Shipment Expedición Shipment ABIE Regulation. Details Pointer to regulation at atomic level. Regulation ABIE Regulation. Details Regulación a nivel atómico Regulation Norma BBIE Regulation. Name. Text Name of the regulation 1 Regulation Name Text Text. Type BBIE Regulation. Name. Text Nombre de la regla o norma. 1 Regulation Name Text Text. Type Nombre BBIE Regulation. Legal Reference. Text Textual description of the specific legal reference. 0..1 Regulation Legal Reference Text Text. Type BBIE Regulation. Legal Reference. Text Descripción textual de la referencia legal. 0..1 Regulation Legal Reference Text Text. Type Referencia legal BBIE Regulation. Ontology URI. Identifier Ontology URI identifier for this regulation. 0..1 Regulation Ontology URI Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Regulation. Ontology URI. Identifier Identificador de la ontología para esta norma 0..1 Regulation Ontology URI Identifier Identifier. Type URI ontología ABIE Related Item. Details Information about the relationship between two items. Related Item ABIE Related Item. Details Información acerca de la relación existente entre dos elementos. Related Item Elemento relacionado BBIE Related Item. Identifier An identifier for the related item. 0..1 Related Item Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Related Item. Identifier Identificador del elemento relacionado. 0..1 Related Item Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Related Item. Quantity The quantity that applies to the relationship. 0..1 Related Item Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Quantity BBIE Related Item. Quantity Cantidad aplicable a la relación. 0..1 Related Item Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad Quantity BBIE Related Item. Description. Text A description for the relationship. 0..n Related Item Description Text Text. Type Description BBIE Related Item. Description. Text Descripción de la relación. 0..n Related Item Description Text Text. Type Descripción Description ABIE Reminder Line. Details Information about a Line on a Reminder document. Reminder Line ABIE Reminder Line. Details Información acerca de la línea de un documento recordatorio. Reminder Line Línea de recordatorio BBIE Reminder Line. Identifier Identifies the Reminder Line. 1 Reminder Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Reminder Line. Identifier Identifica la línea del recordatorio. 1 Reminder Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Reminder Line. Note. Text Free-form text applying to the Reminder Line. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure. 0..1 Reminder Line Note Text Text. Type Note BBIE Reminder Line. Note. Text Texto libre aplicable a la Línea de recordatorio. Este elemento puede contener notas o cualquier otra información similar no contenida de foma explícita en otra estructura. 0..1 Reminder Line Note Text Text. Type Nota Note BBIE Reminder Line. UUID. Identifier A universally unique identifier for an instance of this ABIE. 0..1 Reminder Line UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID BBIE Reminder Line. UUID. Identifier Identificador único universal generado por ordenador (UUID) asignado a la instancia del ABIE. 0..1 Reminder Line UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID UUID BBIE Reminder Line. Balance Brought Forward_ Indicator. Indicator If true, indicates that the Remonder Line contains a balance brought forward. 0..1 Reminder Line Balance Brought Forward Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type BalanceBroughtForwardIndicator BBIE Reminder Line. Balance Brought Forward_ Indicator. Indicator En caso de contener el valor cierto, indica que la Línea del recordatorio contiene un balance que se proviene de la página anterior . 0..1 Reminder Line Balance Brought Forward Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de balance arrastrado BalanceBroughtForwardIndicator BBIE Reminder Line. Debit_ Line Amount. Amount The amount debited on the Reminder Line. 0..1 Reminder Line Debit Line Amount Amount Amount. Type DebitLineAmount BBIE Reminder Line. Debit_ Line Amount. Amount Importe debido informado en la Línea del recordatorio. 0..1 Reminder Line Debit Line Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe de cargo DebitLineAmount BBIE Reminder Line. Credit_ Line Amount. Amount The amount credited on the Reminder Line. 0..1 Reminder Line Credit Line Amount Amount Amount. Type CreditLineAmount BBIE Reminder Line. Credit_ Line Amount. Amount Importe a abonar en la Línea del recordatorio. 0..1 Reminder Line Credit Line Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe de abono CreditLineAmount BBIE Reminder Line. Accounting Cost Code. Code The buyer's accounting code applied to the Reminder Line. 0..1 Reminder Line Accounting Cost Code Code Code. Type AccountingCostCode BBIE Reminder Line. Accounting Cost Code. Code Código contable del comprador aplicado al conjunto del recordatorio. 0..1 Reminder Line Accounting Cost Code Code Code. Type Código de Coste Contable AccountingCostCode BBIE Reminder Line. Accounting Cost. Text The buyer's accounting cost centre applied to the Reminder Line, expressed as text. 0..1 Reminder Line Accounting Cost Text Text. Type AccountingCost BBIE Reminder Line. Accounting Cost. Text Centro de coste contable del comprador aplicado al conjunto de la Línea recordatorio, expresado como texto. 0..1 Reminder Line Accounting Cost Text Text. Type Coste Contable AccountingCost ASBIE Reminder Line. Reminder_ Period. Period An association to Period. 0..n Reminder Line Reminder Period Period ReminderPeriod ASBIE Reminder Line. Reminder_ Period. Period Asociación con una instacia del componente Período. 0..n Reminder Line Reminder Period Period Período del recordatorio ReminderPeriod ASBIE Reminder Line. Billing Reference An association to Billing Reference 0..n Reminder Line Billing Reference Billing Reference BillingReference ASBIE Reminder Line. Billing Reference Asociación con Referencias de Facturación. 0..n Reminder Line Billing Reference Billing Reference Referencia de facturación BillingReference ASBIE Reminder Line. Exchange Rate An association to Exchange Rate (between the Reminder Line Currency and the Related Document currency). 0..1 Reminder Line Exchange Rate Exchange Rate ExchangeRate ASBIE Reminder Line. Exchange Rate Asoc iación con el Tipo de cambio (entre la moneda para la línea de recordatorio y la moneda del documento relacionado). 0..1 Reminder Line Exchange Rate Exchange Rate Tipo de cambio ExchangeRate ABIE Remittance Advice Line. Details Information about a Line on a Remittance Advice. Remittance Advice Line ABIE Remittance Advice Line. Details Información acerca de la línea de un albarán de envío. Remittance Advice Line Línea de albarán de envío BBIE Remittance Advice Line. Identifier Identifies the Remittance Advice Line. 1 Remittance Advice Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Remittance Advice Line. Identifier Identifica la Línea del albarán de envío 1 Remittance Advice Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Remittance Advice Line. Note. Text Free-form text applying to the Remittance Advice Line. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Note Text Text. Type Note BBIE Remittance Advice Line. Note. Text Texto en formato libre aplicable a la Línea del albarán de envío. Este elemento puede contener notas u otra información similar que no está contenida explícitamente en otra estructura. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Note Text Text. Type Nota Note BBIE Remittance Advice Line. UUID. Identifier A universally unique identifier for an instance of this ABIE. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID BBIE Remittance Advice Line. UUID. Identifier Identificador único universal generado por ordenador (UUID) asignado a la instancia del ABIE. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID UUID BBIE Remittance Advice Line. Debit_ Line Amount. Amount The amount debited on the Remittance Advice Line. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Debit Line Amount Amount Amount. Type DebitLineAmount BBIE Remittance Advice Line. Debit_ Line Amount. Amount Importe debido informado en la Línea del albarán de envío 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Debit Line Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe de cargo DebitLineAmount BBIE Remittance Advice Line. Credit_ Line Amount. Amount The amount credited on the Remittance Advice Line. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Credit Line Amount Amount Amount. Type CreditLineAmount BBIE Remittance Advice Line. Credit_ Line Amount. Amount Importe abonado en la Línea del albarán de envío. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Credit Line Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe de abono CreditLineAmount BBIE Remittance Advice Line. Balance Amount. Amount The balance amount on the Remittance Advice Line. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Balance Amount Amount Amount. Type BalanceAmount BBIE Remittance Advice Line. Balance Amount. Amount Importe del balance en una línea de Albarán de envío. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Balance Amount Amount Amount. Type Saldo BalanceAmount ASBIE Remittance Advice Line. Accounting_ Supplier Party. Supplier Party An association to Supplier Accounting Party. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Accounting Supplier Party Supplier Party AccountingSupplierParty ASBIE Remittance Advice Line. Accounting_ Supplier Party. Supplier Party Asociación con el responsable de la contabilidad del proveedor. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Accounting Supplier Party Supplier Party Contable del proveedor AccountingSupplierParty ASBIE Remittance Advice Line. Accounting_ Customer Party. Customer Party An association to Customer Accounting Party. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Accounting Customer Party Customer Party AccountingCustomerParty ASBIE Remittance Advice Line. Accounting_ Customer Party. Customer Party Asociación con el responsable de la contabilidad del 'cliente. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Accounting Customer Party Customer Party Contable del cliente AccountingCustomerParty ASBIE Remittance Advice Line. Buyer_ Customer Party. Customer Party An association to Buyer. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Buyer Customer Party Customer Party BuyerCustomerParty ASBIE Remittance Advice Line. Buyer_ Customer Party. Customer Party Asociación con el comprador. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Buyer Customer Party Customer Party Comprador BuyerCustomerParty ASBIE Remittance Advice Line. Seller_ Supplier Party. Supplier Party An association to Seller. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Seller Supplier Party Supplier Party SellerSupplierParty ASBIE Remittance Advice Line. Seller_ Supplier Party. Supplier Party Asociación con el vendedor. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Seller Supplier Party Supplier Party Vendedor SellerSupplierParty ASBIE Remittance Advice Line. Originator_ Customer Party. Customer Party An association to Originator. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Originator Customer Party Customer Party OriginatorCustomerParty ASBIE Remittance Advice Line. Originator_ Customer Party. Customer Party Asociación con el originador. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Originator Customer Party Customer Party Originador OriginatorCustomerParty ASBIE Remittance Advice Line. Payee_ Party. Party An association to Payee. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Payee Party Party PayeeParty ASBIE Remittance Advice Line. Payee_ Party. Party Asociación con el beneficario. 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Payee Party Party Beneficiario PayeeParty ASBIE Remittance Advice Line. Invoice_ Period. Period An association to Invoice Period. 0..n Remittance Advice Line Invoice Period Period InvoicePeriod ASBIE Remittance Advice Line. Invoice_ Period. Period Asociación con el Período de facturación. 0..n Remittance Advice Line Invoice Period Period Período de facturación InvoicePeriod ASBIE Remittance Advice Line. Billing Reference An association to Billing Reference. 0..n Remittance Advice Line Billing Reference Billing Reference BillingReference ASBIE Remittance Advice Line. Billing Reference Asociación con Referencias de Facturación. 0..n Remittance Advice Line Billing Reference Billing Reference Referencia de facturación BillingReference ASBIE Remittance Advice Line. Document Reference An association to Document Reference. 0..n Remittance Advice Line Document Reference Document Reference DocumentReference ASBIE Remittance Advice Line. Document Reference Asociación la línea con una referencia a un documento. 0..n Remittance Advice Line Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a documento DocumentReference ASBIE Remittance Advice Line. Exchange Rate An association to Exchange Rate (between the Remittance Advice Line currency and the Related Document currency). 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Exchange Rate Exchange Rate ExchangeRate ASBIE Remittance Advice Line. Exchange Rate Asociación con Tipo de cambio (entre la modena de línea de Albarán de salida y la moneda del Documento relacionado) 0..1 Remittance Advice Line Exchange Rate Exchange Rate Tipo de cambio ExchangeRate ABIE Renewal. Details Information about a renewal. Renewal ABIE Renewal. Details Información sobre una prórroga Renewal Prórroga BBIE Renewal. Amount Budget amount for the renewal. 0..1 Renewal Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Renewal. Amount Importe presupuestado para la prórroga. 0..1 Renewal Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe prórroga ASBIE Renewal. Period Period allowed for a renewal 0..1 Renewal Period Period ASBIE Renewal. Period Duración de la prórroga 0..1 Renewal Period Period Duración de la Prórroga ABIE Request For Quotation Line. Details Information about a Line on a Request For Quotation. Request For Quotation Line ABIE Request For Quotation Line. Details Información acerca de una Línea en una solicitud de presupuesto. Request For Quotation Line Línea de solicitud de presupuesto BBIE Request For Quotation Line. Identifier Identifies the Request For Quotation Line. 0..1 Request For Quotation Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Request For Quotation Line. Identifier Identifica la Línea de una solicitud de presupuesto. 0..1 Request For Quotation Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Request For Quotation Line. UUID. Identifier A universally unique identifier for an instance of this ABIE. 0..1 Request For Quotation Line UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID BBIE Request For Quotation Line. UUID. Identifier Identificador único universal generado por ordenador (UUID) asignado a la instancia del ABIE. 0..1 Request For Quotation Line UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID UUID BBIE Request For Quotation Line. Note. Text Free-form text applying to the Request For Quotation Line. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure. 0..1 Request For Quotation Line Note Text Text. Type Note BBIE Request For Quotation Line. Note. Text Texto libre aplicable a la Línea de solicitud de presupuesto. Este elemento puede contener notas o cualquier otra información similar no contenida de foma explícita en otra estructura. 0..1 Request For Quotation Line Note Text Text. Type Nota Note ASBIE Request For Quotation Line. Document Reference An association to Document Reference. 0..n Request For Quotation Line Document Reference Document Reference DocumentReference ASBIE Request For Quotation Line. Document Reference Asociación con Referencia a documento. 0..n Request For Quotation Line Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a documento DocumentReference ASBIE Request For Quotation Line. Line Item An association to Line Item. 1 Request For Quotation Line Line Item Line Item LineItem ASBIE Request For Quotation Line. Line Item Asociación con Línea de elemento. 1 Request For Quotation Line Line Item Line Item Línea de elemento LineItem ABIE Request For Tender Line. Details Specific goods or services expected to be delivered in this procurement project. Request For Tender Line 0 ABIE Request For Tender Line. Details Especifica bienes o servicios que deben ser suministrados o ejecutados, con cantidades, importes y condiciones de entrega y garantia. Request For Tender Line Línea de Solicitud de Oferta BBIE Request For Tender Line. Identifier The identifier for the request for tender line. 0..1 Request For Tender Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Request For Tender Line. Identifier Identifica la línea de solicitud de oferta. 0..1 Request For Tender Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador BBIE Request For Tender Line. UUID. Identifier The unique identification for the request for tender line. 0..1 Request For Tender Line UUID Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Request For Tender Line. UUID. Identifier Identifica de forma única esta línea. 0..1 Request For Tender Line UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID BBIE Request For Tender Line. Note. Text Additional information for this request for tender line. 0..n Request For Tender Line Note Text Text. Type BBIE Request For Tender Line. Note. Text Descripción textual de esta línea de solicitud de oferta. 0..n Request For Tender Line Note Text Text. Type Nota BBIE Request For Tender Line. Quantity The quantity of the item in this line. 0..1 Request For Tender Line Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Request For Tender Line. Quantity Cantidad solicitada. 0..1 Request For Tender Line Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad BBIE Request For Tender Line. Minimum_ Quantity. Quantity The minimum quantity for this item. 0..1 Request For Tender Line Minimum Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Request For Tender Line. Minimum_ Quantity. Quantity Cantidad mínima solicitada. 0..1 Request For Tender Line Minimum Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad Mínima BBIE Request For Tender Line. Maximum_ Quantity. Quantity The maximum quantity for this item. 0..1 Request For Tender Line Maximum Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Request For Tender Line. Maximum_ Quantity. Quantity Cantidad máxima solicitada. 0..1 Request For Tender Line Maximum Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad Máxima BBIE Request For Tender Line. Maximum_ Tax Exclusive Amount. Amount The maximum total amount exclusive of taxes 0..1 Request For Tender Line Maximum Tax Exclusive Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Request For Tender Line. Maximum_ Tax Exclusive Amount. Amount Importe máximo para esta línea, excluyendo impuestos. 0..1 Request For Tender Line Maximum Tax Exclusive Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe Neto Máximo BBIE Request For Tender Line. Maximum_ Tax Inclusive Amount. Amount The maximum total amount inclusive of taxes 0..1 Request For Tender Line Maximum Tax Inclusive Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Request For Tender Line. Maximum_ Tax Inclusive Amount. Amount Importe máximo para esta línea, incluyendo impuestos. 0..1 Request For Tender Line Maximum Tax Inclusive Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe Bruto Máximo ASBIE Request For Tender Line. Document Reference An association to Document Reference. 0..n Request For Tender Line Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Request For Tender Line. Document Reference Permite anexar o hacer referencia a documentación adicional con información sobre los bienes o servicios solicitados en esta línea. 0..n Request For Tender Line Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a documento ASBIE Request For Tender Line. Delivery_ Period. Period An applicable period for the deliverable or set of deliverables in this tendering process. 0..n Request For Tender Line Delivery Period Period ASBIE Request For Tender Line. Delivery_ Period. Period Período de entrega para esta línea en este proceso de licitación. 0..n Request For Tender Line Delivery Period Period Período de entrega ASBIE Request For Tender Line. Required_ Item Location Quantity. Item Location Quantity An association to the description of properties related to locations and quantities of the item. 0..n Request For Tender Line Required Item Location Quantity Item Location Quantity ASBIE Request For Tender Line. Required_ Item Location Quantity. Item Location Quantity Permite especificar cantidades, precios unitarios, del elemento dependiendo de la ubicación donde se consuman. 0..n Request For Tender Line Required Item Location Quantity Item Location Quantity Cantidad por Ubicación de Elemento ASBIE Request For Tender Line. Warranty Validity_ Period. Period Association with a period to indicate the guarantee for the work, service or goods. 0..1 Request For Tender Line Warranty Validity Period Period ASBIE Request For Tender Line. Warranty Validity_ Period. Period Periodo utilizado para informar acerca del período de tiempo de garantía requerido para la obra, suministro o servicio objeto de este proceso de licitación. 0..1 Request For Tender Line Warranty Validity Period Period Plazo de Validez de Garantía ASBIE Request For Tender Line. Item An association to Item. 1 Request For Tender Line Item Item ASBIE Request For Tender Line. Item Datos de detalle del elemento (producto o servicio) al que se refiere esta línea. 1 Request For Tender Line Item Item Elemento ASBIE Request for Tender Line. Sub_ Request For Tender Line. Request For Tender Line An association to a Request For Tender Line. 0..n Request For Tender Line Sub Request For Tender Line Request For Tender Line ASBIE Request for Tender Line. Sub_ Request For Tender Line. Request For Tender Line Asociación con un componente de la misma clase para permitir la descomposición de líneas de solicitud de ofertas en otras líneas de detalle. 0..n Request For Tender Line Sub Request For Tender Line Request For Tender Line Sublínea ABIE Requested Tender Total. Details A class defining budgeted monetary amounts. Requested Tender Total RequestedTenderTotalType ABIE Requested Tender Total. Details Requested Tender Total RequestedTenderTotalType BBIE Requested Tender Total. Estimated_ Overall Contract. Amount The estimated overall monetary amount of a contract. 0..1 Requested Tender Total Estimated Overall Contract Amount Amount. Type BBIE Requested Tender Total. Estimated_ Overall Contract. Amount 0..1 Requested Tender Total Estimated Overall Contract Amount Amount. Type BBIE Requested Tender Total. Total_ Amount. Amount The monetary amount of the total budget including net amount, taxes, and material and instalment costs. 0..1 Requested Tender Total Total Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Requested Tender Total. Total_ Amount. Amount 0..1 Requested Tender Total Total Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Requested Tender Total. Tax Included_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether the amounts are taxes included (true) or not (false). 0..1 Requested Tender Total Tax Included Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Requested Tender Total. Tax Included_ Indicator. Indicator 0..1 Requested Tender Total Tax Included Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Requested Tender Total. Minimum_ Amount. Amount The minimum monetary amount of the budget. 0..1 Requested Tender Total Minimum Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Requested Tender Total. Minimum_ Amount. Amount 0..1 Requested Tender Total Minimum Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Requested Tender Total. Maximum_ Amount. Amount The maximum monetary amount of the budget. 0..1 Requested Tender Total Maximum Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Requested Tender Total. Maximum_ Amount. Amount 0..1 Requested Tender Total Maximum Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Requested Tender Total. Monetary Scope. Text A description of the monetary scope of the budget. 0..n Requested Tender Total Monetary Scope Text Text. Type BBIE Requested Tender Total. Monetary Scope. Text 0..n Requested Tender Total Monetary Scope Text Text. Type BBIE Requested Tender Total. Average_ Subsequent Contract. Amount The average monetary amount for the subsequent contracts following this budget amount. 0..1 Requested Tender Total Average Subsequent Contract Amount Amount. Type BBIE Requested Tender Total. Average_ Subsequent Contract. Amount 0..1 Requested Tender Total Average Subsequent Contract Amount Amount. Type ASBIE Requested Tender Total. Applicable_ Tax Category. Tax Category Describes the categories of taxes that apply to the budget amount. 0..n Requested Tender Total Applicable Tax Category Tax Category ASBIE Requested Tender Total. Applicable_ Tax Category. Tax Category 0..n Requested Tender Total Applicable Tax Category Tax Category ABIE Response. Details Information about responses to a document (at the application level). Response ABIE Response. Details Información acerca de la respuesta a un documento (al nivel de aplicación) Response Respuesta BBIE Response. Reference. Identifier Identifies the section (or line) of the document to which the response applies. 1 Response Reference Identifier Identifier. Type ReferenceID BBIE Response. Reference. Identifier Identifica la sección (o línea) del documento al que se aplica la respuesta 1 Response Reference Identifier Identifier. Type Referencia ReferenceID BBIE Response. Response Code. Code A code for the description of the response to the transaction document. 0..1 Response Response Code Code Code. Type ResponseCode BBIE Response. Response Code. Code Código que identifica la descripción de la respuesta dada a un documento transaccional 0..1 Response Response Code Code Code. Type Código de respuesta ResponseCode BBIE Response. Description. Text The description of the response to the transaction document. 0..n Response Description Text Text. Type Description BBIE Response. Description. Text Descripción de la respuesta dada a un documento transaccional 0..n Response Description Text Text. Type Descripción Description ABIE Result Of Verification. Details Information about the result of a process of verification of a signature. Result Of Verification ABIE Result Of Verification. Details Información acerca del resultado de un proceso de verificación de una firma. Result Of Verification Resultado de verificación BBIE Result Of Verification. Validator. Identifier Identifier of the validator system. 0..1 Result Of Verification Validator Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Result Of Verification. Validator. Identifier Identificador del validador. 0..1 Result Of Verification Validator Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador de validador BBIE Result Of Verification. Validation_ Result Code. Code Code describing the result of the validation. 0..1 Result Of Verification Validation Result Code Code Code. Type BBIE Result Of Verification. Validation_ Result Code. Code Código del resultado de la verificación de la firma. 0..1 Result Of Verification Validation Result Code Code Code. Type Código de resultado BBIE Result Of Verification. Validation_ Date. Date Date when the validation was done. 0..1 Result Of Verification Validation Date Date Date. Type BBIE Result Of Verification. Validation_ Date. Date Fecha en la que se realizó la verificación. 0..1 Result Of Verification Validation Date Date Date. Type Fecha de validación BBIE Result Of Verification. Validation_ Time. Time Time when the validation was done. 0..1 Result Of Verification Validation Time Time Time. Type BBIE Result Of Verification. Validation_ Time. Time Hora en la que se realizó la verificación. 0..1 Result Of Verification Validation Time Time Time. Type Hora de validación BBIE Result Of Verification. Validate_ Process. Text Textual description of the process of validation. 0..1 Result Of Verification Validate Process Text Text. Type BBIE Result Of Verification. Validate_ Process. Text Descripción textual del proceso de validación. 0..1 Result Of Verification Validate Process Text Text. Type Proceso de validación BBIE Result Of Verification. Validate_ Tool. Text Textual description of the tool used to validate the signature. 0..1 Result Of Verification Validate Tool Text Text. Type BBIE Result Of Verification. Validate_ Tool. Text Descripción textual de la herramienta con la que se realizó la validación. 0..1 Result Of Verification Validate Tool Text Text. Type Herramienta de validación BBIE Result Of Verification. Validate_ Tool Version. Text Textual descrition of the version of the tool used to validate the signature. 0..1 Result Of Verification Validate Tool Version Text Text. Type BBIE Result Of Verification. Validate_ Tool Version. Text Versión de la herramienta con la que se realizó la validación. 0..1 Result Of Verification Validate Tool Version Text Text. Type Versión de la herramienta de validación ASBIE Result Of Verification. Signatory_ Party. Party An association to the signing Party. 0..1 Result Of Verification Signatory Party Party ASBIE Result Of Verification. Signatory_ Party. Party Datos del firmante del documento validado. 0..1 Result Of Verification Signatory Party Party Firmante ABIE Retail Planned Impact. Details A class to describe a planned effect of a retail event (e.g., a promotion or a change in inventory policy) upon supply or demand. Retail Planned Impact RetailPlannedImpactType ABIE Retail Planned Impact. Details Retail Planned Impact RetailPlannedImpactType BBIE Retail Planned Impact. Amount Estimated monetary value of the planned event as an impact 1 Retail Planned Impact Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Retail Planned Impact. Amount 1 Retail Planned Impact Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Retail Planned Impact. Forecast_ Purpose Code. Code It will have impact on either Sales forecast or Order Forecast 1 Retail Planned Impact Forecast Purpose Code Code Code. Type BBIE Retail Planned Impact. Forecast_ Purpose Code. Code 1 Retail Planned Impact Forecast Purpose Code Code Code. Type BBIE Retail Planned Impact. Forecast Type Code. Code A code signifying the type of forecast. Examples of values are: BASE PROMOTIONAL SEASONAL TOTAL 1 Retail Planned Impact Forecast Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Retail Planned Impact. Forecast Type Code. Code 1 Retail Planned Impact Forecast Type Code Code Code. Type ASBIE Retail Planned Impact. Period The period to which this impact applies. 0..1 Retail Planned Impact Period Period ASBIE Retail Planned Impact. Period 0..1 Retail Planned Impact Period Period ABIE Road Transport. Details Describes a road transport vehicle. Road Transport ABIE Road Transport. Details Describe un vehículo de transporte por carretera. Road Transport Transporte por carretera BBIE Road Transport. License Plate Identifier. Identifier Identifies a specific vehicle. 1 Road Transport License Plate Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Vehicle registration number (WCO ID 167) LicensePlateID BBIE Road Transport. License Plate Identifier. Identifier Identifica un vehículo específico. 1 Road Transport License Plate Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Matrícula LicensePlateID ABIE Sales Item. Details A class to describe information related to an item in a sales context Sales Item ABIE Sales Item. Details Sales Item BBIE Sales Item. Quantity The quantity the given information are related to 1 Sales Item Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Quantity BBIE Sales Item. Quantity 1 Sales Item Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Quantity ASBIE Sales Item. Activity Property A class to describe the activity (for example "sales", "movement", ...) related to the item. 0..n Sales Item Activity Property Activity Property ActivityProperty ASBIE Sales Item. Activity Property 0..n Sales Item Activity Property Activity Property ActivityProperty ASBIE Sales Item. Tax Exclusive_ Price. Price A price for this sales item, exclusive of tax. 0..n Sales Item Tax Exclusive Price Price TaxExclusivePrice ASBIE Sales Item. Tax Exclusive_ Price. Price 0..n Sales Item Tax Exclusive Price Price TaxExclusivePrice ASBIE Sales Item. Tax Inclusive_ Price. Price A price for this sales item, including tax. 0..n Sales Item Tax Inclusive Price Price TaxInclusivePrice ASBIE Sales Item. Tax Inclusive_ Price. Price 0..n Sales Item Tax Inclusive Price Price TaxInclusivePrice ASBIE Sales Item. Item The sales item itself. 1 Sales Item Item Item Item ASBIE Sales Item. Item 1 Sales Item Item Item Item ABIE Secondary Hazard. Details Information about Secondary Hazard (related to a Hazardous Item). Secondary Hazard ABIE Secondary Hazard. Details Información acerca de un Peligro secundario (relacionado con una Mercancía peligrosa) Secondary Hazard Peligro secundario BBIE Secondary Hazard. Identifier Identifies the Secondary Hazard. 0..1 Secondary Hazard Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Secondary Hazard. Identifier Identifica el Peligro Secundario 0..1 Secondary Hazard Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Secondary Hazard. Placard Notation. Text The placard notation corresponding to the hazard class of the hazardous commodity. Can also be the hazard identification number of the orange placard (upper part) required on the means of transport. 0..1 Secondary Hazard Placard Notation Text Text. Type PlacardNotation BBIE Secondary Hazard. Placard Notation. Text Notación textual para la placa relativa a la clase de peligro que representa el Elemento peligroso. Puede ser también el número de identificación de la placa naranja (de la Parte superior) cuya presencia es obligatoria en los medios de transporte 0..1 Secondary Hazard Placard Notation Text Text. Type Notación de la placa PlacardNotation BBIE Secondary Hazard. Placard Endorsement. Text The placard endorsement that is to be shown on the shipping papers for the hazardous commodity. Can also be used for the number of the orange placard (lower part) required on the means of transport. 0..1 Secondary Hazard Placard Endorsement Text Text. Type PlacardEndorsement BBIE Secondary Hazard. Placard Endorsement. Text Texto de aprobación indicada en la placa y que debe aparecer en los papeles del transporte de la mercancía peligrosa. También puede utilizarse en lugar del número de la placa naranja (de la Parte inferior) cuya presencia es obligatoria en los medios de tr 0..1 Secondary Hazard Placard Endorsement Text Text. Type Aprobación de la placa PlacardEndorsement BBIE Secondary Hazard. Emergency Procedures Code. Code Emergency procedures for hazardous goods, expressed as a code. 0..1 Secondary Hazard Emergency Procedures Code Code Code. Type EMG code, EMS Page Number EmergencyProceduresCode BBIE Secondary Hazard. Emergency Procedures Code. Code Procedimientos de emergencia para una mercancía peligrosa, expresados como un código. 0..1 Secondary Hazard Emergency Procedures Code Code Code. Type Código de procedimientos de emergencia EmergencyProceduresCode BBIE Secondary Hazard. Extension. Text Additional information about the hazardous substance. Can be used to specify information such as the type of regulatory requirements that apply to a description. 0..1 Secondary Hazard Extension Text Text. Type Extension BBIE Secondary Hazard. Extension. Text Información adicional acerca de la sustancia peligrosa. Puede utilizarse para especificar información como el tipo de requisitos regulatorios aplicables a una descripción 0..1 Secondary Hazard Extension Text Text. Type Extensión Extension ABIE Service Frequency. Details A class to specify which day of the week a transport service is operational. Service Frequency ServiceFrequencyType ABIE Service Frequency. Details Service Frequency ServiceFrequencyType BBIE Service Frequency. Week Day. Code A day of the week, expressed as code. 1 Service Frequency Week Day Code Week Day Week Day_ Code. Type BBIE Service Frequency. Week Day. Code 1 Service Frequency Week Day Code Week Day Week Day_ Code. Type ABIE Service Provider Party. Details A class to describe a party contracting to provide services, such as transportation, finance, etc. Service Provider Party ServiceProviderPartyType ABIE Service Provider Party. Details Service Provider Party ServiceProviderPartyType BBIE Service Provider Party. Identifier An identifier for this service provider. 0..1 Service Provider Party Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Service Provider Party. Identifier 0..1 Service Provider Party Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Service Provider Party. Service Type Code. Code The type of service provided, expressed as a code. 0..1 Service Provider Party Service Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Service Provider Party. Service Type Code. Code 0..1 Service Provider Party Service Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Service Provider Party. Service Type. Text The type of service provided, expressed as text. 0..n Service Provider Party Service Type Text Text. Type BBIE Service Provider Party. Service Type. Text 0..n Service Provider Party Service Type Text Text. Type ASBIE Service Provider Party. Party The party providing the service. 1 Service Provider Party Party Party ASBIE Service Provider Party. Party 1 Service Provider Party Party Party ASBIE Service Provider Party. Seller_ Contact. Contact The contact for the service provider. 0..1 Service Provider Party Seller Contact Contact ASBIE Service Provider Party. Seller_ Contact. Contact 0..1 Service Provider Party Seller Contact Contact ABIE Shareholder Party. Details A class to describe a shareholder party. Shareholder Party ShareholderPartyType ABIE Shareholder Party. Details Shareholder Party ShareholderPartyType BBIE Shareholder Party. Partecipation. Percent The shareholder participation, expressed as a percentage. 0..1 Shareholder Party Partecipation Percent Percent. Type BBIE Shareholder Party. Partecipation. Percent 0..1 Shareholder Party Partecipation Percent Percent. Type ASBIE Shareholder Party. Party The shareholder party. 0..1 Shareholder Party Party Party ASBIE Shareholder Party. Party 0..1 Shareholder Party Party Party ABIE Shipment. Details An identifiable collection of one or more goods items to be transported between the seller party and the buyer party. This information may be defined within a commercial contract. A shipment can be transported in different consignments (e.g., split for lo Shipment ABIE Shipment. Details Colección identificable de uno o más bienes a transportar entre el vendedor y el comprador. Esta información puede estar definida en el contrato comercial. Una expedición puede transportarse en distintas consignaciones (p.e. División por motivos logístico Shipment Expedición BBIE Shipment. Identifier Identifies a shipment. 1 Shipment Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Waybill Number ID BBIE Shipment. Identifier Identificador de la expedición. 1 Shipment Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Shipment. Shipping Priority Level Code. Code The priority or level of service required for a shipment, expressed as a code. 0..1 Shipment Shipping Priority Level Code Code Code. Type Service Level, Service Priority ShippingPriorityLevelCode BBIE Shipment. Shipping Priority Level Code. Code Identifica la prioridad o el nivel de servicio requerido por un transporte. 0..1 Shipment Shipping Priority Level Code Code Code. Type Código de nivel de prioridad ShippingPriorityLevelCode BBIE Shipment. Handling Code. Code The handling required for a shipment, expressed as a code. 0..1 Shipment Handling Code Code Code. Type Special Handling HandlingCode BBIE Shipment. Handling Code. Code código que indica las necesidades de manipulación para el transporte. 0..1 Shipment Handling Code Code Code. Type Código de manipulación HandlingCode BBIE Shipment. Handling_ Instructions. Text Free-form text describing Handling Instructions for a shipment. 0..1 Shipment Handling Instructions Text Text. Type HandlingInstructions BBIE Shipment. Handling_ Instructions. Text Texto libre para instrucciones especiales de manipulación relativas al transporte. 0..1 Shipment Handling Instructions Text Text. Type Instrucciones de manipulación HandlingInstructions BBIE Shipment. Information. Text Free-form text applying to a shipment. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure. 0..1 Shipment Information Text Text. Type Information BBIE Shipment. Information. Text Información adicional en formato de texto libre relacionada con la expedición. Este elemento puede contener notas o cualquier otra información que no esté contenida explícitamente en otra estructura. 0..1 Shipment Information Text Text. Type Información Information BBIE Shipment. Gross_ Weight. Measure The total gross weight of a shipment; the weight of the goods plus packaging plus transport equipment. 0..1 Shipment Gross Weight Measure Measure. Type GrossWeightMeasure BBIE Shipment. Gross_ Weight. Measure Peso total bruto de la expedición (bienes más embalaje más equipo de transporte). 0..1 Shipment Gross Weight Measure Measure. Type Peso total bruto GrossWeightMeasure BBIE Shipment. Net_ Weight. Measure The total net weight of a shipment; the weight of the goods plus packaging. 0..1 Shipment Net Weight Measure Measure. Type NetWeightMeasure BBIE Shipment. Net_ Weight. Measure Peso total neto de la expedición (bienes más embalaje). 0..1 Shipment Net Weight Measure Measure. Type Peso total neto NetWeightMeasure BBIE Shipment. Net Net_ Weight. Measure The weight of the goods net of packaging and transport equipment. 0..1 Shipment Net Net Weight Measure Measure. Type NetNetWeightMeasure BBIE Shipment. Net Net_ Weight. Measure Peso (masa) de los bienes sin ningún embalaje. 0..1 Shipment Net Net Weight Measure Measure. Type Peso total sin embalajes NetNetWeightMeasure BBIE Shipment. Gross_ Volume. Measure The total volume of the goods in a shipment plus packaging. 0..1 Shipment Gross Volume Measure Measure. Type GrossVolumeMeasure BBIE Shipment. Gross_ Volume. Measure Volumen total de los bienes en el transporte más embalaje. 0..1 Shipment Gross Volume Measure Measure. Type Volumen total GrossVolumeMeasure BBIE Shipment. Net_ Volume. Measure The volume of a shipment net of packaging and transport equipment. 0..1 Shipment Net Volume Measure Measure. Type NetVolumeMeasure BBIE Shipment. Net_ Volume. Measure Volumen total del transporte. (bienes menos embalaje ni equipamiento de transporte). 0..1 Shipment Net Volume Measure Measure. Type Volumen neto NetVolumeMeasure BBIE Shipment. Total_ Goods Item Quantity. Quantity Count of the total number of goods items within a shipment. 0..1 Shipment Total Goods Item Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type TotalGoodsItemQuantity BBIE Shipment. Total_ Goods Item Quantity. Quantity Número total de elementos dentro de un transporte. 0..1 Shipment Total Goods Item Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Número total de elementos TotalGoodsItemQuantity BBIE Shipment. Total_ Transport Handling Unit Quantity. Quantity Count of the number of pieces of transport handling equipment in a shipment, such as pallets, boxes, and cases. 0..1 Shipment Total Transport Handling Unit Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Number of THUs TotalTransportHandlingUnitQuantity BBIE Shipment. Total_ Transport Handling Unit Quantity. Quantity Número de piezas de transporte, como por ejemplo palets, cajas. 0..1 Shipment Total Transport Handling Unit Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Número total de unidades de transporte TotalTransportHandlingUnitQuantity BBIE Shipment. Insurance_ Value. Amount The total sum covered by an insurance for the shipment. 0..1 Shipment Insurance Value Amount Amount. Type Value Insured InsuranceValueAmount BBIE Shipment. Insurance_ Value. Amount Importe total cubierto por un seguro para este transporte. 0..1 Shipment Insurance Value Amount Amount. Type Importe asegurado InsuranceValueAmount BBIE Shipment. Declared Customs_ Value. Amount Amount declared for customs purposes of those goods in a shipment which are subject to the same customs procedure, and have the same tariff/statistical heading, country information, and duty regime. 0..1 Shipment Declared Customs Value Amount Amount. Type DeclaredCustomsValueAmount BBIE Shipment. Declared Customs_ Value. Amount Valor declarado en Aduana de los bienes de un transporte sujetos al mismo proceso aduanero, y que tienen la misma tarifa y cabecera estadística, información de país y régimen impositivo. 0..1 Shipment Declared Customs Value Amount Amount. Type Valor declarado en Aduana DeclaredCustomsValueAmount BBIE Shipment. Declared For Carriage_ Value. Amount Value, declared by the shipper or his agent solely for the purpose of varying the carrier's level of liability from that provided in the contract of carriage, in case of loss or damage to goods or delayed delivery. 0..1 Shipment Declared For Carriage Value Amount Amount. Type Declared value for carriage, Interest in delivery DeclaredForCarriageValueAmount BBIE Shipment. Declared For Carriage_ Value. Amount Valor, declarado por el transportista o su agente con el único objetivo de modificar el valor del transporte del establecido en el contrato de transporte, en caso de pérdida o rotura de los bienes o entrega con retraso. 0..1 Shipment Declared For Carriage Value Amount Amount. Type Valor declarado para el transportista DeclaredForCarriageValueAmount BBIE Shipment. Declared Statistics_ Value. Amount Value declared for statistical purposes of those goods in a consignment which have the same statistical heading. 0..1 Shipment Declared Statistics Value Amount Amount. Type Statistical Value DeclaredStatisticsValueAmount BBIE Shipment. Declared Statistics_ Value. Amount Valor declarado con fines estadísticos de los bienes consignados que tienen la misma cabecera estadística. 0..1 Shipment Declared Statistics Value Amount Amount. Type Valor declarado estadístico DeclaredStatisticsValueAmount BBIE Shipment. Free On Board_ Value. Amount Monetary amount that has to be or has been paid as calculated under the applicable trade delivery. 0..1 Shipment Free On Board Value Amount Amount. Type FOB Value FreeOnBoardValueAmount BBIE Shipment. Free On Board_ Value. Amount Importe monetario que tiene que ser o ha sido pagado tal como se ha calculado según las condiciones aplicables. 0..1 Shipment Free On Board Value Amount Amount. Type Valor embarque gratuito FreeOnBoardValueAmount BBIE Shipment. Special_ Instructions. Text Special instructions relating to a shipment. 0..n Shipment Special Instructions Text Text. Type SpecialInstructions BBIE Shipment. Special_ Instructions. Text Instrucciones especiales relativas a la expedición. 0..n Shipment Special Instructions Text Text. Type Instrucciones especiales SpecialInstructions BBIE Shipment. Delivery_ Instructions. Text Delivery instructions relating to a shipment. 0..n Shipment Delivery Instructions Text Text. Type DeliveryInstructions BBIE Shipment. Delivery_ Instructions. Text Instrucciones de entrega relativas a la expedición. 0..n Shipment Delivery Instructions Text Text. Type Instrucciones de entrega DeliveryInstructions BBIE Shipment. Split Consignment_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether the consignment has been split in transit. 0..1 Shipment Split Consignment Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type SplitConsignmentIndicator BBIE Shipment. Split Consignment_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si la consigna ha sido dividida durante el tránsito. 0..1 Shipment Split Consignment Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de consigna dividida SplitConsignmentIndicator ASBIE Shipment. Consignment An association to Consignment covering the shipment. 1 Shipment Consignment Consignment Consignment ASBIE Shipment. Consignment Asociación con la Consigna que cubre la expedición. 1 Shipment Consignment Consignment Consignación Consignment ASBIE Shipment. Goods Item An association to Goods Item (for Bulk Goods). 0..n Shipment Goods Item Goods Item GoodsItem ASBIE Shipment. Goods Item Asociación con las Mercancías. 0..n Shipment Goods Item Goods Item Mercancías GoodsItem ASBIE Shipment. Shipment Stage An association to Shipment Stage. 0..n Shipment Shipment Stage Shipment Stage ShipmentStage ASBIE Shipment. Shipment Stage Asocia con las etapas del transporte. 0..n Shipment Shipment Stage Shipment Stage Etapa de transporte ShipmentStage ASBIE Shipment. Delivery An association to Delivery. 0..1 Shipment Delivery Delivery Delivery ASBIE Shipment. Delivery Asocia con detalles de una entrega. 0..1 Shipment Delivery Delivery Entrega Delivery ASBIE Shipment. Transport Handling Unit An association to Transport Handling Unit used for loose and containerized goods. 0..n Shipment Transport Handling Unit Transport Handling Unit TransportHandlingUnit ASBIE Shipment. Transport Handling Unit Asocia con equipamiento del transporte, utilizado para bienes transportados en contenedores. 0..n Shipment Transport Handling Unit Transport Handling Unit Equipamiento de transporte TransportHandlingUnit ASBIE Shipment. Origin_ Address. Address An association to the region in which the goods have been produced or manufactured, according to criteria laid down for the purposes of application of the Customs tariff, or quantitative restrictions, or of any other measure related to trade. 0..1 Shipment Origin Address Address OriginAddress ASBIE Shipment. Origin_ Address. Address Asociación con la región en la que los bienes se han producido o manufacturado, de acuerdo con los criterios establecidos con el objeto de aplicación de tarifas aduaneras, o restricciones cuantitativas, o cualquier otra medida relacionada con el comercio. 0..1 Shipment Origin Address Address Dirección de origen OriginAddress ASBIE Shipment. First Arrival Port_ Location. Location Identifies the first arrival location. This would be a port for sea, airport for air, and border post for land crossing. 0..1 Shipment First Arrival Port Location Location FirstArrivalPortLocation ASBIE Shipment. First Arrival Port_ Location. Location Identifica el primer lugar de llegada. Será un puerto para el mar, un aeropuerto para el aire y/o un puesto fronterizo para tránsito terrestre. 0..1 Shipment First Arrival Port Location Location Primer puerto de llegada FirstArrivalPortLocation ASBIE Shipment. Last Exit Port_ Location. Location Identifies the final exporting location. This would be a port for sea, airport for air, and border post for land crossing. 0..1 Shipment Last Exit Port Location Location LastExitPortLocation ASBIE Shipment. Last Exit Port_ Location. Location Identifica el lugar de exportación final. Será un puerto para el mar, un aeropuerto para el aire y/o un puesto fronterizo para tránsito terrestre. 0..1 Shipment Last Exit Port Location Location Último puerto de salida LastExitPortLocation ASBIE Shipment. Export_ Country. Country Identifies the country from which the goods are originally exported without any commercial transaction taking place in intermediate countries. 0..1 Shipment Export Country Country Country of exportation (WCO ID 062) ExportCountry ASBIE Shipment. Export_ Country. Country Identifica el país del que se exportan los bienes sin que exista ninguna transacción comercial con países intermediarios. 0..1 Shipment Export Country Country País exportador ExportCountry ASBIE Shipment. Freight_ Allowance Charge. Allowance Charge Costs incurred by the shipper in moving goods, by whatever means, from one place to another under the terms of the contract of carriage. In addition to transport costs, this may include such elements as packing, documentation, loading, unloading, and insu 0..n Shipment Freight Allowance Charge Allowance Charge Freight Costs FreightAllowanceCharge ASBIE Shipment. Freight_ Allowance Charge. Allowance Charge Costes incurridos por el transportista en mover los bienes, por los medios que sea, de un lugar a otro bajo los términos del contrato de transporte. Además de costes de transporte, puede incluir elementos como embalaje, documentación, carga, descarga, y s 0..n Shipment Freight Allowance Charge Allowance Charge Descuentos y cargos de flete FreightAllowanceCharge ABIE Shipment Stage. Details Information about a shipment stage. Shipment Stage ABIE Shipment Stage. Details Información relativa a una etapa de transporte. Los bienes pueden ser transportados por etapas, de fábrica a muelle, de puerto a puerto, de muelle a cliente, etc... Shipment Stage Etapa de transporte BBIE Shipment Stage. Identifier Identifies a shipment stage. 0..1 Shipment Stage Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Shipment Stage. Identifier Identifica una etapa de transporte. 0..1 Shipment Stage Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Shipment Stage. Transport Mode Code. Code The method of transport used for a shipment stage. 0..1 Shipment Stage Transport Mode Code Code Transport Mode Transport Mode_ Code. Type TransportModeCode BBIE Shipment Stage. Transport Mode Code. Code Método de transporte utilizado en la etapa de transporte. 0..1 Shipment Stage Transport Mode Code Code Transport Mode Transport Mode_ Code. Type Código de modo de transporte TransportModeCode BBIE Shipment Stage. Transport Means Type Code. Code The type of vehicle used for a shipment stage. 0..1 Shipment Stage Transport Means Type Code Code Code. Type TransportMeansTypeCode BBIE Shipment Stage. Transport Means Type Code. Code Tipo de vehículo utilizado para la etapa de transporte. 0..1 Shipment Stage Transport Means Type Code Code Code. Type Código de tipo de medio de transporte TransportMeansTypeCode BBIE Shipment Stage. Transit_ Direction Code. Code The direction of transit for a shipment stage. 0..1 Shipment Stage Transit Direction Code Code Code. Type TransitDirectionCode BBIE Shipment Stage. Transit_ Direction Code. Code Dirección de tránsito para la etapa de transporte. 0..1 Shipment Stage Transit Direction Code Code Code. Type Código de dirección de tránsito TransitDirectionCode BBIE Shipment Stage. Pre Carriage_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether the stage is before the main carriage of the shipment. 1 Shipment Stage Pre Carriage Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type PreCarriageIndicator BBIE Shipment Stage. Pre Carriage_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si esta etapa es previa al tránsito principal del transporte. 1 Shipment Stage Pre Carriage Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de pre tránsito PreCarriageIndicator BBIE Shipment Stage. On Carriage_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether the stage is after the main carriage of the shipment. 1 Shipment Stage On Carriage Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type OnCarriageIndicator BBIE Shipment Stage. On Carriage_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si esta etapa es posterior al tránsito principal del transporte. 1 Shipment Stage On Carriage Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de en tránsito OnCarriageIndicator ASBIE Shipment Stage. Transit_ Period. Period An association to Transit Period. 0..1 Shipment Stage Transit Period Period TransitPeriod ASBIE Shipment Stage. Transit_ Period. Period Asociación con información sobre el período de tránsito. 0..1 Shipment Stage Transit Period Period Período de tránsito TransitPeriod ASBIE Shipment Stage. Carrier_ Party. Party An association to Carrier. 0..n Shipment Stage Carrier Party Party CarrierParty ASBIE Shipment Stage. Carrier_ Party. Party Asociación con el transportista para esta etapa de transporte. 0..n Shipment Stage Carrier Party Party Parte transportista CarrierParty ASBIE Shipment Stage. Transport Means An association to the means of transport. 0..1 Shipment Stage Transport Means Transport Means TransportMeans ASBIE Shipment Stage. Transport Means Asociación con un medio de transporte. 0..1 Shipment Stage Transport Means Transport Means Medio de transporte TransportMeans ASBIE Shipment Stage. Loading Port_ Location. Location An association to the port location of loading. 0..1 Shipment Stage Loading Port Location Location LoadingPortLocation ASBIE Shipment Stage. Loading Port_ Location. Location Asociación con el puerto de carga. 0..1 Shipment Stage Loading Port Location Location Puerto de carga LoadingPortLocation ASBIE Shipment Stage. Unloading Port_ Location. Location An association to the port location of unloading. 0..1 Shipment Stage Unloading Port Location Location UnloadingPortLocation ASBIE Shipment Stage. Unloading Port_ Location. Location Asociación con el puerto de descarga. 0..1 Shipment Stage Unloading Port Location Location Puerto de descarga UnloadingPortLocation ASBIE Shipment Stage. Transship Port_ Location. Location An association to the port location of transshipment. 0..1 Shipment Stage Transship Port Location Location TransshipPortLocation ASBIE Shipment Stage. Transship Port_ Location. Location Asociación con el puerto de tránsito. 0..1 Shipment Stage Transship Port Location Location Puerto de tránsito TransshipPortLocation ABIE Signature. Details Information about signature. A placeholder for signature. Signature ABIE Signature. Details Información sobre la firma. Contenedor de firma Signature Firma BBIE Signature. Identifier An identifier for the Signature. 1 Signature Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Signature. Identifier Identificador de la firma. 1 Signature Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Signature. Note. Text Free form text about the signature or the circumstances where the signature has been used. 0..1 Signature Note Text Text. Type Note BBIE Signature. Note. Text Texto en formato libre sobre la firma o las circunstancias por las que se ha usado la firma. 0..1 Signature Note Text Text. Type Observación Note BBIE Signature. Validation Date. Date Specifies the date when the signature was approved. 0..1 Signature Validation Date Date Date. Type ValidationDate BBIE Signature. Validation Date. Date Especifica la fecha en la que se aprobó la firma 0..1 Signature Validation Date Date Date. Type Fecha de validación ValidationDate BBIE Signature. Validation Time. Time Specifies the time when the signature was approved. 0..1 Signature Validation Time Time Time. Type ValidationTime BBIE Signature. Validation Time. Time Especifica la hora en la que se aprobó la firma 0..1 Signature Validation Time Time Time. Type Hora de validación ValidationTime BBIE Signature. Validator Identifier. Identifier Identifies the organization, person, service or server that has validated the signature. 0..1 Signature Validator Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ValidatorID BBIE Signature. Validator Identifier. Identifier Identificador de la organización, persona o servidor que ha validado la firma 0..1 Signature Validator Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Validador ValidatorID BBIE Signature. Canonicalization Method. Text The mathematical logic method used by the Signature. 0..1 Signature Canonicalization Method Text Text. Type CanonicalizationMethod BBIE Signature. Canonicalization Method. Text Método matemático utilizado para generar la firma. 0..1 Signature Canonicalization Method Text Text. Type Método de canonicalización CanonicalizationMethod BBIE Signature. Signature Method. Text The method of signature. 0..1 Signature Signature Method Text Text. Type SignatureMethod BBIE Signature. Signature Method. Text Método de firma. 0..1 Signature Signature Method Text Text. Type Método de firma SignatureMethod ASBIE Signature. Signatory_ Party. Party An association to the signing Party. 1 Signature Signatory Party Party SignatoryParty ASBIE Signature. Signatory_ Party. Party Asociación con la parte firmante 1 Signature Signatory Party Party Parte firmante SignatoryParty ASBIE Signature. Digital Signature_ Attachment. Attachment Refers to the actual encoded signature (e.g., in XMLDSIG format). 0..1 Signature Digital Signature Attachment Attachment DigitalSignatureAttachment ASBIE Signature. Digital Signature_ Attachment. Attachment Asociación con la firma codificada (en formato XMLDSIG, por ejemplo) 0..1 Signature Digital Signature Attachment Attachment Firma digital vinculada DigitalSignatureAttachment ASBIE Signature. Original_ Document Reference. Document Reference A reference to the actual document that the signature applies to. For evidentiary purposes, this may be the document image that the signatory party saw when applying their signature. 0..1 Signature Original Document Reference Document Reference OriginalDocumentReference ASBIE Signature. Original_ Document Reference. Document Reference Asociación con una instancia del componente Documento referenciado, utilizada para referenciar o incluir el documento original que se ha firmado. 0..1 Signature Original Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a Documento Original OriginalDocumentReference ABIE Statement Line. Details Information about a Line on a Statement of Account. Statement Line ABIE Statement Line. Details Información acerca de una Línea en un estado de cuenta. Statement Line Línea de estado de cuenta BBIE Statement Line. Identifier Identifies the Statement Line. 1 Statement Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Statement Line. Identifier Ídentifica la Línea del estado de cuenta. 1 Statement Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Statement Line. Note. Text Free-form text applying to the Statement Line. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure. 0..1 Statement Line Note Text Text. Type Note BBIE Statement Line. Note. Text Texto libre aplicable a la Línea del estado de cuenta. Este elemento puede contener notas o cualquier otra información similar no contenida de foma explícita en otra estructura. 0..1 Statement Line Note Text Text. Type Nota Note BBIE Statement Line. UUID. Identifier A universally unique identifier for an instance of this ABIE. 0..1 Statement Line UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID BBIE Statement Line. UUID. Identifier Identificador único universal generado por ordenador (UUID) asignado a la instancia del ABIE. 0..1 Statement Line UUID Identifier Identifier. Type UUID UUID BBIE Statement Line. Balance Brought Forward_ Indicator. Indicator If true, indicates that the Statement Line contains a balance brought forward. 0..1 Statement Line Balance Brought Forward Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type BalanceBroughtForwardIndicator BBIE Statement Line. Balance Brought Forward_ Indicator. Indicator En caso de contener el valor cierto, indica que la Línea del estado de cuenta contiene un balance que se proviene de la página anterior . 0..1 Statement Line Balance Brought Forward Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de balance transportado BalanceBroughtForwardIndicator BBIE Statement Line. Debit_ Line Amount. Amount The amount debited on the Statement Line. 0..1 Statement Line Debit Line Amount Amount Amount. Type DebitLineAmount BBIE Statement Line. Debit_ Line Amount. Amount Importe debido informado en la Línea del estado de cuenta. 0..1 Statement Line Debit Line Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe de cargo DebitLineAmount BBIE Statement Line. Credit_ Line Amount. Amount The amount credited on the Statement Line. 0..1 Statement Line Credit Line Amount Amount Amount. Type CreditLineAmount BBIE Statement Line. Credit_ Line Amount. Amount Importe abonado en la Línea del estado de cuenta. 0..1 Statement Line Credit Line Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe de abono CreditLineAmount BBIE Statement Line. Balance Amount. Amount The balance amount on the Statement Line. 0..1 Statement Line Balance Amount Amount Amount. Type BalanceAmount BBIE Statement Line. Balance Amount. Amount Importe del balance en una línea de estado de cuenta. 0..1 Statement Line Balance Amount Amount Amount. Type Saldo BalanceAmount ASBIE Statement Line. Payment Means An association to Payment Means. 0..1 Statement Line Payment Means Payment Means PaymentMeans ASBIE Statement Line. Payment Means Asociación con Forma de pago. 0..1 Statement Line Payment Means Payment Means Forma de pago PaymentMeans ASBIE Statement Line. Payment Terms An association to Payment Terms. 0..n Statement Line Payment Terms Payment Terms PaymentTerms ASBIE Statement Line. Payment Terms Asociación con Condiciones de pago. 0..n Statement Line Payment Terms Payment Terms Condiciones de pago PaymentTerms ASBIE Statement Line. Buyer_ Customer Party. Customer Party An association to Buyer. 0..1 Statement Line Buyer Customer Party Customer Party BuyerCustomerParty ASBIE Statement Line. Buyer_ Customer Party. Customer Party Asociación con Comprador. 0..1 Statement Line Buyer Customer Party Customer Party Comprador BuyerCustomerParty ASBIE Statement Line. Seller_ Supplier Party. Supplier Party An association to Seller. 0..1 Statement Line Seller Supplier Party Supplier Party SellerSupplierParty ASBIE Statement Line. Seller_ Supplier Party. Supplier Party Asociación con Vendedor. 0..1 Statement Line Seller Supplier Party Supplier Party Vendedor SellerSupplierParty ASBIE Statement Line. Originator_ Customer Party. Customer Party An association to Originator. 0..1 Statement Line Originator Customer Party Customer Party OriginatorCustomerParty ASBIE Statement Line. Originator_ Customer Party. Customer Party Asociación con Originador. 0..1 Statement Line Originator Customer Party Customer Party Originador OriginatorCustomerParty ASBIE Statement Line. Accounting_ Customer Party. Customer Party An association to Accounting Customer Party. 0..1 Statement Line Accounting Customer Party Customer Party AccountingCustomerParty ASBIE Statement Line. Accounting_ Customer Party. Customer Party Asociación con el responsable de la contabilidad del Cliente. 0..1 Statement Line Accounting Customer Party Customer Party Contable del cliente AccountingCustomerParty ASBIE Statement Line. Accounting_ Supplier Party. Supplier Party An association to Accounting Supplier Party. 0..1 Statement Line Accounting Supplier Party Supplier Party AccountingSupplierParty ASBIE Statement Line. Accounting_ Supplier Party. Supplier Party Asociación con el responsable de la contabilidad del proveedor. 0..1 Statement Line Accounting Supplier Party Supplier Party Contable del proveedor AccountingSupplierParty ASBIE Statement Line. Payee_ Party. Party An association to Payee. 0..1 Statement Line Payee Party Party PayeeParty ASBIE Statement Line. Payee_ Party. Party Asociación con el beneficario. 0..1 Statement Line Payee Party Party Beneficiario PayeeParty ASBIE Statement Line. Invoice_ Period. Period An association to Invoice Period. 0..n Statement Line Invoice Period Period InvoicePeriod ASBIE Statement Line. Invoice_ Period. Period Asociación con el Período de facturación. 0..n Statement Line Invoice Period Period Período de facturación InvoicePeriod ASBIE Statement Line. Billing Reference An association to Billing Reference. 0..n Statement Line Billing Reference Billing Reference BillingReference ASBIE Statement Line. Billing Reference Asociación con Referencias de Facturación. 0..n Statement Line Billing Reference Billing Reference Referencia de facturación BillingReference ASBIE Statement Line. Document Reference An association to Document Reference. 0..n Statement Line Document Reference Document Reference DocumentReference ASBIE Statement Line. Document Reference Asociación la línea con una referencia a un documento. 0..n Statement Line Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a documento DocumentReference ASBIE Statement Line. Exchange Rate An association to Exchange Rate (between the Statement Line currency and the Related Document Currency). 0..1 Statement Line Exchange Rate Exchange Rate ExchangeRate ASBIE Statement Line. Exchange Rate Asociación con un Tipo de cambio (entre la moneda de la Línea de Estado contable y la moneda del Documento relacionado). 0..1 Statement Line Exchange Rate Exchange Rate Tipo de cambio ExchangeRate ABIE Status. Details The information relevant to a condition or a position of an object. Status ABIE Status. Details Información relevante a una condición o posición de un objeto. Status Estado BBIE Status. Condition Code. Code A code specifying the status condition of the related object. 0..1 Status Condition Code Code Transportation Status Transportation Status_ Code. Type ConditionCode BBIE Status. Condition Code. Code Código que especifica la condición de estado del objeto especificado. 0..1 Status Condition Code Code Transportation Status Transportation Status_ Code. Type Código de condición ConditionCode BBIE Status. Reference_ Date. Date A reference date value for this status. 0..1 Status Reference Date Date Date. Type ReferenceDate BBIE Status. Reference_ Date. Date Fecha de referencia para este estado. 0..1 Status Reference Date Date Date. Type Fecha de referencia ReferenceDate BBIE Status. Reference_ Time. Time A reference time value for this status. 0..1 Status Reference Time Time Time. Type ReferenceTime BBIE Status. Reference_ Time. Time Hora de referencia para este estado. 0..1 Status Reference Time Time Time. Type Hora de referencia ReferenceTime BBIE Status. Description. Text A textual description of this status. 0..1 Status Description Text Text. Type Description BBIE Status. Description. Text Descripción textual de este estado. 0..1 Status Description Text Text. Type Descripción Description BBIE Status. Status Reason Code. Code A code specifying a reason for a status condition. 0..1 Status Status Reason Code Code Code. Type StatusReasonCode BBIE Status. Status Reason Code. Code Código especificando el motivo para esta condición de estado. 0..1 Status Status Reason Code Code Code. Type Código de motivo de estado StatusReasonCode BBIE Status. Status_ Reason. Text The reason, expressed as text, for this status condition or position. 0..1 Status Status Reason Text Text. Type StatusReason BBIE Status. Status_ Reason. Text El motivo, expresado de forma textual, para esta condición o posición de estado. 0..1 Status Status Reason Text Text. Type Motivo de estado StatusReason BBIE Status. Sequence. Identifier A unique identifier of the sequence of this status. 0..1 Status Sequence Identifier Identifier. Type SequenceID BBIE Status. Sequence. Identifier Identificador único de la secuencia de este estado. 0..1 Status Sequence Identifier Identifier. Type ID de secuencia SequenceID BBIE Status. Text Provides any textual information related to this status. 0..1 Status Text Text Text. Type Text BBIE Status. Text Cualquier información textual relacionada con este estado. 0..1 Status Text Text Text. Type Texto Text BBIE Status. Indication_ Indicator. Indicator Specifies an indicator relevant to a specific status. 0..1 Status Indication Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type IndicationIndicator BBIE Status. Indication_ Indicator. Indicator Especifica un indicador relevante para este estado específico. 0..1 Status Indication Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador IndicationIndicator BBIE Status. Percent Specifies a percentage relevant to a specific status. 0..1 Status Percent Percent Percent. Type Percent BBIE Status. Percent Especifica un porcentaje relevante para este estado específico. 0..1 Status Percent Percent Percent. Type Porcentaje Percent ABIE Stock Availability Report Line. Details A class to define a line in a Stock Availability Report describing the availability of an item of sale. Stock Availability Report Line StockAvailabilityReportLineType ABIE Stock Availability Report Line. Details Stock Availability Report Line StockAvailabilityReportLineType BBIE Stock Availability Report Line. Identifier An identifier for this stock availability line. 1 Stock Availability Report Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Stock Availability Report Line. Identifier 1 Stock Availability Report Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Stock Availability Report Line. Note. Text Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures. 0..n Stock Availability Report Line Note Text Text. Type BBIE Stock Availability Report Line. Note. Text 0..n Stock Availability Report Line Note Text Text. Type BBIE Stock Availability Report Line. Quantity The quantity of the item currently in stock. 1 Stock Availability Report Line Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Stock Availability Report Line. Quantity 1 Stock Availability Report Line Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Stock Availability Report Line. Value. Amount The monetary value of the quantity of the item currently in stock. 0..1 Stock Availability Report Line Value Amount Amount. Type BBIE Stock Availability Report Line. Value. Amount 0..1 Stock Availability Report Line Value Amount Amount. Type BBIE Stock Availability Report Line. Availability Date. Date The date from which the item will be available. A date identical to or earlier than the IssueDate of the Stock Availability Report means that the item is available now 0..1 Stock Availability Report Line Availability Date Date Date. Type BBIE Stock Availability Report Line. Availability Date. Date 0..1 Stock Availability Report Line Availability Date Date Date. Type BBIE Stock Availability Report Line. Availability Status Code. Code A code signifying the level of availability of the item. 0..1 Stock Availability Report Line Availability Status Code Code Code. Type BBIE Stock Availability Report Line. Availability Status Code. Code 0..1 Stock Availability Report Line Availability Status Code Code Code. Type ASBIE Stock Availability Report Line. Item The item associated with this stock availability report line. 1 Stock Availability Report Line Item Item ASBIE Stock Availability Report Line. Item 1 Stock Availability Report Line Item Item ABIE Stowage. Details A location on board a means of transport where specified goods or transport equipment have been or are to be stowed. Stowage ABIE Stowage. Details Ubicación en un medio de transport donde los bienes especificados o equipamiento de transporte han sido estibados o donde deben estibarse. Stowage Estiba BBIE Stowage. Location Identifier. Identifier Identifies a location on board a means of transport where specified goods or transport equipment have been or are to be stowed. 0..1 Stowage Location Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Cell Location, coded LocationID BBIE Stowage. Location Identifier. Identifier Identifica una ubicación a bordo de un medio de transporte donde los bienes especificados o el equipo de transporte ha sido estibado o donde debe estibarse. 0..1 Stowage Location Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de ubicación LocationID BBIE Stowage. Location. Text Describes a location on board a means of transport where specified goods or transport equipment have been or are to be stowed. 0..n Stowage Location Text Text. Type Cell Location Location BBIE Stowage. Location. Text Describe la ubicación a bordo de un medio de transporte donde los bienes especificados o equipamiento de transporte ha sido estibado o donde debe estibarse. 0..n Stowage Location Text Text. Type Ubicación Location ASBIE Stowage. Measurement_ Dimension. Dimension Associates any measurements (including lengths, mass, and volume) for this stowage. 0..n Stowage Measurement Dimension Dimension MeasurementDimension ASBIE Stowage. Measurement_ Dimension. Dimension Asocia esta estiba con un conjunto de medidas (incluidas longitudes, masa, volumen). 0..n Stowage Measurement Dimension Dimension Dimensión MeasurementDimension ABIE Subcontract Terms. Details Information about the subcontract terms for this tendering process. Subcontract Terms ABIE Subcontract Terms. Details Información acerca de las condiciones de subcontratación establecidad en el pliego para un contrato. Subcontract Terms Condiciones de Subcontratación BBIE Subcontract Terms. Rate The estimated rate assigned to the subcontracted task. 0..1 Subcontract Terms Rate Rate Rate. Type BBIE Subcontract Terms. Rate Porcentaje de subcontratación estimado para este contrato. 0..1 Subcontract Terms Rate Rate Rate. Type Porcentaje BBIE Subcontract Terms. Min. Rate The minimum rate assigned to the subcontracted task. 0..1 Subcontract Terms Min Rate Rate. Type BBIE Subcontract Terms. Min. Rate Porcentaje mínimo de subcontratación que se debe realizar 0..1 Subcontract Terms Min Rate Rate. Type Porcentaje mínimo de subcontratación BBIE Subcontract Terms. Max. Rate The maximum rate assigned to the subcontracted task. 0..1 Subcontract Terms Max Rate Rate. Type BBIE Subcontract Terms. Max. Rate Porcentaje máximo de subcontratación que se pueder realizar 0..1 Subcontract Terms Max Rate Rate. Type Porcentaje máximo de subcontratación BBIE Subcontract Terms. Unknown_ Price. Indicator The indication of whether or not the subcontract price is known. 0..1 Subcontract Terms Unknown Price Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Subcontract Terms. Unknown_ Price. Indicator Indica (true) que el importe de subcontratación es desconocido. 0..1 Subcontract Terms Unknown Price Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador Valor Desconocido BBIE Subcontract Terms. Description. Text A textual description of this subcontracted task rate 0..n Subcontract Terms Description Text Text. Type BBIE Subcontract Terms. Description. Text Descripción del objeto de la subcontratación. 0..n Subcontract Terms Description Text Text. Type Descripción BBIE Subcontract Terms. Amount The amount assigned to the subcontracted task. 0..1 Subcontract Terms Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Subcontract Terms. Amount Importe máximo de subcontratación especificado para este contrato. 0..1 Subcontract Terms Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe BBIE Subcontract Terms. Subcontract Terms. Code Subcontract terms code for this tendering process from a list defined on the Law or Directive. 0..n Subcontract Terms SubcontractTerms Code Code Code. Type BBIE Subcontract Terms. Subcontract Terms. Code Código para indicar condiciones de subcontratación reguladas por la normativa y clasificadas en una lista 0..n Subcontract Terms SubcontractTerms Code Code Code. Type Código de Condiciones de Subcontratación ABIE Subscriber Consumption. Details The consumption for a specific party for given consumption point provided by a numbers of suppliers. An enterprise can have one utility statement for several parties (e.g. a ministry of defence receiving a telephone bill). In this way each subscriber consumption represent a sub utility statement. Subscriber Consumption SubscriberConsumptionType ABIE Subscriber Consumption. Details Subscriber Consumption SubscriberConsumptionType BBIE Subscriber Consumption. Consumption Identifier. Identifier The identifier tor this specification. 0..1 Subscriber Consumption Consumption Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Subscriber Consumption. Consumption Identifier. Identifier 0..1 Subscriber Consumption Consumption Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Subscriber Consumption. Specification Type Code. Code The code which specifies the type of this specification, e.g. an on account specification or the yearly specification. 0..1 Subscriber Consumption Specification Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Subscriber Consumption. Specification Type Code. Code 0..1 Subscriber Consumption Specification Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Subscriber Consumption. Note. Text Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures. 0..n Subscriber Consumption Note Text Text. Type This is how we have calculating your yearly statement BBIE Subscriber Consumption. Note. Text 0..n Subscriber Consumption Note Text Text. Type This is how we have calculating your yearly statement BBIE Subscriber Consumption. Total Metered Quantity. Quantity The total quantity consumed, as calculated from meter readings. 0..1 Subscriber Consumption Total Metered Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 2000.0 BBIE Subscriber Consumption. Total Metered Quantity. Quantity 0..1 Subscriber Consumption Total Metered Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 2000.0 ASBIE Subscriber Consumption. Subscriber_ Party. Party The party subscribing to the utility. 0..1 Subscriber Consumption Subscriber Party Party ASBIE Subscriber Consumption. Subscriber_ Party. Party 0..1 Subscriber Consumption Subscriber Party Party ASBIE Subscriber Consumption. Utility_ Consumption Point. Consumption Point The point at which the utility is consumed. 1 Subscriber Consumption Utility Consumption Point Consumption Point ASBIE Subscriber Consumption. Utility_ Consumption Point. Consumption Point 1 Subscriber Consumption Utility Consumption Point Consumption Point ASBIE Subscriber Consumption. On Account Payment The planned prepayments (on account) regarding this subscription. 0..n Subscriber Consumption On Account Payment On Account Payment ASBIE Subscriber Consumption. On Account Payment 0..n Subscriber Consumption On Account Payment On Account Payment ASBIE Subscriber Consumption. Consumption The consumption in case the consumption is from one and only one supplier. 0..1 Subscriber Consumption Consumption Consumption ASBIE Subscriber Consumption. Consumption 0..1 Subscriber Consumption Consumption Consumption ASBIE Subscriber Consumption. Supplier Consumption The consumption in case the consumption is from more than one supplier. 0..n Subscriber Consumption Supplier Consumption Supplier Consumption ASBIE Subscriber Consumption. Supplier Consumption 0..n Subscriber Consumption Supplier Consumption Supplier Consumption ABIE Supplier Consumption. Details The consumption in case the consumption is for one and only one supplier. Supplier Consumption SupplierConsumptionType ABIE Supplier Consumption. Details Supplier Consumption SupplierConsumptionType BBIE Supplier Consumption. Description. Text Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures. 0..n Supplier Consumption Description Text Text. Type This is what you pay for electricity to DONG Energy North Utility BBIE Supplier Consumption. Description. Text 0..n Supplier Consumption Description Text Text. Type This is what you pay for electricity to DONG Energy North Utility ASBIE Supplier Consumption. Utility Supplier_ Party. Party The party supplying the utility. 0..1 Supplier Consumption Utility Supplier Party Party ASBIE Supplier Consumption. Utility Supplier_ Party. Party 0..1 Supplier Consumption Utility Supplier Party Party ASBIE Supplier Consumption. Utility Customer_ Party. Party The utility customer. 0..1 Supplier Consumption Utility Customer Party Party ASBIE Supplier Consumption. Utility Customer_ Party. Party 0..1 Supplier Consumption Utility Customer Party Party ASBIE Supplier Consumption. Consumption The consumption regarding this supplier 1 Supplier Consumption Consumption Consumption ASBIE Supplier Consumption. Consumption 1 Supplier Consumption Consumption Consumption ASBIE Supplier Consumption. Contract A contract setting forth conditions regulating the consumption. 0..1 Supplier Consumption Contract Contract ASBIE Supplier Consumption. Contract 0..1 Supplier Consumption Contract Contract ASBIE Supplier Consumption. Consumption Line The consumption of a utility product. 1..n Supplier Consumption Consumption Line Consumption Line ASBIE Supplier Consumption. Consumption Line 1..n Supplier Consumption Consumption Line Consumption Line ABIE Supplier Party. Details Information about the Supplier Party. Supplier Party ABIE Supplier Party. Details Información acerca del proveedor. Supplier Party Proveedor BBIE Supplier Party. Customer Assigned_ Account Identifier. Identifier The customer's internal identifier for the supplier. 0..1 Supplier Party Customer Assigned Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type CustomerAssignedAccountID BBIE Supplier Party. Customer Assigned_ Account Identifier. Identifier Identificador asignado por el cliente para este proveedor. 0..1 Supplier Party Customer Assigned Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID asignado por el cliente CustomerAssignedAccountID BBIE Supplier Party. Additional_ Account Identifier. Identifier The customer's internal identifier for the supplier. 0..n Supplier Party Additional Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type AdditionalAccountID BBIE Supplier Party. Additional_ Account Identifier. Identifier Identificador interno adicional. 0..n Supplier Party Additional Account Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID adicional AdditionalAccountID BBIE Supplier Party. Data Sending Capability. Text Capability to send invoice data via the purchase card provider (VISA/MasterCard/American Express). 0..1 Supplier Party Data Sending Capability Text Text. Type DataSendingCapability BBIE Supplier Party. Data Sending Capability. Text Capacidad de enviar datos de la factura a través del proveedor de tarjeta de crédito (VISA/MasterCard/American Express). 0..1 Supplier Party Data Sending Capability Text Text. Type Capacidad de envío de datos DataSendingCapability ASBIE Supplier Party. Party An association to Party. 0..1 Supplier Party Party Party Party ASBIE Supplier Party. Party Asociación con una Parte. 0..1 Supplier Party Party Party Parte Party ASBIE Supplier Party. Despatch_ Contact. Contact An association to Despatch Contact. 0..1 Supplier Party Despatch Contact Contact DespatchContact ASBIE Supplier Party. Despatch_ Contact. Contact Asociación con el contacto de despacho. 0..1 Supplier Party Despatch Contact Contact Contacto de despacho DespatchContact ASBIE Supplier Party. Accounting_ Contact. Contact An association to Supplier Accounting Contact. 0..1 Supplier Party Accounting Contact Contact AccountingContact ASBIE Supplier Party. Accounting_ Contact. Contact Asociación con el contacto de facturación. 0..1 Supplier Party Accounting Contact Contact Contacto de facturación AccountingContact ASBIE Supplier Party. Seller_ Contact. Contact An association to Seller Contact. 0..1 Supplier Party Seller Contact Contact SellerContact ASBIE Supplier Party. Seller_ Contact. Contact Asociación con el contacto comercial. 0..1 Supplier Party Seller Contact Contact Contacto comercial SellerContact ABIE Tax Category. Details Information about a tax category. Tax Category ABIE Tax Category. Details Información acerca de una Categoría tributaria Tax Category Categoría tributaria BBIE Tax Category. Identifier Identifies the tax category. 0..1 Tax Category Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Tax Category. Identifier Identifica la categoría del tributo, impuesto o tasa 0..1 Tax Category Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Tax Category. Name The name of the tax category. 0..1 Tax Category Name Name Name. Type Name BBIE Tax Category. Name Nombre de la categoría 0..1 Tax Category Name Name Name. Type Nombre Name BBIE Tax Category. Percent The tax rate for the category, expressed as a percentage. 0..1 Tax Category Percent Percent Percent. Type Percent BBIE Tax Category. Percent Porcentaje a aplicar según esta categoría 0..1 Tax Category Percent Percent Percent. Type Porcentaje Percent BBIE Tax Category. Base Unit Measure. Measure Where a tax is applied at a certain rate per unit, the measure of units on which the tax calculation is based. 0..1 Tax Category Base Unit Measure Measure Measure. Type BaseUnitMeasure BBIE Tax Category. Base Unit Measure. Measure Cantidad de unidades tomada como base para calcular el tributo, en el caso de que un tributo deba aplicarse en función de un cierto porcentaje por unidad 0..1 Tax Category Base Unit Measure Measure Measure. Type Unidad de base BaseUnitMeasure BBIE Tax Category. Per Unit_ Amount. Amount Where a tax is applied at a certain rate per unit, the rate per unit applied. 0..1 Tax Category Per Unit Amount Amount Amount. Type PerUnitAmount BBIE Tax Category. Per Unit_ Amount. Amount Porcentaje por unidad aplicable, en el caso de que el tributo deba calcularse a partir de un porcentaje unitario 0..1 Tax Category Per Unit Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe unitario PerUnitAmount BBIE Tax Category. Tax Exemption Reason Code. Code The reason for tax being exempted expressed as a code. 0..1 Tax Category Tax Exemption Reason Code Code Code. Type TaxExemptionReasonCode BBIE Tax Category. Tax Exemption Reason Code. Code Código del motivo por el que se exonera de este tributo 0..1 Tax Category Tax Exemption Reason Code Code Code. Type Código de Motivo de exención TaxExemptionReasonCode BBIE Tax Category. Tax Exemption Reason. Text The reason for tax being exempted. 0..1 Tax Category Tax Exemption Reason Text Text. Type TaxExemptionReason BBIE Tax Category. Tax Exemption Reason. Text Razón por la que se exonera de este tributo 0..1 Tax Category Tax Exemption Reason Text Text. Type Motivo de exención TaxExemptionReason BBIE Tax Category. Tier Range. Text Where a tax is tiered, the range of tiers applied in the calculation of the tax subtotal for the tax category. 0..1 Tax Category Tier Range Text Text. Type TierRange BBIE Tax Category. Tier Range. Text Rango de niveles aplicable en el cálculo del Subtotal de esta categoría, en el caso de que el tributo esté subdividido en niveles 0..1 Tax Category Tier Range Text Text. Type Rango de niveles TierRange BBIE Tax Category. Tier Rate. Percent Where a tax is tiered, the rate of tax applied to the range of tiers in the calculation of the tax subtotal for the tax category. 0..1 Tax Category Tier Rate Percent Percent. Type TierRatePercent BBIE Tax Category. Tier Rate. Percent Porcentaje del tributo aplicable al rango de niveles para calcular el Subtotal de esta categoría, en el caso de que el tributo esté subdividido en niveles 0..1 Tax Category Tier Rate Percent Percent. Type Porcentaje del rango de niveles TierRatePercent ASBIE Tax Category. Tax Scheme An association to Tax Scheme. 1 Tax Category Tax Scheme Tax Scheme TaxScheme ASBIE Tax Category. Tax Scheme Asociación a un Esquema Tributario 1 Tax Category Tax Scheme Tax Scheme Esquema tributario TaxScheme ABIE Tax Scheme. Details Information about a tax scheme. Tax Scheme ABIE Tax Scheme. Details Información acerca del esquema tributario. Tax Scheme Esquema tributario BBIE Tax Scheme. Identifier Identifies the tax scheme. 0..1 Tax Scheme Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Tax Scheme. Identifier Identifica el Esquema Tributario 0..1 Tax Scheme Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Tax Scheme. Name The name of the tax scheme. 0..1 Tax Scheme Name Name Name. Type Name BBIE Tax Scheme. Name Nombre del Esquema 0..1 Tax Scheme Name Name Name. Type Nombre Name BBIE Tax Scheme. Tax Type Code. Code An identifier for the tax type. 0..1 Tax Scheme Tax Type Code Code Code. Type TaxTypeCode BBIE Tax Scheme. Tax Type Code. Code Codfica el tipo de Tributo 0..1 Tax Scheme Tax Type Code Code Code. Type Tipo de tributo TaxTypeCode BBIE Tax Scheme. Currency Code. Code The currency in which the tax is collected and reported, expressed as a code. 0..1 Tax Scheme Currency Code Code Currency Currency_ Code. Type CurrencyCode BBIE Tax Scheme. Currency Code. Code Codifica el tipo de moneda en la que se especifica y recauda este tributo 0..1 Tax Scheme Currency Code Code Currency Currency_ Code. Type Código de Moneda CurrencyCode ASBIE Tax Scheme. Jurisdiction Region_ Address. Address An association with Address (of taxation jurisdiction). 0..n Tax Scheme Jurisdiction Region Address Address JurisdictionRegionAddress ASBIE Tax Scheme. Jurisdiction Region_ Address. Address Asociación de una Dirección (de la jurisdicción de impuestos) 0..n Tax Scheme Jurisdiction Region Address Address Jurisdicción JurisdictionRegionAddress ABIE Tax Subtotal. Details Information about the subtotal for a particular tax category within a tax scheme, such as standard rate within VAT. Tax Subtotal ABIE Tax Subtotal. Details Información acerca del subtotal de una Categoría tributaria dentro de un Tipo de tributo, como por ejempo el Porcentaje estándar dentro de la categoría IVA Tax Subtotal Subtotal Impositivo BBIE Tax Subtotal. Taxable_ Amount. Amount The net amount to which the tax percent (rate) is applied to calculate the tax amount. 0..1 Tax Subtotal Taxable Amount Amount Amount. Type TaxableAmount BBIE Tax Subtotal. Taxable_ Amount. Amount Cantidad neta a la que se aplica el Tipo impositivo (porcentaje impuesto) para calcular la Cuota 0..1 Tax Subtotal Taxable Amount Amount Amount. Type Base imponible TaxableAmount BBIE Tax Subtotal. Tax Amount. Amount The amount of tax stated explicitly. 1 Tax Subtotal Tax Amount Amount Amount. Type TaxAmount BBIE Tax Subtotal. Tax Amount. Amount Importe explícito a tributar. 1 Tax Subtotal Tax Amount Amount Amount. Type Cuota TaxAmount BBIE Tax Subtotal. Calculation Sequence. Numeric Identifies the numerical order sequence in which taxes are applied when multiple taxes are attracted. If all taxes apply to the same taxable amount, CalculationSequenceNumeric will be '1' for all taxes. 0..1 Tax Subtotal Calculation Sequence Numeric Numeric. Type CalculationSequenceNumeric BBIE Tax Subtotal. Calculation Sequence. Numeric Identifica la secuencia numérica ordenada en la que se aplican los tributos en el caso de múltiples tributos. Si todos los tributos se refieren a la misma Base Imponible, la Secuencia de cálculos será “1” para todos los tributos. 0..1 Tax Subtotal Calculation Sequence Numeric Numeric. Type Secuencia de cálculos CalculationSequenceNumeric BBIE Tax Subtotal. Transaction Currency_ Tax Amount. Amount The tax amount, expressed in the currency used for invoicing. 0..1 Tax Subtotal Transaction Currency Tax Amount Amount Amount. Type TransactionCurrencyTaxAmount BBIE Tax Subtotal. Transaction Currency_ Tax Amount. Amount Cuota expresada en la moneda utilizada para facturar. 0..1 Tax Subtotal Transaction Currency Tax Amount Amount Amount. Type Cuota en la moneda de transacción TransactionCurrencyTaxAmount BBIE Tax Subtotal. Percent The tax rate for the category, expressed as a percentage. 0..1 Tax Subtotal Percent Percent Percent. Type Percent BBIE Tax Subtotal. Percent Porcentaje que se aplica a la Base Imponible utilizado para calcular la Cuota 0..1 Tax Subtotal Percent Percent Percent. Type Porcentaje Percent BBIE Tax Subtotal. Base Unit Measure. Measure Where a tax is applied at a certain rate per unit, the measure of units on which the tax calculation is based. 0..1 Tax Subtotal Base Unit Measure Measure Measure. Type BaseUnitMeasure BBIE Tax Subtotal. Base Unit Measure. Measure Número de unidades a partir del cual se calcula el tributo, cuando éste se aplica basándose en un determinado porcentaje por unidad 0..1 Tax Subtotal Base Unit Measure Measure Measure. Type Unidades base BaseUnitMeasure BBIE Tax Subtotal. Per Unit_ Amount. Amount Where a tax is applied at a certain rate per unit, the rate per unit applied. 0..1 Tax Subtotal Per Unit Amount Amount Amount. Type PerUnitAmount BBIE Tax Subtotal. Per Unit_ Amount. Amount Importe por unidad aplicado, en el caso de que el tributo se base en un determinado porcentaje por unidad 0..1 Tax Subtotal Per Unit Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe unitario PerUnitAmount BBIE Tax Subtotal. Tier Range. Text Where a tax is tiered, the range of tiers applied in the calculation of the tax subtotal for the tax category. 0..1 Tax Subtotal Tier Range Text Text. Type TierRange BBIE Tax Subtotal. Tier Range. Text Rango de niveles aplicable en el cálculo del Subtotal de esta categoría, en el caso de que el tributo esté subdividido en niveles 0..1 Tax Subtotal Tier Range Text Text. Type Rango de niveles TierRange BBIE Tax Subtotal. Tier Rate. Percent Where a tax is tiered, the rate of tax applied to the range of tiers in the calculation of the tax subtotal for the tax category. 0..1 Tax Subtotal Tier Rate Percent Percent. Type TierRatePercent BBIE Tax Subtotal. Tier Rate. Percent Porcentaje del tributo aplicable al rango de niveles para calcular el Subtotal de esta categoría, en el caso de que el tributo esté subdividido en niveles 0..1 Tax Subtotal Tier Rate Percent Percent. Type Porcentaje del rango de niveles TierRatePercent ASBIE Tax Subtotal. Tax Category An association to Tax Category. 1 Tax Subtotal Tax Category Tax Category TaxCategory ASBIE Tax Subtotal. Tax Category Asociación con una Categoria Tributaria 1 Tax Subtotal Tax Category Tax Category Categoría tributaria TaxCategory ABIE Tax Total. Details Information about a total amount of a particular type of tax. Tax Total ABIE Tax Total. Details Información acerca del importe total de un tipo particular de impuesto. Tax Total Total Impuestos BBIE Tax Total. Tax Amount. Amount The total tax amount for particular tax scheme e.g. VAT; the sum of each of the tax subtotals for each tax category within the tax scheme. 1 Tax Total Tax Amount Amount Amount. Type TaxAmount BBIE Tax Total. Tax Amount. Amount Importe total de un tributo, suma de cada uno de los Subtotales Impositivos para cada Categoría tributaria dentro del Tipo de Tributo. 1 Tax Total Tax Amount Amount Amount. Type Importe total TaxAmount BBIE Tax Total. Rounding Amount. Amount The rounding amount (positive or negative) added to the calculated tax total to produce the rounded TotalTaxAmount. 0..1 Tax Total Rounding Amount Amount Amount. Type RoundingAmount BBIE Tax Total. Rounding Amount. Amount Cantidad redondea (positiva o negativa) que se añade al Importe Total calculado 0..1 Tax Total Rounding Amount Amount Amount. Type Redondeo RoundingAmount BBIE Tax Total. Tax Evidence_ Indicator. Indicator An indicator as to whether these totals are recognized as legal evidence for taxation purposes. 0..1 Tax Total Tax Evidence Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type TaxEvidenceIndicator BBIE Tax Total. Tax Evidence_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si estos totales pueden adoptar valor probatorio a efectos legales 0..1 Tax Total Tax Evidence Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de prueba TaxEvidenceIndicator ASBIE Tax Total. Tax Subtotal An association to Tax Subtotal. 0..n Tax Total Tax Subtotal Tax Subtotal TaxSubtotal ASBIE Tax Total. Tax Subtotal Asociación a un Subtotal de Impuestos. 0..n Tax Total Tax Subtotal Tax Subtotal Subtotal impositivo TaxSubtotal ABIE Telecommunications Service. Details A class to describe a telecommunications service (e.g., a telephone call or a video on demand service). Telecommunications Service TelecommunicationsServiceType ABIE Telecommunications Service. Details Telecommunications Service TelecommunicationsServiceType BBIE Telecommunications Service. Identifier An identifier for this telecommunications service. 0..1 Telecommunications Service Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Telecommunications Service. Identifier 0..1 Telecommunications Service Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Telecommunications Service. Call_ Date. Date In the case of a telephone call, the date of the call. 1 Telecommunications Service Call Date Date Date. Type 2008-01-01 BBIE Telecommunications Service. Call_ Date. Date 1 Telecommunications Service Call Date Date Date. Type 2008-01-01 BBIE Telecommunications Service. Call_ Time. Time In the case of a telephone call, the time of the call. 1 Telecommunications Service Call Time Time Time. Type 00:01:00 BBIE Telecommunications Service. Call_ Time. Time 1 Telecommunications Service Call Time Time Time. Type 00:01:00 BBIE Telecommunications Service. Service Number Called. Text In the case of a telephone call, the phone number called. 1 Telecommunications Service Service Number Called Text Text. Type 12345679 BBIE Telecommunications Service. Service Number Called. Text 1 Telecommunications Service Service Number Called Text Text. Type 12345679 BBIE Telecommunications Service. Telecommunications Service Category. Text The telecommunications category, expressed as text. 0..1 Telecommunications Service Telecommunications Service Category Text Text. Type Subscription BBIE Telecommunications Service. Telecommunications Service Category. Text 0..1 Telecommunications Service Telecommunications Service Category Text Text. Type Subscription BBIE Telecommunications Service. Telecommunications Service Category Code. Code The telecommunications category, expressed as a code. 0..1 Telecommunications Service Telecommunications Service Category Code Code Code. Type Subscription BBIE Telecommunications Service. Telecommunications Service Category Code. Code 0..1 Telecommunications Service Telecommunications Service Category Code Code Code. Type Subscription BBIE Telecommunications Service. Movie Title. Text The title of a movie delivered via this telecommunications service. 0..1 Telecommunications Service Movie Title Text Text. Type The Matrix BBIE Telecommunications Service. Movie Title. Text 0..1 Telecommunications Service Movie Title Text Text. Type The Matrix BBIE Telecommunications Service. Roaming Partner Name. Name Statement of the roaming partner name. 0..1 Telecommunications Service Roaming Partner Name Name Name. Type BBIE Telecommunications Service. Roaming Partner Name. Name 0..1 Telecommunications Service Roaming Partner Name Name Name. Type BBIE Telecommunications Service. Pay Per View. Text A pay-per-view delivered via this telecommunications service. 0..1 Telecommunications Service Pay Per View Text Text. Type BBIE Telecommunications Service. Pay Per View. Text 0..1 Telecommunications Service Pay Per View Text Text. Type BBIE Telecommunications Service. Quantity The number of calls. 0..1 Telecommunications Service Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 5761 BBIE Telecommunications Service. Quantity 0..1 Telecommunications Service Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 5761 BBIE Telecommunications Service. Telecommunications Service Call. Text The telecommunications call described as a text 0..1 Telecommunications Service Telecommunications Service Call Text Text. Type CallAttempt BBIE Telecommunications Service. Telecommunications Service Call. Text 0..1 Telecommunications Service Telecommunications Service Call Text Text. Type CallAttempt BBIE Telecommunications Service. Telecommunications Service Call Code. Code The telecommunications call described as a code 0..1 Telecommunications Service Telecommunications Service Call Code Code Code. Type CallAttempt BBIE Telecommunications Service. Telecommunications Service Call Code. Code 0..1 Telecommunications Service Telecommunications Service Call Code Code Code. Type CallAttempt BBIE Telecommunications Service. Call Base_ Amount. Amount The amount to be payed as the base for one call 0..1 Telecommunications Service Call Base Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Telecommunications Service. Call Base_ Amount. Amount 0..1 Telecommunications Service Call Base Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Telecommunications Service. Call Extension_ Amount. Amount The amount to be payed for the call 0..1 Telecommunications Service Call Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type 542.44 BBIE Telecommunications Service. Call Extension_ Amount. Amount 0..1 Telecommunications Service Call Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type 542.44 ASBIE Telecommunications Service. Price The price for using the telecommunication service 0..1 Telecommunications Service Price Price ASBIE Telecommunications Service. Price 0..1 Telecommunications Service Price Price ASBIE Telecommunications Service. Country The country to which the service is provided. In case of a telephone call it is the country where the receiver is located. 0..1 Telecommunications Service Country Country ASBIE Telecommunications Service. Country 0..1 Telecommunications Service Country Country ASBIE Telecommunications Service. Exchange Rate A exchanges rates used in the pricing e.g.. when phone calls has crossed border lines. 0..n Telecommunications Service Exchange Rate Exchange Rate ASBIE Telecommunications Service. Exchange Rate 0..n Telecommunications Service Exchange Rate Exchange Rate ASBIE Telecommunications Service. Allowance Charge An allowance or charge that applies to the UtilityStatement as a whole. 0..n Telecommunications Service Allowance Charge Allowance Charge ASBIE Telecommunications Service. Allowance Charge 0..n Telecommunications Service Allowance Charge Allowance Charge ASBIE Telecommunications Service. Tax Total A total amount of taxes of a particular kind applicable to this telecommunications service. 0..n Telecommunications Service Tax Total Tax Total ASBIE Telecommunications Service. Tax Total 0..n Telecommunications Service Tax Total Tax Total ASBIE Telecommunications Service. Call_ Duty. Duty In the case of a telephone call, a duty on this call. 0..n Telecommunications Service Call Duty Duty ASBIE Telecommunications Service. Call_ Duty. Duty 0..n Telecommunications Service Call Duty Duty ASBIE Telecommunications Service. Time_ Duty. Duty A duty on a consumption of time. 0..n Telecommunications Service Time Duty Duty ASBIE Telecommunications Service. Time_ Duty. Duty 0..n Telecommunications Service Time Duty Duty ABIE Telecommunications Supply. Details A class describing the supply of a telecommunication service, e.g., providing telephone calls. Telecommunications Supply TelecommunicationsSupplyType ABIE Telecommunications Supply. Details Telecommunications Supply TelecommunicationsSupplyType BBIE Telecommunications Supply. Telecommunications Supply Type. Text The type of telecommunications supply, expressed as text. 0..1 Telecommunications Supply Telecommunications Supply Type Text Text. Type Itemized tele Statement BBIE Telecommunications Supply. Telecommunications Supply Type. Text 0..1 Telecommunications Supply Telecommunications Supply Type Text Text. Type Itemized tele Statement BBIE Telecommunications Supply. Telecommunications Supply Type Code. Code The type of telecommunications supply, expressed as a code. 0..1 Telecommunications Supply Telecommunications Supply Type Code Code Code. Type TeleExtended BBIE Telecommunications Supply. Telecommunications Supply Type Code. Code 0..1 Telecommunications Supply Telecommunications Supply Type Code Code Code. Type TeleExtended BBIE Telecommunications Supply. Privacy Code. Code A code signifying the level of confidentiality of this information for this telecommunication supply. 1 Telecommunications Supply Privacy Code Code Code. Type CompanyLevel BBIE Telecommunications Supply. Privacy Code. Code 1 Telecommunications Supply Privacy Code Code Code. Type CompanyLevel BBIE Telecommunications Supply. Description. Text Text describing the telecommunications supply. 0..n Telecommunications Supply Description Text Text. Type Extended conversation Statement January quarter 2008. BBIE Telecommunications Supply. Description. Text 0..n Telecommunications Supply Description Text Text. Type Extended conversation Statement January quarter 2008. BBIE Telecommunications Supply. Total_ Amount. Amount The total amount associated with this telecommunications supply. 0..1 Telecommunications Supply Total Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Telecommunications Supply. Total_ Amount. Amount 0..1 Telecommunications Supply Total Amount Amount Amount. Type ASBIE Telecommunications Supply. Telecommunications Supply Line Outlines the provided telecommunication supply 1..n Telecommunications Supply Telecommunications Supply Line Telecommunications Supply Line ASBIE Telecommunications Supply. Telecommunications Supply Line 1..n Telecommunications Supply Telecommunications Supply Line Telecommunications Supply Line ABIE Telecommunications Supply Line. Details A class that outlines the telecommunication supply in details Telecommunications Supply Line TelecommunicationsSupplyLineType ABIE Telecommunications Supply Line. Details Telecommunications Supply Line TelecommunicationsSupplyLineType BBIE Telecommunications Supply Line. Identifier An identifier for this telecommunications supply line. 1 Telecommunications Supply Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type 1 BBIE Telecommunications Supply Line. Identifier 1 Telecommunications Supply Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type 1 BBIE Telecommunications Supply Line. Phone Number. Text The phone number used for this telecommunication supply line 1 Telecommunications Supply Line Phone Number Text Text. Type 12345678 BBIE Telecommunications Supply Line. Phone Number. Text 1 Telecommunications Supply Line Phone Number Text Text. Type 12345678 BBIE Telecommunications Supply Line. Description. Text The description of the telecommunication supply line 0..n Telecommunications Supply Line Description Text Text. Type Additional informations BBIE Telecommunications Supply Line. Description. Text 0..n Telecommunications Supply Line Description Text Text. Type Additional informations BBIE Telecommunications Supply Line. Line Extension Amount. Amount An amount specifying the cost of this telecommunication line 0..1 Telecommunications Supply Line Line Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Telecommunications Supply Line. Line Extension Amount. Amount 0..1 Telecommunications Supply Line Line Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type ASBIE Telecommunications Supply Line. Exchange Rate Exchanges rates used to calculate the amount for this line. 0..n Telecommunications Supply Line Exchange Rate Exchange Rate ASBIE Telecommunications Supply Line. Exchange Rate 0..n Telecommunications Supply Line Exchange Rate Exchange Rate ASBIE Telecommunications Supply Line. Allowance Charge An allowance or charge that applies to this telecommunication supply line. 0..n Telecommunications Supply Line Allowance Charge Allowance Charge ASBIE Telecommunications Supply Line. Allowance Charge 0..n Telecommunications Supply Line Allowance Charge Allowance Charge ASBIE Telecommunications Supply Line. Tax Total A total amount of taxes of a particular kind applicable to this telecommunications supply line 0..n Telecommunications Supply Line Tax Total Tax Total ASBIE Telecommunications Supply Line. Tax Total 0..n Telecommunications Supply Line Tax Total Tax Total ASBIE Telecommunications Supply Line. Telecommunications Service A telecommunications service (e.g., a telephone call). 1..n Telecommunications Supply Line Telecommunications Service Telecommunications Service ASBIE Telecommunications Supply Line. Telecommunications Service 1..n Telecommunications Supply Line Telecommunications Service Telecommunications Service ABIE Temperature. Details Information about temperature. Temperature ABIE Temperature. Details Información acerca de la temperatura. Temperature Temperatura BBIE Temperature. Attribute Identifier. Identifier An identifier for temperature. 1 Temperature Attribute Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type AttributeID BBIE Temperature. Attribute Identifier. Identifier Identificador para la temperatura 1 Temperature Attribute Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de atributo AttributeID BBIE Temperature. Measure The temperature measurement value. 1 Temperature Measure Measure Measure. Type Measure BBIE Temperature. Measure Valor de la temperatura 1 Temperature Measure Measure Measure. Type Medida Measure BBIE Temperature. Description. Text A description of the temperature measurement. 0..n Temperature Description Text Text. Type Description BBIE Temperature. Description. Text Descripción aplicable al valor de la temperatura 0..n Temperature Description Text Text. Type Descripción Description ABIE Tender Line. Details Reference to a line on a Tender. Tender Line ABIE Tender Line. Details Información acerca del contenido de una línea de un documento de Oferta. Tender Line Línea de Oferta BBIE Tender Line. Identifier The identifier for the Tender Line. 0..1 Tender Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Tender Line. Identifier Identifica de forma única esta línea del documento. 0..1 Tender Line Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador de línea BBIE Tender Line. Note. Text Free form text applying to the Tender Line. This element may contain notes or any other similar information that is not contained explicitly in another structure. 0..n Tender Line Note Text Text. Type BBIE Tender Line. Note. Text Contiene cualquier texto en formato libre de la línea del documento. Puede contener notas o cualquier otro tipo de información similar que no se contemple en ninguna otra estructura. 0..n Tender Line Note Text Text. Type Nota BBIE Tender Line. Quantity The quantity of the Item quoted 0..1 Tender Line Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Tender Line. Quantity Cantidad de elementos a los que se refiere la línea. 0..1 Tender Line Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad BBIE Tender Line. Line Extension Amount. Amount The total amount for the Tender Line including Allowance Charges but net of taxes 0..1 Tender Line Line Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Tender Line. Line Extension Amount. Amount Importe total sin impuestos para esta línea de oferta. 0..1 Tender Line Line Extension Amount Amount Amount. Type Total de Línea BBIE Tender Line. Total_ Tax Amount. Amount The total tax amount for the Tender Line 0..1 Tender Line Total Tax Amount Amount Amount. Type BBIE Tender Line. Total_ Tax Amount. Amount Importe total de impuestos para esta línea de oferta. 0..1 Tender Line Total Tax Amount Amount Amount. Type Total Impuestos BBIE Tender Line. Orderable_ Unit. Text The unit that can be ordered. 0..n Tender Line Orderable Unit Text Text. Type BBIE Tender Line. Orderable_ Unit. Text Descripción en forma textual de la unidad sobre la que se basaría un pedido 0..n Tender Line Orderable Unit Text Text. Type Unidad de pedido BBIE Tender Line. Content Unit. Quantity The quantity of the order unit of measure of the line. 0..1 Tender Line Content Unit Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Tender Line. Content Unit. Quantity Contenido de una unidad de pedido. Indica el número de elementos del tipo indicado por el atributo unitCode contenidos en una unidad de pedido 0..1 Tender Line Content Unit Quantity Quantity. Type Contenido de unidad de pedido BBIE Tender Line. Order Quantity Increment. Numeric The number of items that can set the order quantity increments. 0..1 Tender Line Order Quantity Increment Numeric Numeric. Type BBIE Tender Line. Order Quantity Increment. Numeric Las unidades del pedido se pueden incrementar en múltiplos de esta cifra a partir de la cantidad mínima de pedido. 0..1 Tender Line Order Quantity Increment Numeric Numeric. Type Incrementos en la cantidad comprable BBIE Tender Line. Minimum_ Order Quantity. Quantity The minimum amount of items that can be ordered. 0..1 Tender Line Minimum Order Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Tender Line. Minimum_ Order Quantity. Quantity Cantidad mínima de elementos que se pueden solicitar en un pedido. 0..1 Tender Line Minimum Order Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad mínima de pedido BBIE Tender Line. Maximum_ Order Quantity. Quantity The maximum amount of items that can be ordered. 0..1 Tender Line Maximum Order Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Tender Line. Maximum_ Order Quantity. Quantity Cantidad máxima de elementos que se pueden solicitar en un pedido. 0..1 Tender Line Maximum Order Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad máxima de pedido BBIE Tender Line. Warranty_ Information. Text Information regarding the warranty for the good or service. Warranty may be provided by any Party (can be described in the assiciation to Warranty Party). 0..n Tender Line Warranty Information Text Text. Type BBIE Tender Line. Warranty_ Information. Text Información acerca de la garantía asociada al bien o servicio. La Garantía puede ser provista por cualquier Parte (puede ser descrita por la asociación con la Parte garante). 0..n Tender Line Warranty Information Text Text. Type Información de garantía BBIE Tender Line. Pack Level Code. Code The level of packaging involved. 0..1 Tender Line Pack Level Code Code Code. Type Consumer Unit, Trading Unit BBIE Tender Line. Pack Level Code. Code Indica el nivel de empaquetado empleado. 0..1 Tender Line Pack Level Code Code Code. Type Código de nivel de empaquetado ASBIE Tender Line. Document Reference An association to Document Reference 0..n Tender Line Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Tender Line. Document Reference Asociaciones con instancias del componente Documento Referenciado, utilizadas para vincular este componente con documentos vinculados. 0..n Tender Line Document Reference Document Reference Documento Referenciado ASBIE Tender Line. Item An association to Item 0..1 Tender Line Item Item ASBIE Tender Line. Item Asociación con una instancia del componente Ítem, utilizada para especificar un producto o servicio al que se refiere esta línea. 0..1 Tender Line Item Item Elemento ASBIE Tender Line. Offered_ Item Location Quantity. Item Location Quantity An association to the description of properties related to locations and quantities of the Item. 0..n Tender Line Offered Item Location Quantity Item Location Quantity ASBIE Tender Line. Offered_ Item Location Quantity. Item Location Quantity Características de los elementos ofertados según cantidades y lugar de entrega o ejecución 0..n Tender Line Offered Item Location Quantity Item Location Quantity Importe por cantidad y ubicación ASBIE Tender Line. Replacement_ Related Item. Related Item An association that describes any catalogue items that may be replacements for this Item. 0..n Tender Line Replacement Related Item Related Item ASBIE Tender Line. Replacement_ Related Item. Related Item Asociación que describe elementos que pueden sustituir a este elemento. 0..n Tender Line Replacement Related Item Related Item Elemento sustitutivo ASBIE Tender Line. Warranty_ Party. Party The party responsible for the Warranty. 0..1 Tender Line Warranty Party Party ASBIE Tender Line. Warranty_ Party. Party Asociación con un componente Parte, responsable de proporcionar la Garantía sobre el producto o servicio. 0..1 Tender Line Warranty Party Party Garante ASBIE Tender Line. Warranty Validity_ Period. Period The period for which the Warranty is valid. 0..1 Tender Line Warranty Validity Period Period ASBIE Tender Line. Warranty Validity_ Period. Period Período durante el cual la Garantía para el producto o servicio está en vigor. 0..1 Tender Line Warranty Validity Period Period Plazo de validez de la garantía ASBIE Tender Line. Sub_ Tender Line. Tender Line An association to a Sub Tender Line 0..n Tender Line Sub Tender Line Tender Line ASBIE Tender Line. Sub_ Tender Line. Tender Line Asociación con un componente Línea de oferta, utilizado para desglosar la línea de oferta 0..n Tender Line Sub Tender Line Tender Line Sublínea de oferta ABIE Tender Preparation. Details Information about how to prepare a tender. Tender Preparation ABIE Tender Preparation. Details Información sobre la preparación de la oferta. Tender Preparation Preparación de oferta BBIE Tender Preparation. Tender Envelope Identifier. Identifier Identifier of the Tender envelope. 1 Tender Preparation Tender Envelope Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Tender Preparation. Tender Envelope Identifier. Identifier Identificador del sobre especificado por el órgano de contratación. 1 Tender Preparation Tender Envelope Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador de sobre BBIE Tender Preparation. Tender Envelope Type Code. Code A code to specify the type of tender (economical or objective criteria versus technical or subjective criteria) 0..1 Tender Preparation Tender Envelope Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Tender Preparation. Tender Envelope Type Code. Code Código que especifica el tipo de documento Oferta en este sobre. 0..1 Tender Preparation Tender Envelope Type Code Code Code. Type Tipo de Oferta BBIE Tender Preparation. Procurement Project Lot Identifier. Identifier Identifier of the procurement project lot to which this tender envelope can contain information. 0..n Tender Preparation Procurement Project Lot Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Tender Preparation. Procurement Project Lot Identifier. Identifier Identificador del lote al que se debe ofertar en este sobre. 0..n Tender Preparation Procurement Project Lot Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador de lote BBIE Tender Preparation. Open Event Identifier. Identifier Identifier of the event when this tender envelope will be opened during the procurement process. 0..1 Tender Preparation Open Event Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Tender Preparation. Open Event Identifier. Identifier Identificador del evento de apertura en el que se abrirá este sobre. 0..1 Tender Preparation Open Event Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador de evento BBIE Tender Preparation. Description. Text Textual description of the tender envelope. 0..n Tender Preparation Description Text Text. Type BBIE Tender Preparation. Description. Text Información textual acerca del contenido de la preparación de la oferta. 0..n Tender Preparation Description Text Text. Type Descripción BBIE Tender Preparation. Submission Method Code. Code Textual description of the tender envelope. 0..1 Tender Preparation Submission Method Code Code Code. Type BBIE Tender Preparation. Submission Method Code. Code Indica la forma en que se debe presentar el sobre (electrónica, manual, etc.) 0..1 Tender Preparation Submission Method Code Code Code. Type Forma de presentación BBIE Tender Preparation. Required Signature Indicator. Indicator Textual description of the tender envelope. 0..1 Tender Preparation Required Signature Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tender Preparation. Required Signature Indicator. Indicator Indica si el sobre se debe firmar electrónicamente 0..1 Tender Preparation Required Signature Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de firma requerida BBIE Tender Preparation. Required Encryption. Indicator Textual description of the tender envelope. 0..1 Tender Preparation Required Encryption Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tender Preparation. Required Encryption. Indicator Indica si el sobre se debe cifrar para asegurar su confidencialidad 0..1 Tender Preparation Required Encryption Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de cifrado requerido BBIE Tender Preparation. Anonymous Envelope Indicator. Indicator Textual description of the tender envelope. 0..1 Tender Preparation Anonymous Envelope Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tender Preparation. Anonymous Envelope Indicator. Indicator Indica si el sobre debe ser anónimo 0..1 Tender Preparation Anonymous Envelope Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de sobre anónimo BBIE Tender Preparation. Related Awarding Criteria Identifier. Identifier Textual description of the tender envelope. 0..n Tender Preparation Related Awarding Criteria Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Tender Preparation. Related Awarding Criteria Identifier. Identifier Indicador de criterio de adjudicación al que se refiere el contenido del sobre 0..n Tender Preparation Related Awarding Criteria Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador de criterio de adjudicación BBIE Tender Preparation. Allowed Previous Opening Indicator. Indicator Allowed Previous Opening Indicator 0..1 Tender Preparation Allowed Previous Opening Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tender Preparation. Allowed Previous Opening Indicator. Indicator Indica si el sobre puede abrirse antes de la celebración de la sesión. 0..1 Tender Preparation Allowed Previous Opening Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de apertura previa BBIE Tender Preparation. Allowed Previous Decryption Indicator. Indicator Allowed Previous Decrytion Indicatror 0..1 Tender Preparation Allowed Previous Decryption Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tender Preparation. Allowed Previous Decryption Indicator. Indicator Indica si el sobre puede desencriptarse antes de la celebración de la sesión. 0..1 Tender Preparation Allowed Previous Decryption Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de desencriptación previa BBIE Tender Preparation. DPS Category Identifier. Identifier Identifier of the DPS Category to which this tender envelope can contain information. 0..n Tender Preparation DPS Category Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Tender Preparation. DPS Category Identifier. Identifier Identificador de la categoría a la que se debe ofertar en este sobre. 0..n Tender Preparation DPS Category Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador de categoría ASBIE Tender Preparation. Tenderer Requirement Reference. Tenderer Requirement Reference Tenderer qualification requirements related with the documents to be included in the envelope 0..n Tender Preparation Tenderer Requirement Reference Tenderer Requirement Reference ASBIE Tender Preparation. Tenderer Requirement Reference. Tenderer Requirement Reference Asociación con el componente Referencia a requisitos de participación para permitir referenciar los requisitos de participación a los que se refiere la documentación a incluir en este sobre. 0..n Tender Preparation Tenderer Requirement Reference Tenderer Requirement Reference Referencia a requisitos de participación ASBIE Tender Preparation. Document_ Tender Requirement. Tender Requirement Requirements for the documents to include in this tender envelope. 0..n Tender Preparation Document Tender Requirement Tender Requirement ASBIE Tender Preparation. Document_ Tender Requirement. Tender Requirement Asociación con el componente Requisitos de oferta para permitir especificar los documentos que se deben incorporar en este sobre. 0..n Tender Preparation Document Tender Requirement Tender Requirement Documentos Requeridos ABIE Tender Requirement. Details An action or statement that is imperative in a tender. Tender Requirement ABIE Tender Requirement. Details Requisitos para las ofertas. Tender Requirement Requisito de oferta BBIE Tender Requirement. Name. Text Name of the requirement. 0..n Tender Requirement Name Text Text. Type BBIE Tender Requirement. Name. Text Nombre del requisito para la oferta 0..n Tender Requirement Name Text Text. Type Nombre BBIE Tender Requirement. Description. Text A textual description of the requirement. 0..n Tender Requirement Description Text Text. Type BBIE Tender Requirement. Description. Text Descripción textual del requisito 0..n Tender Requirement Description Text Text. Type Descripción BBIE Tender Result. RequiredSignatureIndicator. Indicator Signature is required indicator 0..1 Tender Requirement Required Signature Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tender Result. RequiredSignatureIndicator. Indicator Indica si se requiere firma 0..1 Tender Requirement Required Signature Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de requirimiento de firma BBIE Tender Result. MandatoryIndicator. Indicator Optional or Mandatory Indicator 0..1 Tender Requirement Mandatory Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tender Result. MandatoryIndicator. Indicator Indica si es requerido u opcional 0..1 Tender Requirement Mandatory Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de obligatoriedad ASBIE Tender Requirement. Template_ Document Reference. Document Reference A document reference to a sample or template for the tenderer to fulfill this requirement when creting the tender. 0..n Tender Requirement Template Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Tender Requirement. Template_ Document Reference. Document Reference Asociación con un componente Documento que permite anexar o crear una referencia a una plantilla para la creación de una oferta. 0..n Tender Requirement Template Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a plantilla ABIE Tender Result. Details The result of the bid opening in the tendering process Tender Result ABIE Tender Result. Details Información acerca del resultado de la adjudicación, indicando si se ha producido o no el procedimiento de compra, e información relativa a la adjudicación para todo el contrato o para cada uno de los lotes. Tender Result Resultado de Adjudicación BBIE Tender Result. Result. Code The code specifiying the tender result for this tendering process. 0..1 Tender Result Result Code Code. Type BBIE Tender Result. Result. Code Código que especifica el resultado del proceso de licitación. 0..1 Tender Result Result Code Code. Type Código de resultado BBIE Tender Result. Description. Text The textual description for this tender result for this tendering process. 0..n Tender Result Description Text Text. Type BBIE Tender Result. Description. Text Descripción textual del acuerdo. 0..n Tender Result Description Text Text. Type Descripción BBIE Tender Result. Advertisement. Amount The monetary value of the advertisement for this tendering process. 0..1 Tender Result Advertisement Amount Amount. Type BBIE Tender Result. Advertisement. Amount Valor monetario de los gastos de publicidad a cargo del adjudicatario del proceso de licitación. 0..1 Tender Result Advertisement Amount Amount. Type Importe gastos de publicidad BBIE Tender Result. Award Date. Date The date at which awarding has been formalized 0..1 Tender Result Award Date Date Date. Type BBIE Tender Result. Award Date. Date Fecha en la que se adopta el acuerdo. 0..1 Tender Result Award Date Date Date. Type Fecha del Acuerdo BBIE Tender Result. Award Time. Time The time at which awarding has been formalized 0..1 Tender Result Award Time Time Time. Type BBIE Tender Result. Award Time. Time Hora en la que se adopta el acuerdo. 0..1 Tender Result Award Time Time Time. Type Hora del Acuerdo BBIE Tender Result. Received_ Tender. Quantity The total number of tenders received in this tendering process. 0..1 Tender Result Received Tender Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Tender Result. Received_ Tender. Quantity Número de ofertas recibidas para esta licitación o lote. 0..1 Tender Result Received Tender Quantity Quantity. Type Ofertas recibidas BBIE Tender Result. Lower_ Tender. Amount The most economical tender received in this tendering process. 0..1 Tender Result Lower Tender Amount Amount. Type BBIE Tender Result. Lower_ Tender. Amount Precio de la oferta económica más baja en este proceso de licitación. 0..1 Tender Result Lower Tender Amount Amount. Type Precio de la oferta más baja BBIE Tender Result. Higher_ Tender. Amount The most expensive tender received in this tendering process. 0..1 Tender Result Higher Tender Amount Amount. Type BBIE Tender Result. Higher_ Tender. Amount Precio de la oferta económica más elevada en este proceso de licitación. 0..1 Tender Result Higher Tender Amount Amount. Type Precio de la oferta más alta BBIE Tender Result. Start. Date The date on which this contract starts. 0..1 Tender Result Start Date Date. Type BBIE Tender Result. Start. Date Fecha en la que este contrato entra en vigor. 0..1 Tender Result Start Date Date. Type Fecha de Entrada en Vigor BBIE Tender Result.SMEsReceivedTender. Quantity Number of tenders received from SMEs 0..1 Tender Result SMEs ReceivedTender Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Tender Result.SMEsReceivedTender. Quantity Número de ofertas de PYMEs que se han presentado 0..1 Tender Result SMEs ReceivedTender Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Número de ofertas de PYMEs BBIE Tender Result.EUNationalsReceivedTender. Quantity Number of tenders received from tenderers from other EU Member States 0..1 Tender Result EUNationals ReceivedTender Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Tender Result.EUNationalsReceivedTender. Quantity Número de ofertas que se han recibido de licitadores pertenecientes a países miembros de de la Unión Europea 0..1 Tender Result EUNationals ReceivedTender Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Número de ofertas de la Unión Europea BBIE Tender Result.NonEUNationalReceivedTender. Quantity Number of tenders received from tenderers from non EU Member States 0..1 Tender Result NonEUNationals ReceivedTender Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Tender Result.NonEUNationalReceivedTender. Quantity Número de ofertas que se han recibido de licitadores no pertenecientes a países de la Unión Europea 0..1 Tender Result NonEUNationals ReceivedTender Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Número de ofertas no europeas BBIE Tender Result. ReceivedElectronicTender. Quantity Number of tenders received by electronic means 0..1 Tender Result Received ElectronicTender Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Tender Result. ReceivedElectronicTender. Quantity Número de ofertas que se han recibido de manera electrónica 0..1 Tender Result Received ElectronicTender Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Número de ofertas electrónicas BBIE Tender Result. SMEAwarded. Indicator The contractor is an SME 0..1 Tender Result SMEAwarded Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tender Result. SMEAwarded. Indicator Indica si el Adjudicatario en la Licitación o en el lote es una PYME 0..1 Tender Result SMEAwarded Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indica de adjudicatario PYME BBIE Tender Result. Awarded Owner Nationality. Code The nationality (or nationalities) of the beneficiary owner(s) of the winner, tenderer, or subcontractor as published in the register(s) established by European Parliament and Council Directive (EU) 2018/843. If such a register does not exist (e.g. in case of contractors established outside the Union) then equivalent information from other sources. 0..1 Tender Result Awarded Owner Nationality Code Code Code. Type BBIE Tender Result. Awarded Owner Nationality. Code información equivalente procedente de otras fuentes 0..1 Tender Result Awarded Owner Nationality Code Code Code. Type Nacionalidad del adjudicatario BBIE Tender Result.OrigingCountry.Code Origin Country 0..n Tender Result OriginCountry Code Code Code. Type BBIE Tender Result.OrigingCountry.Code Identifica el país origen del suministro 0..n Tender Result OriginCountry Code Code Code. Type País origen de la suministro BBIE Tender Result. AbnormallyLowTenders.Indicator Tenders were excluded on the ground that they were abnormally low 0..1 Tender Result AbnormallyLowTenders Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tender Result. AbnormallyLowTenders.Indicator Indica ha habido licitadores excluidos por presentación de ofertas desproporcionadas 0..1 Tender Result AbnormallyLowTenders Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de oferta desproporcionada BBIE Tender Result. Not Awarded Reason. Code The reason for not choosing a winner. 0..1 Tender Result Not Awarded Reason Code Code Code. Type BBIE Tender Result. Not Awarded Reason. Code El motivo para no elegir a un ganador 0..1 Tender Result Not Awarded Reason Code Code Code. Type Motivo de no adjudicación BBIE Tender Result. Association Description. Text The textual description for this tender result of an Association for this tendering process. 0..n Tender Result Association Description Text Text. Type BBIE Tender Result. Association Description. Text Descripción de la adjudicación de una Asociación para la innovación 0..n Tender Result Association Description Text Text. Type Descripción Asociación BBIE Tender Result. Jury Decision. Date 0..1 Tender Result Jury Decision Date Date. Type BBIE Tender Result. Jury Decision. Date Fecha de decisión del jurado del concurso de proyectos 0..1 Tender Result Jury Decision Date Date. Type Fecha de decisión BBIE Tender Result. Award. Amount The value of the prize(s) awarded 0..1 Tender Result Award Amount Amount. Type BBIE Tender Result. Award. Amount Importe del premio(s) concedido en el concurso de proyectos 0..1 Tender Result Award Amount Amount. Type Valor de los premios ASBIE Tender Result. Contract A contract that is identified in this tender result. 0..1 Tender Result Contract Contract ASBIE Tender Result. Contract Asociación con una instancia del componente Contrato, utilizada para aportar información común al contrato. 0..1 Tender Result Contract Contract Contrato ASBIE Tender Result. Winning_ Party. Party A party that is identified as the awarded by this tender result. 0..1 Tender Result Winning Party Party ASBIE Tender Result. Winning_ Party. Party Asociación con una instancia del componente Parte, utilizada para identificar al licitador que ha resultado ganador en este proceso de licitación o para este lote. 0..1 Tender Result Winning Party Party Adjudicatario ASBIE Tender Result. Awarded_ Tendered Project. Tendered Project The awarded tendered project for this tender result. 0..1 Tender Result Awarded Tendered Project Tendered Project ASBIE Tender Result. Awarded_ Tendered Project. Tendered Project Especificación del proyecto o lote comprometidos en la oferta del adjudicatario en el contexto de un proceso de licitación. 0..1 Tender Result Awarded Tendered Project Tendered Project Proyecto Adjudicado ASBIE Tender Result. Contract Formalization_ Period. Period The period to formalize the contract 0..1 Tender Result Contract Formalization Period Period ASBIE Tender Result. Contract Formalization_ Period. Period Asociación con una instancia del componente Período, utilizado para especificar el plazo de formalización del contrato. 0..1 Tender Result Contract Formalization Period Period Plazo de Formalización del Contrato ASBIE Tender Result. Subcontract Terms The actual subcontract information for this tender result. 0..n Tender Result Subcontract Terms Subcontract Terms ASBIE Tender Result. Subcontract Terms Asociación con el componente Condiciones de Sucontratación, utilizado para aportar información acerca de la subcontratación adjudicada. 0..n Tender Result Subcontract Terms Subcontract Terms Condiciones Subcontratación ASBIE Tender Result. Concession Revenue Information regarding the income of a concession 0..1 Tender Result Concession Revenue Concession Revenue ASBIE Tender Result. Concession Revenue Información de las ganancias de la concesión 0..1 Tender Result Concession Revenue Concession Revenue Ganacias de la concesión ASBIE Tender Result. CVD Details Information regarding a contract where the Clean Vehicles Directive applies 0..1 Tender Result CVD Details CVD Details ASBIE Tender Result. CVD Details Información referente a una contratación en donde aplica la Directiva de Vehículos Límpios 0..1 Tender Result CVD Details CVD Details Aplicación de la Directiva de Vehículos Límpios ASBIE Tender Result. Framework Agreement Recalculated Values Indication of the maximum and estimated values ​​of a framework agreement in the results announcements 0..1 Tender Result FrameworkAgreementRecalculatedValues FrameworkAgreementRecalculatedValues ASBIE Tender Result. Framework Agreement Recalculated Values Indicación de los valores máximo y estimado de un acuerdo marco en los anuncios de resultados 0..1 Tender Result FrameworkAgreementRecalculatedValues FrameworkAgreementRecalculatedValues Valores recalculados de un acuerdo marco ABIE Tendered Project. Details A set of lines of a tender refering to the same procurement project lot in the tendering process. Tendered Project ABIE Tendered Project. Details Información de los productos y servicios ofrecidos, que pueden hacer referencia al conjunto del contrato o a un lote. Tendered Project Oferta a proyecto BBIE Tendered Project. Procurement Project Lot. Identifier The identifier for the procurement project lot to which this Tender Line refers to. If there are no lots, this identifier should not be defined. 0..1 Tendered Project Procurement Project Lot Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Tendered Project. Procurement Project Lot. Identifier Identificador del lote definido por el comprador en los pliegos. 0..1 Tendered Project Procurement Project Lot Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador de lote BBIE Tendered Project. Variant. Identifier Identifies the variant of this tendered project 0..1 Tendered Project Variant Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Tendered Project. Variant. Identifier Identificador de variante si se trata de una variante de la oferta principal. 0..1 Tendered Project Variant Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador de variante BBIE Tendered Project. Fee. Amount Amount established as the fee for public concession contracts. 0..1 Tendered Project Fee Amount Amount. Type BBIE Tendered Project. Fee. Amount Valor monetario del canon. 0..1 Tendered Project Fee Amount Amount. Type Importe del canon BBIE Tendered Project. Fee_ Description. Text Textual description of the fee amount established in this tendered project. 0..n Tendered Project Fee Description Text Text. Type BBIE Tendered Project. Fee_ Description. Text Descripción textual del canon. 0..n Tendered Project Fee Description Text Text. Type Descripción del canon. BBIE Tendered Project. DPS Category. Identifier The identifier for the DPS Category to which this Tender Line refers to. If there are no lots, this identifier should not be defined. 0..1 Tendered Project Procurement Project DPS Category Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Tendered Project. DPS Category. Identifier Identificador de la categoría definida por el comprador en los pliegos. 0..1 Tendered Project Procurement Project DPS Category Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador de la categoría ASBIE Tendered Project. Tax Total An association to the total tax amount. 0..n Tendered Project Tax Total Tax Total ASBIE Tendered Project. Tax Total Asociación con una instancia del componente Impuestos Totales, utilizada para especificar los impuestos totales para esta oferta. 0..n Tendered Project Tax Total Tax Total Impuestos totales ASBIE Tendered Project. Legal Monetary Total An assocation to the total amounts for the tender. 0..1 Tendered Project Legal Monetary Total Legal Monetary Total ASBIE Tendered Project. Legal Monetary Total Asociación con una instancia del componente Importe Total, utilizada para especificar el importe total dela oferta. 0..1 Tendered Project Legal Monetary Total Legal Monetary Total Importe total ASBIE Tendered Project. Tender Line An association to a set of Tender Lines. 0..n Tendered Project Tender Line Tender Line ASBIE Tendered Project. Tender Line Información relativa a las obras, productos o servicios ofertados por el operador económico. 0..n Tendered Project Tender Line Tender Line Línea de Oferta ASBIE Tendered Project. Awarding Criteria Response An association to a set of Awarding Criteria Responses. 0..n Tendered Project Awarding Criteria Response Awarding Criteria Response ASBIE Tendered Project. Awarding Criteria Response Información de respuesta a los criterios de adjudicación establecidos por el órgano de contratación en los pliegos. 0..n Tendered Project Awarding Criteria Response Awarding Criteria Response Respuesta a criterio de adjudicación ABIE Tenderer Party Qualification. Details Information about the tenderer party qualifications Tenderer Party Qualification ABIE Tenderer Party Qualification. Details Información acerca del licitador o del consorcio que se presenta a un proceso de licitación. Tenderer Party Qualification Cualificación de licitadores BBIE Tenderer Party Qualification. Interested Procurement Lots Identifier. Identifier Identifier for the procurement project lot the party is interested in. 0..n Tenderer Party Qualification Interested Procurement Lots Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Tenderer Party Qualification. Interested Procurement Lots Identifier. Identifier Lote por el que el licitador demuestra interés. 0..n Tenderer Party Qualification Interested Procurement Lots Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Lote interés ASBIE Tenderer Party Qualification. Main_ Qualifying Party. Qualifying Party Main party qualifications. 1 Tenderer Party Qualification Main Qualifying Party Qualifying Party ASBIE Tenderer Party Qualification. Main_ Qualifying Party. Qualifying Party Asociación con una instancia de Operador Económico para especificar el licitador principal. 1 Tenderer Party Qualification Main Qualifying Party Qualifying Party Licitador principal ASBIE Tenderer Party Qualification. Project Joint Venture_ Qualifying Party. Qualifying Party Party qualifications for parties participating in a bidding consortium. 0..n Tenderer Party Qualification Project Joint Venture Qualifying Party Qualifying Party ASBIE Tenderer Party Qualification. Project Joint Venture_ Qualifying Party. Qualifying Party Asociación con una instancia de Operador Económico para especificar cada una de las empresas que componen una UTE 0..n Tenderer Party Qualification Project Joint Venture Qualifying Party Qualifying Party Componente consorcio ASBIE Tenderer Party Qualification. Subcontractor_ Qualifying Party. Qualifying Party Additional party qualifications when the bidding in a consortium. 0..n Tenderer Party Qualification Subcontractor Qualifying Party Qualifying Party ASBIE Tenderer Party Qualification. Subcontractor_ Qualifying Party. Qualifying Party Asociación con una instancia de Operador Económico para especificar un subcontratista. 0..n Tenderer Party Qualification Subcontractor Qualifying Party Qualifying Party Subcontratista ABIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Details The evaluation that the Contracting Authority party requests to fulfill to the tenderers. Tenderer Qualification Request ABIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Details Solicitud de cualificación, clasificación, capacidad o solvencia exigible a un operador económico, como por ejemplo la capacidad económico-financiera o técnica. Tenderer Qualification Request Solicitud de Cualificación de licitador BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Legal Form. Text Textual description of the legal form required for economic operators in this tendering process. 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Legal Form Text Text. Type BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Legal Form. Text Descripción textual de la forma legal requerida para los operadores económicos que participan en este procedimiento. 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Legal Form Text Text. Type Forma legal BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Legal Form. Text A certain legal form must be taken by a group of tenderers that is awarded a contract. 0..1 Tenderer Qualification Request Company Legal Form Code Code. Type BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Legal Form. Text Un grupo de licitadores a los que se adjudique un contrato debe adoptar una determinada forma jurídica 0..1 Tenderer Qualification Request Company Legal Form Code Code. Type Forma jurídica del licitador BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Legal Form. Text The legal form that must be taken by a group of tenderers that is awarded a contract. 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Company Legal Text Text. Type BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Legal Form. Text La forma jurídica que debe adoptar un grupo de licitadores a los que se adjudique un contrato 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Company Legal Text Text. Type Forma jurídica del licitador. Descripción BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Personal Situation. Text Textual description of the personal situation of the economic operators in this tendering process. 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Personal Situation Text Text. Type BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Personal Situation. Text Descripción textual de los requisitos específicos del operador económico para poder participar en la licitación. 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Personal Situation Text Text. Type Situación Personal BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Personal Situation. Description. Text Indications about the personal situation of the economic operators in this tendering process. 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Personal Situation Description Text Text. Type BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Personal Situation. Description. Text Indicaciones relativas a los requisitos específicos del operador económico para poder participar en la licitación. 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Personal Situation Description Text Text. Type Indicaciones requisito Situación Personal BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Personal Situation. Second Stage. Indicator The Personal Situation will be used in the second phase 0..1 Tenderer Qualification Request Personal Situation SecondStage Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Personal Situation. Second Stage. Indicator Indicar si el requisito Situación personal será usado en una segunda fase 0..1 Tenderer Qualification Request Personal Situation SecondStage Indicator Indicator. Type Situacion personal.Segunda fase BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Operating Years. Quantity The minimum number of years that the business in this tendering business profile has been in operation. 0..1 Tenderer Qualification Request Operating Years Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Operating Years. Quantity Años de experiencia requeridos al operador en el ejercicio de su actividad. 0..1 Tenderer Qualification Request Operating Years Quantity Quantity. Type Años de Ejercicio BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Operating Years. Description. Text Indications about the minimum number of employees of the business in this tendering business profile. 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Operating Years Description Text Text. Type BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Operating Years. Description. Text Indicaciones relativas a los años de experiencia requeridos al operador económico en el ejercicio de su actividad 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Operating Years Description Text Text. Type Indicaciones requisitos años de ejercicio BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Operating Years. Second Stage. Indicator The minimum number of years will be used in the second phase 0..1 Tenderer Qualification Request Operating Years SecondStage Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Operating Years. Second Stage. Indicator Indicar si el requisito de años de ejercicio será usado en una segunda fase 0..1 Tenderer Qualification Request Operating Years SecondStage Indicator Indicator. Type Años de ejercicio.Segunda fase BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Employee. Quantity The minimum number of employees of the business in this tendering business profile. 0..1 Tenderer Qualification Request Employee Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Employee. Quantity Empleados requeridos al operador económico. 0..1 Tenderer Qualification Request Employee Quantity Quantity. Type Número de Empleados BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request.Employee Quantity. Description. Text Indications about the minimum number of employees of the business in this tendering business profile. 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Employee Quantity Description Text Text. Type BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request.Employee Quantity. Description. Text Indicaciones relativas al número de empleados requeridos al operador económico 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Employee Quantity Description Text Text. Type Indicaciones requisito número de empleados BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Employee Quantity. Second Stage. Indicator The minimum number of employees will be used in the second phase 0..1 Tenderer Qualification Request Employee Quantity SecondStage Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Employee Quantity. Second Stage. Indicator Indicar si el requisito denúmero de empleados será usado en una segunda fase 0..1 Tenderer Qualification Request Employee Quantity SecondStage Indicator Indicator. Type Número de empleados. Segunda fase BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Description. Text Textual information stating the evaluation requirements for this tenderer. 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Description Text Text. Type BBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Description. Text Descripción textual de la información y trámites necesarios para evaluar si se cumplen los requisitos de capacidad. 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Description Text Text. Type Descripción BBIE Tender Qualification Request. SecurityConditions. Text Other particular conditions description 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request SecurityConditions Text Text. Type BBIE Tender Qualification Request. SecurityConditions. Text Descripción de las condiciones de seguridad que deben cumplir los licitadores 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request SecurityConditions Text Text. Type Condiciones de seguridad BBIE Tender Qualification Request. SecurityClearencLimit.Date Security clearance 0..1 Tenderer Qualification Request SecurtyClearance Limit Date Date Date. Type BBIE Tender Qualification Request. SecurityClearencLimit.Date Fecha límite que tiene los Licitadores para obtener la acreditación de Seguridad que fuera requerida 0..1 Tenderer Qualification Request SecurtyClearance Limit Date Date Date. Type Fecha Límite para obtener la acreditación de Seguridad ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Personal Situation Suggested Evidence. Evidence Suggested evidence to prove the persoal situation of the economic operator 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Personal Situation Evidence Evidence ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Personal Situation Suggested Evidence. Evidence Medio indicado por el órgano de contratación para que el licitador acredite la clasificación requerida 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Personal Situation Evidence Evidence Medio para acreditar la situación personal ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Operation Years Suggested Evidence. Evidence Suggested evidence to prove that operating years of the economic operator 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Operating Years Evidence Evidence ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Operation Years Suggested Evidence. Evidence Medio indicado por el órgano de contratación para que el licitador acredite la clasificación requerida 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Operating Years Evidence Evidence Medio para acreditar los años de ejercicio ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Employee Quantity Suggested Evidence. Evidence Suggested evidence to prove the number of employees of the economic operator 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Employee Quantity Evidence Evidence ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Employee Quantity Suggested Evidence. Evidence Medio indicado por el órgano de contratación para que el licitador acredite la clasificación requerida 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Employee Quantity Evidence Evidence Medio para acreditar el número de empleados ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Required Business_ Classification Scheme. Classification Scheme An association to a classification scheme for the business profile. 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Required Business Classification Scheme Classification Scheme ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Required Business_ Classification Scheme. Classification Scheme Asociación con una instancia del componente Esquema de Clasificación, utilizadas para especificar las Clasificaciones requeridas para los Licitadores 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Required Business Classification Scheme Classification Scheme Esquema de Clasificación de Licitador requerido ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Required Business_ Classification Suggested Evidence. Evidence Suggested evidence to prove that the economic operator is qualified with de required bussiness classification 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Required Business Classification Evidence Evidence ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Required Business_ Classification Suggested Evidence. Evidence Medio indicado por el órgano de contratación para que el licitador acredite la clasificación requerida 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Required Business Classification Evidence Evidence Medio para acreditar clasificación ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Technical_ Evaluation Criteria. Evaluation Criteria Technical evaluation criteria required for an economic operator in a tendering process. 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Technical Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Criteria ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Technical_ Evaluation Criteria. Evaluation Criteria Criterios técnicos requeridos a un operador económico para evaluar su solvencia técnica y determinar su capacidad de participar en este contrato. 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Technical Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Criteria Criterio de Evaluación Técnica ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Financial_ Evaluation Criteria. Evaluation Criteria Financial evaluation criteria required for an economic operator in a tendering process. 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Financial Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Criteria ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Financial_ Evaluation Criteria. Evaluation Criteria Criterios economico-financieros requerido a un operador económico para evaluar su solvencia económica y determinar su capacidad de participar en este contrato. 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Financial Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Criteria Criterio de Evaluación Económica-Financiera ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Specific_ Tenderer Requirement. Tenderer Requirement Specific requirements that shall be met by the tenderer. 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Specific Tenderer Requirement Tenderer Requirement ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Specific_ Tenderer Requirement. Tenderer Requirement Requerimientos específicos que deben cumplir los licitadores como por ejemplo los criterios de admisión y exclusión. 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Specific Tenderer Requirement Tenderer Requirement Requerimiento específico ABIE Tenderer Requirement. Details An action or statement imperative for an economic operator participating in a tendering process. Tenderer Requirement ABIE Tenderer Requirement. Details Información para especificar requisitos para los licitadores. Tenderer Requirement Requisito de licitador BBIE Tenderer Requirement. Name. Text Name of the requirement. 0..n Tenderer Requirement Name Text Text. Type BBIE Tenderer Requirement. Name. Text Nombre del requisito específico 0..n Tenderer Requirement Name Text Text. Type Nombre BBIE Tenderer Requirement. Requirement_ Type Code. Code A code specifying the requirement for the tenderer. 0..1 Tenderer Requirement Requirement Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Tenderer Requirement. Requirement_ Type Code. Code Tipo de requisito, codificado. 0..1 Tenderer Requirement Requirement Type Code Code Code. Type Tipo BBIE Tenderer Requirement. Description. Text A textual description of the requirement. 0..n Tenderer Requirement Description Text Text. Type BBIE Tenderer Requirement. Description. Text Descripción textual del requisito 0..n Tenderer Requirement Description Text Text. Type Descripción BBIE Tenderer Requirement. Second Stage. Indicator The indication that the tender requirement is used for selection of candidates for a second stage 0..1 Tender Requirement Second Stage Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tenderer Requirement. Second Stage. Indicator Indica que el requisito es usado para la selección de candidatos en una segunda fase 0..1 Tender Requirement Second Stage Indicator Indicator. Type Segunda fase ASBIE Tenderer Requirement. Suggested_ Evidence. Evidence Evidence that is suggested to be used to fulfil the criteria. 0..n Tenderer Requirement Suggested Evidence Evidence ASBIE Tenderer Requirement. Suggested_ Evidence. Evidence Lista de posibles documentos que el licitador puede aportar como evidencias para probar que cumple con este requisito. 0..n Tenderer Requirement Suggested Evidence Evidence Evidencia sugerida ABIE Tenderer Requirement Reference. Details Information about the reference to tenderer requirement Tenderer Requirement Reference ABIE Tenderer Requirement Reference. Details Referencia a requisito para que el operador económico pueda participar en la licitación Tenderer Requirement Reference Referencia a requisito de participación BBIE Tenderer Requirement Reference. Tenderer Requirement Identifier. Identifier The unique identification for this tenderer requirement 0..1 TendererRequirementReference Tenderer Requirement Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Tenderer Requirement Reference. Tenderer Requirement Identifier. Identifier ID del requisito de participación al que se hace referencia 0..1 TendererRequirementReference Tenderer Requirement Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificación del requisito de participación BBIE Tenderer Requirement Reference. TendererRequirement Type Code. Code The type of tenderer requirement (classification, economic evaluation criteria, financial evaluation critera, etc.) 0..1 TendererRequirementReference Tenderer Requirement Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Tenderer Requirement Reference. TendererRequirement Type Code. Code Código del tipo de requisito de participación al que se hace referencia (clasificación requierida, solvencia económica, solvencia técnica, etc.) 0..1 TendererRequirementReference Tenderer Requirement Type Code Code Code. Type Código del tipo de requisito de participación BBIE Tenderer Requirement Reference. Tenderer Requirement Lot Id. Identifier Identifier for the lot affected for which is required the tenderer requirement 0..n TendererRequirementReference Tenderer Requirement Lot Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Tenderer Requirement Reference. Tenderer Requirement Lot Id. Identifier Opcionalmente se puede indicar los lotes a los que hace referencia el requisito de participación. Si se indica, el requisito referido se deberá buscar en cac:ProcurementProjectLote/cac:TenderingTerms/cac:TendererQualificationRequest 0..n TendererRequirementReference Tenderer Requirement Lot Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Lote al que aplica el requisito de participación ABIE Tendering Process. Details The process of a formal offer and response to execute work or supply goods at a stated price. Tendering Process ABIE Tendering Process. Details Información acerca de un proceso de licitación. Tendering Process Proceso de Licitación BBIE Tendering Process. Identifier A unique identifier of the process. 0..1 Tendering Process Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Identifier Identificador único del proceso de licitación. 0..1 Tendering Process Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador BBIE Tendering Process. Original_ Contracting System Identifier. Identifier Identifier for the Framework Agreement or DPS when reopening for competition. 0..1 Tendering Process Original Contracting System Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Original_ Contracting System Identifier. Identifier Identifica un acuerdo marco original o un Sistema dinámico de Adquisición, sobre el que esta basada la licitación, si procede 0..1 Tendering Process Original Contracting System Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador de sistema de establecimiento original BBIE Tendering Process. Original_ Contracting System Description. Text Description of the Framework Agreement or DPS when reopening for competition. 0..n Tendering Process Original Contracting System Description Text Text. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Original_ Contracting System Description. Text Descripción del acuerdo marco original o Sistema dinámico de Adquisición, sobre la que está basada la licitación, si procede 0..n Tendering Process Original Contracting System Description Text Text. Type Descripción del sistema de establecimiento original BBIE Tendering Process. Original_ Contracting System Lot Identifier. Identifier Identifier for the lot of the Framework Agreement or DPS when reopening for competition. 0..1 Tendering Process Original Contracting System Lot Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Original_ Contracting System Lot Identifier. Identifier Identifica el lote del acuerdo marco original o Sistema dinámico de Adquisición, sobre la que está basada la licitación, si procede 0..1 Tendering Process Original Contracting System Lot Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador del lote del sistema de establecimiento original BBIE Tendering Process. Original_ Contracting System Lot Description. Text Description for the lot of the Framework Agreement or DPS when reopening for competition. 0..n Tendering Process Original Contracting System Lot Description Text Text. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Original_ Contracting System Lot Description. Text Descripción del lote del acuerdo marco original o Sistema dinámico de Adquisición, sobre la que está basada la licitación, si procede 0..n Tendering Process Original Contracting System Lot Description Text Text. Type Descripción del lote del sistema de establecimiento original BBIE Tendering Process. Description. Text A textual description of the process. 0..n Tendering Process Description Text Text. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Description. Text Descripción textual genérica del proceso de licitación o de instrucciones respecto a la confección y presentación de la oferta. 0..n Tendering Process Description Text Text. Type Descripción BBIE Tendering Process. Negotiation_ Description. Text The textual description of the negotiation to be followed during the tendering process. 0..n Tendering Process Negotiation Description Text Text. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Negotiation_ Description. Text Descripción textual de los ámbitos de negociación en un procedimientos negociado. 0..n Tendering Process Negotiation Description Text Text. Type Ámbito Negociación BBIE Tendering Process. Procedure Code. Code A code specifying the type of this tendering procedure. 0..1 Tendering Process Procedure Code Code Code. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Procedure Code. Code Código que especifica el tipo de procedimiento de contratación individual. 0..1 Tendering Process Procedure Code Code Code. Type Tipo de Procedimiento BBIE Tendering Process. Urgency Code. Code A code specifying the urgency for this tendering process. 0..1 Tendering Process Urgency Code Code Code. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Urgency Code. Code Código que especifica el tipo de tramitación del proceso de licitación. 0..1 Tendering Process Urgency Code Code Code. Type Tipo de Tramitación BBIE Justification of the accelerated procedure 0..1 Tendering Process Accelerated Procedure Justification Text Text. Type BBIE Descripción para justificar los motivos por lo que se ha indicado que el procedimiento es de emergencia y urgencia 0..1 Tendering Process Accelerated Procedure Justification Text Text. Type Justificación de procedimientos de urgencia o de Emergenbcia BBIE Tendering Process. Expense Code. Code A code specifying the type of expense for this tendering process. 0..1 Tendering Process Expense Code Code Code. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Expense Code. Code Código que especifica el tipo de tramitación del gasto del proceso de licitación. 0..1 Tendering Process Expense Code Code Code. Type Tipo de Tramitación del Gasto BBIE Tendering Process. Part Presentation Code. Code A code specifying the type of presentation of tenders required, such as one lot, multiple lots or all the lots. 0..1 Tendering Process Part Presentation Code Code Code. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Part Presentation Code. Code Código que especifica si la oferta económica debe realizarse a todo el contrato, a un único lote, o a varios lotes. 0..1 Tendering Process Part Presentation Code Code Code. Type Tipo de la Oferta BBIE Tendering Process. Contracting System Code. Code The code specifying the type of contracting system such as framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system. If not present, the procedure is individual, i.e. Not repetitive. 0..1 Tendering Process Contracting System Code Code Code. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Contracting System Code. Code Código que sirve para distinguir entre contratos propiamente dichos y acuerdos marco o sistemas dinámicos de adquisición. Si este elemento opcional no se utiliza, entonces el tipo de contratación es individual, es decir no repetitivo. 0..1 Tendering Process Contracting System Code Code Code. Type Tipo de Contratación Iterativa BBIE Tendering Process. Submission Method Code. Code A code specifying how the tenders should be submitted. 0..1 Tendering Process Submission Method Code Code Code. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Submission Method Code. Code Código que especifica el método de presentación de la oferta, por medios electrónicos o convencionales 0..1 Tendering Process Submission Method Code Code Code. Type Método de Presentación de la Oferta BBIE Tendering Process. Candidate Reduction_ Constraint. Indicator An indicator that states the reduction of the number of operators during the negotiation or dialogue. 0..1 Tendering Process Candidate Reduction Constraint Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Candidate Reduction_ Constraint. Indicator Indicador de reducción del número de candidatos en las sucesivas etapas de una negociación o diálogo en un procedimiento negociado o diálogo competitivo. 0..1 Tendering Process Candidate Reduction Constraint Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de Reducción de Candidatos BBIE Tendering Process. Government Procurement Agreement_ Constraint. Indicator The indication of whether or not the project is constrained by the Government Procurement Agreement. 0..1 Tendering Process Government Procurement Agreement Constraint Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Government Procurement Agreement_ Constraint. Indicator Indicación de si el proyecto está restringido por un Acuerdo de Contratación Pública (verdadero) o no (falso) de la Organización mundial del comercio. (http://www.wto.org/spanish/tratop_s/gproc_s/gp_gpa_s.htm) 0..1 Tendering Process Government Procurement Agreement Constraint Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de Código ACP BBIE Tendering Process. Maximum Lot Presentation. Quatity Maximun number of lots to be tendered by a tenderer 0..1 Tendering Process MaximumLotPresentation Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Maximum Lot Presentation. Quatity Indica el número máximo de lotes a los que se puede presentar un licitador. Este campo se tiene que solicitar cuando se ha seleccionado que el licitador se puede presentar a uno o varios lotes 0..1 Tendering Process MaximumLotPresentation Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Númer máximo de lotes para presentación BBIE Tendering Process. Maximum Tenderer Awarded Lots. Quatity Maximum number of lots that may be awarded to one tenderer 0..1 Tendering Process Maximum TendererAwardedLots Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Maximum Tenderer Awarded Lots. Quatity Indica la posibilidad que se reserva el Organo de Contratación para indicar el número máximo de lotes que pueden ser adjudicados a un licitador 0..1 Tendering Process Maximum TendererAwardedLots Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Número máximo de lotes que se pueden adjudicar a un licitador BBIE Tendering Process. LotsCombinationContractingAuthorityRights The contracting authority reserves the right to award concessions combining the following lots or groups of lots - Text 0..n Tendering Process LotsCombination ContractingAuthority Rights Text Text. Type BBIE Tendering Process. LotsCombinationContractingAuthorityRights Permite justificar al Órgano de Contratación, los criterios que va ha seguir para poder realizar adjudicar un lotes de manera agrupada 0..n Tendering Process LotsCombination ContractingAuthority Rights Text Text. Type Condiciones de adjudicación combinada de lotes BBIE Tendering Process. Sara indicator The indication of whether the project is subject to harmonized regulation or exceeds a certain threshold. 0..1 Tendering Process OverThreshold Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Sara indicator La indicación de si el proyecto está sujeto a regulación armonizada o supera un umbral determinado. 0..1 Tendering Process OverThreshold Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Contrato sujeto a regulación armonizada o supera umbral BBIE Tendering Process. Original Contracting System DPS Category Identifier. Identifier Identifier for the lot of the Framework Agreement or DPS when reopening for competition. 0..n Tendering Process Original Contracting System DPS Category Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Original Contracting System DPS Category Identifier. Identifier Identifica el lote del acuerdo marco original o Sistema dinámico de Adquisición, sobre la que está basada la licitación, si procede 0..n Tendering Process Original Contracting System DPS Category Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador de la categoría del sistema de establecimiento original BBIE Tendering Process. Original Contracting System DPS Category Description. Text Description for the lot of the Framework Agreement or DPS when reopening for competition. 0..n Tendering Process Original Contracting System DPS Category Description Text Text. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Original Contracting System DPS Category Description. Text Descripción de la categoría del Sistema dinámico de Adquisición, sobre la que está basada la licitación, si procede 0..n Tendering Process Original Contracting System DPS Category Description Text Text. Type Descripción de la categoría del sistema de establecimiento original BBIE Tendering Process. Design Contest Type. Code A code specifying the subtype of this tendering procedure. 0..1 Tendering Process Design Contest Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Design Contest Type. Code Código que especifica el tipo de concurso de proyectos 0..1 Tendering Process Design Contest Type Code Code Code. Type SubTipo de Concurso de Proyectos BBIE Tendering Process. Original Procedure Identifier. Identifier Identifier for the lot of the original Procedure 0..1 Tendering Process Original Procedure Identifier Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Original Procedure Identifier. Identifier Identifica el procedimiento Asociación para la innovación sobre la que está basada la licitación, si procede 0..1 Tendering Process Original Procedure Identifier Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador de la Asociación para la innovación original BBIE Tendering Process. Original Procedure Identifier. Text Description of the Framework Agreement or DPS when reopening for competition. 0..1 Tendering Process Original Procedure Identifier Description Text Text. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Original Procedure Identifier. Text Descripción del procedimiento Asociación para la innovación sobre la que está basada la licitación, si procede 0..1 Tendering Process Original Procedure Identifier Description Text Text. Type Descripción del procedimiento original BBIE Tendering Process. Original Procedure Lot Identifier. Identifier Identifier for the lot of the Framework Agreement or DPS when reopening for competition. 0..1 Tendering Process Original Procedure Lot Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Original Procedure Lot Identifier. Identifier Identifica el lote del procedimiento Asociación para la innovación sobre la que está basada la licitación, si procede 0..1 Tendering Process Original Procedure Lot Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Identificador del lote del procedimiento original BBIE Tendering Process. Original Procedure Lot Description. Text Description for the lot of the Framework Agreement or DPS when reopening for competition. 0..1 Tendering Process Original Procedure Lot Description Text Text. Type BBIE Tendering Process. Original Procedure Lot Description. Text Descripción del lote del procedimiento Asociación para la innovación sobre la que está basada la licitación, si procede 0..1 Tendering Process Original Procedure Lot Description Text Text. Type Descripción del lote del procedimiento original ASBIE Tendering Process. Document Availability_ Period. Period The period of completion (deadline) for getting the tender information documents. 0..1 Tendering Process Document Availability Period Period ASBIE Tendering Process. Document Availability_ Period. Period Asociación con una instancia del componente Período, utilizada para especificar el período de tiempo durante el cual pueden obtenerse los pliegos correspondientes a una licitación. 0..1 Tendering Process Document Availability Period Period Plazo de Obtención de Pliegos ASBIE Tendering Process. Tender Submission Deadline_ Period. Period The period of completion (deadline) for delivering (accepting) tenders. 0..1 Tendering Process Tender Submission Deadline Period Period ASBIE Tendering Process. Tender Submission Deadline_ Period. Period Asociación con una instancia del componente Período, utilizada para especificar el período de tiempo durante el que se aceptarán las ofertas relativas a una licitación. 0..1 Tendering Process Tender Submission Deadline Period Period Plazo de Recepción de las Ofertas ASBIE Tendering Process. Invitation Submission_ Period. Period The period of completion (deadline) for sending invitations to tender. 0..1 Tendering Process Invitation Submission Period Period ASBIE Tendering Process. Invitation Submission_ Period. Period Asociación con una instancia del componente Período, utilizada para especificar el período de tiempo durante el cual se enviarán invitaciones a licitar en un proceso de licitación. 0..1 Tendering Process Invitation Submission Period Period Plazo de Envío de Invitación a Licitar ASBIE Tendering Process. Participation Request Reception_ Period. Period The period of completion (deadline) for delivering request for participation. 0..1 Tendering Process Participation Request Reception Period Period ASBIE Tendering Process. Participation Request Reception_ Period. Period Asociación con una instancia del componente Período, utilizada para especificar el período de tiempo durante el que se aceptarán las solicitudes de participación en una licitación. 0..1 Tendering Process Participation Request Reception Period Period Plazo de Recepción de las Solicitudes de Participación ASBIE Tendering Process. Notice_ Document Reference. Document Reference An reference to a previous notice. 0..n Tendering Process Notice Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Tendering Process. Notice_ Document Reference. Document Reference Asociaciones con instancias del componente Documento Referenciado, utilizadas para especificar la relación de anuncios y publicaciones anteriores relativas al mismo contrato (Anuncio de Información Previa, Anuncio de Licitación, Envío al DOUE, etc.). 0..n Tendering Process Notice Document Reference Document Reference Publicaciones Anteriores ASBIE Tendering Process. Additional_ Document Reference. Document Reference An reference to additional relevant documents. 0..n Tendering Process Additional Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Tendering Process. Additional_ Document Reference. Document Reference Referencias a otros documentos. 0..n Tendering Process Additional Document Reference Document Reference Documentos Adicionales ASBIE Tendering Process. Process Justification Justification of the selection of the process. 0..n Tendering Process Process Justification Process Justification ASBIE Tendering Process. Process Justification Asociación con un componente para la justificación del uso de un determinado procedimiento. 0..n Tendering Process Process Justification Process Justification Justificación de elección de procedimiento ASBIE Tendering Process. Economic Operator Short List A set of objective criteria to create the short list of candidates. 0..1 Tendering Process Economic Operator Short List Economic Operator Short List ASBIE Tendering Process. Economic Operator Short List Asociación con una instancia del componente Lista Reducida, utilizada para especificar las condiciones que regularán la confección de una lista reducida de candidatos. 0..1 Tendering Process Economic Operator Short List Economic Operator Short List Lista Reducida de Candidatos ASBIE Tendering Process. Open Tender_ Event. Event Tender Opening event. 0..n Tendering Process Open Tender Event Event ASBIE Tendering Process. Open Tender_ Event. Event Asociación con una instancia del componente Evento, utilizada para especificar cuando y en qué lugar se procederá a abrir las las ofertas presentadas en un proceso de licitación. 0..n Tendering Process Open Tender Event Event Evento de apertura ASBIE Tendering Process. Auction Terms The information about a terms for running an auction. 0..1 Tendering Process Auction Terms Auction Terms ASBIE Tendering Process. Auction Terms Detalles sobre la realización de una subasta electrónica 0..1 Tendering Process Auction Terms Auction Terms Condiciones de subasta ASBIE Tendering Process. Framework Agreement The information about a tendering framework agreement. 0..1 Tendering Process Framework Agreement Framework Agreement ASBIE Tendering Process. Framework Agreement Asociación con una instancia del componente Información Acuerdo Marco, utilizada para aportar información relativa al Acuerdo Marco ó Sistema Dinámico de Adquisición que se pretende establecer. 0..1 Tendering Process Framework Agreement Framework Agreement Información Acuerdo Marco ó Sistemas Dinámico de Adquisición ABIE Tendering Terms. Details General tendering terms for this tendering process Tendering Terms ABIE Tendering Terms. Details Condiciones que regulan aspectos particulares de un proceso de licitación. Tendering Terms Condiciones de Licitación BBIE Tendering Terms. Awarding Method Type Code. Code A code specifying the awarding criteria in the tendering process, such as lowest price or the most economically advantageous tender. 0..1 Tendering Terms Awarding Method Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. Awarding Method Type Code. Code Código que especifica el método de adjudicación del proceso de licitación. 0..1 Tendering Terms Awarding Method Type Code Code Code. Type Método de Adjudicación BBIE Tendering Terms. Price Evaluation Type Code. Code A code specifying the type of valoration of tenders required. 0..1 Tendering Terms Price Evaluation Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. Price Evaluation Type Code. Code Código que especifica el tipo de valoración de la oferta económica que se requiere. 0..1 Tendering Terms Price Evaluation Type Code Code Code. Type Tipo de Valoración de Ofertas BBIE Tendering Terms. Maximum Variant_ Quantity. Quantity Maximum number of variants allowed in the tenders. 0..1 Tendering Terms Maximum Variant Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. Maximum Variant_ Quantity. Quantity Número máximo de variantes permitidas al presentar oferta para este proyecto. 0..1 Tendering Terms Maximum Variant Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Número Máximo de Variantes BBIE Tendering Terms. Required_ Curricula. Indicator Indicator whether the tenderer has to send curricula for the participants in the services contract. 0..1 Tendering Terms Required Curricula Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. Required_ Curricula. Indicator Indica que se requiere (true) la presentación de Curriculum Vitae de las personas que realizarán el proyecto. 0..1 Tendering Terms Required Curricula Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de CCVV BBIE Tendering Terms. Required_ Curricula Description. Text Indications about the curricula to be sent for the participants in the services contract. 0..n Tendering Terms Required Curricula Description Text Text. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. Required_ Curricula Description. Text Indicaciones relativas a los Curriculum Vitae de las personas que realizará en el proyecto que se deben presentar 0..n Tendering Terms Required Curricula Description Text Text. Type Descripción CCVV requeridos BBIE Tendering Terms. Variant_ Constraint. Indicator Indicator whether the tenderer is allowed to submit variants in his tender. 0..1 Tendering Terms Variant Constraint Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. Variant_ Constraint. Indicator Indica que se pueden ofertar variantes (true) cuando se genera la oferta. 0..1 Tendering Terms Variant Constraint Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de variantes BBIE Tendering Terms. Accepted Variants_ Description. Text Textual description of the accepted variants. 0..n Tendering Terms Accepted Variants Description Text Text. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. Accepted Variants_ Description. Text Descripción textual de sobre qué elementos se pueden ofertar variantes. 0..n Tendering Terms Accepted Variants Description Text Text. Type Variantes aceptadas BBIE Tendering Terms. Price Revision_ Formula Description. Text Textual description of the formula to revise the prices. 0..n Tendering Terms Price Revision Formula Description Text Text. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. Price Revision_ Formula Description. Text Descripción textual de la fórmula aplicada para revisar los precios. 0..n Tendering Terms Price Revision Formula Description Text Text. Type Fórmula de Revisión de Precios BBIE Tendering Terms. Funding_ Program. Code Funding program expressed as a code. 0..n Tendering Terms Funding Program Code Code. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. Funding_ Program. Code Código descriptivo del tipo de programas que financian este contrato. 0..n Tendering Terms Funding Program Code Code. Type Código descripción de Programas de Financiación BBIE Tendering Terms. Funding_ Program. Text Textual description of the program that funds this tendering process such as “EU 6th Framework Program”. 0..n Tendering Terms Funding Program Text Text. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. Funding_ Program. Text Descripción textual de los programas que financian este contrato. 0..n Tendering Terms Funding Program Text Text. Type Descripción de Programas de Financiación BBIE Tendering Terms. Maximum_ Advertisement. Amount The maximum monetary value of the advertisement for this tendering process. 0..1 Tendering Terms Maximum Advertisement Amount Amount. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. Maximum_ Advertisement. Amount Valor monetario máximo de los gastos de publicidad a cargo del adjudicatario del proceso de licitación. 0..1 Tendering Terms Maximum Advertisement Amount Amount. Type Importe Máximo Gastos de Publicidad BBIE Tendering Terms. Note. Text Additional information. 0..n Tendering Terms Note Text Text. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. Note. Text Otras condiciones textuales para este proceso de licitación. 0..n Tendering Terms Note Text Text. Type Nota BBIE Tendering Terms. Payment Frequency. Code The payment frequency for this tendering process. 0..1 Tendering Terms Payment Frequency Code Code. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. Payment Frequency. Code Código utilizado para especificar con que periodicidad se pagará este proceso de licitación. 0..1 Tendering Terms Payment Frequency Code Code. Type Periodicidad del pago BBIE Tendering Terms. Economic Operator Registry_ URI. Identifier Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) communication information to find electronic registry applicable to this tendering process. 0..1 Tendering Terms Economic Operator Registry URI Identifier Identifier. Type Web site BBIE Tendering Terms. Economic Operator Registry_ URI. Identifier Dirección web del registro electrónico público en el que deberá estar registrado el operador económico en el caso de requerirse preregistro. 0..1 Tendering Terms Economic Operator Registry URI Identifier Identifier. Type URL registro electrónico BBIE Tendering Terms. Penalty Clauses. Text Textual description of penalty clauses applying to the winning party if he breaks the contract. 0..n Tendering Terms Penalty Clauses Text Text. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. Penalty Clauses. Text Descripción textual de las cláusulas de penalización en caso de incumplimiento. 0..n Tendering Terms Penalty Clauses Text Text. Type Cláusulas de penalización BBIE Tendering Terms. Documents Justification.Text Textual description of the reasons why access to the procurement documents is restricted. 0..n Tendering Terms RestrictedProcurementDocumentsJustification Text Text. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. Documents Justification.Text Motivo por el que los pliegos tienen un acceso restringido y no son públicos para todos los licitadores 0..n Tendering Terms RestrictedProcurementDocumentsJustification Text Text. Type Justificación acceso a pliegos restringido BBIE Tendering Terms. Ecatalog. Indicator Tenders must be presented in the form of electronic catalogues or include an electronic catalogue 0..1 Tendering Terms Ecatalog Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. Ecatalog. Indicator Indica que el licitador debe presentar en su oferta un catálogo electrónico 0..1 Tendering Terms Ecatalog Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de Catálogos electrónicos BBIE Tendering Terms. Eordering. Indicator Electonic ordering will be used 0..1 Tendering Terms Eordering Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. Eordering. Indicator Indica que el Órgano de contratación realizará los pedidos de manera electrónica 0..1 Tendering Terms Eordering Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de pedidos electrónicos BBIE Tendering Terms. Epayment. Means. Indicator Electronic payment will be used 0..1 Tendering Terms Epayment Means Indicator Indicator. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. Epayment. Means. Indicator Indicador de que el pago se realizará por medios electrónicos 0..1 Tendering Terms Epayment Means Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de Pago Electrónico BBIE Tendering Terms. Procurement National Legislation. Code Procurement national legislation expressed as a code. 0..1 Tendering Terms ProcurementNationalLegislation Code Code. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. Procurement National Legislation. Code Código descriptivo del marco legal nacional. 0..1 Tendering Terms ProcurementNationalLegislation Code Code. Type Código del marco legal nacional BBIE Tendering Terms. Received Appeal. Quantity Received appeal quantity 0..1 Tendering Terms ReceivedAppeal Quantity Quantity. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. Received Appeal. Quantity Número de recursos presentados 0..1 Tendering Terms ReceivedAppeal Quantity Quantity. Type Número de recursos presentados BBIE Tendering Terms. CVD Scope. Code Scope by Clean Vehicles Directive 0..1 Tendering Terms CVDScope Code Code. Type BBIE Tendering Terms. CVD Scope. Code Código que indica el ámbito de ampliación de la Diectiva de vehículos límpios 0..1 Tendering Terms CVDScope Code Code. Type Ambito de la directiva de vehículos límpios ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Required Curricula Suggested Evidence. Evidence Suggested evidence to prove the required Curricula Vitarum 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Required Curricula Evidence Evidence ASBIE Tenderer Qualification Request. Required Curricula Suggested Evidence. Evidence Medio indicado por el órgano de contratación para que el licitador acredite los Curriculum Vitae de las personas que realizarán el proyecto 0..n Tenderer Qualification Request Required Curricula Evidence Evidence Medio para acreditar los CCVV ASBIE Tendering Terms. Required_ Financial Guarantee. Financial Guarantee The Information about the bond guarantee of a tender or bid submitter to actually enter into a contract if they are the successful bidder. 0..n Tendering Terms Required Financial Guarantee Financial Guarantee ASBIE Tendering Terms. Required_ Financial Guarantee. Financial Guarantee Asociación con una instancia del componente Garantía, que permite dar información acerca de las garantías que el licitador deberá subscribir en el proceso de licitación. 0..n Tendering Terms Required Financial Guarantee Financial Guarantee Garantía Requerida ASBIE Tendering Terms. Procurement Legislation_ Document Reference. Document Reference References to information to find procurement legislation applicable to this tendering process. 0..1 Tendering Terms Procurement Legislation Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Tendering Terms. Procurement Legislation_ Document Reference. Document Reference Asociación con un componente que referencia a información de legislación sobre contratación aplicable 0..1 Tendering Terms Procurement Legislation Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a legislación sobre contratación ASBIE Tendering Terms. Fiscal Legislation_ Document Reference. Document Reference References to information to find fiscal legislation applicable to this tendering process. 0..1 Tendering Terms Fiscal Legislation Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Tendering Terms. Fiscal Legislation_ Document Reference. Document Reference Referencia a información de legislación fiscal aplicable en el caso que se hayan definido cláusulas de esta naturaleza. 0..1 Tendering Terms Fiscal Legislation Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a legislación fiscal ASBIE Tendering Terms. Environmental Legislation_ Document Reference. Document Reference References to information to find environmental legislation applicable to this tendering process. 0..1 Tendering Terms Environmental Legislation Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Tendering Terms. Environmental Legislation_ Document Reference. Document Reference Referencia para obtener información de legislación de protección del medio ambiente en el caso que se hayan definido cláusulas de esta naturaleza. 0..1 Tendering Terms Environmental Legislation Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a legislación protección medio ambiente ASBIE Tendering Terms. Employment Legislation_ Document Reference. Document Reference References to information to find employment legislation applicable to this tendering process. 0..1 Tendering Terms Employment Legislation Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Tendering Terms. Employment Legislation_ Document Reference. Document Reference Referencia a información de legislación de protección del empleo y de las condiciones laborales en el caso que se hayan definido cláusulas de esta naturaleza. 0..1 Tendering Terms Employment Legislation Document Reference Document Reference Referencia a legislación protección del empleo y condiciones de trabajo ASBIE Tendering Terms. Contractual Document_ Document Reference. Document Reference Documents that will be part of the future contract. 0..n Tendering Terms Contractual Document Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Tendering Terms. Contractual Document_ Document Reference. Document Reference Referencia a los documentos que formarán parte del futuro contrato. 0..n Tendering Terms Contractual Document Document Reference Document Reference Documentos contractuales ASBIE Tendering Terms. Warranty Validity_ Period. Period Association with a period to indicate the guarantee for the work, service or goods. 0..1 Tendering Terms Warranty Validity Period Period ASBIE Tendering Terms. Warranty Validity_ Period. Period Período durante el cual se deberá mantener la garantía por los productos, obras o servicios suministrados. 0..1 Tendering Terms Warranty Validity Period Period Plazo de Validez de Garantía ASBIE Tendering Terms. Payment Terms Payment terms for this tendering process. 0..n Tendering Terms Payment Terms Payment Terms ASBIE Tendering Terms. Payment Terms Asociación con una instancia del componente Condiciones de Pago para especificar las condiciones de pago del proyecto de compra. 0..n Tendering Terms Payment Terms Payment Terms Condiciones de pago ASBIE Tendering Terms. Tenderer Qualification Request Required qualification for a tenderer in this tendering process. 0..1 Tendering Terms Tenderer Qualification Request Tenderer Qualification Request ASBIE Tendering Terms. Tenderer Qualification Request Asociación con una instancia del componente Solicitud de Cualificación de licitador, utilizada para especificar las capacidades requeridas a los licitadores en este proceso de licitación. 0..1 Tendering Terms Tenderer Qualification Request Tenderer Qualification Request Solicitud de Cualificación de licitador ASBIE Tendering Terms. Sub Contrator Qualification Request Required qualification for a subcontrator to tender in this tendering process. 0..1 Tendering Terms Subcontractor Tenderer Qualification Request Tenderer Qualification Request ASBIE Tendering Terms. Sub Contrator Qualification Request Asociación con una instancia del componente Solicitud de Cualificación de licitador, utilizada para especificar las capacidades requeridas a los subcontratistas en este proceso de licitación. 0..1 Tendering Terms Subcontractor Tenderer Qualification Request Tenderer Qualification Request Solicitud de Cualificación del Subcontratista ASBIE Tendering Terms. Allowed_ Subcontract Terms. Subcontract Terms Allowed subcontract terms for this tendering process. 0..n Tendering Terms Allowed Subcontract Terms Subcontract Terms ASBIE Tendering Terms. Allowed_ Subcontract Terms. Subcontract Terms Asociación con una o más instancias del componente Subcontratación permitida, utilizadas para especificar las posibilidades de subcontratación para este proceso de licitación. 0..n Tendering Terms Allowed Subcontract Terms Subcontract Terms Condiciones de subcontratación permitida ASBIE Tendering Terms. Tender Preparation Requirements to prepare a tender for this tendering process. 0..n Tendering Terms Tender Preparation Tender Preparation ASBIE Tendering Terms. Tender Preparation Asociación con un componente Preparación de oferta en el que se indican los sobres y documentación a presentar 0..n Tendering Terms Tender Preparation Tender Preparation Preparación de oferta ASBIE Tendering Terms. Contract Execution Requirement Specified requirements for the execution of the contract when this tendering process is awarded. 0..n Tendering Terms Contract Execution Requirement Contract Execution Requirement ASBIE Tendering Terms. Contract Execution Requirement Especificación de condiciones especiales o requerimientos adicionales necesarias para la ejecución del contrato. 0..n Tendering Terms Contract Execution Requirement Contract Execution Requirement Requisitos para la Ejecución del contrato ASBIE Tendering Terms. Awarding Terms Awarding terms for awarding this project in this tendering process. 0..1 Tendering Terms Awarding Terms Awarding Terms ASBIE Tendering Terms. Awarding Terms Asociación con el componente Condiciones de Adjudicación utilizadas para especificar los criterios objetivos o subjetivos aplicables durante la adjudicación del contrato en un proceso de licitación. 0..1 Tendering Terms Awarding Terms Awarding Terms Condiciones de adjudicación ASBIE Tendering Terms. Additional Information_ Party. Party A party that has additional information about this tendering process. 0..1 Tendering Terms Additional Information Party Party ASBIE Tendering Terms. Additional Information_ Party. Party Asociación con una instancia del componente Parte, utilizada para ubicar al organismo donde conseguir información adicional acerca de este proceso de licitación. 0..1 Tendering Terms Additional Information Party Party Proveedor de Información adicional ASBIE Tendering Terms. Document Provider_ Party. Party A party that has the contract documents for this tendering process. 0..1 Tendering Terms Document Provider Party Party ASBIE Tendering Terms. Document Provider_ Party. Party Asociación con una instancia del componente Parte, utilizada para ubicar al organismo donde están disponibles los pliegos administrativos y técnicos de un proceso de licitación, así como otros documentos relevantes. 0..1 Tendering Terms Document Provider Party Party Proveedor de Documentos ASBIE Tendering Terms. Tender Recipient_ Party. Party A party to whom tenderers should present their tenders. 0..1 Tendering Terms Tender Recipient Party Party ASBIE Tendering Terms. Tender Recipient_ Party. Party Asociación con una instancia del componente Parte, utilizada para ubicar el organismo donde deben presentarse las ofertas de un proceso de licitación.. 0..1 Tendering Terms Tender Recipient Party Party Receptor de Ofertas ASBIE Tendering Terms. Contract Responsible_ Party. Party A party responsible for the execution of the contract. 0..1 Tendering Terms Contract Responsible Party Party ASBIE Tendering Terms. Contract Responsible_ Party. Party Asociación con una instancia del componente Parte, utilizada para identificar el responsable de la supervisión del contrato nombrado por el órgano de contratación. 0..1 Tendering Terms Contract Responsible Party Party Responsable del contrato ASBIE Tendering Terms. Tender Evaluation_ Party. Party Party on the buyer side that evaluates the received tenders. 0..n Tendering Terms Tender Evaluation Party Party ASBIE Tendering Terms. Tender Evaluation_ Party. Party Asociación con el componente Parte, utilizada para identificar la Mesa de contratación. 0..n Tendering Terms Tender Evaluation Party Party Mesa de Contratación ASBIE Tendering Terms. Tender Validity_ Period. Period The period of completion (deadline) for the validity of tenders. 0..1 Tendering Terms Tender Validity Period Period ASBIE Tendering Terms. Tender Validity_ Period. Period Asociación con una instancia del componente Período, utilizada para especificar el período de tiempo durante el cual serán válidas las ofertas presentadas en un proceso de licitación. 0..1 Tendering Terms Tender Validity Period Period Plazo de Validez de la Oferta ASBIE Tendering Terms. Contract Acceptance_ Period. Period Period for the contracting authority to accept the contract. 0..1 Tendering Terms Contract Acceptance Period Period ASBIE Tendering Terms. Contract Acceptance_ Period. Period Periodo durante el que el órgano de contratación debe aceptar el contrato una vez adjudicado. 0..1 Tendering Terms Contract Acceptance Period Period Periodo de aceptación de contrato ASBIE Tendering Terms. Appeal Terms Appeal terms defined for this tendering process. 0..1 Tendering Terms Appeal Terms Appeal Terms ASBIE Tendering Terms. Appeal Terms Asociación con una instancia del componente Condiciones de Recurso utilizada para especificar la información necesaria para la presentación de recursos al proceso de licitación. 0..1 Tendering Terms Appeal Terms Appeal Terms Condiciones de Recurso ASBIE Tendering Terms. Language Default languages specified for this tendering process. 0..n Tendering Terms Language Language ASBIE Tendering Terms. Language Asociaciones con instancias del componente Idioma, utilizadas para especificar las lenguas que pueden utilizarse en un proceso de licitación. 0..n Tendering Terms Language Language Idioma de Licitación ASBIE Tendering Terms. Budget Account Line Budget Account lines for this tendering process 0..n Tendering Terms Budget Account Line Budget Account Line ASBIE Tendering Terms. Budget Account Line Asociaciones con instancias del componente línea de aplicación presupuestaria para establecer el detalle del presupuesto desglosado en anualidades o aplicaciones presupuestarias 0..n Tendering Terms Budget Account Line Budget Account Line Detalle del presupuesto ASBIE Tendering Terms. Invoicing Terms Invoicing Terms 0..1 Tendering Terms InvoicingTerms InvoicingTerms ASBIE Tendering Terms. Invoicing Terms Asociación con una instancia de Condiciones de Facturación, sobre los detalles de facturación de los suministros o trabajos realizados 0..1 Tendering Terms InvoicingTerms InvoicingTerms Condiciones de Facturación ASBIE Tendering Terms. Exclusion Grounds Situations in which an economic operator can be excluded from a contracting procedure 0..n Tendering Terms ExclusionGrounds ExclusionGrounds ASBIE Tendering Terms. Exclusion Grounds Situaciones por las que se puede excluir a un operador ecnonómico de un procedimiento de contratación 0..n Tendering Terms ExclusionGrounds ExclusionGrounds Motivos de exclusión ABIE Trade Financing. Details A class to describe a trade financing instrument. Trade Financing TradeFinancingType ABIE Trade Financing. Details Trade Financing TradeFinancingType BBIE Trade Financing. Identifier An identifier for this trade financing instrument. 0..1 Trade Financing Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Trade Financing. Identifier 0..1 Trade Financing Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Trade Financing. Financing Instrument Code. Code A code signifying the type of this financing instrument. 0..1 Trade Financing Financing Instrument Code Code Code. Type Factoring , Invoice Financing , Pre-shipment Financing , Letter of Credit , Irrevocable Letter of Credit . BBIE Trade Financing. Financing Instrument Code. Code 0..1 Trade Financing Financing Instrument Code Code Code. Type Factoring , Invoice Financing , Pre-shipment Financing , Letter of Credit , Irrevocable Letter of Credit . ASBIE Trade Financing. Contract_ Document Reference. Document Reference A reference to a contract document. 0..1 Trade Financing Contract Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Trade Financing. Contract_ Document Reference. Document Reference 0..1 Trade Financing Contract Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Trade Financing. Document Reference A reference to a document associated with this trade financing instrument. 0..n Trade Financing Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Trade Financing. Document Reference 0..n Trade Financing Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Trade Financing. Financing_ Party. Party The financing party (bank or other enabled party). 1 Trade Financing Financing Party Party ASBIE Trade Financing. Financing_ Party. Party 1 Trade Financing Financing Party Party ASBIE Trade Financing. Financing_ Financial Account. Financial Account An internal bank account used by the bank or its first agent to manage the line of credit granted to the financing requester. 0..1 Trade Financing Financing Financial Account Financial Account ASBIE Trade Financing. Financing_ Financial Account. Financial Account 0..1 Trade Financing Financing Financial Account Financial Account ASBIE Trade Financing. Clause A clause applicable to this trade financing instrument. 0..n Trade Financing Clause Clause ASBIE Trade Financing. Clause 0..n Trade Financing Clause Clause ABIE Trading Terms. Details Information about the terms of a trade agreement. Trading Terms ABIE Trading Terms. Details Información acerca de las condiciones del acuerdo comercial. Trading Terms Condiciones comerciales BBIE Trading Terms. Information. Text The terms in text. 0..n Trading Terms Information Text Text. Type Information BBIE Trading Terms. Information. Text Las condiciones de forma textual. 0..n Trading Terms Information Text Text. Type Información Information BBIE Trading Terms. Reference. Text A reference to the terms. 0..1 Trading Terms Reference Text Text. Type Reference BBIE Trading Terms. Reference. Text Referencia a las condiciones. 0..1 Trading Terms Reference Text Text. Type Referencia Reference ASBIE Trading Terms. Applicable_ Address. Address An association to the address at which the trading terms apply. 0..1 Trading Terms Applicable Address Address ApplicableAddress ASBIE Trading Terms. Applicable_ Address. Address Asociación a la dirección a la que aplican las condiciones comerciales. 0..1 Trading Terms Applicable Address Address Dirección aplicable ApplicableAddress ABIE Transaction Conditions. Details Information about purchasing, sales, or payment conditions. Transaction Conditions Payment Conditions, Sales Conditions ABIE Transaction Conditions. Details Información acerca de condiciones de pedido, venta o pago. Transaction Conditions Condiciones de transacción BBIE Transaction Conditions. Identifier Identifies conditions of the transaction, typically Purchase/Sales Conditions. 0..1 Transaction Conditions Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Transaction Conditions. Identifier Identifica las condiciones de la transacción, típicamente Condiciones de Pedido/Venta. 0..1 Transaction Conditions Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Transaction Conditions. Action Code. Code An action relating to sales or payment conditions, expressed as a code. 0..1 Transaction Conditions Action Code Code Code. Type ActionCode BBIE Transaction Conditions. Action Code. Code Acción relacionada con condiciones de venta o pago, expresada como un código. 0..1 Transaction Conditions Action Code Code Code. Type Código de acción ActionCode BBIE Transaction Conditions. Description. Text The description of the transaction conditions. 0..n Transaction Conditions Description Text Text. Type Description BBIE Transaction Conditions. Description. Text Descripción textual de las condiciones de la transacción. 0..n Transaction Conditions Description Text Text. Type Descripción Description ASBIE Transaction Conditions. Document Reference An association to Document Reference. 0..n Transaction Conditions Document Reference Document Reference DocumentReference ASBIE Transaction Conditions. Document Reference Asociación a una Referencia a Documento. 0..n Transaction Conditions Document Reference Document Reference Documento referenciado DocumentReference ABIE Transport Equipment. Details Information about Transport Equipment; a piece of equipment used to transport goods. Transport Equipment Shipping Container, Sea Container, Rail Wagon, Pallet, Trailer, Unit Load Device, ULD ABIE Transport Equipment. Details Información relacionada con una pieza del equipamiento de transporte. El equipamiento de transporte son piezas utilizadas para transportar bienes. Transport Equipment Equipamiento de transporte BBIE Transport Equipment. Identifier Identifies the transport equipment. 0..1 Transport Equipment Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Transport Equipment. Identifier Identificador del equipamiento de transporte. 0..1 Transport Equipment Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Transport Equipment. Transport Equipment Type Code. Code Identifies the type of the transport equipment. 0..1 Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Type Code Code Transport Equipment Type Transport Equipment Type_ Code. Type TransportEquipmentTypeCode BBIE Transport Equipment. Transport Equipment Type Code. Code Identifica el tipo de equipamiento de transporte. 0..1 Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Type Code Code Transport Equipment Type Transport Equipment Type_ Code. Type Código de tipo de equipamiento de transporte TransportEquipmentTypeCode BBIE Transport Equipment. Provider Type Code. Code Identifies the type of provider of the transport equipment. 0..1 Transport Equipment Provider Type Code Code Code. Type ProviderTypeCode BBIE Transport Equipment. Provider Type Code. Code Identifica el tipo de proveedor del equipamiento de transporte. 0..1 Transport Equipment Provider Type Code Code Code. Type Código de tipo de proveedor ProviderTypeCode BBIE Transport Equipment. Owner Type Code. Code Identifies the type of owner of a piece of transport equipment. 0..1 Transport Equipment Owner Type Code Code Code. Type OwnerTypeCode BBIE Transport Equipment. Owner Type Code. Code Identifica el tipo de propietario de la pieza de equipamiento de transporte. 0..1 Transport Equipment Owner Type Code Code Code. Type Código de tipo de propietario OwnerTypeCode BBIE Transport Equipment. Size Type Code. Code The size and type of a piece of transport equipment, expressed as a code. When the transport equipment is a shipping container, it is recommended to use ContainerSizeTypeCode for validation. 0..1 Transport Equipment Size Type Code Code Code. Type Container Size Type Code SizeTypeCode BBIE Transport Equipment. Size Type Code. Code Tamaño y tipo de pieza de equipamiento de transporte codificado. Cuando el equipamiento de transporte es un contenedor, se recomienda utilizar el ContainerSizeTypeCode para validación. 0..1 Transport Equipment Size Type Code Code Code. Type Código de tipo de tamaño SizeTypeCode BBIE Transport Equipment. Disposition Code. Code The current disposition of the transport equipment, expressed as a code. 0..1 Transport Equipment Disposition Code Code Code. Type Status DispositionCode BBIE Transport Equipment. Disposition Code. Code Describe la disposición actual del equipamiento de transporte. 0..1 Transport Equipment Disposition Code Code Code. Type Código de disposición DispositionCode BBIE Transport Equipment. Fullness Indication Code. Code A code indicating whether a piece of transport equipment is full, partially full, or empty. 0..1 Transport Equipment Fullness Indication Code Code Code. Type FullnessIndicationCode BBIE Transport Equipment. Fullness Indication Code. Code Código que indica si una pieza de equipamiento de transporte está llena , vacía o parcialmente llena. 0..1 Transport Equipment Fullness Indication Code Code Code. Type Código de indicación de llenado FullnessIndicationCode BBIE Transport Equipment. Refrigeration On_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether the transport equipment's refrigeration is on (true) or off (false). 0..1 Transport Equipment Refrigeration On Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type RefrigerationOnIndicator BBIE Transport Equipment. Refrigeration On_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si la refrigeración del equipamiento de transporte está encendida (verdad) o apagada (falso). 0..1 Transport Equipment Refrigeration On Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de refrigeración RefrigerationOnIndicator BBIE Transport Equipment. Information. Text Additional information about the transport equipment. 0..1 Transport Equipment Information Text Text. Type Information BBIE Transport Equipment. Information. Text Información adicional en formato acerca del equipamiento de transporte. 0..1 Transport Equipment Information Text Text. Type Información Information BBIE Transport Equipment. Returnability_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether a particular item of transport equipment is returnable. 0..1 Transport Equipment Returnability Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type ReturnabilityIndicator BBIE Transport Equipment. Returnability_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si un elemento de transporte particular es retornable. 0..1 Transport Equipment Returnability Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de retornabilidad ReturnabilityIndicator BBIE Transport Equipment. Legal Status_ Indicator. Indicator Legal status of the transport equipment with respect to the Container Convention code. 0..1 Transport Equipment Legal Status Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type LegalStatusIndicator BBIE Transport Equipment. Legal Status_ Indicator. Indicator Estado legal del equipamiento de transporte respecto al código de Convención de Contenedores. 0..1 Transport Equipment Legal Status Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de Estado legal LegalStatusIndicator ASBIE Transport Equipment. Measurement_ Dimension. Dimension An association to Dimension. 0..n Transport Equipment Measurement Dimension Dimension MeasurementDimension ASBIE Transport Equipment. Measurement_ Dimension. Dimension Asociación con la Dimensión. 0..n Transport Equipment Measurement Dimension Dimension Dimensión MeasurementDimension ASBIE Transport Equipment. Transport Equipment Seal An association to Transport Equipment Seal. 0..n Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Seal Transport Equipment Seal TransportEquipmentSeal ASBIE Transport Equipment. Transport Equipment Seal Asociación con el precinto(s) aplicado al equipamiento. 0..n Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Seal Transport Equipment Seal Precinto TransportEquipmentSeal ASBIE Transport Equipment. Minimum_ Temperature. Temperature The minimum required operating temperature for the container (reefer). 0..1 Transport Equipment Minimum Temperature Temperature MinimumTemperature ASBIE Transport Equipment. Minimum_ Temperature. Temperature La temperatura mínima requerida para el contenedor. 0..1 Transport Equipment Minimum Temperature Temperature Temperatura mínima MinimumTemperature ASBIE Transport Equipment. Maximum_ Temperature. Temperature The maximum required operating temperature for the container (reefer). 0..1 Transport Equipment Maximum Temperature Temperature MaximumTemperature ASBIE Transport Equipment. Maximum_ Temperature. Temperature La temperatura máxima requerida para el contenedor. 0..1 Transport Equipment Maximum Temperature Temperature Temperatura máxima MaximumTemperature ASBIE Transport Equipment. Provider_ Party. Party The party that provides the transport equipment. 0..1 Transport Equipment Provider Party Party ProviderParty ASBIE Transport Equipment. Provider_ Party. Party La parte que provee el equipamiento de transporte. 0..1 Transport Equipment Provider Party Party Proveedor ProviderParty ASBIE Transport Equipment. Loading Proof_ Party. Party The authorized party responsible for certifying that the goods were loaded into the transport equipment. 0..1 Transport Equipment Loading Proof Party Party Party responsible for proof of vanning (WCO ID 059) LoadingProofParty ASBIE Transport Equipment. Loading Proof_ Party. Party La parte autorizada responsable de certificar que los bienes fueron cargados en el equipamiento de transporte. 0..1 Transport Equipment Loading Proof Party Party Parte certificadora de carga LoadingProofParty ASBIE Transport Equipment. Loading_ Location. Location Identifies the location where the goods are loaded into the transport equipment. 0..1 Transport Equipment Loading Location Location Vanning address (WCO ID 068), Stuffing location LoadingLocation ASBIE Transport Equipment. Loading_ Location. Location Identifica la ubicación donde los bienes se cargan en el equipamiento de transporte. 0..1 Transport Equipment Loading Location Location Lugar de carga LoadingLocation ABIE Transport Equipment Seal. Details Information about a transport equipment seal (a security device attached to the doors of a shipping container). Transport Equipment Seal Container Seal ABIE Transport Equipment Seal. Details Información sobre el precinto de un equipamiento de transporte (dispositivo de seguridad en las puertas de los contenedores). Transport Equipment Seal Precinto BBIE Transport Equipment Seal. Identifier Identifies the seal. 1 Transport Equipment Seal Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Transport Equipment Seal. Identifier Identificación de un precinto . 1 Transport Equipment Seal Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Transport Equipment Seal. Seal Issuer Type Code. Code The type of party that issues and is responsible for a seal, expressed as a code. 0..1 Transport Equipment Seal Seal Issuer Type Code Code Code. Type SealIssuerTypeCode BBIE Transport Equipment Seal. Seal Issuer Type Code. Code Código que identifica que parte emite y es la responsable de un precinto. 0..1 Transport Equipment Seal Seal Issuer Type Code Code Code. Type Código de tipo de emisor SealIssuerTypeCode BBIE Transport Equipment Seal. Condition. Text Information about the condition of a seal. 0..1 Transport Equipment Seal Condition Text Text. Type Condition BBIE Transport Equipment Seal. Condition. Text Información relacionada con la condición de un precinto. 0..1 Transport Equipment Seal Condition Text Text. Type Condición Condition BBIE Transport Equipment Seal. Seal Status Code. Code The status of a seal, expressed as a code. 0..1 Transport Equipment Seal Seal Status Code Code Code. Type SealStatusCode BBIE Transport Equipment Seal. Seal Status Code. Code Código que indica el estado de un precinto. 0..1 Transport Equipment Seal Seal Status Code Code Code. Type Código de estado del precinto SealStatusCode BBIE Transport Equipment Seal. Sealing Party Type. Text Textual description of the role of a sealing party. 0..1 Transport Equipment Seal Sealing Party Type Text Text. Type Sealing Party SealingPartyType BBIE Transport Equipment Seal. Sealing Party Type. Text Descripción textual del rol de la parte que realiza el precinto. 0..1 Transport Equipment Seal Sealing Party Type Text Text. Type Tipo de parte precintadora SealingPartyType ABIE Transport Event. Details A significant occurrence or happening related to the transportation of goods. Transport Event ABIE Transport Event. Details Ocurrencia significativa relacionada con el transporte de bienes. Transport Event Evento de transporte BBIE Transport Event. Identification. Identifier An identifier for the event. 0..1 Transport Event Identification Identifier Identifier. Type IdentificationID BBIE Transport Event. Identification. Identifier Identificador del evento. 0..1 Transport Event Identification Identifier Identifier. Type ID IdentificationID BBIE Transport Event. Occurrence Date. Date The date of an occurrence of the event. 0..1 Transport Event Occurrence Date Date Date. Type OccurrenceDate BBIE Transport Event. Occurrence Date. Date Fecha de ocurrencia del evento. 0..1 Transport Event Occurrence Date Date Date. Type Fecha de ocurrencia OccurrenceDate BBIE Transport Event. Occurrence Time. Time The time of an occurrence of the event. 0..1 Transport Event Occurrence Time Time Time. Type OccurrenceTime BBIE Transport Event. Occurrence Time. Time Hora de la ocurrencia del evento. 0..1 Transport Event Occurrence Time Time Time. Type Hora de ocurrencia OccurrenceTime BBIE Transport Event. Transport Event Type Code. Code A code specifying the type of event. 0..1 Transport Event Transport Event Type Code Code Code. Type TransportEventTypeCode BBIE Transport Event. Transport Event Type Code. Code Código que especifica el tipo de evento. 0..1 Transport Event Transport Event Type Code Code Code. Type Código de tipo de evento de transporte TransportEventTypeCode BBIE Transport Event. Description. Text A textual description of the event. 0..1 Transport Event Description Text Text. Type Description BBIE Transport Event. Description. Text Descripción textual del evento. 0..1 Transport Event Description Text Text. Type Descripción Description BBIE Transport Event. Completion_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates if this event is completed. 0..1 Transport Event Completion Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type CompletionIndicator BBIE Transport Event. Completion_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si el evento está completado. 0..1 Transport Event Completion Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de completitud CompletionIndicator ASBIE Transport Event. Reported_ Shipment. Shipment Information about the separately identifiable collection of goods items (available to be) transported from one consignor to one consignee via one or more modes of transport. 0..1 Transport Event Reported Shipment Shipment ReportedShipment ASBIE Transport Event. Reported_ Shipment. Shipment Información acerca del conjunto de bienes (disponibles para ser) transportados desde un remitente a un consignatario vía uno o más medios de transporte. 0..1 Transport Event Reported Shipment Shipment Expedición informada ReportedShipment ASBIE Transport Event. Current_ Status. Status The status of the event. 1..n Transport Event Current Status Status CurrentStatus ASBIE Transport Event. Current_ Status. Status Estado del evento. 1..n Transport Event Current Status Status Estado actual CurrentStatus ASBIE Transport Event. Contact Any contacts for the event. 0..n Transport Event Contact Contact Contact ASBIE Transport Event. Contact Contactos para este evento. 0..n Transport Event Contact Contact Contacto Contact ABIE Transport Execution Terms. Details A class to describe terms applying to a transport execution plan. Transport Execution Terms TransportExecutionTermsType ABIE Transport Execution Terms. Details Transport Execution Terms TransportExecutionTermsType BBIE Transport Execution Terms. Transport User_ Special Terms. Text Text describing special terms specified by the transport user. 0..n Transport Execution Terms Transport User Special Terms Text Text. Type BBIE Transport Execution Terms. Transport User_ Special Terms. Text 0..n Transport Execution Terms Transport User Special Terms Text Text. Type BBIE Transport Execution Terms. Transport Service Provider_ Special Terms. Text Text describing special terms specified by the transport service provider. 0..n Transport Execution Terms Transport Service Provider Special Terms Text Text. Type BBIE Transport Execution Terms. Transport Service Provider_ Special Terms. Text 0..n Transport Execution Terms Transport Service Provider Special Terms Text Text. Type BBIE Transport Execution Terms. Change Conditions. Text Text describing conditions applying to a change of these transport execution terms. 0..n Transport Execution Terms Change Conditions Text Text. Type BBIE Transport Execution Terms. Change Conditions. Text 0..n Transport Execution Terms Change Conditions Text Text. Type ASBIE Transport Execution Terms. Payment Terms Payment terms associated with the transportation service. 0..n Transport Execution Terms Payment Terms Payment Terms ASBIE Transport Execution Terms. Payment Terms 0..n Transport Execution Terms Payment Terms Payment Terms ASBIE Transport Execution Terms. Delivery Terms Delivery terms (e.g., Incoterms) associated with the transportation service. 0..n Transport Execution Terms Delivery Terms Delivery Terms ASBIE Transport Execution Terms. Delivery Terms 0..n Transport Execution Terms Delivery Terms Delivery Terms ASBIE Transport Execution Terms. Bonus_ Payment Terms. Payment Terms Terms relating to payment of applicable bonuses associated with the transport service. 0..1 Transport Execution Terms Bonus Payment Terms Payment Terms ASBIE Transport Execution Terms. Bonus_ Payment Terms. Payment Terms 0..1 Transport Execution Terms Bonus Payment Terms Payment Terms ASBIE Transport Execution Terms. Commission_ Payment Terms. Payment Terms Terms of payment applying to a commission specified in the transport execution plan. 0..1 Transport Execution Terms Commission Payment Terms Payment Terms ASBIE Transport Execution Terms. Commission_ Payment Terms. Payment Terms 0..1 Transport Execution Terms Commission Payment Terms Payment Terms ASBIE Transport Execution Terms. Penalty_ Payment Terms. Payment Terms Terms of payment applying to a penalty specified in the transport execution plan. 0..1 Transport Execution Terms Penalty Payment Terms Payment Terms ASBIE Transport Execution Terms. Penalty_ Payment Terms. Payment Terms 0..1 Transport Execution Terms Penalty Payment Terms Payment Terms ASBIE Transport Execution Terms. Environmental Emission An environmental emission resulting from the transportation service. 0..n Transport Execution Terms Environmental Emission Environmental Emission ASBIE Transport Execution Terms. Environmental Emission 0..n Transport Execution Terms Environmental Emission Environmental Emission ASBIE Transport Execution Terms. Notification Requirement A notification requirement related to the transportation service; e.g., a requirement that the transport user should be notified when goods are ready for pickup. 0..n Transport Execution Terms Notification Requirement Notification Requirement ASBIE Transport Execution Terms. Notification Requirement 0..n Transport Execution Terms Notification Requirement Notification Requirement ASBIE Transport Execution Terms. Service Charge_ Payment Terms. Payment Terms Payment terms for the service charge associated with the transport service. 0..1 Transport Execution Terms Service Charge Payment Terms Payment Terms ASBIE Transport Execution Terms. Service Charge_ Payment Terms. Payment Terms 0..1 Transport Execution Terms Service Charge Payment Terms Payment Terms ABIE Transport Handling Unit. Details A uniquely identifiable physical unit consisting of one or more packages (not necessarily containing the same articles) for enabling physical handling during the transport process. Transport Handling Unit Logistics Unit, Handling Unit, THU ABIE Transport Handling Unit. Details Una unidad física identificable de forma única consistente en uno o más embalajes (que no necesariamente contienen los mismos elementos) para permitir la manipulación física durante el proceso de transporte. Transport Handling Unit Unidad de gestión de transporte BBIE Transport Handling Unit. Identifier Identifies the transport handling unit. 0..1 Transport Handling Unit Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID BBIE Transport Handling Unit. Identifier Identificación de la unidad de gestión de transporte. 0..1 Transport Handling Unit Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID ID BBIE Transport Handling Unit. Transport Handling Unit Type Code. Code The type of transport handling unit, expressed as a code. 0..1 Transport Handling Unit Transport Handling Unit Type Code Code Code. Type TransportHandlingUnitTypeCode BBIE Transport Handling Unit. Transport Handling Unit Type Code. Code Tipo de unidad de gestión de transporte, codificada. 0..1 Transport Handling Unit Transport Handling Unit Type Code Code Code. Type Código de tipo de unidad TransportHandlingUnitTypeCode BBIE Transport Handling Unit. Handling Code. Code The handling required for a shipment, expressed as a code. 0..1 Transport Handling Unit Handling Code Code Code. Type Special Handling HandlingCode BBIE Transport Handling Unit. Handling Code. Code Manipulación requerida para el transporte, codificada. 0..1 Transport Handling Unit Handling Code Code Code. Type Código de manipulación HandlingCode BBIE Transport Handling Unit. Handling_ Instructions. Text Free-form text describing handling instructions for a shipment. 0..1 Transport Handling Unit Handling Instructions Text Text. Type HandlingInstructions BBIE Transport Handling Unit. Handling_ Instructions. Text Texto que describe las instrucciones de manipulación para un transporte. 0..1 Transport Handling Unit Handling Instructions Text Text. Type Instrucciones de manipulación HandlingInstructions BBIE Transport Handling Unit. Hazardous Risk_ Indicator. Indicator Indicates whether the shipment contains hazardous materials. 0..1 Transport Handling Unit Hazardous Risk Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type HazardousRiskIndicator BBIE Transport Handling Unit. Hazardous Risk_ Indicator. Indicator Indica si el transporte contiene materiales peligrosos. 0..1 Transport Handling Unit Hazardous Risk Indicator Indicator Indicator. Type Indicador de riesgo por mercancías peligrosas HazardousRiskIndicator BBIE Transport Handling Unit. Total_ Goods Item Quantity. Quantity The total number of goods items in the transport handling unit. 0..1 Transport Handling Unit Total Goods Item Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type TotalGoodsItemQuantity BBIE Transport Handling Unit. Total_ Goods Item Quantity. Quantity Número total de bienes en una unidad de gestión de transporte. 0..1 Transport Handling Unit Total Goods Item Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad total de bienes TotalGoodsItemQuantity BBIE Transport Handling Unit. Total_ Package Quantity. Quantity The total number of packages in the transport handling unit. 0..1 Transport Handling Unit Total Package Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type TotalPackageQuantity BBIE Transport Handling Unit. Total_ Package Quantity. Quantity Número total de bultos en la unidad de gestión de transporte. 0..1 Transport Handling Unit Total Package Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type Cantidad total de embalajes TotalPackageQuantity BBIE Transport Handling Unit. Damage_ Remarks. Text Description of a type of damage. 0..n Transport Handling Unit Damage Remarks Text Text. Type DamageRemarks BBIE Transport Handling Unit. Damage_ Remarks. Text Descripción del tipo de rotura. 0..n Transport Handling Unit Damage Remarks Text Text. Type Observaciones de rotura DamageRemarks BBIE Transport Handling Unit. Shipping_ Marks. Text Free-form description of the marks and numbers on a transport unit or package. 0..n Transport Handling Unit Shipping Marks Text Text. Type Marks and Numbers, Shipping Marks ShippingMarks BBIE Transport Handling Unit. Shipping_ Marks. Text Descripción textual de las marcas y números en una unidad de transporte o embalaje. 0..n Transport Handling Unit Shipping Marks Text Text. Type Marcas de transporte ShippingMarks ASBIE Transport Handling Unit. Handling Unit_ Despatch Line. Despatch Line An association to Handling Unit Despatch Line. 0..n Transport Handling Unit Handling Unit Despatch Line Despatch Line HandlingUnitDespatchLine ASBIE Transport Handling Unit. Handling Unit_ Despatch Line. Despatch Line Asocia la unidad de gestión de transporte con una o más líneas de un albarán. 0..n Transport Handling Unit Handling Unit Despatch Line Despatch Line Unidad de gestión por línea de albarán HandlingUnitDespatchLine ASBIE Transport Handling Unit. Actual_ Package. Package An association to Actual Package. 0..n Transport Handling Unit Actual Package Package ActualPackage ASBIE Transport Handling Unit. Actual_ Package. Package Asociación con el embalaje real. 0..n Transport Handling Unit Actual Package Package Embalaje real ActualPackage ASBIE Transport Handling Unit. Received Handling Unit_ Receipt Line. Receipt Line An association to Receipt Line. 0..n Transport Handling Unit Received Handling Unit Receipt Line Receipt Line ReceivedHandlingUnitReceiptLine ASBIE Transport Handling Unit. Received Handling Unit_ Receipt Line. Receipt Line Asociación con una o más líneas de recibo. 0..n Transport Handling Unit Received Handling Unit Receipt Line Receipt Line Unidad de gestión recibida por línea de recibo ReceivedHandlingUnitReceiptLine ASBIE Transport Handling Unit. Transport Equipment An association to Transport Equipment. 0..n Transport Handling Unit Transport Equipment Transport Equipment TransportEquipment ASBIE Transport Handling Unit. Transport Equipment Asociación con el Equipamiento de Transporte. 0..n Transport Handling Unit Transport Equipment Transport Equipment Equipamiento de transporte TransportEquipment ASBIE Transport Handling Unit. Hazardous Goods Transit An association to information about the transportation of hazardous goods. 0..n Transport Handling Unit Hazardous Goods Transit Hazardous Goods Transit HazardousGoodsTransit ASBIE Transport Handling Unit. Hazardous Goods Transit Asociación con información sobre el transporte de materiales peligrosos. 0..n Transport Handling Unit Hazardous Goods Transit Hazardous Goods Transit Tránsito de materiales peligrosos HazardousGoodsTransit ASBIE Transport Handling Unit. Measurement_ Dimension. Dimension An association to Dimension. 0..n Transport Handling Unit Measurement Dimension Dimension MeasurementDimension ASBIE Transport Handling Unit. Measurement_ Dimension. Dimension Asociación con la Dimensión. 0..n Transport Handling Unit Measurement Dimension Dimension Dimensión MeasurementDimension ASBIE Transport Handling Unit. Minimum_ Temperature. Temperature The minimum required operating temperature. 0..1 Transport Handling Unit Minimum Temperature Temperature MinimumTemperature ASBIE Transport Handling Unit. Minimum_ Temperature. Temperature La temperatura mínima requerida para operar. 0..1 Transport Handling Unit Minimum Temperature Temperature Temperatura mínima MinimumTemperature ASBIE Transport Handling Unit. Maximum_ Temperature. Temperature The maximum required operating temperature. 0..1 Transport Handling Unit Maximum Temperature Temperature MaximumTemperature ASBIE Transport Handling Unit. Maximum_ Temperature. Temperature La temperatura máxima requerida para operar. 0..1 Transport Handling Unit Maximum Temperature Temperature Temperatura máxima MaximumTemperature ABIE Transport Means. Details The particular vehicle used for the transport of goods or persons. Transport Means Conveyance ABIE Transport Means. Details Vehículo utilizado para el transporte de bienes o personas. Transport Means Medio de transporte BBIE Transport Means. Journey Identifier. Identifier An identifier assigned to a regularly scheduled service of a means of transport. 0..1 Transport Means Journey Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Voyage Number, Scheduled Conveyance Identifier (WCO ID 205), Flight Number JourneyID BBIE Transport Means. Journey Identifier. Identifier Identificador asignado a un servicio de transporte regularmente planficiado. 0..1 Transport Means Journey Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de viaje JourneyID BBIE Transport Means. Registration_ Nationality Identifier. Identifier Formal identification of the country in which a means of transport is registered. 0..1 Transport Means Registration Nationality Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type Nationality of Means of Transport (WCO 175, 178 and 179) RegistrationNationalityID BBIE Transport Means. Registration_ Nationality Identifier. Identifier Identificador formal del país en el que consta como registrado el medio de transporte. 0..1 Transport Means Registration Nationality Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type ID de registro de nacionalidad RegistrationNationalityID BBIE Transport Means. Registration_ Nationality. Text Name of the country in which a means of transport is registered. 0..n Transport Means Registration Nationality Text Text. Type Flag of Vessel, Nationality of Ship RegistrationNationality BBIE Transport Means. Registration_ Nationality. Text Nombre del país en el que está registrado el medio de transporte. 0..n Transport Means Registration Nationality Text Text. Type Nacionalidad de registro RegistrationNationality BBIE Transport Means. Direction Code. Code The direction of the transport means. 0..1 Transport Means Direction Code Code Code. Type Transit Direction DirectionCode BBIE Transport Means. Direction Code. Code La dirección del medio de transporte. 0..1 Transport Means Direction Code Code Code. Type Código de dirección DirectionCode ASBIE Transport Means. Stowage Association to a location on board a means of transport where specified goods or transport equipment have been or are to be stowed. 0..1 Transport Means Stowage Stowage Stowage ASBIE Transport Means. Stowage Asociación con una ubicación a bordo de un medio de transporte en el que determinados bienes o equipamiento de transporte se estiban o deben ser estibados. 0..1 Transport Means Stowage Stowage Estiba Stowage ASBIE Transport Means. Air Transport Association to identify an aircraft. 0..1 Transport Means Air Transport Air Transport AirTransport ASBIE Transport Means. Air Transport Asociación que permite identificar un avión. 0..1 Transport Means Air Transport Air Transport Transporte aéreo AirTransport ASBIE Transport Means. Road Transport Association to identify a road vehicle. 0..1 Transport Means Road Transport Road Transport RoadTransport ASBIE Transport Means. Road Transport Asociación que permite identificar un vehículo que circula por carretera. 0..1 Transport Means Road Transport Road Transport Transporte por carretera RoadTransport ASBIE Transport Means. Rail Transport Association to identify a train. 0..1 Transport Means Rail Transport Rail Transport RailTransport ASBIE Transport Means. Rail Transport Asociación que permite identificar un tren. 0..1 Transport Means Rail Transport Rail Transport Transporte ferroviario RailTransport ASBIE Transport Means. Maritime Transport Association to identify a ship. 0..1 Transport Means Maritime Transport Maritime Transport MaritimeTransport ASBIE Transport Means. Maritime Transport Asociación que permite identificar un navío. 0..1 Transport Means Maritime Transport Maritime Transport Transporte marítimo MaritimeTransport ASBIE Transport Means. Owner_ Party. Party Association to the party owning the means of transport. 0..1 Transport Means Owner Party Party OwnerParty ASBIE Transport Means. Owner_ Party. Party Asociación con el propietario del medio de transporte. 0..1 Transport Means Owner Party Party Propietario OwnerParty ABIE Transport Schedule. Details Describes the location and schedule relating to a transport means. Transport Schedule ABIE Transport Schedule. Details Transport Schedule BBIE Transport Schedule. Sequence. Numeric A number indicating the order of this status in the sequence in which statuses are to be presented. 1 Transport Schedule Sequence Numeric Numeric. Type SequenceNumeric BBIE Transport Schedule. Sequence. Numeric 1 Transport Schedule Sequence Numeric Numeric. Type SequenceNumeric BBIE Transport Schedule. Reference Date. Date The reference date for the transport schedule status. 0..1 Transport Schedule Reference Date Date Date. Type ReferenceDate BBIE Transport Schedule. Reference Date. Date 0..1 Transport Schedule Reference Date Date Date. Type ReferenceDate BBIE Transport Schedule. Reference Time. Time The reference time for the transport schedule status. 0..1 Transport Schedule Reference Time Time Time. Type ReferenceTime BBIE Transport Schedule. Reference Time. Time 0..1 Transport Schedule Reference Time Time Time. Type ReferenceTime BBIE Transport Schedule. Reliability Percent. Percent The reliability of the transport schedule status, expressed as a percentage. 0..1 Transport Schedule Reliability Percent Percent Percent. Type ReliabilityPercent BBIE Transport Schedule. Reliability Percent. Percent 0..1 Transport Schedule Reliability Percent Percent Percent. Type ReliabilityPercent BBIE Transport Schedule. Remarks. Text Remarks related to the transport schedule status. 0..n Transport Schedule Remarks Text Text. Type Remarks BBIE Transport Schedule. Remarks. Text 0..n Transport Schedule Remarks Text Text. Type Remarks ASBIE Transport Schedule. Status_ Location. Location The location for which status is reported. 1 Transport Schedule Status Location Location StatusLocation ASBIE Transport Schedule. Status_ Location. Location 1 Transport Schedule Status Location Location StatusLocation ASBIE Transport Schedule. Actual Arrival_ Transport Event. Transport Event The actual arrival at a location. 0..1 Transport Schedule Actual Arrival Transport Event Transport Event ActualArrivalTransportEvent ASBIE Transport Schedule. Actual Arrival_ Transport Event. Transport Event 0..1 Transport Schedule Actual Arrival Transport Event Transport Event ActualArrivalTransportEvent ASBIE Transport Schedule. Actual Departure_ Transport Event. Transport Event The actual departure from a location. 0..1 Transport Schedule Actual Departure Transport Event Transport Event ActualDepartureTransportEvent ASBIE Transport Schedule. Actual Departure_ Transport Event. Transport Event 0..1 Transport Schedule Actual Departure Transport Event Transport Event ActualDepartureTransportEvent ASBIE Transport Schedule. Estimated Departure_ Transport Event. Transport Event An estimated departure from a specified location. 0..1 Transport Schedule Estimated Departure Transport Event Transport Event EstimatedDepartureTransportEvent ASBIE Transport Schedule. Estimated Departure_ Transport Event. Transport Event 0..1 Transport Schedule Estimated Departure Transport Event Transport Event EstimatedDepartureTransportEvent ASBIE Transport Schedule. Estimated Arrival_ Transport Event. Transport Event An estimated arrival at a specified location. 0..1 Transport Schedule Estimated Arrival Transport Event Transport Event EstimatedArrivalTransportEvent ASBIE Transport Schedule. Estimated Arrival_ Transport Event. Transport Event 0..1 Transport Schedule Estimated Arrival Transport Event Transport Event EstimatedArrivalTransportEvent ASBIE Transport Schedule. Planned Departure_ Transport Event. Transport Event The planned departure from a specified location. 0..1 Transport Schedule Planned Departure Transport Event Transport Event PlannedDepartureTransportEvent ASBIE Transport Schedule. Planned Departure_ Transport Event. Transport Event 0..1 Transport Schedule Planned Departure Transport Event Transport Event PlannedDepartureTransportEvent ASBIE Transport Schedule. Planned Arrival_ Transport Event. Transport Event The planned arrival at a specified location. 0..1 Transport Schedule Planned Arrival Transport Event Transport Event PlannedArrivalTransportEvent ASBIE Transport Schedule. Planned Arrival_ Transport Event. Transport Event 0..1 Transport Schedule Planned Arrival Transport Event Transport Event PlannedArrivalTransportEvent ABIE Transportation Segment. Details A class to describe one segment or leg in a transportation service. Transportation Segment TransportationSegmentType ABIE Transportation Segment. Details Transportation Segment TransportationSegmentType BBIE Transportation Segment. Sequence. Numeric A number indicating the order of this segment in the sequence of transportation segments making up a transportation service. 1 Transportation Segment Sequence Numeric Numeric. Type 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. BBIE Transportation Segment. Sequence. Numeric 1 Transportation Segment Sequence Numeric Numeric. Type 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. BBIE Transportation Segment. Transport Execution Plan Reference. Identifier An identifier for the transport execution plan governing this transportation segment. 0..1 Transportation Segment Transport Execution Plan Reference Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Transportation Segment. Transport Execution Plan Reference. Identifier 0..1 Transportation Segment Transport Execution Plan Reference Identifier Identifier. Type ASBIE Transportation Segment. Transportation Service The transportation service used in this transportation segment. 1 Transportation Segment Transportation Service Transportation Service ASBIE Transportation Segment. Transportation Service 1 Transportation Segment Transportation Service Transportation Service ASBIE Transportation Segment. Transport Service Provider_ Party. Party The transport service provider responsible for carrying out transportation services in this transportation segment. 1 Transportation Segment Transport Service Provider Party Party ASBIE Transportation Segment. Transport Service Provider_ Party. Party 1 Transportation Segment Transport Service Provider Party Party ASBIE Transportation Segment. Referenced_ Consignment. Consignment A consignment referenced in this transportation segment. Such a consignment may have different identifiers than the consignment identifiers being used in the transportation service agreed between the transport user and the transport service provider. 0..1 Transportation Segment Referenced Consignment Consignment ASBIE Transportation Segment. Referenced_ Consignment. Consignment 0..1 Transportation Segment Referenced Consignment Consignment ASBIE Transportation Segment. Shipment Stage The shipment stage associated with this transportation segment. 0..n Transportation Segment Shipment Stage Shipment Stage ASBIE Transportation Segment. Shipment Stage 0..n Transportation Segment Shipment Stage Shipment Stage ABIE Transportation Service. Details Transport service details. Transportation Service ABIE Transportation Service. Details Detalles del servicio de transporte. Transportation Service Servicio de transporte BBIE Transportation Service. Transport Service Code. Code A code which describes the general type of service required for the transportation of goods. Specifically, it identifies the extent of the transportation service, e.g., door-to-door, port-to-port. 1 Transportation Service Transport Service Code Code Code. Type TransportServiceCode BBIE Transportation Service. Transport Service Code. Code Código que describe el tipo general del servicio requerido para el transporte de bienes. Concretamente, identifica el alcance del servicio de trasnporte, como por ejemplo de puerta a puerta, de puerto a puerto. 1 Transportation Service Transport Service Code Code Code. Type Código de servicio de transporte TransportServiceCode BBIE Transportation Service. Tariff Class Code. Code Specification of a tariff class applicable to a transportation service. 0..1 Transportation Service Tariff Class Code Code Code. Type Tariff Class Specifier TariffClassCode BBIE Transportation Service. Tariff Class Code. Code Especificación de una clase de tarifa aplicable a un servicio de transporte. 0..1 Transportation Service Tariff Class Code Code Code. Type Código de clase de tarifa TariffClassCode BBIE Transportation Service. Priority. Text Statement indicating priority of requested transportation service. 0..1 Transportation Service Priority Text Text. Type Priority BBIE Transportation Service. Priority. Text Aserción que indica el grado de prioridad del servicio de transporte requerido. 0..1 Transportation Service Priority Text Text. Type Prioridad Priority BBIE Transportation Service. Freight Rate Class Code. Code Code to indicate applicable rate class for freight. 0..1 Transportation Service Freight Rate Class Code Code Code. Type Charge Basis FreightRateClassCode BBIE Transportation Service. Freight Rate Class Code. Code Código que indica la clase de porcentaje aplicable al flete. 0..1 Transportation Service Freight Rate Class Code Code Code. Type Código de tipo de flete FreightRateClassCode ABIE Unstructured Price. Details A simplified version of the Price class intended for applications such as telephone billing. Unstructured Price UnstructuredPriceType ABIE Unstructured Price. Details Unstructured Price UnstructuredPriceType BBIE Unstructured Price. Price Amount. Amount The price amount. 0..1 Unstructured Price Price Amount Amount Amount. Type 23.45 BBIE Unstructured Price. Price Amount. Amount 0..1 Unstructured Price Price Amount Amount Amount. Type 23.45 BBIE Unstructured Price. Time Amount. Text The usage time upon which the price is based. 0..1 Unstructured Price Time Amount Text Text. Type BBIE Unstructured Price. Time Amount. Text 0..1 Unstructured Price Time Amount Text Text. Type ABIE Utility Item. Details A class to describe the consumption of a utility product. Utility Item UtilityItemType ABIE Utility Item. Details Utility Item UtilityItemType BBIE Utility Item. Identifier An identifier for this utility item. 1 Utility Item Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type 1 BBIE Utility Item. Identifier 1 Utility Item Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type 1 BBIE Utility Item. Subscriber Identifier. Identifier An identifier for the subscriber to the utility. 0..1 Utility Item Subscriber Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type 98143211 BBIE Utility Item. Subscriber Identifier. Identifier 0..1 Utility Item Subscriber Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type 98143211 BBIE Utility Item. Subscriber Type. Text Identification of the subscriber type, expressed as text.. 0..1 Utility Item Subscriber Type Text Text. Type BBIE Utility Item. Subscriber Type. Text 0..1 Utility Item Subscriber Type Text Text. Type BBIE Utility Item. Subscriber Type Code. Code The code identifying for the service type. 0..1 Utility Item Subscriber Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Utility Item. Subscriber Type Code. Code 0..1 Utility Item Subscriber Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Utility Item. Description. Text Text describing the consumption product. 0..n Utility Item Description Text Text. Type Basis price quarter (5.761 kWh per 35,58 cents), Transport of electricity, etc. BBIE Utility Item. Description. Text 0..n Utility Item Description Text Text. Type Basis price quarter (5.761 kWh per 35,58 cents), Transport of electricity, etc. BBIE Utility Item. Pack Quantity. Quantity The unit packaging quantity. 0..1 Utility Item Pack Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 1 BBIE Utility Item. Pack Quantity. Quantity 0..1 Utility Item Pack Quantity Quantity Quantity. Type 1 BBIE Utility Item. Pack Size. Numeric The number of items in a pack. 0..1 Utility Item Pack Size Numeric Numeric. Type BBIE Utility Item. Pack Size. Numeric 0..1 Utility Item Pack Size Numeric Numeric. Type BBIE Utility Item. Consumption Type. Text The type of product consumed, expressed as text. 0..1 Utility Item Consumption Type Text Text. Type Consumption BBIE Utility Item. Consumption Type. Text 0..1 Utility Item Consumption Type Text Text. Type Consumption BBIE Utility Item. Consumption Type Code. Code The type of product consumed, expressed as a code. 0..1 Utility Item Consumption Type Code Code Code. Type Consumption BBIE Utility Item. Consumption Type Code. Code 0..1 Utility Item Consumption Type Code Code Code. Type Consumption BBIE Utility Item. Current_ Charge Type. Text Information of the actual payments type for the utility Item 0..1 Utility Item Current Charge Type Text Text. Type BBIE Utility Item. Current_ Charge Type. Text 0..1 Utility Item Current Charge Type Text Text. Type BBIE Utility Item. Current_ Charge Type Code. Code Information of the actual payments type code expressed as a code 0..1 Utility Item Current Charge Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Utility Item. Current_ Charge Type Code. Code 0..1 Utility Item Current Charge Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Utility Item. One Time_ Charge Type. Text Information about the one-time payment type in case everything is paid One time 0..1 Utility Item One Time Charge Type Text Text. Type BBIE Utility Item. One Time_ Charge Type. Text 0..1 Utility Item One Time Charge Type Text Text. Type BBIE Utility Item. One Time_ Charge Type Code. Code Information about the one-time payment type code 0..1 Utility Item One Time Charge Type Code Code Code. Type BBIE Utility Item. One Time_ Charge Type Code. Code 0..1 Utility Item One Time Charge Type Code Code Code. Type ASBIE Utility Item. Tax Category The tax category applicable to this utility item. 0..1 Utility Item Tax Category Tax Category ASBIE Utility Item. Tax Category 0..1 Utility Item Tax Category Tax Category ASBIE Utility Item. Contract A contract setting forth conditions applicable to this utility item. 0..1 Utility Item Contract Contract ASBIE Utility Item. Contract 0..1 Utility Item Contract Contract ABIE Web Site Access. Details A class to describe access to a web site. Web Site Access WebSiteAccessType ABIE Web Site Access. Details Web Site Access WebSiteAccessType BBIE Web Site Access. URI. Identifier The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for this web site; i.e., its Uniform Resource Locator (URL). 0..1 Web Site Access URI Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Web Site Access. URI. Identifier 0..1 Web Site Access URI Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Web Site Access. Password. Text A password to the web site. 1 Web Site Access Password Text Text. Type confidence BBIE Web Site Access. Password. Text 1 Web Site Access Password Text Text. Type confidence BBIE Web Site Access. Login. Text Text describing login details. 1 Web Site Access Login Text Text. Type Utsuser BBIE Web Site Access. Login. Text 1 Web Site Access Login Text Text. Type Utsuser ABIE Work Phase Reference. Details A class that refers to a phase of work. Used for instance to specify what part of the contract the billing is referring to. Work Phase Reference WorkPhaseReferenceType ABIE Work Phase Reference. Details Work Phase Reference WorkPhaseReferenceType BBIE Work Phase Reference. Identifier An identifier for this phase of work. 0..1 Work Phase Reference Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Work Phase Reference. Identifier 0..1 Work Phase Reference Identifier Identifier Identifier. Type BBIE Work Phase Reference. Work Phase Code. Code A code signifying this phase of work. 0..1 Work Phase Reference Work Phase Code Code Code. Type BBIE Work Phase Reference. Work Phase Code. Code 0..1 Work Phase Reference Work Phase Code Code Code. Type BBIE Work Phase Reference. Work Phase. Text Text describing this phase of work. 0..n Work Phase Reference Work Phase Text Text. Type BBIE Work Phase Reference. Work Phase. Text 0..n Work Phase Reference Work Phase Text Text. Type BBIE Work Phase Reference. Progress Percent. Percent The progress percentage of the work phase. 0..1 Work Phase Reference Progress Percent Percent Percent. Type BBIE Work Phase Reference. Progress Percent. Percent 0..1 Work Phase Reference Progress Percent Percent Percent. Type BBIE Work Phase Reference. Start Date. Date The date on which this phase of work begins. 0..1 Work Phase Reference Start Date Date Date. Type BBIE Work Phase Reference. Start Date. Date 0..1 Work Phase Reference Start Date Date Date. Type BBIE Work Phase Reference. End Date. Date The date on which this phase of work ends. 0..1 Work Phase Reference End Date Date Date. Type BBIE Work Phase Reference. End Date. Date 0..1 Work Phase Reference End Date Date Date. Type ASBIE Work Phase Reference. Work Order_ Document Reference. Document Reference A reference to a document regarding the work order for the project in which this phase of work takes place. 0..n Work Phase Reference Work Order Document Reference Document Reference ASBIE Work Phase Reference. Work Order_ Document Reference. Document Reference 0..n Work Phase Reference Work Order Document Reference Document Reference