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Plataforma de Contratación del Sector Público
Self register
Mail for confirmation. The email address you specify in the field E-mail will be the one used for the confirmation of your registration request and for sending password recovery information. Be sure to enter an address to which only you have access
La contrasenya ha de tenir de 8 a 30 caràcters. Només sadmeten lletres majúscules i minúscules (excepte ñ i accents), números i els símbols {2}. El grau de complexitat ha de ser almenys {3}.
La contrasenya no ha de contenir lidentificador dusuari.
Per aconseguir una seguretat òptima, canviï la seva contrasenya periòdicament.
Complexity of the password
Write the characters in the picture
Escribe aquí los caracteres que veas en la imagen
This helps us avoid spambots creating accounts and sending spam email.
When pressing the button to accept, you declare that you have read and accepted this security Information.
The marked fields with (*) are obligatory.